Chick-fil-A to halt Salvation Army, FCA donations after LGBTQ protests

When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

Nobody is looking to "gotcha" you. He's just trying to help you understand that gays don't choose who they are attracted to any more than heterosexuals. You never chose and neither do gays.

Why don't you believe gays when they tell you that they didn't choose?
I did not have to choose to be normal

Men having sex with other men is a choice they make

You might be equally attracted to both men and women and decided to choose one over the other, but I'm gay and not bisexual like you must be. I didn't have a choice to be attracted to women, just whether or not to act on my natural inclinations. I chose to act...
if they do it in public its not only wrong but against the law

The same went for homosexuals who - in the good old days - were almost never rousted in the privacy of their own bedroom but for disgusting acts in public

Link for what?

A link to support your claim that "in the good old days" gays were almost never "rousted in the privacy of their homes". Ever hear of Lawrence v Texas?

In 1998, John Geddes Lawrence Jr. was arrested along with an acquaintance at his apartment in Harris County, Texas, when sheriff's deputies found them engaging in sexual intercourse​
I said “in most cases” and I stand by that

Lawrence was the perfect case for liberals to appeal because it did involve the privacy of the man’s home

And that was the injustice libs rallied against

Never mind that most homos were arrested in public bathrooms and the park, not only with other gays, but making advances to any man that walked in

Now we have transvestite freaks reading stories to young children and showing them their penis at the public library

Showing them their penis? Link?
I dont have a link

It was a topic on this forum just last week

The man dressed as a woman was wearing no underpants and showing his makes genitals to the children he was reading to
When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

And it matters none does it? I can believe the sun rises in the west but it's a worthless belief.
Laws are written based on beliefs of the public

I have seen the lib polls claiming that the vast majority of people polled think homosexuality and gay marriage are just wonderful

But that was not the case when the public was allowed to vote on the issue before the unelected judges threw their weight around

Good thing Civil Rights aren't left to the unwashed masses to decide then huh?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

Nobody is looking to "gotcha" you. He's just trying to help you understand that gays don't choose who they are attracted to any more than heterosexuals. You never chose and neither do gays.

Why don't you believe gays when they tell you that they didn't choose?
I did not have to choose to be normal

Men having sex with other men is a choice they make

You might be equally attracted to both men and women and decided to choose one over the other, but I'm gay and not bisexual like you must be. I didn't have a choice to be attracted to women, just whether or not to act on my natural inclinations. I chose to act...
You have my condolences
When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

And it matters none does it? I can believe the sun rises in the west but it's a worthless belief.
Laws are written based on beliefs of the public

I have seen the lib polls claiming that the vast majority of people polled think homosexuality and gay marriage are just wonderful

But that was not the case when the public was allowed to vote on the issue before the unelected judges threw their weight around

Laws must be Constitutional. Our Constitution does not allow for discrimination. Laws once told blacks they had to be separate from white's. That's what people voted for. Laws once wouldn't allow a white man marry a woman who had darker skin than him. That is what the people wanted.

A link to support your claim that "in the good old days" gays were almost never "rousted in the privacy of their homes". Ever hear of Lawrence v Texas?

In 1998, John Geddes Lawrence Jr. was arrested along with an acquaintance at his apartment in Harris County, Texas, when sheriff's deputies found them engaging in sexual intercourse​
I said “in most cases” and I stand by that

Lawrence was the perfect case for liberals to appeal because it did involve the privacy of the man’s home

And that was the injustice libs rallied against

Never mind that most homos were arrested in public bathrooms and the park, not only with other gays, but making advances to any man that walked in

Now we have transvestite freaks reading stories to young children and showing them their penis at the public library

Showing them their penis? Link?
I dont have a link

It was a topic on this forum just last week

The man dressed as a woman was wearing no underpants and showing his makes genitals to the children he was reading to

So you "heard" something you don't know is true, and can't link to it. Uh huh....

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

And it matters none does it? I can believe the sun rises in the west but it's a worthless belief.
Laws are written based on beliefs of the public

I have seen the lib polls claiming that the vast majority of people polled think homosexuality and gay marriage are just wonderful

But that was not the case when the public was allowed to vote on the issue before the unelected judges threw their weight around

Good thing Civil Rights aren't left to the unwashed masses to decide then huh?
That one is a right only the unelected demigods on the SC could see in the Constitution

But their word is law
Link for what?

A link to support your claim that "in the good old days" gays were almost never "rousted in the privacy of their homes". Ever hear of Lawrence v Texas?

