Chick-fil-A to halt Salvation Army, FCA donations after LGBTQ protests

Laws must be Constitutional. Our Constitution does not allow for discrimination. Laws once told blacks they had to be separate from white's. That's what people voted for. Laws once wouldn't allow a white man marry a woman who had darker skin than him. That is what the people wanted.
The Constitution means whatever 5 unelected demigods on the supreme court say it means

And they answer to no one

Society has a right to limit human behavior and does to the extent that the lib judges allow

Outlawing sex with animals, bigamy, the age of consent and prostitution are all limits set by society

Legalized homosexual behavior are new laws imposed by the courts

Laws should be based on logic and reason.

There is NO logical reason to criminalize homosexuals.
I think there are reasons to prohibit homosexual activity in public

Up to and including gay “marriage”

But we have been through all this already

The issue here is the bullying tactics of the homosexual lobby against people who disagree with them

Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance


doesn't everyone just want to be accepted?

I have known many gays over the years and they were all just like everyone else.

They did NOT spend all of their time having sex or talking about sex.

They were normal.

In a truly free and great nation we should NOT be discriminating against people....

PUNISHING people....

for being gay
Changes nothing. According to you sexual attraction is a choice, so you clearly made a choice
Being normal is not a choice

We just are

But to stray from Nature requires a choice that most homos make

Again is criminal behavior normal or abnormal?

What’s “normal” and who gets to define it?
Society used to define normal

Now 5 unelected and possibly abnormal lib judges do that for society

"Society used to define normal"

Queers are covered under Freedom of Speech.

and quite often society used irrational, illogical, unreasonable and unfair reasons to discriminate against people.

I am sure that you, a conservative, have no problem with conservatives making laws against everyone you hate; gays, liberals, feminists, moderates, muslims, wiccans, atheists.

But all of that was IRRATIONAL, ILLOGICAL, UNFAIR and UNconstitutional.

"Now 5 unelected and possibly abnormal lib judges do that for society"

1. do they are doing their job according to the constitution.

2. I believe we have a CONSERVATIVE majority on the SC
I respect the constitution

Freedom of religion is protected in the Bill of Rights

Freedom of sex is not

So wiggans rights exist

Homosexual rights do not according to the Constitution
The Constitution means whatever 5 unelected demigods on the supreme court say it means

And they answer to no one

Society has a right to limit human behavior and does to the extent that the lib judges allow

Outlawing sex with animals, bigamy, the age of consent and prostitution are all limits set by society

Legalized homosexual behavior are new laws imposed by the courts

Laws should be based on logic and reason.

There is NO logical reason to criminalize homosexuals.
I think there are reasons to prohibit homosexual activity in public

Up to and including gay “marriage”

But we have been through all this already

The issue here is the bullying tactics of the homosexual lobby against people who disagree with them

Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance


doesn't everyone just want to be accepted?

I have known many gays over the years and they were all just like everyone else.

They did NOT spend all of their time having sex or talking about sex.

They were normal.

In a truly free and great nation we should NOT be discriminating against people....

PUNISHING people....

for being gay
Only punished if engaging in gay sex
Changes nothing. According to you sexual attraction is a choice, so you clearly made a choice
Being normal is not a choice

We just are

But to stray from Nature requires a choice that most homos make

Again is criminal behavior normal or abnormal?

Being gay is not criminal.

Do the animals that exhibit homosexual behavior also make the choice to so or did nature make them that way?
Being gay is not criminal

And thanks to the unelected liberal judges acting gay with another man is no loner a crime either

But it should be

"Being gay is not criminal. But it should be"

and what should the punishment be?
That depends

Homosexual priests who abuse little boys should go to prison

Two perverts toe tapping in the mens bathroom should be treated the same as working girls busted at the massage parlor

But thats just my opinion

I’m not an unelected lib judge who gets to decide those things

"I’m not an unelected lib judge who gets to decide those things"

I don't believe there are any of those anymore.

Didn't trump fill all of those unelected positions with unelected conservative evangelicals?

"Homosexual priests who abuse little boys should go to prison

Two perverts toe tapping in the mens bathroom should be treated the same as working girls busted at the massage parlor"

You said "homosexuality should be a crime"

but when I asked what the punishment should be you stopped talking about HOMOSEXUALITY and started talking about actual crimes.

