Chicago Slut Walk Says "yes" to Jews, "no to Zionists


Gold Member
Dec 14, 2015
Chicago Slut Walk will march in the footsteps of Chicago Dyke March, in permitting Jews, but banning "Zionist symbols".

One wonders how Slut Walk differentiates the two. Is a Star of David a Jewish symbol or a Zionist symbol? Hebrew language: Jewish or Zionist? Kippah? Tzitzit? Menorah? A yellow star?
  1. a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann
They have every right to that land, so I guess I'm a Zionist too.
Chicago Slut Walk will march in the footsteps of Chicago Dyke March, in permitting Jews, but banning "Zionist symbols".

One wonders how Slut Walk differentiates the two. Is a Star of David a Jewish symbol or a Zionist symbol? Hebrew language: Jewish or Zionist? Kippah? Tzitzit? Menorah? A yellow star?

Most Zionist are secular and see Judaism as a culture and not a religion. Hasidic and orthodox jews are the same as Muslims.
  1. a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann
They have every right to that land, so I guess I'm a Zionist too.

They gave up rights when they move to other lands. My grandparents gave up to their rights to France when they moved to Canada.
Chicago Slut Walk will march in the footsteps of Chicago Dyke March, in permitting Jews, but banning "Zionist symbols".

One wonders how Slut Walk differentiates the two. Is a Star of David a Jewish symbol or a Zionist symbol? Hebrew language: Jewish or Zionist? Kippah? Tzitzit? Menorah? A yellow star?

Most Zionist are secular and see Judaism as a culture and not a religion. Hasidic and orthodox jews are the same as Muslims.

So which symbols are "Zionist" and which are "Jewish"? If I were marching along the street, displaying a symbol, how would you know I was Zionist and not just Jewish?
  1. a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann
They have every right to that land, so I guess I'm a Zionist too.

They gave up rights when they move to other lands. My grandparents gave up to their rights to France when they moved to Canada.

I guess the Palestinians gave up their rights, then huh? Since so many moved to different lands?
  1. a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann
They have every right to that land, so I guess I'm a Zionist too.

They gave up rights when they move to other lands. My grandparents gave up to their rights to France when they moved to Canada.

I guess the Palestinians gave up their rights, then huh? Since so many moved to different lands?

No, they did not willingly flea to south Lebanon and Jordan. The Jewish diaspora began before AD, when most refused to return after the Babylon exile, and then they moved to Alexandria Egypt and even to Rome, all over the area, Greece, etc. before 1AD.
Ah, right. The Jewish people were never invaded, conquered, forced to convert or die, killed, ethnically cleansed. They never had their lands taken over, their religious monuments and governments destroyed. . They all left voluntarily, like Hobbits, on an Unexpected Journey.

back to the topic:

Jewish or Zionist?





  1. a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann
They have every right to that land, so I guess I'm a Zionist too.

They gave up rights when they move to other lands. My grandparents gave up to their rights to France when they moved to Canada.

I guess the Palestinians gave up their rights, then huh? Since so many moved to different lands?
There is no such thing. The Land belongs to Israel. They were evicted, now they're back. It was an uninhabited wasteland until they came and restored the Land OF ISRAEL.

The Hitler Rule:
If Hitler approved, they will approve
Ah, right. The Jewish people were never invaded, conquered, forced to convert or die, killed, ethnically cleansed. They never had their lands taken over, their religious monuments and governments destroyed. . They all left voluntarily, like Hobbits, on an Unexpected Journey.


Agreed or they became Palestinians.
Ah, right. The Jewish people were never invaded, conquered, forced to convert or die, killed, ethnically cleansed. They never had their lands taken over, their religious monuments and governments destroyed. . They all left voluntarily, like Hobbits, on an Unexpected Journey.


Agreed or they became Palestinians.

Um no DNA testing proves that Palestinians are Arabs and can only trace their lineage to the Levant to within the last two millenia with the Islamic Imperialist conquest of the region. The majority of Jews can trace their genetic roots to the region to the neolithic Levant. There is no such thing as a Palestinian they are as fictional a people as the aforementioned Hobbits.

Populations of the Caucasus,
flanked by Cypriots, form an almost uninterrupted rim that separates
the bulk of Europeans from Middle Eastern populations. Bedouins,
Jordanians, Palestinians and Saudi Arabians are located in close
proximity to each other, which is consistent with a common origin
in the Arabian Peninsula25
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Chicago Slut Walk will march in the footsteps of Chicago Dyke March, in permitting Jews, but banning "Zionist symbols".

One wonders how Slut Walk differentiates the two. Is a Star of David a Jewish symbol or a Zionist symbol? Hebrew language: Jewish or Zionist? Kippah? Tzitzit? Menorah? A yellow star?

Don't get the "Slut" connection. Is there a PURPOSE for this march?
  1. a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann
They have every right to that land, so I guess I'm a Zionist too.

They gave up rights when they move to other lands. My grandparents gave up to their rights to France when they moved to Canada.

I guess the Palestinians gave up their rights, then huh? Since so many moved to different lands?

No, they did not willingly flea to south Lebanon and Jordan. The Jewish diaspora

The diadpora was not done willingly XXX -- Mod Edit One of the 4 banned words.
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Let's not open up the entire 2000 year history of HolyLand here --- OK? Topic is a march in Chicago....
Chicago Slut Walk will march in the footsteps of Chicago Dyke March, in permitting Jews, but banning "Zionist symbols".

One wonders how Slut Walk differentiates the two. Is a Star of David a Jewish symbol or a Zionist symbol? Hebrew language: Jewish or Zionist? Kippah? Tzitzit? Menorah? A yellow star?

Don't get the "Slut" connection. Is there a PURPOSE for this march?

The purpose of Slutwalk is to illuminate the false notion that a woman's dress "causes" rape.
Chicago Slut Walk will march in the footsteps of Chicago Dyke March, in permitting Jews, but banning "Zionist symbols".

One wonders how Slut Walk differentiates the two. Is a Star of David a Jewish symbol or a Zionist symbol? Hebrew language: Jewish or Zionist? Kippah? Tzitzit? Menorah? A yellow star?

Don't get the "Slut" connection. Is there a PURPOSE for this march?

The purpose of Slutwalk is to illuminate the false notion that a woman's dress "causes" rape.

Then why did they have to "ALLOW" Jews in the 1st place? Should they feel privileged that they were "allowed" to participate under conditions? This just seems awkward with a heaping pile of BS as a side..
Then why did they have to "ALLOW" Jews in the 1st place? Should they feel privileged that they were "allowed" to participate under conditions? This just seems awkward with a heaping pile of BS as a side..

Oh, it is. The gist is that "Zionists" symbols are triggering symbols of oppression and therefore can't be in the march. But Jewish symbols are apparently okay. Shrug.

I guess a star of David is banned, but a Jude yellow star is permitted.

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