In 1998, John Geddes Lawrence Jr. was arrested along with an acquaintance at his apartment in Harris County, Texas, when sheriff's deputies found them engaging in sexual intercourse​
I said “in most cases” and I stand by that

Lawrence was the perfect case for liberals to appeal because it did involve the privacy of the man’s home

And that was the injustice libs rallied against

Never mind that most homos were arrested in public bathrooms and the park, not only with other gays, but making advances to any man that walked in

Now we have transvestite freaks reading stories to young children and showing them their penis at the public library

Showing them their penis? Link?
I dont have a link

It was a topic on this forum just last week

The man dressed as a woman was wearing no underpants and showing his makes genitals to the children he was reading to

So you "heard" something you don't know is true, and can't link to it. Uh huh....
It was documented at the time
Link for what?

A link to support your claim that "in the good old days" gays were almost never "rousted in the privacy of their homes". Ever hear of Lawrence v Texas?

In 1998, John Geddes Lawrence Jr. was arrested along with an acquaintance at his apartment in Harris County, Texas, when sheriff's deputies found them engaging in sexual intercourse​
I said “in most cases” and I stand by that

Lawrence was the perfect case for liberals to appeal because it did involve the privacy of the man’s home

And that was the injustice libs rallied against

Never mind that most homos were arrested in public bathrooms and the park, not only with other gays, but making advances to any man that walked in

Now we have transvestite freaks reading stories to young children and showing them their penis at the public library

Showing them their penis? Link?
I dont have a link

It was a topic on this forum just last week

The man dressed as a woman was wearing no underpants and showing his makes genitals to the children he was reading to

So you "heard" something you don't know is true, and can't link to it. Uh huh....

There was a story on that. Someone doing something they should not does not demonize an entire group of people though. If it did, we would have to ban Catholicism.
Why will you not answer the very simple question?

what are you afraid of?
You mean a very personal question when the topic is not about me

Again, you are betting the ranch on some Gotcha! question that changes nothing

The fact you are afraid to answer the question is actually all the answer anyone needs.

so, let’s make it more being heterosexual a choice or are people born that way?
I think its mostly a choice

In some cases victimization

But its impossible to say with 100% certainty

So, you are saying that, without going into personal detail, that there was indeed a point where you were attracted to both males and females and then choose females?
Interesting. I never had that experience....I have always liked females...just the way I was born
I refer you to post #364

Changes nothing. According to you sexual attraction is a choice, so you clearly made a choice
When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

And it matters none does it? I can believe the sun rises in the west but it's a worthless belief.
Laws are written based on beliefs of the public

I have seen the lib polls claiming that the vast majority of people polled think homosexuality and gay marriage are just wonderful

But that was not the case when the public was allowed to vote on the issue before the unelected judges threw their weight around

"I have seen the lib polls claiming that the vast majority of people polled think homosexuality and gay marriage are just wonderful"

we think that gays should have the same rights as everyone else. Including marriage.

"But that was not the case when the public was allowed to vote on the issue before the unelected judges threw their weight around "

Yes. You are right. Back before reason and sanity and logic people were indoctrinated by SOCIETY to hate and fear homosexuals. Like you still do. But over the years we realized that there was no logical or rational reason to wage war on homosexuals. So we decided that we should REALLY stick to the CONSTITUTION for ALL Americans and not just continue pissing on the constitution by denying NONchristians, NONwhite, NONheterosexuals their rights.

The fact that you think that conservatives have a RIGHT to VOTE AWAY the rights of other people makes YOU a nazi!
Link for what?

A link to support your claim that "in the good old days" gays were almost never "rousted in the privacy of their homes". Ever hear of Lawrence v Texas?

In 1998, John Geddes Lawrence Jr. was arrested along with an acquaintance at his apartment in Harris County, Texas, when sheriff's deputies found them engaging in sexual intercourse​
I said “in most cases” and I stand by that

Lawrence was the perfect case for liberals to appeal because it did involve the privacy of the man’s home

And that was the injustice libs rallied against

Never mind that most homos were arrested in public bathrooms and the park, not only with other gays, but making advances to any man that walked in

Now we have transvestite freaks reading stories to young children and showing them their penis at the public library

Showing them their penis? Link?
I dont have a link

It was a topic on this forum just last week

The man dressed as a woman was wearing no underpants and showing his makes genitals to the children he was reading to

So you "heard" something you don't know is true, and can't link to it. Uh huh....
It was documented at the time

Here is a similar incident though not the one I was referring to before

Transgender reveal in kindergarten class leaves parents feeling "betrayed" - CBS News

And there are hundreds if not thousands such abuses of children by homosexusls going on all over the country

These are very sick people
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

No, it isnt. The greatest danger to children is heterosexual men like you claim to be.
This is another example of liberals turning reality inside out
When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

No, it isnt. The greatest danger to children is heterosexual men like you claim to be.
This is another example of liberals turning reality inside out

If a gay man that is attracted to underage boys paints every gay man with the same brush, why doesn't a heterosexual man attracted to underage girls not paint you as dangerous?

