Chick-fil-A to halt Salvation Army, FCA donations after LGBTQ protests

To say that marriage is only between a man and a woman is considered hateful bigotry in lib la la land?

thats insane
If you said "marriage is only be between a white man and a white woman", is that considered hateful bigotry?
That would be a political position not a biblical one

Nope, sorry...wrong again. The anti miscegenation bigots have biblical arguments just like anti gay marriage bigots.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion

Put two godless lawyers in the same room and they will argue and disagree

So if you managed to find a Christian who prefers racial purity dont blame that on the Bible

Why not? They use the Bible to justify their actions just like you do.
So everything is Gods fault because He dictated the Bible?

I see nothing in the Bible about white superiority

But if you do please educate us
Christians bring much upon themselves, especially those in this country.

But take heart, they are told to rejoice in such should take that to heart

Gays bring much upon themselves also... targeting Christian businesses, faux hate crimes, etc.
The worst crime is gays targeting children

That cannot be overlooked

Gays don’t target children, pedophiles do...and most of them are self described heterosexual men.
Men who target boys are homosexual pedophiles

You need to educate yourself more...especially if you have children.
You should take your own advice before lecturing others
You did not answer the question...when did you choose women over men? Did you try both before choosing?
Thats a “when dod you stop beating your wife question”

As I tried to explain to you I grew up in a time when children were not confronted with a stark choice they were not prepared to make

Marriage was between a man and a woman

Boys wore pants and did boys stuff and girls wore dresses

I suppose you are building this to a grand finale where you hit me with the gay genetic birth defect argument

If so please get on with it

So, you did not choose to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex (assuming you are), yet you claim that gay people make the choice to be sexually attracted to whom they are...

seems a bit inconsistent to put it mildly
Now let me ask you a question

Do bank robbers choose to be bank robbers or are they born that way?

Apples and oranges.

Though I do always find it fascinating when you people compare sexual choices between consenting adults and someone committing a crime.
Consenting adults is a legal standard decided by society

If we can limit sex under some conditions then all conditions can be decided by the majority

Sure why not.

Let’s take it all the way...

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

We don’t let children vote so the majority could choose not to let anyone vote

we don’t let children own guns so the majority could choose not to let anyone own a gun

we don’t let children drink beer so the majority could outlaw beer
Yes I do claim that attraction to the opposite sex is normal and attraction to the same sex is not

Still does not make it a conscious choice as you claim

I don't know how this "choice" thing ever came up with respect to sexual orientation. I am female and heterosexual, and long before I ever learned of sex (they do that?! My parents did that!?), I remember conversations with friends about who was better, Dr. Kildare or Dr. Ben Casey, and this was about age ten.

Apparently, there was no "choice" of sexual orientation. It just "was" in my being. Something hard-wired. To this day I have never had a sensual reaction to a female person, although I have loved many as friends, colleagues, and co-conspirators. However, I've encountered some members of the male half of the species (repeat, some, not all) who, uh, I've been sexually attracted to.

We humans do not know how this sexuality thing works. It's a mystery.

It always amazes me that heterosexuals openly admit they did not choose to be that way, it is just how they are.
Yet they assume that for gay people it is a conscious choice.

makes no sense
It makes sense to me

If all we have to do is claim “I was born that way” then all sorts of misbehaviors can be excused

For instance is homosexual adult men’s attraction to little boys natural?

If a Catholic Priest claimed that would we excuse it? No.

We are talking consenting adults. Things that have no bearing on your being.
So Nature limits gay urges to males 18 or over?

How convenient that she checks local statutes before activating the homosexual gene
Still does not make it a conscious choice as you claim

I don't know how this "choice" thing ever came up with respect to sexual orientation. I am female and heterosexual, and long before I ever learned of sex (they do that?! My parents did that!?), I remember conversations with friends about who was better, Dr. Kildare or Dr. Ben Casey, and this was about age ten.

Apparently, there was no "choice" of sexual orientation. It just "was" in my being. Something hard-wired. To this day I have never had a sensual reaction to a female person, although I have loved many as friends, colleagues, and co-conspirators. However, I've encountered some members of the male half of the species (repeat, some, not all) who, uh, I've been sexually attracted to.

We humans do not know how this sexuality thing works. It's a mystery.

It always amazes me that heterosexuals openly admit they did not choose to be that way, it is just how they are.
Yet they assume that for gay people it is a conscious choice.

makes no sense
It makes sense to me

If all we have to do is claim “I was born that way” then all sorts of misbehaviors can be excused

For instance is homosexual adult men’s attraction to little boys natural?

If a Catholic Priest claimed that would we excuse it? No.

