Chicago teachers back to work...but can they actually teach?


Classical Liberal
May 24, 2011
The Chicago teacher's strike is over. The current deal between Chicago and the union would boost average teacher compensation into the $100,000 range: A 42 percent increase over the last 10 years that makes Chicago teachers among the highest paid in the nation.

Well! Those kids must be in for some excellent learnin'!

Maybe not:

In Illinois, all high school juniors and seniors are required to take the ACT test, whether they plan to attend college or not. Public school teachers in Chicago who took the test when they were in high school averaged a score of 19 out of a possible 36 — which is worse than the average median score for all students nationwide. In fact, Illinois students beat the teachers, scoring a 21 on average.

The frickin' kids are smarter than the teachers! What madness is this?

Chicago teachers' test scores worse than Illinois students | The Daily Caller
sorry... the city should have held out and not made the deal.

Its Chicago...They dont care about the Taxpayers they care about the Unions kickbacks and union voters.....It is what happens when you have a corrupt democrat ran city.
The teachers are less intelligent than the kids they're teaching...and not a word from our resident pro union, big gov Lefties. Interesting...

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