Child Immigrant Facility ‘Dog And Pony Show’ Invite Comes With Tons Of Rules

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
First off, the Obama administration has no authority to tell Congressmen and staffers they can't take photos inside the facility and why would they order such a directive unless they have something to hide? This administration gets more like the Kim Jong Un regime every day and his cult like supporters sit on their hands with their mouths shut because there is a Democrat in the White House. Where are you, "liberals?" These facilities are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese interment camps of WWII. Where is the outrage?

The 40-minute tour will take place Friday at the Ventura County Naval Base in Oxnard, Calif., according to the email invitation, obtained by The Daily Caller.

The tours are meant to give members and staffers an inside look at how temporary facilities are being used to house illegal immigrant children who came to the U.S. without their parents. The minors, who hail mostly from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, are being called “Unaccompanied Children,” or UACs.

Sent to members of Congress and staff by Rose Hacking, of the office of the assistant secretary of legislation at HHS, the invitation comes with the following commands:

No recording devices will be allowed (We may ask you to leave your cellphone in our vehicle)
No questions will be allowed during the tour, but questions will be addressed later
No interacting with staff and children at the shelter
We will provide photos of the facility after the tour

During the tour, ”the tour guide will detail what goes on from room to room and the services youth are provided on a daily basis,” the email invitation reads.

But one congressional staffer invited to tour the facility called the planned tours “a dog and pony show.”

“Don’t talk to anyone, don’t record anything you might happen to see, but come visit us and we’ll give you a sanitized story with only the photos and accounts we want you to have,” said the staffer, who requested anonymity.

“This isn’t some totalitarian closed society trying this tactic, this is our own government. They clearly wouldn’t be offering up this kind of dog and pony show if they weren’t hiding a very ugly truth somewhere.”

Immigrant Facility Invite Comes With Many Rules | The Daily Caller
Granny says, "Dat's right - do nuthin' Congress gonna do nuthin' `bout outta control immigration...
House Will Not Do Anything On Immigration This Year
June 13, 2014 -- Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) says that "based on current events," the House will likely not take up immigration reform anytime soon.
"I think immigration reform is a very broad term for a lot of immigration issues. We will not take up the Senate bill. We will not take up a bill that can be conferenced with the Senate,” Duncan told when asked if he agreed with House Speaker John Boehner that the House should tackle immigration reform this year. “We believe, and I’ll speak for Speaker Boehner based on our conversation, we believe in rule of law and secure borders," Duncan said. “I believe if we do anything, and I don’t think we will based on current events, but if we do anything, it’ll be to try to force the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to actually enforce the law," he added.

Duncan also stated that he would not support the pathway to citizenship for over 11 million immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally that was included in the immigration bill passed by the Senate last June. In April, Boehner mocked his Republican House colleagues for what he called their lack of “appetite” for immigration reform. But a day after House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) was defeated by Tea Party challenger Dave Brat in a primary contest that largely focused on the economic consequences of immigration reform, other Republicans also said that the economy was their top priority. Cantor supported the principles of the Dream Act, which would provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants brought to America as children.

But Brat criticized Cantor’s position: “Eric Cantor is saying we should bring more folks into the country, increase the labor supply - and by doing so, lower wage rates for the working person." Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) echoed Brat’s remarks, stressing the importance of the economy when considering immigration reform and denouncing efforts to create a pathway to citizenship: “Most organized countries have immigration systems where 75 percent is based on skills and a smaller percentage is based on other factors, and our country is exactly the opposite. Our country has the most liberal immigration policy in the world,” Rice told “We allow 1.1 to 1.2 million illegal immigrants per year, 75 percent of which is based on family relationship. We import a lot of people who are not educated, who end up on the social safety net. That is extremely poor planning and bad for our worldwide competitiveness.

“So, in terms of immigration reform, if we would switch to a system that, like every other country, allows people to immigrate based on skill set to make us more competitive, that’s something I could get behind. Now would I provide for a pathway to citizenship or make the people illegally here legal? No, I would not.” Rice added. Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA) also stressed the primacy of the economy when considering immigration reform. “I think it [immigration reform] is very important, but one of the main issues in this country that we have to deal with is creating jobs, and that’s at the top of my list,” he told

Rep. Duncan: House Will Not Do Anything On Immigration This Year | CNS News

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