Chicago Teachers Union boss who denounced school choice as racist has son in Catholic school

Votar Roja

Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2023
File this one under Liberal Hypocrisy

Chicago Teachers Union boss who denounced school choice as racist has son in Catholic school: report

CTU President Stacy Davis Gates has voiced strong opposition to private education and school choice in the past

The president of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is facing backlash after it was recently revealed that she had enrolled her eldest child in a private school.

Stacy Davis Gates – who was elected president of CTU in 2022 and also serves as executive vice president of the Illinois Federation of Teachers – placed her teenage son in a Catholic high school located in Chicago's South Side, according to a report by NBC Chicago.

The report, which cited multiple sources and Davis Gates' own social media posts as confirmation of the enrollment, did not specify the name of Davis Gates' child or the school he had been enrolled in.

Davis Gates said last year that having her children in public schools helps to "legitimize" her position within the union and that she could not advocate on behalf of public schools if that were not the case, according to NBC Chicago.

Picture of a degenerate Democrat


Chicago teachers union pres gets flack for sending son to private school
File this one under Liberal Hypocrisy

Chicago Teachers Union boss who denounced school choice as racist has son in Catholic school: report

CTU President Stacy Davis Gates has voiced strong opposition to private education and school choice in the past

The president of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is facing backlash after it was recently revealed that she had enrolled her eldest child in a private school.

Stacy Davis Gates – who was elected president of CTU in 2022 and also serves as executive vice president of the Illinois Federation of Teachers – placed her teenage son in a Catholic high school located in Chicago's South Side, according to a report by NBC Chicago.

The report, which cited multiple sources and Davis Gates' own social media posts as confirmation of the enrollment, did not specify the name of Davis Gates' child or the school he had been enrolled in.

Davis Gates said last year that having her children in public schools helps to "legitimize" her position within the union and that she could not advocate on behalf of public schools if that were not the case, according to NBC Chicago.

Picture of a degenerate Democrat


Chicago teachers union pres gets flack for sending son to private school

Why not just file it under hypocrisy? Plenty of hypocrites all over.
"The average Democrat voter is really stupid" - Hillary

To notice ALL elitist Dems send their kids to private school while fiercely opposing vouchers is to notice the Democrats aren't really concerned with educating poor kids, rather just the opposite, because the weaker the mind, the more likely said person is to end up dependent on government handouts, and that makes said person a lifelong Dem voter (at least before W...)....
Why not just file it under hypocrisy? Plenty of hypocrites all over.

Always an equivocation by the LEFT when they get busted acting this way...

Do Dems care about educating poor kids ?

A: but Trump.....

Do Dems care about their own kids by not poor kids?

A: but the Republicans....

The one thing they can never argue is that the Dems are actually good for something other than enabling government "employees" to steal our money, because they aren't...
What's the problem....

She has said in the past that Public Schools need more investment to be better.... Teachers need to be paid more to get better teachers...

She sends her kid to private school is not hypocritical...

Betsy DeVos was in charge of public education and did everything she could to destroy it in favour of private education....

US is Number one in Education in only one area, spending...

In results in the first world they are mid table. What do everyone above them got in common? Well invested public educated primary and secondary level... Teachers who are well paid, actually safe environments, kids are fed (for free) proper food (not fast food),....
Education index by country

She probably enrolled her kid at De La Salle, which is an elite HS in Chicago. The school has given the city no less than four mayors. (I also graduated from DLS, as did both of my brothers).

Some points.

She needs to resign. It's bad optics.

That said, enrolling your kid in a private school doesn't mean that vouchers still aren't a terrible idea.

Vouchers didn't fix the public housing crisis; they just made it worse. True, we tore down the public housing projects, which were terrible places. But giving people vouchers didn't help because they came with government oversight the landlords didn't want when they could just rent to people who have cash on the barrel.

The same thing with School Vouchers. De La Salle isn't going to expel a bunch of students whose families can pay (often with parents who are alumni), to admit a bunch of public school kids with vouchers who come with their own problems.
What's the problem....

