Child death by gun vs. suicide in Japan...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
the gun debate,often touches on a sad, tragic part of American life...the death of children caused by someone who uses a gun...either a criminal shooting indiscriminately at another criminal and hitting the child in the crossfire...or an accident in the home where a child finds a gun, or is accidentally shot by a friend or relative...the rate of this happening her is linked in this left wing article on the topic...I cite a left wing source so anti gunners will accept the numbers involved

Child shootings Mother Jones 194 child shooting deaths in 2013 show that America has a real problem.

The truth though, is that for the number of accidental deaths of children in this country...guns in the hands of law abiding people save more lives than they take in accidents and a rate of 250,000-375,000 violent crimes stopped and lives saved....

so, the sad, and terrible deaths of 194 children vs. 250,000-375,000 violent crimes stopped and lives saved...a grim number in comparison...but the lives,saved by guns outweigh the tragedy caused by criminals and careless people...

it is important to keep these numbers in perspective as the people with an irrational fear of guns drag the bodies of shooting victims into the debate on gun control...while hiding or ignoring those saved by guns...

and then we get to another fact that may put it into perspective even more for those with an irrational fear of guns...

Japan, a country with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than the United States...

Japan 8217 s Suicide Problem Searching for Answers The Diplomat

nnual suicide rates in Japan are considerably higher than in most other industrial countries, normally hovering around 24 suicides per 100,000 people, which is roughly double the rate in the U.S. and three times that in the UK

and child suicide in Japan...

Worst student suicide rate yet The Japan Times

The National Police Agency says that suicides in Japan topped 30,000 for the ninth consecutive year in 2006. While the total number, 32,155, was down 1.2 percent from 2005, the number of suicides among students, 886 — up 25 (2.9 percent) from 2005 — was the worst since 1978 when the NPA started compiling statistics.

The number of elementary school students who killed themselves doubled from seven to 14. The respective figures for middle and senior high school students increased by 15 (22.7 percent) to 81 and by five (2.3 percent) to 220.

In their suicide notes, 91 mentioned problems at school, an increase of 28.2 percent from 2005 — the largest number since 1998 when the survey of this category began. With or without suicide notes, police attributed school-related problems to 242 suicides, nine more than in 2005. For many children, school has become a hard place in which to survive.
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the gun debate,often touches on a sad, tragic part of American life...the death of children caused by someone who uses a gun...either a criminal shooting indiscriminately at another criminal and hitting the child in the crossfire...or an accident in the home where a child finds a gun, or is accidentally shot by a friend or relative...the rate of this happening her is linked in this left wing article on the topic...I cite a left wing source so anti gunners will accept the numbers involved

Child shootings Mother Jones 194 child shooting deaths in 2013 show that America has a real problem.

The truth though, is that for the number of accidental deaths of children in this country...guns in the hands of law abiding people save more lives than they take in accidents and a rate of 250,000-375,000 violent crimes stopped and lives saved....

so, the sad, and terrible deaths of 194 children vs. 250,000-375,000 violent crimes stopped and lives saved...a grim number in comparison...but the lives,saved by guns outweigh the tragedy caused by criminals and careless people...

it is important to keep these numbers in perspective as the people with an irrational fear of guns drag the bodies of shooting victims into the debate on gun control...while hiding or ignoring those saved by guns...

and then we get to another salad fact that may put it into perspective even more for those with an irrational fear of guns...

Japan, a country with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than the United States...

Japan 8217 s Suicide Problem Searching for Answers The Diplomat

nnual suicide rates in Japan are considerably higher than in most other industrial countries, normally hovering around 24 suicides per 100,000 people, which is roughly double the rate in the U.S. and three times that in the UK
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Your ignorance and stupidity do more to jeopardize the Second Amendment right than anything an 'anti-gunner' might do, as your ignorance and stupidity reflect poorly on those of us who own guns and seek to defend the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.

Those hostile to the Second Amendment right are encouraged and motivated by your ignorance and stupidity, and use your ignorance and stupidity to justify gun control measures, where someone so ignorant and stupid is clearly not competent to own firearms.

Those of us who are Second Amendment advocates are tired of trying to explain that the ignorance and stupidity you exhibit are not representative of all gun owners.
Well, If you could actually make an argument other than "ignorance and stupidity" that would be nice...why don't you go back to your legal briefs while you let the anti gunners and their irrational fear of guns undermine the 2nd amendment...
since I wasn't done posting when you attacked me...let me recap the end of my post...

