Chicago Teachers Union Boss Blames Racist “Rich White People” For Chicago’s School Wo

Um, as a public union boss, she is complicit in the crime to enslave Chicago.

So her statements violate the first Maxim of Law:

"No Entity shall be a Judge of its own Cause."
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with people like her in charge of things you can see why things have went to hell..

you have to feel sorry for the children under her dumb commie ass
Um, as a public union boss, she is complicit in the crime to enslave Chicago.

So her statements violate the first Maxim of Law:

"No entity shall be a Judge of its own Cause."

Yup! That is exactly right!

How these fools fail to see that they are being enslaved by the very people who protest they are trying to help them. them to stay poor in life, liberty, and little chance at happiness -- It's the way of the dem party!
It's always whitey's fault...don't ya know!
Glad Sarah is back to fight the good fight.
It's always whitey's fault...don't ya know!
Glad Sarah is back to fight the good fight.

don't you see all that uniting with electing Obama?

all it's done is fan the flames with their hateful rhetoric and accusing everyone else of being a racist for any criticism of him and he hasn't done on damn thing to try and stop it...

oh he held a beer summit for a white policeman acting stupidly..
I've read the chicago school system teaches in 200 languages!!!! All courses should be taught in english. You say "what about foreign language courses"? They should not be taught at all. Schools should only teach STEM.

Everything is blamed on whitey...Never any responability for their own failings or reasoning based on logic.

Until blacks can get past the blame game they're fucked.

Everything is blamed on whitey...Never any responability for their own failings or reasoning based on logic.

Until blacks can get past the blame game they're fucked.

sadly enough --- it's US who are "fucked"!
What they need to do is
1. Raise their children right
2. Some of them should become teachers that want to educate the these children.
3. Those children should then go out in build their own businesses.

This is how you do it. Not blame. As it stands right now the rich don't want to invest within these communities as there's to much violence.
What they need to do is
1. Raise their children right
2. Some of them should become teachers that want to educate the these children.
3. Those children should then go out in build their own businesses.

This is how you do it. Not blame. As it stands right now the rich don't want to invest within these communities as there's to much violence.

Well you see, the Democrats tax their towns and cities to dust, eliminating jobs, businesses and the demand for education.

Then they are forced to survive on Democrat handouts. So the Democrats take EVERYTHING away, then they give them a little back and say "See how nice we are."

In order to live a happy life, they must resort to crime in order to make the necessary money to do so. Then the full force of the both the Republicans, who want to disenfranchise them, and the Democrats, who want to disarm them, comes forward and jails them. A black man is 24x more likely than a white man to end up in jail for the same crime and receives a harsher penalty for that same crime.

Of course, the middle management --- black leadership --- is complicit in maintaining this stranglehold on them; being orchestrated by the Super-Rich White Zionists, who want to either enslave or destroy everyone, including whites and jews.

For the record, I'm a Jew, and Zionism is a demonic usurpation of Judaism.
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Blacks are 5 times more likely per capita to murder, etc. Certainly they're thrown into prison for doing a simple drug like pot that they shouldn't be...Don't excuse them.

This is partly to do with 72% of their male population not taking responsibility as fathers.
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If it's rich whitey's fault (the fault of suburban and collar-county and downstate white legislators) for the miserable failures of the Chicago Public School District, then...

Perhaps it's time to level the playing field and throw more Rich White Money at the locales where their own schools are...

And to give the City of Chicago a greater autonomy and the chance to show what they can do on their own - which includes funding their own schools as a self-sustaining concern.

Or, at the very least, ensuring that each and every school district in the State that has a smaller tax-base, is taken care of first, before throwing whatever money is left at that cesspool we call the Inner City.
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Blacks are 5 times more likely per capita to murder, etc. Certainly they're thrown into prison for doing a simple drug like pot that they shouldn't be...Don't excuse them.

This is partly to do with 72% of their male population not taking responsibility as fathers.

I have a question, do you think this is because blacks are innately inferior to other races?
Blacks are 5 times more likely per capita to murder, etc. Certainly they're thrown into prison for doing a simple drug like pot that they shouldn't be...Don't excuse them.

This is partly to do with 72% of their male population not taking responsibility as fathers.

I have a question, do you think this is because blacks are innately inferior to other races?


I'm stating the stat's I've seen. Why can't you except that because of the fact that most black men don't take responsability that they're more likely to do crime??? Even Obama admits this.

Why do you wish to stand in the way of us doing anything to better things? Blood is on your hands.
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Blacks are 5 times more likely per capita to murder, etc. Certainly they're thrown into prison for doing a simple drug like pot that they shouldn't be...Don't excuse them.

This is partly to do with 72% of their male population not taking responsibility as fathers.

I have a question, do you think this is because blacks are innately inferior to other races?


I'm stating the stat's I've seen. Why can't you except that because of the fact that most black men don't take responsability that they're more likely to do crime??? Even Obama admits this.

Why do you wish to stand in the way of us doing anything to better things? Blood is on your hands.

No one is denying the fact that blacks are 5x more likely to commit murder, nor is anyone denying that they have a severe parenting problem.

The question is what is causing that statistics to be true? Is it because they are innately inferior to other races? Answer my question first, then I'll answer yours ("Why do you wish to stand in the way").
Blacks are 5 times more likely per capita to murder, etc. Certainly they're thrown into prison for doing a simple drug like pot that they shouldn't be...Don't excuse them.

This is partly to do with 72% of their male population not taking responsibility as fathers.

I have a question, do you think this is because blacks are innately inferior to other races?

I think you're innately inferior to other humans.
I did not necessarily get the "blame whitey" sentiment from the vid, although it could be interpreted as that

Since racist rich white people are Pubs, I'll go along with that LOL. The war on poor people and minorities kinda thing...

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