She has said in the past that Public Schools need more investment to be better.... Teachers need to be paid more to get better teachers...

She sends her kid to private school is not hypocritical...

Betsy DeVos was in charge of public education and did everything she could to destroy it in favour of private education....

US is Number one in Education in only one area, spending...

In results in the first world they are mid table. What do everyone above them got in common? Well invested public educated primary and secondary level... Teachers who are well paid, actually safe environments, kids are fed (for free) proper food (not fast food),....

But here's the problem. (At the risk of sounding like a conservative nitwit). We spend more than any other country, and we get the worst results. That tells me we aren't spending that money wisely or well.

Part of the reason is that public schools have huge layers of unneeded bureaucracy.
Part of the reason is that teacher's unions have made it impossible to fire unqualified, incompetent or indifferent teachers.
Part of the reason is that resources are heavily weighted towards special education, to the point that they are going to declare Timmy to have a disability whether he has one or not
Part of the reason is that schools are graded on test scores. so they teach to the test.
But here's the problem. (At the risk of sounding like a conservative nitwit). We spend more than any other country, and we get the worst results. That tells me we aren't spending that money wisely or well.

Part of the reason is that public schools have huge layers of unneeded bureaucracy.
Part of the reason is that teacher's unions have made it impossible to fire unqualified, incompetent or indifferent teachers.
Part of the reason is that resources are heavily weighted towards special education, to the point that they are going to declare Timmy to have a disability whether he has one or not
Part of the reason is that schools are graded on test scores. so they teach to the test.

Yep, you got something right and for once don’t sound like a nitwit Democrat. Now if you could only figure out that by voting for Democrats, you get even more of these hair-brained ideas.
She has said in the past that Public Schools need more investment to be better.... Teachers need to be paid more to get better teachers...

It likely costs the private school her kid attends much less per student than the public school, with much better results. There is that.
It likely costs the private school her kid attends much less per student than the public school, with much better results. There is that.
Teachers make out just fine financially. They get the summer away from school to work another job, retail, call center, etc for a couple months and make even more.
What is an evil agenda?
Any Dimtard Reich allowing unchecked volumes of fentanyl to pass through our borders becoming the number one killer of our 18-49 year olds. Add that to all the murdered babies....surprised Joey Capone doesn't carry a pitchfork.
Does Republican hypocrisy not also advance an "evil agenda"???? Sure it does.

But you'll support that "evil agenda" and complain about other people's "evil agendas"...
The teachers union liar is not a republican

So your attempted deflection fails
Teachers make out just fine financially. They get the summer away from school to work another job, retail, call center, etc for a couple months and make even more.

Yeah, I recall seeing some teacher’s salaries in the NE and them complaining about how low it was. They get far more time off than others, their benefits are suburb with a pension plan that allows them to retire early and they want to make the same or more than an engineer working year round in the private sector with no pension. I’ve never felt sorry for teachers, though I do respect the ones that do it because they love it and don’t make ridiculous demands. Many have never held a job outside for academia as they left college and went directly into teaching, so have no real basis for comparison. Many would be in for a rude awakening in the real world, outside of the protective world of academics. The same goes for elitists college professors and to an even greater degree.
What's the problem....

She has said in the past that Public Schools need more investment to be better.... Teachers need to be paid more to get better teachers...

She sends her kid to private school is not hypocritical...

Betsy DeVos was in charge of public education and did everything she could to destroy it in favour of private education....

US is Number one in Education in only one area, spending...

In results in the first world they are mid table. What do everyone above them got in common? Well invested public educated primary and secondary level... Teachers who are well paid, actually safe environments, kids are fed (for free) proper food (not fast food),....
Education index by country

Schools are number one in the world in spending, then why do they need to spend more? The teacher is smart for getting the best education for her kid, I am glad on her measly pay she can afford to send her kid to private school, most Americans can’t afford a private school.

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