In the U.S. 194 child deaths by criminals or negligent people with guns...vs...Japan, a country with absolute,gun control, which has a child suicide rate in 2005 of 242 children taking their own lives without guns...
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Hate to marginalize dead children, but 194 deaths is insignificant. By that logic we should outlaw automobiles because of how many children die in car crashes every year.
Clayton...may I call you Clayton since underlining parts of your name will get old pretty fast...You seem to be one of those who, when some bully kicks sand in your face...will stand up and point out to the goon..."Excuse is against the rules on the beach to kick sand in the face of other beach patrons...let me show you the section of the rules that explicitly cover that aspect of the code of conduct on the beach..." And then he kicks more sand in your face...

I agree with you Clayton...this fight needs to be fought in the courts...but public opinion on guns is a major factor in how those court fights will go...if people are made afraid to own and carry guns, then they will be easily swayed by politicians to vote against gun rights, and to give power to anti gun politicians, who may very well appoint anti-gun judges who will then ignore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights when they make their rulings...

this fight has to be fought on all fronts...and destroying anti-gun memes is an important part of that fight...

So do your thing, I'll do mine...

With respect...
the gun debate,often touches on a sad, tragic part of American life...the death of children caused by someone who uses a gun...either a criminal shooting indiscriminately at another criminal and hitting the child in the crossfire...or an accident in the home where a child finds a gun, or is accidentally shot by a friend or relative...the rate of this happening her is linked in this left wing article on the topic...I cite a left wing source so anti gunners will accept the numbers involved

Child shootings Mother Jones 194 child shooting deaths in 2013 show that America has a real problem.

The truth though, is that for the number of accidental deaths of children in this country...guns in the hands of law abiding people save more lives than they take in accidents and a rate of 250,000-375,000 violent crimes stopped and lives saved....

so, the sad, and terrible deaths of 194 children vs. 250,000-375,000 violent crimes stopped and lives saved...a grim number in comparison...but the lives,saved by guns outweigh the tragedy caused by criminals and careless people...

it is important to keep these numbers in perspective as the people with an irrational fear of guns drag the bodies of shooting victims into the debate on gun control...while hiding or ignoring those saved by guns...

and then we get to another salad fact that may put it into perspective even more for those with an irrational fear of guns...

Japan, a country with absolute gun control, has a higher suicide rate than the United States...

Japan 8217 s Suicide Problem Searching for Answers The Diplomat

nnual suicide rates in Japan are considerably higher than in most other industrial countries, normally hovering around 24 suicides per 100,000 people, which is roughly double the rate in the U.S. and three times that in the UK

and child suicide in Japan...

Worst student suicide rate yet The Japan Times

The National Police Agency says that suicides in Japan topped 30,000 for the ninth consecutive year in 2006. While the total number, 32,155, was down 1.2 percent from 2005, the number of suicides among students, 886 — up 25 (2.9 percent) from 2005 — was the worst since 1978 when the NPA started compiling statistics.

The number of elementary school students who killed themselves doubled from seven to 14. The respective figures for middle and senior high school students increased by 15 (22.7 percent) to 81 and by five (2.3 percent) to 220.

In their suicide notes, 91 mentioned problems at school, an increase of 28.2 percent from 2005 — the largest number since 1998 when the survey of this category began. With or without suicide notes, police attributed school-related problems to 242 suicides, nine more than in 2005. For many children, school has become a hard place in which to survive.

Very well stated. And I will add, there's all sorts of 'boogie men' out there, but guns aren't one. The attack on your civil rights relative to the 2nd Amendment is not about saving kids lives. Oh no, because the metrics you provided in your OP clearly paint the illogical argument that less guns, ammo, magazine capacities, et al equate to reduced deaths on the 1-18 year old demographic.

Hate to marginalize dead children, but 194 deaths is insignificant.

Actually, you aren' is the people who use those children's deaths to deny everyone else a God given right who marginalize those deaths...they distort the reality of those deaths in order to push their agenda...which is based in an irrational fear of guns...
Japan does not have "absolute gun control." No country does.

Let's not get picky...Japan is a model of gun control in a society...and in a sense it does have absolute gun control...for law abiding citizen can own a gun without the state controlling criminals in Japan..that isn't true...
Let me finish that post...

Let's not get picky...Japan is a model of gun control in a society...and in a sense it does have absolute gun control...for law abiding citizen can own a gun without the state controlling criminals in Japan..that isn't true...
Hate to marginalize dead children, but 194 deaths is insignificant. By that logic we should outlaw automobiles because of how many children die in car crashes every year.

The numbers again are 194 child deaths due to criminal or negligent use of guns...vs...250-375,000 violent crimes stopped and lives saved, many of them children, by victims actively deploying a gun for self defense...

194 vs. 250-375,000
The suicide rate in Russia, another country with extreme gun far higher...

Why Are Russia s Children Killing Themselves

An estimated 2,500 children and teenagers commit suicide every year in Russia, an estimate that is twice the per-capita average of Western countries like France, the United States, and the United Kingdom. And the number is on the rise, with psychologists saying the evaporation of social safety nets has made life difficult for children and parents alike.

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