We are talking consenting adults. Things that have no bearing on your being.
So Nature limits gay urges to males 18 or over?

How convenient that she checks local statutes before activating the homosexual gene
It is known that gay predators believe that young boys want to get their asses fucked by grown men.
Thats a “when dod you stop beating your wife question”

As I tried to explain to you I grew up in a time when children were not confronted with a stark choice they were not prepared to make

Marriage was between a man and a woman

Boys wore pants and did boys stuff and girls wore dresses

I suppose you are building this to a grand finale where you hit me with the gay genetic birth defect argument

If so please get on with it

So, you did not choose to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex (assuming you are), yet you claim that gay people make the choice to be sexually attracted to whom they are...

seems a bit inconsistent to put it mildly
Now let me ask you a question

Do bank robbers choose to be bank robbers or are they born that way?

Apples and oranges.

Though I do always find it fascinating when you people compare sexual choices between consenting adults and someone committing a crime.
Consenting adults is a legal standard decided by society

If we can limit sex under some conditions then all conditions can be decided by the majority

Sure why not.

Let’s take it all the way...

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

We don’t let children vote so the majority could choose not to let anyone vote

we don’t let children own guns so the majority could choose not to let anyone own a gun

we don’t let children drink beer so the majority could outlaw beer

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

Thats not how libs do it

They would demand that any child that wants to be allowed to drive

And then outlaw private autos due to skyrocketing traffic accidents

Same-same for your other objections
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So, you did not choose to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex (assuming you are), yet you claim that gay people make the choice to be sexually attracted to whom they are...

seems a bit inconsistent to put it mildly
Now let me ask you a question

Do bank robbers choose to be bank robbers or are they born that way?

Apples and oranges.

Though I do always find it fascinating when you people compare sexual choices between consenting adults and someone committing a crime.
Consenting adults is a legal standard decided by society

If we can limit sex under some conditions then all conditions can be decided by the majority

Sure why not.

Let’s take it all the way...

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

We don’t let children vote so the majority could choose not to let anyone vote

we don’t let children own guns so the majority could choose not to let anyone own a gun

we don’t let children drink beer so the majority could outlaw beer

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

Thats not how libs do it

They would demand that any child that wants to be allowed to drive

And the outlaw private autos due to skyrocketing traffic accidents

Same-same for your other objections

look dumb fuck, you are the one talking about outlawing sex of any kind you do not are the fucking liberal wanting to control the lives of people
Yes I do claim that attraction to the opposite sex is normal and attraction to the same sex is not

Still does not make it a conscious choice as you claim

I don't know how this "choice" thing ever came up with respect to sexual orientation. I am female and heterosexual, and long before I ever learned of sex (they do that?! My parents did that!?), I remember conversations with friends about who was better, Dr. Kildare or Dr. Ben Casey, and this was about age ten.

Apparently, there was no "choice" of sexual orientation. It just "was" in my being. Something hard-wired. To this day I have never had a sensual reaction to a female person, although I have loved many as friends, colleagues, and co-conspirators. However, I've encountered some members of the male half of the species (repeat, some, not all) who, uh, I've been sexually attracted to.

We humans do not know how this sexuality thing works. It's a mystery.

It always amazes me that heterosexuals openly admit they did not choose to be that way, it is just how they are.
Yet they assume that for gay people it is a conscious choice.

makes no sense
It makes sense to me

If all we have to do is claim “I was born that way” then all sorts of misbehaviors can be excused

For instance is homosexual adult men’s attraction to little boys natural?

No more than a heterosexual adult males attraction to little girls.

Still waiting for you to tell us when you choose to be attracted to women...assuming that you are of course
If the attraction is natural how can libs object?

In time liberals will demand legalization of all sex at any age and tweeners like you will have to go along
Now let me ask you a question

Do bank robbers choose to be bank robbers or are they born that way?

Apples and oranges.

Though I do always find it fascinating when you people compare sexual choices between consenting adults and someone committing a crime.
Consenting adults is a legal standard decided by society

If we can limit sex under some conditions then all conditions can be decided by the majority

Sure why not.

Let’s take it all the way...

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

We don’t let children vote so the majority could choose not to let anyone vote

we don’t let children own guns so the majority could choose not to let anyone own a gun

we don’t let children drink beer so the majority could outlaw beer

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

Thats not how libs do it

They would demand that any child that wants to be allowed to drive

And the outlaw private autos due to skyrocketing traffic accidents

Same-same for your other objections

look dumb fuck, you are the one talking about outlawing sex of any kind you do not are the fucking liberal wanting to control the lives of people
You seem to be losing your composure along with losing the argument

Sex between a man and woman is natural

Everything else is perversion
Apples and oranges.

