Chick-fil-A to halt Salvation Army, FCA donations after LGBTQ protests


You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

Why will you not answer the very simple question?

what are you afraid of?
You mean a very personal question when the topic is not about me

Again, you are betting the ranch on some Gotcha! question that changes nothing

The fact you are afraid to answer the question is actually all the answer anyone needs.

so, let’s make it more being heterosexual a choice or are people born that way?
I think its mostly a choice

In some cases victimization

But its impossible to say with 100% certainty
You seem to be losing your composure along with losing the argument

Sex between a man and woman is natural

Everything else is perversion

What can I say, hatred and bigotry pisses me off.

So, speaking of “natural” oral sex between a man and a woman natural?

How about anal sex between a woman and a man?
if they do it in public its not only wrong but against the law

The same went for homosexuals who - in the good old days - were almost never rousted in the privacy of their own bedroom but for disgusting acts in public

Link for what?

A link to support your claim that "in the good old days" gays were almost never "rousted in the privacy of their homes". Ever hear of Lawrence v Texas?

In 1998, John Geddes Lawrence Jr. was arrested along with an acquaintance at his apartment in Harris County, Texas, when sheriff's deputies found them engaging in sexual intercourse​
I said “in most cases” and I stand by that

Lawrence was the perfect case for liberals to appeal because it did involve the privacy of the man’s home

And that was the injustice libs rallied against

Never mind that most homos were arrested in public bathrooms and the park, not only with other gays, but making advances to any man that walked in

Now we have transvestite freaks reading stories to young children and showing them their penis at the public library
if they do it in public its not only wrong but against the law

The same went for homosexuals who - in the good old days - were almost never rousted in the privacy of their own bedroom but for disgusting acts in public

Nobody is talking about doing anything in public, where the fuck did you pull that from?

So, tell it natural for a woman to put your dick in her mouth? Is that what nature intend the mouth to be used for? Is that where nature intended the dick to be?

how about you licking a woman's that natural? Did nature intend for your tongue to do that?
Again, the liberal standard used to be that what adults do in private is none of your business

That included the natural pairing of men with women and men doing disgusting things to other men

So I don't need to attack or defend sodomy that I am not witness to

if men and women are doing sodomy in a booth at macdonalds they deserve to be arrested in my opinion

Maybe you dont think there should be any limit to human behavior

But most of society does

Which includes homosexuality and gay marriage even if the unelected judges have taken that decision away from us

Nobody was talking about anyone doing anything in public, you brought that up because you could not defend your position.

This is quite common. You will see people argue against things that no one is arguing for when they have run out of legit arguments for their position.
And just like homosexuals choose to have sex with other men

Which is ok with most of society as long as the homosexuality is in private

Whats not ok is gay marriage which is a disgusting as the picture of two men kissing that keeps flashing at the bottom of my screen here

When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

Nobody is looking to "gotcha" you. He's just trying to help you understand that gays don't choose who they are attracted to any more than heterosexuals. You never chose and neither do gays.

Why don't you believe gays when they tell you that they didn't choose?
I did not have to choose to be normal

Men having sex with other men is a choice they make
You raised a question involving blow jobs

And I answered you

You did not answer me. I asked if they were natural, you did not answer you talked about getting one in public.

So, why are you afraid to answer.

Also, you never told us when it was that you choose to be attracted to women and not men.
And you never told me if criminals such as bank robbers are just born that way

I did address that earlier.
Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

Why will you not answer the very simple question?

what are you afraid of?
You mean a very personal question when the topic is not about me

Again, you are betting the ranch on some Gotcha! question that changes nothing

The fact you are afraid to answer the question is actually all the answer anyone needs.

so, let’s make it more being heterosexual a choice or are people born that way?
I think its mostly a choice

In some cases victimization

But its impossible to say with 100% certainty

So, you are saying that, without going into personal detail, that there was indeed a point where you were attracted to both males and females and then choose females?
Interesting. I never had that experience....I have always liked females...just the way I was born
You raised a question involving blow jobs

And I answered you

You did not answer me. I asked if they were natural, you did not answer you talked about getting one in public.

So, why are you afraid to answer.

Also, you never told us when it was that you choose to be attracted to women and not men.
And you never told me if criminals such as bank robbers are just born that way

I did address that earlier.
I must have missed it

But in any case I think I have explained my position on homosexual choice by now
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

Why will you not answer the very simple question?

what are you afraid of?
You mean a very personal question when the topic is not about me

Again, you are betting the ranch on some Gotcha! question that changes nothing

The fact you are afraid to answer the question is actually all the answer anyone needs.

so, let’s make it more being heterosexual a choice or are people born that way?
I think its mostly a choice

In some cases victimization

But its impossible to say with 100% certainty

So, you are saying that, without going into personal detail, that there was indeed a point where you were attracted to both males and females and then choose females?
Interesting. I never had that experience....I have always liked females...just the way I was born
I refer you to post #364
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No, they choose to rob a bank just like you choose not to.