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

And it matters none does it? I can believe the sun rises in the west but it's a worthless belief.
Laws are written based on beliefs of the public

I have seen the lib polls claiming that the vast majority of people polled think homosexuality and gay marriage are just wonderful

But that was not the case when the public was allowed to vote on the issue before the unelected judges threw their weight around

Laws must be Constitutional. Our Constitution does not allow for discrimination. Laws once told blacks they had to be separate from white's. That's what people voted for. Laws once wouldn't allow a white man marry a woman who had darker skin than him. That is what the people wanted.
The Constitution means whatever 5 unelected demigods on the supreme court say it means

And they answer to no one

Society has a right to limit human behavior and does to the extent that the lib judges allow

Outlawing sex with animals, bigamy, the age of consent and prostitution are all limits set by society

Legalized homosexual behavior are new laws imposed by the courts
No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

And it matters none does it? I can believe the sun rises in the west but it's a worthless belief.
Laws are written based on beliefs of the public

I have seen the lib polls claiming that the vast majority of people polled think homosexuality and gay marriage are just wonderful

But that was not the case when the public was allowed to vote on the issue before the unelected judges threw their weight around

Laws must be Constitutional. Our Constitution does not allow for discrimination. Laws once told blacks they had to be separate from white's. That's what people voted for. Laws once wouldn't allow a white man marry a woman who had darker skin than him. That is what the people wanted.
The Constitution means whatever 5 unelected demigods on the supreme court say it means

And they answer to no one

Society has a right to limit human behavior and does to the extent that the lib judges allow

Outlawing sex with animals, bigamy, the age of consent and prostitution are all limits set by society

Legalized homosexual behavior are new laws imposed by the courts

Laws should be based on logic and reason.

There is NO logical reason to criminalize homosexuals.
You mean a very personal question when the topic is not about me

Again, you are betting the ranch on some Gotcha! question that changes nothing

The fact you are afraid to answer the question is actually all the answer anyone needs.

so, let’s make it more being heterosexual a choice or are people born that way?
I think its mostly a choice

In some cases victimization

But its impossible to say with 100% certainty

So, you are saying that, without going into personal detail, that there was indeed a point where you were attracted to both males and females and then choose females?
Interesting. I never had that experience....I have always liked females...just the way I was born
I refer you to post #364

Changes nothing. According to you sexual attraction is a choice, so you clearly made a choice
Being normal is not a choice

We just are

But to stray from Nature requires a choice that most homos make

Again is criminal behavior normal or abnormal?

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

And it matters none does it? I can believe the sun rises in the west but it's a worthless belief.
Laws are written based on beliefs of the public

I have seen the lib polls claiming that the vast majority of people polled think homosexuality and gay marriage are just wonderful

But that was not the case when the public was allowed to vote on the issue before the unelected judges threw their weight around

"I have seen the lib polls claiming that the vast majority of people polled think homosexuality and gay marriage are just wonderful"

we think that gays should have the same rights as everyone else. Including marriage.

"But that was not the case when the public was allowed to vote on the issue before the unelected judges threw their weight around "

Yes. You are right. Back before reason and sanity and logic people were indoctrinated by SOCIETY to hate and fear homosexuals. Like you still do. But over the years we realized that there was no logical or rational reason to wage war on homosexuals. So we decided that we should REALLY stick to the CONSTITUTION for ALL Americans and not just continue pissing on the constitution by denying NONchristians, NONwhite, NONheterosexuals their rights.

The fact that you think that conservatives have a RIGHT to VOTE AWAY the rights of other people makes YOU a nazi!

The same rights for gays

How about bigamists?



Those are just legal restriction imposed by society that 5 wacko jusges can reverse on a whim
The fact you are afraid to answer the question is actually all the answer anyone needs.

so, let’s make it more being heterosexual a choice or are people born that way?
I think its mostly a choice

In some cases victimization

But its impossible to say with 100% certainty

So, you are saying that, without going into personal detail, that there was indeed a point where you were attracted to both males and females and then choose females?
Interesting. I never had that experience....I have always liked females...just the way I was born
I refer you to post #364

Changes nothing. According to you sexual attraction is a choice, so you clearly made a choice
Being normal is not a choice

We just are

But to stray from Nature requires a choice that most homos make

Again is criminal behavior normal or abnormal?

Being gay is not criminal.

Do the animals that exhibit homosexual behavior also make the choice to so or did nature make them that way?

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