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Chicago: Nip It In The Bud

There is no way the police were going to let this kid wander around waving a knife.

Look if you're a cop and can't disarm someone carrying a 3" knife you probably shouldn't be a cop. I think a billy club that all cops carry would have been sufficient enough to get the knife out of his hand.
pepper spray, tazer, bean bag gun...

Good point, all kinds of ways to disable someone to get a 3 inch knife out of their hands other than shooting them 16 times.
I saw the video. There was no "rampaging".

Bottom line is that cops are not and should not be judge, jury and executioner. The cop murdered a man and needs to pay the price for that.


He was "pumped up" so it was okay to murder the kid? A trained cop can't control his own gun?

If that's true then NO civilian should ever own a gun.

The "totality" is that the cop murdered a kid in the street. If Illinois is a capital punishment state, I hope he gets the death penalty that he chose to mete out to the kid.

The OP is racist slime. If the dead kid were white and the cop black, his rant would be completely different. Face it - equal rights under the law.

fAiL s0n....then go live in a society where you can go do anything the fuck you want. In the meantime, we non-zombies like the way law enforcement handled this one.

Assholes like this knucklehead fail in the connect the dots exercise. This savage may well have knifed somebody else to death without the decisive action taken by the police. Worse, the guy gets locked up for a couple or years for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest and comes back on the street and stabs a dozen people to death. No thanks..........the progressive limpwristers can take their circus side-show and form their own beautiful country and call it Scratchmyassville USA. HAPPY NOW!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Are you really advocating that police perform the jobs of judge, jury, and executioner?
Wrong analysis. The cop was not acting as judge. Rather,he was protecting the public.
by shooting a wounded man lying on the ground? he wasn't protecting anyone, he was acting as an executioner.
You don't know what in the hell you are talking about. I have already told you TWICE that you have to view the incident in its entirety. You cannot fairly judge it in segments.
But you didn't see the video, right?
Obviously the kid was a serious danger to the public. The video shows at least 3 police cars: the one filming, the one parked ahead of the perp, and the one that pulls up before the shooting. There is no reason for such a show of force if the kid was not a serious danger.

Secondly, when the released part of the video begins the perp is running away from the police car that was filming and toward a parked vehicle. Why was he running? What did he do to provoke this?

If he is running then stops and starts walking there is every reason to think he might attack. Especially when his erratic behavior suggests that he is whacked out of his brain on drugs and because he is carrying a knife - a deadly weapon.

Finally, the cop that shoots was probably responding to a 911 call or a call for backup. He probably has a mindset that he is going into a very dangerous situation. He arrives to find a whack job with a knife that refuses to obey police orders. He obviously cannot approach out of fear of being attacked. Use of deadly force was the only viable option at this point. Also, remember that this all happened very quickly in a high pressure situation created by the perp.

Final verdict: the homicide was justified.
nobody was threatened - hence no use of deadly force. the shooting wasn't justified to start, the murder definitely wasn't.
No threat, eh? Then why were the police called?
because a guy on drugs was walking down the middle of a street.

and it doesn't matter what he did before. he could have held that knife against someone's throat and screamed that he was going to cut it - when the cop started shooting he was not threatening anyone.
You clearly do not understand the law, numb nuts.
Obviously the kid was a serious danger to the public. The video shows at least 3 police cars: the one filming, the one parked ahead of the perp, and the one that pulls up before the shooting. There is no reason for such a show of force if the kid was not a serious danger.

I had five cop cars surround me one time at the mall for picking up some speed and drifting my car around in an empty area of the parking lot. They let me go and didn't even charge me with anything.

You are not worth the price of the bullets.
The poor bastard who shot and killed the maniac was charged with first degree today in Chicago, becoming the latest victim of Political Correctness run amok.

