Chiefs vs Pats - Oh, boy!

What a game. Brady is the GOAT
I know it doesn’t seem like it but this is like watching Michael Jordan win a bunch of championships. The guy is so amazing. That team is amazing. And every year the best they ever get is 20th pick in the draft. How do they do it?
When the Pats won the coin toss in OT I knew the game was over
What a game. Brady is the GOAT
I know it doesn’t seem like it but this is like watching Michael Jordan win a bunch of championships. The guy is so amazing. That team is amazing. And every year the best they ever get is 20th pick in the draft. How do they do it?
And Every Time Brady Has A Bad Day
The Fans Grouse He's Washed Up

And Then He Takes Them To Another Championship

Those People Are So Spoiled
What a game. Brady is the GOAT
This Super Bowl could ice it for him.

I've always felt Montana was money, and if I had to lay cash down, I'd still take him and that 49ers team over any.

However, the longevity, well oiled mechanics and ease in which Brady wins with this team has convinced me from an accomplishment standpoint, he's the best. Too much dominance for too long against difficult odds. They just find a way to win with this guy, he's clinical.
Fiero425 said:
Andy always helps the opposition with his decision making! I put this on him! All this talent and he couldn't win at home again!
The PLAYERS Didn't Cover The Pass
The PLAYERS Couldn't Make A Sack

Pats Are Currently The Most Dominant Team In The NFL
This Is Why The Chiefs Needed To Face The Patriots
Defeating The Chargers
Would Be Beating A Team That Couldn't Win Their Division

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