Sure, priests who abuse little boys should go to prison. for the CRIME of abusing little boys......

but what should the punishment be for being HOMOSEXUAL?

you did say "HOMOSEXUALITY (all by itself) should be a crime!"

so...let's say homosexuality was a crime.....and......

a guy walks into your office seeking employment

you ask him ..."are you a stinking fkn fagt?"

and he replies...."why...yes!"

so you call the police and have him arrested.....

what should the punishment be?
Laws should be based on logic and reason.

There is NO logical reason to criminalize homosexuals.
I think there are reasons to prohibit homosexual activity in public

Up to and including gay “marriage”

But we have been through all this already

The issue here is the bullying tactics of the homosexual lobby against people who disagree with them

Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance


doesn't everyone just want to be accepted?

I have known many gays over the years and they were all just like everyone else.

They did NOT spend all of their time having sex or talking about sex.

They were normal.

In a truly free and great nation we should NOT be discriminating against people....

PUNISHING people....

for being gay
Only punished if engaging in gay sex

what gay sex in private?

if YES then what should the punishment be?

and why do you believe in a NANNY state?

why do you want the government prying into our personal lives?
The Constitution means whatever 5 unelected demigods on the supreme court say it means

And they answer to no one

Society has a right to limit human behavior and does to the extent that the lib judges allow

Outlawing sex with animals, bigamy, the age of consent and prostitution are all limits set by society

Legalized homosexual behavior are new laws imposed by the courts

Laws should be based on logic and reason.

There is NO logical reason to criminalize homosexuals.
I think there are reasons to prohibit homosexual activity in public

Up to and including gay “marriage”

But we have been through all this already

The issue here is the bullying tactics of the homosexual lobby against people who disagree with them

Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance


doesn't everyone just want to be accepted?

I have known many gays over the years and they were all just like everyone else.

They did NOT spend all of their time having sex or talking about sex.

They were normal.

In a truly free and great nation we should NOT be discriminating against people....

PUNISHING people....

for being gay
Just like everyone else?


Only in lib la la land
Laws should be based on logic and reason.

There is NO logical reason to criminalize homosexuals.
I think there are reasons to prohibit homosexual activity in public

Up to and including gay “marriage”

But we have been through all this already

The issue here is the bullying tactics of the homosexual lobby against people who disagree with them

Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance


doesn't everyone just want to be accepted?

I have known many gays over the years and they were all just like everyone else.

They did NOT spend all of their time having sex or talking about sex.

They were normal.

In a truly free and great nation we should NOT be discriminating against people....

PUNISHING people....

for being gay
Just like everyone else?

View attachment 290937

Only in lib la la land

I repeat; as long as they are not committing crimes (REAL crimes) we should NOT be punishing people for being gay, bisexual, liberal, atheist, muslim, feminist, wiccan, zoroastrian, albino or a midget
I refer you to post #364

Changes nothing. According to you sexual attraction is a choice, so you clearly made a choice
Being normal is not a choice

We just are

But to stray from Nature requires a choice that most homos make

Again is criminal behavior normal or abnormal?

Being gay is not criminal.

Do the animals that exhibit homosexual behavior also make the choice to so or did nature make them that way?
Being gay is not criminal

And thanks to the unelected liberal judges acting gay with another man is no loner a crime either

But it should be

I take great solace in knowing that your control freak ass can’t do anything about it except whining on the web. Sad statist fills me with joy.

You folks will just careen from one liberal social disaster to another till there is nothing of value remaining to destroy
I think there are reasons to prohibit homosexual activity in public

Up to and including gay “marriage”

But we have been through all this already

The issue here is the bullying tactics of the homosexual lobby against people who disagree with them

Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance


doesn't everyone just want to be accepted?

I have known many gays over the years and they were all just like everyone else.

They did NOT spend all of their time having sex or talking about sex.

They were normal.

In a truly free and great nation we should NOT be discriminating against people....

PUNISHING people....

for being gay
Just like everyone else?

View attachment 290937

Only in lib la la land

I repeat; as long as they are not committing crimes (REAL crimes) we should NOT be punishing people for being gay, bisexual, liberal, atheist, muslim, feminist, wiccan, zoroastrian, albino or a midget
Being gay?

I made it clear that merely having disgusting thoughts should not be a crime
Changes nothing. According to you sexual attraction is a choice, so you clearly made a choice
Being normal is not a choice

We just are

But to stray from Nature requires a choice that most homos make

Again is criminal behavior normal or abnormal?

Being gay is not criminal.