There is a video. Here's what we know. A negro high out of his mind on PCP was rampaging down the middle of a public road at night while clearly wielding a knife. A cop dash cam films the perp from behind. Reinforcements pull up in front of the perp and to his left. They exit and demand that he stop. No response. They pull their guns and order him to stop. He continues to advance. He is acting erratically and the police have reason to think he is whacked out of his brain. That coupled with the asshole clearly being armed with a deadly weapon, creates a clear and present danger to the public. He would not stop. He would not obey orders from police. A reasonable person could conclude that he could not be stopped and arrested with being attacked by the perp with deadly force.

The police owed a duty to the public to shoot this fucker and bring him down.

The video is highly misleading as the angle at which it was filmed masks the true orientation of the shooting officer and the perp. If you view the video several times with an objective mind you will conclude that the officer saw a menacing PCP whack job wielding a knife advancing on his position.

Also, what was the cop's alternative? Arrest the drug freak? More than likely the cop would have suffered a knife attack and been wounded or killed. Just let him go and keep a close eye on him? Of course not. Criminals do not get to write their own script or have free reign on the street. As I said, even if the shooting officer's life was not in danger (though I believe it was and that a reasonable person in his position would likewise believe it), the public was clearly in danger. Since this punk bastard could probably not have been apprehended peacefully (cops are NOT required to get attacked prior to using deadly force) shooting him was in order and clearly justified.

Is 16 shots too many shot? Not necessarily. It happens all the time. If you are justified in using deadly force, then you are cleared to take down the perp regardless of how many shots you take. Cop are NOT required to limit their shots to wait and see if the perp may still attack him. Cops are NOT required to deliver shot to non-vital areas, like the arms or legs.

Rahm Emanuel, a former Obama Gestapo head, is a leftist turd who has decided to throw this white police officer and his family under the bus so as to not run afoul of BLM and the PC fascists. In other words, he has chosen to destroy a good man and his family in favor of a worthless PCP junkie and to preserve his own political career. You know damn well that he exerted some traditional Chicago style pressure on the local DA to press this case.

This shit has got to end. Police have got to be able to effectively do their jobs and not be held hostage to this chicken shit PC code. If those punks in Chicago riot the governor of Illinois ought to call in the National Guard ASAP and shut down those bastards.

This cop was charged with 1st degree murder, and he deserved it. This kid was walking away from them, and the cops were in no immediate danger. Shot 16 times, give me a break.
You are entitled to your ridiculous, useless opinions but you are not entitled to create your own facts. Just like numb nuts you clearly do not understand the law.
fAiL s0n....then go live in a society where you can go do anything the fuck you want. In the meantime, we non-zombies like the way law enforcement handled this one.

Assholes like this knucklehead fail in the connect the dots exercise. This savage may well have knifed somebody else to death without the decisive action taken by the police. Worse, the guy gets locked up for a couple or years for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest and comes back on the street and stabs a dozen people to death. No thanks..........the progressive limpwristers can take their circus side-show and form their own beautiful country and call it Scratchmyassville USA. HAPPY NOW!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Are you really advocating that police perform the jobs of judge, jury, and executioner?
Wrong analysis. The cop was not acting as judge. Rather,he was protecting the public.
by shooting a wounded man lying on the ground? he wasn't protecting anyone, he was acting as an executioner.
You don't know what in the hell you are talking about. I have already told you TWICE that you have to view the incident in its entirety. You cannot fairly judge it in segments.
But you didn't see the video, right?
I have viewed the video several times. You people only see what you want to see... You pansy "crusaders" for justice. None of you know what the fuck you are talking about. The police had a duty to put down that junkie before he hurt someone. If the punk had gone and killed somebody with that knife then the police would be in hot water for not doing anything to protect the public.
Obviously the kid was a serious danger to the public. The video shows at least 3 police cars: the one filming, the one parked ahead of the perp, and the one that pulls up before the shooting. There is no reason for such a show of force if the kid was not a serious danger.

I had five cop cars surround me one time at the mall for drifting my car around in an empty area of the parking lot. They let me go and didn't even charge me with anything.

You are not worth the price of the bullets.