Though I do always find it fascinating when you people compare sexual choices between consenting adults and someone committing a crime.
Consenting adults is a legal standard decided by society

If we can limit sex under some conditions then all conditions can be decided by the majority

Sure why not.

Let’s take it all the way...

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

We don’t let children vote so the majority could choose not to let anyone vote

we don’t let children own guns so the majority could choose not to let anyone own a gun

we don’t let children drink beer so the majority could outlaw beer

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

Thats not how libs do it

They would demand that any child that wants to be allowed to drive

And the outlaw private autos due to skyrocketing traffic accidents

Same-same for your other objections

look dumb fuck, you are the one talking about outlawing sex of any kind you do not are the fucking liberal wanting to control the lives of people
You seem to be losing your composure along with losing the argument

Sex between a man and woman is natural

Everything else is perversion

What can I say, hatred and bigotry pisses me off.

So, speaking of “natural” oral sex between a man and a woman natural?

How about anal sex between a woman and a man?
Consenting adults is a legal standard decided by society

If we can limit sex under some conditions then all conditions can be decided by the majority

Sure why not.

Let’s take it all the way...

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

We don’t let children vote so the majority could choose not to let anyone vote

we don’t let children own guns so the majority could choose not to let anyone own a gun

we don’t let children drink beer so the majority could outlaw beer

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

Thats not how libs do it

They would demand that any child that wants to be allowed to drive

And the outlaw private autos due to skyrocketing traffic accidents

Same-same for your other objections

look dumb fuck, you are the one talking about outlawing sex of any kind you do not are the fucking liberal wanting to control the lives of people
You seem to be losing your composure along with losing the argument

Sex between a man and woman is natural

Everything else is perversion

What can I say, hatred and bigotry pisses me off.

So, speaking of “natural” oral sex between a man and a woman natural?

How about anal sex between a woman and a man?
if they do it in public its not only wrong but against the law

The same went for homosexuals who - in the good old days - were almost never rousted in the privacy of their own bedroom but for disgusting acts in public
Chick-fil-A to halt Salvation Army, FCA donations after LGBTQ protests

Chick-fil-A will stop all donations to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes next year, its CEO announced Monday.

The decision comes after years of criticism from LGBTQ and human rights groups regarding Chick-fil-A’s donations to the nonprofits in light of their positions on same-sex marriage.

I predict Chick-Fil-A will regret this decision

There are more traditional marriage people in America than sexual perverts

Which the company should remember since the biggest sales day in its history happened when homosexuals staged an organized boycott and protest

But it backfired as millions of people crowded the stores nationwide to show support for normal sexual values

Why would a Christian CEO disrespect the Salvation Army. They have done more good than all the for profit drug and/or Alcohol residential treatment facilities combined.
If you said "marriage is only be between a white man and a white woman", is that considered hateful bigotry?
That would be a political position not a biblical one

Nope, sorry...wrong again. The anti miscegenation bigots have biblical arguments just like anti gay marriage bigots.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion

Put two godless lawyers in the same room and they will argue and disagree

So if you managed to find a Christian who prefers racial purity dont blame that on the Bible

Why not? They use the Bible to justify their actions just like you do.
So everything is Gods fault because He dictated the Bible?

I see nothing in the Bible about white superiority

But if you do please educate us

It doesn't matter if you believe the bible supports the racists, the racists believe it. Plenty of people don't believe the bible supports anti gay bigotry.

Deja Vu All Over Again: Religious Objections To Interracial Marriage And Same-Sex Marriage
Gays bring much upon themselves also... targeting Christian businesses, faux hate crimes, etc.
The worst crime is gays targeting children

That cannot be overlooked

Gays don’t target children, pedophiles do...and most of them are self described heterosexual men.
Men who target boys are homosexual pedophiles

You need to educate yourself more...especially if you have children.
You should take your own advice before lecturing others

Wow, "I know you are but what am I" ? That's you're response? :lol: Lame.

No, homosexuality is not a risk factor for the sexual abuse of children
Sure why not.

Let’s take it all the way...

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

We don’t let children vote so the majority could choose not to let anyone vote

we don’t let children own guns so the majority could choose not to let anyone own a gun

we don’t let children drink beer so the majority could outlaw beer

We don’t let children drive so the majority could decide nobody drives.

Thats not how libs do it

They would demand that any child that wants to be allowed to drive

And the outlaw private autos due to skyrocketing traffic accidents

Same-same for your other objections

look dumb fuck, you are the one talking about outlawing sex of any kind you do not are the fucking liberal wanting to control the lives of people
You seem to be losing your composure along with losing the argument

Sex between a man and woman is natural

Everything else is perversion

What can I say, hatred and bigotry pisses me off.