Do the animals that exhibit homosexual behavior also make the choice to so or did nature make them that way?
Being gay is not criminal

And thanks to the unelected liberal judges acting gay with another man is no loner a crime either

But it should be

I take great solace in knowing that your control freak ass can’t do anything about it except whining on the web. Sad statist fills me with joy.

You folks will just careen from one liberal social disaster to another till there is nothing of value remaining to destroy

Luckily we have you and your big government statism to protect and save us all. :lol:

Worry about your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.
I think there are reasons to prohibit homosexual activity in public

Up to and including gay “marriage”

But we have been through all this already

The issue here is the bullying tactics of the homosexual lobby against people who disagree with them

Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance


doesn't everyone just want to be accepted?

I have known many gays over the years and they were all just like everyone else.

They did NOT spend all of their time having sex or talking about sex.

They were normal.

In a truly free and great nation we should NOT be discriminating against people....

PUNISHING people....

for being gay
Only punished if engaging in gay sex

what gay sex in private?

if YES then what should the punishment be?

and why do you believe in a NANNY state?

why do you want the government prying into our personal lives?
Gay sex in private, meaning the private home of one of the men involved would not be a crime because of the right to privacy clause

But gay sex in a public bathroom or a parked car would be punishable

I think most critics of homosexuality would ahree with that compromise
Being normal is not a choice

We just are

But to stray from Nature requires a choice that most homos make

Again is criminal behavior normal or abnormal?

Being gay is not criminal.

Do the animals that exhibit homosexual behavior also make the choice to so or did nature make them that way?
Being gay is not criminal

And thanks to the unelected liberal judges acting gay with another man is no loner a crime either

But it should be

"Being gay is not criminal. But it should be"

and what should the punishment be?
That depends

Homosexual priests who abuse little boys should go to prison

Two perverts toe tapping in the mens bathroom should be treated the same as working girls busted at the massage parlor

But thats just my opinion

I’m not an unelected lib judge who gets to decide those things

"I’m not an unelected lib judge who gets to decide those things"

I don't believe there are any of those anymore.

Didn't trump fill all of those unelected positions with unelected conservative evangelicals?

"Homosexual priests who abuse little boys should go to prison

Two perverts toe tapping in the mens bathroom should be treated the same as working girls busted at the massage parlor"

You said "homosexuality should be a crime"

but when I asked what the punishment should be you stopped talking about HOMOSEXUALITY and started talking about actual crimes.

Sure, priests who abuse little boys should go to prison. for the CRIME of abusing little boys......

but what should the punishment be for being HOMOSEXUAL?

you did say "HOMOSEXUALITY (all by itself) should be a crime!"

so...let's say homosexuality was a crime.....and......

a guy walks into your office seeking employment

you ask him ..."are you a stinking fkn fagt?"

and he replies...."why...yes!"

so you call the police and have him arrested.....

what should the punishment be?
No punishment for thinking perverted thoughts

Only for acting on them
Changes nothing. According to you sexual attraction is a choice, so you clearly made a choice
Being normal is not a choice

We just are

But to stray from Nature requires a choice that most homos make

Again is criminal behavior normal or abnormal?

Being gay is not criminal.

Do the animals that exhibit homosexual behavior also make the choice to so or did nature make them that way?
Being gay is not criminal

And thanks to the unelected liberal judges acting gay with another man is no loner a crime either

But it should be

I take great solace in knowing that your control freak ass can’t do anything about it except whining on the web. Sad statist fills me with joy.

You folks will just careen from one liberal social disaster to another till there is nothing of value remaining to destroy

social disaster?

black civil rights?
womens suffrage?
denying YOU the right to brainwash MY kids with YOUR religious beliefs in public schools?

I know that you are conservative...

I understand that means you are frightened....scared....of things you don't understand. Complex things that make your brain get all twisted and confused.

But the truth is that as we evolve, as society and people grow and change, as we learn things about ourselves and others, our perspectives on social issues change. Generally for the better. So we stopped doing the WRONG THINGS when we granted womens suffrage and civil rights. And we are currently still in the battle (one that we are winning) to establish gays acceptance and civil rights.
Laws must be Constitutional. Our Constitution does not allow for discrimination. Laws once told blacks they had to be separate from white's. That's what people voted for. Laws once wouldn't allow a white man marry a woman who had darker skin than him. That is what the people wanted.
The Constitution means whatever 5 unelected demigods on the supreme court say it means

And they answer to no one

Society has a right to limit human behavior and does to the extent that the lib judges allow

Outlawing sex with animals, bigamy, the age of consent and prostitution are all limits set by society

Legalized homosexual behavior are new laws imposed by the courts

Laws should be based on logic and reason.