Why would bullets be necessary? All I did was accelerate and swing the wheel and drift my car a good ways in a completely empty area of the parking lot. They were like "Do you have any idea what the f*** you just did?" I told them I just got a new car and had a moment where I was just loving life. And they were chill about it and just let me go. The cops in Phoenix were actually pretty fucking awesome to me every time we crossed paths.

Obviously the kid was a serious danger to the public. The video shows at least 3 police cars: the one filming, the one parked ahead of the perp, and the one that pulls up before the shooting. There is no reason for such a show of force if the kid was not a serious danger.

I had five cop cars surround me one time at the mall for drifting my car around in an empty area of the parking lot. They let me go and didn't even charge me with anything.

You are not worth the price of the bullets.

Why would bullets be necessary? All I did was accelerate and swing the wheel and drift my car a good ways in a completely empty area of the parking lot. They were like "Do you have any idea what the f*** you just did?" I told them I just got a new car and had a moment where I was just loving life. And they were chill about it and just let me go. The cops in Phoenix were actually pretty fucking awesome to me every time we crossed paths.

Cross paths with the police a lot, do you? Why am I not surprised?
It's 8:00 pm here on the east coast Luddy Boy! Time to get your jammies on and brush your teefies!!!

And you still can't address the issue.

Iron Head is the perfect name for you.

Bottom line is, hopefully this cop will pay the price for his murder of this kid.
I have THOROUGHLY addressed ALL of the issues several times, you silly illiterate fuck.
right up until he shoots a man on the ground you have a point.
once shot, on the ground, and only armed with a 3" knife there's no reason to shoot him some more.
what may have started as a justified shooting ended with murder.
No. You got to give the officer some leeway. He was pumped up and firing a semi automatic weapon. In the heat of the moment it is easy to empty a magazine in a fraction of a moment.

You have to evaluate the shooting in its totality. You cannot break it down into segments.

What you are talking about is science. The parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. Adrenaline dumps. The "fog" of stressful conflict. It's why cops or soldiers can shoot 10-20 rounds and when asked say they shot 4 or 5. Brain just dumb down and reacts.

But libs refuse to even discuss this science. It's the same science that can cause a thug robbing a gas station to fire a shot and kill the clerk....and later say they don't remember it or didn't mean to. 50% chance they really didnt. Brain just does crazy shit under high stress.
he shot a guy lying on the ground repeatedly - after shooting him when he didn't pose an imminent threat.

i don't doubt that it's easy to keep squeezing that trigger in those situations, i just think that when you change your aim to shoot at a guy on the ground it's a little different than firing into the same place repeatedly.
The kid was hopped up on PCP. Also, there was no audio on the video. So, we do not know everything that was happening. As far as anyone knows, the perp could have been saying he had a gun and was going to kill them all.

The cops would have made that known that the first night. The claims made by the cops were shown to be bullshit.
I saw the video. There was no "rampaging".

Bottom line is that cops are not and should not be judge, jury and executioner. The cop murdered a man and needs to pay the price for that.

right up until he shoots a man on the ground you have a point.
once shot, on the ground, and only armed with a 3" knife there's no reason to shoot him some more.
what may have started as a justified shooting ended with murder.
No. You got to give the officer some leeway. He was pumped up and firing a semi automatic weapon. In the heat of the moment it is easy to empty a magazine in a fraction of a moment.

You have to evaluate the shooting in its totality. You cannot break it down into segments.


He was "pumped up" so it was okay to murder the kid? A trained cop can't control his own gun?

If that's true then NO civilian should ever own a gun.

The "totality" is that the cop murdered a kid in the street. If Illinois is a capital punishment state, I hope he gets the death penalty that he chose to mete out to the kid.

The OP is racist slime. If the dead kid were white and the cop black, his rant would be completely different. Face it - equal rights under the law.

fAiL s0n....then go live in a society where you can go do anything the fuck you want. In the meantime, we non-zombies like the way law enforcement handled this one.