So, speaking of “natural” oral sex between a man and a woman natural?

How about anal sex between a woman and a man?
if they do it in public its not only wrong but against the law

The same went for homosexuals who - in the good old days - were almost never rousted in the privacy of their own bedroom but for disgusting acts in public

Still does not make it a conscious choice as you claim

I don't know how this "choice" thing ever came up with respect to sexual orientation. I am female and heterosexual, and long before I ever learned of sex (they do that?! My parents did that!?), I remember conversations with friends about who was better, Dr. Kildare or Dr. Ben Casey, and this was about age ten.

Apparently, there was no "choice" of sexual orientation. It just "was" in my being. Something hard-wired. To this day I have never had a sensual reaction to a female person, although I have loved many as friends, colleagues, and co-conspirators. However, I've encountered some members of the male half of the species (repeat, some, not all) who, uh, I've been sexually attracted to.

We humans do not know how this sexuality thing works. It's a mystery.

It always amazes me that heterosexuals openly admit they did not choose to be that way, it is just how they are.
Yet they assume that for gay people it is a conscious choice.

makes no sense
It makes sense to me

If all we have to do is claim “I was born that way” then all sorts of misbehaviors can be excused

For instance is homosexual adult men’s attraction to little boys natural?

If a Catholic Priest claimed that would we excuse it? No.

We are talking consenting adults. Things that have no bearing on your being.
So Nature limits gay urges to males 18 or over?

How convenient that she checks local statutes before activating the homosexual gene

You understand the point.
I don't know how this "choice" thing ever came up with respect to sexual orientation. I am female and heterosexual, and long before I ever learned of sex (they do that?! My parents did that!?), I remember conversations with friends about who was better, Dr. Kildare or Dr. Ben Casey, and this was about age ten.

Apparently, there was no "choice" of sexual orientation. It just "was" in my being. Something hard-wired. To this day I have never had a sensual reaction to a female person, although I have loved many as friends, colleagues, and co-conspirators. However, I've encountered some members of the male half of the species (repeat, some, not all) who, uh, I've been sexually attracted to.

We humans do not know how this sexuality thing works. It's a mystery.

It always amazes me that heterosexuals openly admit they did not choose to be that way, it is just how they are.
Yet they assume that for gay people it is a conscious choice.

makes no sense
It makes sense to me

If all we have to do is claim “I was born that way” then all sorts of misbehaviors can be excused

For instance is homosexual adult men’s attraction to little boys natural?

If a Catholic Priest claimed that would we excuse it? No.

We are talking consenting adults. Things that have no bearing on your being.
So Nature limits gay urges to males 18 or over?

How convenient that she checks local statutes before activating the homosexual gene
It is known that gay predators believe that young boys want to get their asses fucked by grown men.

Because of Epstein and his friends, obviously someone needs to keep an eye on you.
if they do it in public its not only wrong but against the law

The same went for homosexuals who - in the good old days - were almost never rousted in the privacy of their own bedroom but for disgusting acts in public

Nobody is talking about doing anything in public, where the fuck did you pull that from?

So, tell it natural for a woman to put your dick in her mouth? Is that what nature intend the mouth to be used for? Is that where nature intended the dick to be?

how about you licking a woman's that natural? Did nature intend for your tongue to do that?
It always amazes me that heterosexuals openly admit they did not choose to be that way, it is just how they are.
Yet they assume that for gay people it is a conscious choice.

makes no sense
It makes sense to me

If all we have to do is claim “I was born that way” then all sorts of misbehaviors can be excused

For instance is homosexual adult men’s attraction to little boys natural?

If a Catholic Priest claimed that would we excuse it? No.

We are talking consenting adults. Things that have no bearing on your being.
So Nature limits gay urges to males 18 or over?

How convenient that she checks local statutes before activating the homosexual gene
It is known that gay predators believe that young boys want to get their asses fucked by grown men.

Because of Epstein and his friends, obviously someone needs to keep an eye on you.
It's a business decision. They are looking down the road, and realizing the inevitable.
It's sad, but it's where every thing is headed.
No, it is most certainly not inevitable.

The Alphabet People are at high tide right now, but it is going out already.

But that deterministic 'inevitable' crap is a self-fulfilling prophesy if I ever heard one.

Take a look at the generation coming up, you think they are going to fight against the rise of the LBGT community ?
Face it, as we (Boomers) die off, we are being replaced by people that have a complete different outlook on society norms.
You can fight it all you want, and I'm right there with you, but the wholesale societal change is inevitable.
X'ers aren't too bad, but Gen Y, Millennials, and Gen Z hate our guts, and will fight us every step of the way, and they have the youth and the upcoming #'s to outlast us.

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