There is NO logical reason to criminalize homosexuals.
I think there are reasons to prohibit homosexual activity in public

Up to and including gay “marriage”

But we have been through all this already

The issue here is the bullying tactics of the homosexual lobby against people who disagree with them

Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance

I care less what you accept. It's irrelevant. You can rant away on the internet your entire life if you wish.
I think there are reasons to prohibit homosexual activity in public

Up to and including gay “marriage”

But we have been through all this already

The issue here is the bullying tactics of the homosexual lobby against people who disagree with them

Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance


doesn't everyone just want to be accepted?

I have known many gays over the years and they were all just like everyone else.

They did NOT spend all of their time having sex or talking about sex.

They were normal.

In a truly free and great nation we should NOT be discriminating against people....

PUNISHING people....

for being gay
Just like everyone else?

View attachment 290937

Only in lib la la land

I repeat; as long as they are not committing crimes (REAL crimes) we should NOT be punishing people for being gay, bisexual, liberal, atheist, muslim, feminist, wiccan, zoroastrian, albino or a midget
I repeat; as long as they are not committing crimes (REAL crimes) we should NOT be punishing people for being gay, bisexual, liberal, atheist, muslim, feminist, wiccan, zoroastrian, albino or a midget

I agree

In the case of gays what they are in private is private and not punishable even under my standards
The Constitution means whatever 5 unelected demigods on the supreme court say it means

And they answer to no one

Society has a right to limit human behavior and does to the extent that the lib judges allow

Outlawing sex with animals, bigamy, the age of consent and prostitution are all limits set by society

Legalized homosexual behavior are new laws imposed by the courts

Laws should be based on logic and reason.

There is NO logical reason to criminalize homosexuals.
I think there are reasons to prohibit homosexual activity in public

Up to and including gay “marriage”

But we have been through all this already

The issue here is the bullying tactics of the homosexual lobby against people who disagree with them

Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance

I care less what you accept. It's irrelevant. You can rant away on the internet your entire life if you wish.
I’m not ranting

You are

I do haver respond to attacks on private companies by homosexuals who seek to limit opinions they dont like
Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance


doesn't everyone just want to be accepted?

I have known many gays over the years and they were all just like everyone else.

They did NOT spend all of their time having sex or talking about sex.

They were normal.

In a truly free and great nation we should NOT be discriminating against people....

PUNISHING people....

for being gay
Only punished if engaging in gay sex

what gay sex in private?

if YES then what should the punishment be?

and why do you believe in a NANNY state?

why do you want the government prying into our personal lives?
Gay sex in private, meaning the private home of one of the men involved would not be a crime because of the right to privacy clause

But gay sex in a public bathroom or a parked car would be punishable

I think most critics of homosexuality would ahree with that compromise

"Gay sex in private, meaning the private home of one of the men involved would not be a crime because of the right to privacy clause

But gay sex in a public bathroom or a parked car would be punishable

I think most critics of homosexuality would ahree with that compromise"

But if gay sex in private is NOT a crime then "homosexuality" is NOT a crime!

Fighting for equality is not bullying anyone. LOL
You say equality but what you mean is acceptance


doesn't everyone just want to be accepted?

I have known many gays over the years and they were all just like everyone else.

They did NOT spend all of their time having sex or talking about sex.

They were normal.

In a truly free and great nation we should NOT be discriminating against people....

PUNISHING people....

for being gay
Only punished if engaging in gay sex

what gay sex in private?

if YES then what should the punishment be?

and why do you believe in a NANNY state?

why do you want the government prying into our personal lives?
Gay sex in private, meaning the private home of one of the men involved would not be a crime because of the right to privacy clause

But gay sex in a public bathroom or a parked car would be punishable

I think most critics of homosexuality would ahree with that compromise

Very Good!

You have EVOLVED!

you started this conversation by saying "HOMOSEXUALITY should be a crime!" but have now changed it to "sex in public should be a crime" and "gay sex in privacy is fine"

That PROVES you no longer believe that "HOMOSEXUALITY should be a CRIME!" .
Luckily we have you and your big government statism
Yet another tard stealing conservative talking points.

Weve seen the result on the country after embracing the sodomite lifestyle

You see, I am one of those people that actually believes in a smaller, less intrusive government. I know it’s a bumper sticker slogan for you authoritarian assholes to bandy about, but some of us do want the government small and off our backs.

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