So, when did you choose to like women and not men?
And just like homosexuals choose to have sex with other men

Which is ok with most of society as long as the homosexuality is in private

Whats not ok is gay marriage which is a disgusting as the picture of two men kissing that keeps flashing at the bottom of my screen here

When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.
And just like homosexuals choose to have sex with other men

Which is ok with most of society as long as the homosexuality is in private

Whats not ok is gay marriage which is a disgusting as the picture of two men kissing that keeps flashing at the bottom of my screen here

When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?
When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs
Its just a business decision. They have just been shut down in the UK for funding hate and lo and behold................

Obviously protest works and this victory makes the world a better place.
Ya... I see HATE alright, and it's coming from the HOMO MAFIA, as usual. They've been BULLYING and INSULTING anyone that doesn't worship their disgusting homo agenda for decades now... THAT is where the HATE is. You queers and your HOMO MAFIA are the true BIGOTS. You're a bunch of BIGOT HETEROPHOBES, and judging by your post, you're not afraid to BRAG about your HOMO MAFIA STRONG ARM TACTICS... just like HITLER.

Ya... I see HATE alright, and it's coming from the HOMO MAFIA, as usual. They've been BULLYING and INSULTING anyone that doesn't worship their disgusting homo agenda for decades now... THAT is where the HATE is. You queers and your HOMO MAFIA are the true BIGOTS. You're a bunch of BIGOT HETEROPHOBES, and judging by your post, you're not afraid to BRAG about your HOMO MAFIA STRONG ARM TACTICS... just like HITLER."


THAT sure was a LOT OF HATE!

you sure do HATE gays....

you sure are one HATEFUL person!

just like hitler!
Whether you agree with it or not- this is how it’s supposed to work, right? People or organizations pressuring and boycotting companies over the practices they disagree with?

How is this any different than pressuring or boycotting Target over their bathroom policy?

Or the NFL over the National Anthem?

Or Sprite for posting a Brazilian pride commercial?

Or Dick’s Sporting Goods for removing certain guns from their stores?
Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

And it matters none does it? I can believe the sun rises in the west but it's a worthless belief.
Whether you agree with it or not- this is how it’s supposed to work, right? People or organizations pressuring and boycotting companies over the practices they disagree with?

How is this any different than pressuring or boycotting Target over their bathroom policy?

Or the NFL over the National Anthem?

Or Sprite for posting a Brazilian pride commercial?

Or Dick’s Sporting Goods for removing certain guns from their stores?

in the deranged conservative brain BOYCOTTING liberals is a RIGHT and is JUSTIFIED!

but liberals boycotting conservatives is "an attack of freedom and free speech!"

cons are deranged.
When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?


like this?

Child brides call on U.S. states to end 'legal rape' - Reuters › article › us-usa-childmarriage-reform › child-bri...

Oct 24, 2018 - Child marriage, more commonly associated with developing ... in a strict evangelical family, Fairbanks was groomed to marry young and at 16 ...
'Evangelicals' and Child Marriage - Daily Kos › story › 2017/11/14 ›

Nov 14, 2017 - Carol Kurivilla has an article on HuffPo about the acceptance of child marriage among fundamentalists and some wider Evangelical Protestant groups. The description of “grooming” young girls to become wives of older men makes for some disgusting reading. ... I grew up among evangelicals ...
In Some Evangelical Circles, Grown Men Pursuing Teens Isn't ... › entry › roy-moore-evangelicalism_n_5a05f4f...

Nov 14, 2017 - The allegations against Roy Moore are fueling debates about how evangelicals approach gender and marriage. By Carol Kuruvilla. 11/14/2017 ...
What can I say, hatred and bigotry pisses me off.

So, speaking of “natural” oral sex between a man and a woman natural?

How about anal sex between a woman and a man?
if they do it in public its not only wrong but against the law

The same went for homosexuals who - in the good old days - were almost never rousted in the privacy of their own bedroom but for disgusting acts in public

Link for what?

A link to support your claim that "in the good old days" gays were almost never "rousted in the privacy of their homes". Ever hear of Lawrence v Texas?

In 1998, John Geddes Lawrence Jr. was arrested along with an acquaintance at his apartment in Harris County, Texas, when sheriff's deputies found them engaging in sexual intercourse​
I said “in most cases” and I stand by that

Lawrence was the perfect case for liberals to appeal because it did involve the privacy of the man’s home

And that was the injustice libs rallied against

Never mind that most homos were arrested in public bathrooms and the park, not only with other gays, but making advances to any man that walked in

Now we have transvestite freaks reading stories to young children and showing them their penis at the public library

Showing them their penis? Link?
Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

No, it isnt. The greatest danger to children is heterosexual men like you claim to be.
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

When did Esptein choose to be attracted to under age young girls? That he did, obviously that means heterosexuality is dangerous and we must fight to keep it from spreading and become even more acceptable.

If he didnt freely choose to be attracted ro underage girls should liberals make it legal for him?

No, that is not your argument. Your argument was that homosexuality was dangerous to kids. No more so than you are.
And so it is

But others here are are promoting the gay gene claim which I think is 99.999% bs

And it matters none does it? I can believe the sun rises in the west but it's a worthless belief.
Laws are written based on beliefs of the public

I have seen the lib polls claiming that the vast majority of people polled think homosexuality and gay marriage are just wonderful

But that was not the case when the public was allowed to vote on the issue before the unelected judges threw their weight around

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