Chick-fil-A to halt Salvation Army, FCA donations after LGBTQ protests

If the black lifestyle means lack of education, drugs, prostitution, guns and gang violence should we be forced to embrace it?

Many blacks themselves do not endorse that lifestyle and CHOOSE not to engage in it

I think I'm seeing your problem.... you associate negative things to groups that aren't you...

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Not at all

Blacks cant help being black

Thats just skin color and should not be held against them

But when people choose to engage in bad behavior the blame is theirs alone
You sre describing the exceptions who bucked the odds both good and bad

Nope. There's no evidence that gays are any better or worse at parenting than straights are.
Considering the number of dysfunctional families within our modern liberal culture you could be right since so many kids are raised by single moms with live in boyfriends
Not at all

Blacks cant help being black

Thats just skin color and should not be held against them

But when people choose to engage in bad behavior to blame is theirs alone

Gays can't help being gay...

Sorry, what kind of sex people have is not bad behavior...
As you know, I disagree
As you know, I disagree

Oh, I'm sure you do... The One Percent need to keep you angry.

So let me ask you a question. How does other people being gay have any effect on your life.

This funny thing happened the day the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage...

I was no more likely to do the gay sex on June 26th 2015 as I was on June 25th 2015.

It really had no effect on my life.
Considering the number of dysfunctional families within our modern liberal culture you could be right since so many kids are raised by single moms with live in boyfriends

Define dysfunctional... Anyone's family could be described as "Dysfunctional"... Ozzie and Harriet were dysfunctional.
The real ossie and harrriet family behind the scenes had big problems

But most American familes in the 1950s were not part of the perverted and drug soaked Hollywood culture that O&H lived in off camera
As you know, I disagree

Oh, I'm sure you do... The One Percent need to keep you angry.

So let me ask you a question. How does other people being gay have any effect on your life.

This funny thing happened the day the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage...

I was no more likely to do the gay sex on June 26th 2015 as I was on June 25th 2015.

It really had no effect on my life.
The 1%?

Do you mean homosexuals who forced Chick-fil-a to stop donating to a worthy cause like the Salvation Army?
The real ossie and harrriet family behind the scenes had big problems

But most American familes in the 1950s were not part of the perverted and drug soaked Hollywood culture that O&H lived in off camera

What made O&H dysfunctional is that Ozzie forced his family into show business....

But in the 1950's, you had all sorts of problems... you had fear of nuclear war... A lot of the Dad's of that generation were suffering from PTSD related to their service in WWII and Korea... but they didn't have a name for it back then. Alcoholism was a real problem... the culture showed alcohol consumption as health with every good home having a home bar.

Family Ideals in the 1950s: The Shaping of Addiction How hiding alcoholism and abuse from the home in the 1950s helped to shape the onset of addictive behavior in children. - Compass Health Group
The real ossie and harrriet family behind the scenes had big problems

But most American familes in the 1950s were not part of the perverted and drug soaked Hollywood culture that O&H lived in off camera

What made O&H dysfunctional is that Ozzie forced his family into show business....

But in the 1950's, you had all sorts of problems... you had fear of nuclear war... A lot of the Dad's of that generation were suffering from PTSD related to their service in WWII and Korea... but they didn't have a name for it back then. Alcoholism was a real problem... the culture showed alcohol consumption as health with every good home having a home bar.

Family Ideals in the 1950s: The Shaping of Addiction How hiding alcoholism and abuse from the home in the 1950s helped to shape the onset of addictive behavior in children. - Compass Health Group
To say that people had problems does not excuse the way they choose go desl with those problems

Many ex-servicemen cling to God, their family, the values they were raised with and overcame the problems you describe

Many weaker men did not and their families did suffer

including the children who became the Flower Generation taking massive amounts of drugs and running naked in the streets

So on some things we agree
The 1%?

Do you mean homosexuals who forced Chick-fil-a to stop donating to a worthy cause like the Salvation Army?

Naw, I mean the wealthy who keep you angry at gays and minorities so you don't notice why you don't have that idealized 1950's lifestyle anymore.