Assholes like this knucklehead fail in the connect the dots exercise. This savage may well have knifed somebody else to death without the decisive action taken by the police. Worse, the guy gets locked up for a couple or years for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest and comes back on the street and stabs a dozen people to death. No thanks..........the progressive limpwristers can take their circus side-show and form their own beautiful country and call it Scratchmyassville USA. HAPPY NOW!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Are you really advocating that police perform the jobs of judge, jury, and executioner?
Wrong analysis. The cop was not acting as judge. Rather,he was protecting the public.

You're right. He wasn't acting as a judge. He was acting as an executioner.
i could almost give a pass on the first few shots, even though there is no real threat and there certainly wasn't one that warranted lethal force - but that's a lot easier to say in hindsight.
but once he's down to keep firing - that's not about stopping a threat that's about killing a guy - and that's murder.
What if the fatal shot was inflicted in one of the first couple of shots? The kid died in the ambulance.

If the first couple shots could have caused the death, and they were ok in your mind, then it is justifiable. Correct?
no. it's not justifiable because the shooting wasn't justified for one, and the cop still intended to murder the kid.
So you are psychic now? You can divine the cop's intent simply by watching 20 seconds of a video?

right. when you shoot a guy already on the ground you're thinking it tickles.
The cop's job was to put down the freak. He does not know if the perp is going to get up and charge him. Should the cop waited for the kid to stick that knife in his head before shooting? You don't have a fucking clue as to what you are talking about. You are insanely dense.

Secondly, if you watch the video you will see that some of those shots were missing the kid as he was lying on the road, evidenced by the white "smoke", or dust, popping up in front of the kid. The cop was obviously a very bad shot.

I guess you would feel differently if the cop dropped him with one shot to the head?

That was blood splatter. 16 shots fired. and 16 holes in the kid.
The poor bastard who shot and killed the maniac was charged with first degree today in Chicago, becoming the latest victim of Political Correctness run amok.

There is a video. Here's what we know. A negro high out of his mind on PCP was rampaging down the middle of a public road at night while clearly wielding a knife. A cop dash cam films the perp from behind. Reinforcements pull up in front of the perp and to his left. They exit and demand that he stop. No response. They pull their guns and order him to stop. He continues to advance. He is acting erratically and the police have reason to think he is whacked out of his brain. That coupled with the asshole clearly being armed with a deadly weapon, creates a clear and present danger to the public. He would not stop. He would not obey orders from police. A reasonable person could conclude that he could not be stopped and arrested with being attacked by the perp with deadly force.

The police owed a duty to the public to shoot this fucker and bring him down.

The video is highly misleading as the angle at which it was filmed masks the true orientation of the shooting officer and the perp. If you view the video several times with an objective mind you will conclude that the officer saw a menacing PCP whack job wielding a knife advancing on his position.

Also, what was the cop's alternative? Arrest the drug freak? More than likely the cop would have suffered a knife attack and been wounded or killed. Just let him go and keep a close eye on him? Of course not. Criminals do not get to write their own script or have free reign on the street. As I said, even if the shooting officer's life was not in danger (though I believe it was and that a reasonable person in his position would likewise believe it), the public was clearly in danger. Since this punk bastard could probably not have been apprehended peacefully (cops are NOT required to get attacked prior to using deadly force) shooting him was in order and clearly justified.

Is 16 shots too many shot? Not necessarily. It happens all the time. If you are justified in using deadly force, then you are cleared to take down the perp regardless of how many shots you take. Cop are NOT required to limit their shots to wait and see if the perp may still attack him. Cops are NOT required to deliver shot to non-vital areas, like the arms or legs.

Rahm Emanuel, a former Obama Gestapo head, is a leftist turd who has decided to throw this white police officer and his family under the bus so as to not run afoul of BLM and the PC fascists. In other words, he has chosen to destroy a good man and his family in favor of a worthless PCP junkie and to preserve his own political career. You know damn well that he exerted some traditional Chicago style pressure on the local DA to press this case.

