Chicks Always Use Sex To Get What They Want

Maybe next time I should just say "no..... That dress doesn't make you look fat.....your ass does." :scared1:

Next time, beat her to the punch and say "OMG! That dress makes you look SOOOO skinny!"
I've been with my wife since Elvis attained room temperature.
She doesn't ask those kinds of questions.

Well, you were the one who said the next time she asks! :D I was just playing along.
Well, if I gave some woman a valid answer I never could run for political office, because the Democrats would get her to accuse me of sexual harassment.
What's so hard to believe about that?



misogynist angry white Christian male trumptards need to go back to the dark ages where they belong.

I look forward to you all crawling back under your rocks. I figure a few more humiliations like creepy roy and Virginia, should do it.

Maybe next time I should just say "no..... That dress doesn't make you look fat.....your ass does." :scared1:

Next time, beat her to the punch and say "OMG! That dress makes you look SOOOO skinny!"
I've been with my wife since Elvis attained room temperature.
She doesn't ask those kinds of questions.

Well, you were the one who said the next time she asks! :D I was just playing along.
Well, if I gave some woman a valid answer I never could run for political office, because the Democrats would get her to accuse me of sexual harassment.

awwwwwww.... it's so cute how you defend your pervs.

but then again... look at how low trumptards are.
misogynist angry white Christian male trumptards need to go back to the dark ages where they belong.

I look forward to you all crawling back under your rocks. I figure a few more humiliations like creepy roy and Virginia, should do it.

Hey chick, I'm Jewish
men always tell random lies to get their foot in the door with a woman, what's hard to believe about that?
Hi, my name is Mike. I'll be here for tonight only then I have to get back to my motor yacht.

World doesn’t ALWAYS work that way.

Hi my name is Monica is this sit available?
Hi my name is Lyli are you alone?
Hi my name Sherry do you want to join us?
Hi my name is Gladys do you want to dance?

^^^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^^^

But I can't think I ever found it objectionable.

Your world is different than mine.

You realize you just said you hated getting hit on by wealthy women, Right? Look at the post you responded too, A YACHT!

All I was saying was not ALL women are attracted to money.

I don’t brag my boat or my cars when I go to a club.

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