And I mean the homosexuals freaks picketing Chic-fil-a
You did not answer me. I asked if they were natural, you did not answer you talked about getting one in public.

So, why are you afraid to answer.

Also, you never told us when it was that you choose to be attracted to women and not men.
And you never told me if criminals such as bank robbers are just born that way

No, they choose to rob a bank just like you choose not to.

So, when did you choose to like women and not men?
And just like homosexuals choose to have sex with other men

Which is ok with most of society as long as the homosexuality is in private

Whats not ok is gay marriage which is a disgusting as the picture of two men kissing that keeps flashing at the bottom of my screen here

When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
And you never told me if criminals such as bank robbers are just born that way

No, they choose to rob a bank just like you choose not to.

So, when did you choose to like women and not men?
And just like homosexuals choose to have sex with other men

Which is ok with most of society as long as the homosexuality is in private

Whats not ok is gay marriage which is a disgusting as the picture of two men kissing that keeps flashing at the bottom of my screen here

When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery
No, they choose to rob a bank just like you choose not to.

So, when did you choose to like women and not men?
And just like homosexuals choose to have sex with other men

Which is ok with most of society as long as the homosexuality is in private

Whats not ok is gay marriage which is a disgusting as the picture of two men kissing that keeps flashing at the bottom of my screen here

When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

Why will you not answer the very simple question?

what are you afraid of?
And just like homosexuals choose to have sex with other men

Which is ok with most of society as long as the homosexuality is in private

Whats not ok is gay marriage which is a disgusting as the picture of two men kissing that keeps flashing at the bottom of my screen here

When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

Why will you not answer the very simple question?

what are you afraid of?
You mean a very personal question when the topic is not about me

Again, you are betting the ranch on some Gotcha! question that changes nothing
When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

Why will you not answer the very simple question?

what are you afraid of?
You mean a very personal question when the topic is not about me

Again, you are betting the ranch on some Gotcha! question that changes nothing

The fact you are afraid to answer the question is actually all the answer anyone needs.

so, let’s make it more being heterosexual a choice or are people born that way?
look dumb fuck, you are the one talking about outlawing sex of any kind you do not are the fucking liberal wanting to control the lives of people
You seem to be losing your composure along with losing the argument

Sex between a man and woman is natural

Everything else is perversion

What can I say, hatred and bigotry pisses me off.

So, speaking of “natural” oral sex between a man and a woman natural?

How about anal sex between a woman and a man?
if they do it in public its not only wrong but against the law

The same went for homosexuals who - in the good old days - were almost never rousted in the privacy of their own bedroom but for disgusting acts in public

Link for what?

A link to support your claim that "in the good old days" gays were almost never "rousted in the privacy of their homes". Ever hear of Lawrence v Texas?

In 1998, John Geddes Lawrence Jr. was arrested along with an acquaintance at his apartment in Harris County, Texas, when sheriff's deputies found them engaging in sexual intercourse​
No, they choose to rob a bank just like you choose not to.

So, when did you choose to like women and not men?
And just like homosexuals choose to have sex with other men

Which is ok with most of society as long as the homosexuality is in private

Whats not ok is gay marriage which is a disgusting as the picture of two men kissing that keeps flashing at the bottom of my screen here

When did you choose to be attracted to women and not men? how long were you on the fence about it? Did you try both sides to see which you liked better?

You cling to the homosexual birth defect excuse but I’m not buying it

Your ideas allow homosexuals to do great harm to children in the name of diversity

Why can you not answer the question then? When did you choose women over men?
I am not going to change your mind and you will not change mine

All I can do is tell you what I think

You are looking for some petty Gotcha! but I am not going to play that game

No one can prove gays were born that way nor would it matter if the topic were pedophilia or bank robbery

Nobody is looking to "gotcha" you. He's just trying to help you understand that gays don't choose who they are attracted to any more than heterosexuals. You never chose and neither do gays.

Why don't you believe gays when they tell you that they didn't choose?

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