This shit has got to end. Police have got to be able to effectively do their jobs and not be held hostage to this chicken shit PC code. If those punks in Chicago riot the governor of Illinois ought to call in the National Guard ASAP and shut down those bastards.
The video is highly misleading as the angle at which it was filmed masks the true orientation of the shooting officer and the perp. If you view the video several times with an objective mind you will conclude that the officer saw a menacing PCP whack job wielding a knife advancing on his position.

There was another video but for some reason <wink> the Police deleted it LOL
Burger King Confirms Chicago Police Deleted Video Of McDonald Shooting
Source: Crooks And Liars

On the heels of dashcam footage of the Laquan McDonald shooting released today, other news is coming out about how Chicago police worked to suppress video proving he was shot without justification.

According to NBC News Chicago, 86 minutes of security video was missing after the shooting, after police ran through and reviewed it but before any official investigation had been opened, and Burger King has confirmed that it was deleted by police reviewing the video.

After the shooting, according to Jay Darshane, the District Manager for Burger King, four to five police officers wearing blue and white shirts entered the restaurant and asked to view the video and were given the password to the equipment. Three hours later they left, he said.

The next day, when an investigator from the Independent Police Review Authority asked to view the security footage, it was discovered that the 86 minutes of video was missing.

Read more: Burger King Confirms Chicago Police Deleted Video Of McDonald Shooting
There is no doubt who they are trying to protect and serve. It damn sure isn't the citizens of Chicago.
Cop-talk: "were in fear for their lives", “discharged his weapon, striking the offender”
After the shooting, Fraternal Order of Police spokesman Pat Camden arrived to tell reporters what had happened in the eyes of the officers he represents.

McDonald "lunged" at them, he said. The officers were in fear for their lives, he said. Van Dyke “discharged his weapon, striking the offender,” he said in anodyne cop-talk.

Such is the language of almost all police shootings—until an autopsy occurs, or an eyewitness comes forward, or video evidence contradicts an officer’s statement. The first of those scenarios is what broke the McDonald case wide open when it was revealed that McDonald was shot 16 times, all over his body.

Full Video Shows Chicago Cop Executing Laquan McDonald in Street
Yeah, but there are ways to do things. Emptying 16 rounds into someone isn't how you do that. Don't care what that kid did. You shoot to incapacitate, not to kill. The kid was on the ground, defenseless. At that point the threat had been neutralized.
Yep. And he was in no way charging the cops - at the moment of the first shot he was walking (not running or "rampaging) away somewhat from the cops.

The first shot was bad enough, the rest were completely unnecessary.
Yeah, but there are ways to do things. Emptying 16 rounds into someone isn't how you do that. Don't care what that kid did. You shoot to incapacitate, not to kill. The kid was on the ground, defenseless. At that point the threat had been neutralized.
Yep. And he was in no way charging the cops - at the moment of the first shot he was walking (not running or "rampaging) away somewhat from the cops.

The first shot was bad enough, the rest were completely unnecessary.

Yes, not all cops are bad, but there are bad ones. This man took it too far. And I am confused as to why so many people rush to his defense despite what he did? Are they immune to being held accountable for wrongdoing?
Yeah, but there are ways to do things. Emptying 16 rounds into someone isn't how you do that. Don't care what that kid did. You shoot to incapacitate, not to kill. The kid was on the ground, defenseless. At that point the threat had been neutralized.
Yep. And he was in no way charging the cops - at the moment of the first shot he was walking (not running or "rampaging) away somewhat from the cops.

The first shot was bad enough, the rest were completely unnecessary.

Yes, not all cops are bad, but there are bad ones. This man took it too far. And I am confused as to why so many people rush to his defense despite what he did? Are they immune to being held accountable for wrongdoing?
That's where we are right now. People think they have to choose a side and stick with it no matter what. Honesty is simply not a priority.

Meanwhile, we continue to decay.
People think they have to choose a side and stick with it no matter what. Honesty is simply not a priority.

Geesh, glad I pulled myself out of that mess. Came real close to getting sucked in years ago, and this dissonance reminds me how things could have gone.

The cops aren't perfect, and people need to understand that. I'd much rather keep my honesty and dispense with blind loyalty.
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