Child poverty rate under Joe Biden goes from 5% to 12% in one year


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Washington Journal​

Wendy Edelberg on Census Report and Poverty Rate Increase​

Wendy Edelberg talked about the Census report showing the first poverty rate increase in 13 years

And that’s what we get from Joe Biden. Poor economic policies, anti-Americanism. You couple race baiting people like Kamala Harris with left-wing economic fanatics in the Biden administration and you have a recipe for disaster.

With non-bias sources like cspan, and the Census Bureau showing us the facts of how children are suffering in this country now in large numbers….. it’s over for the Biden administration. There is no way that they can win in 2024 unless by cheating. People want a better economy they want politicians that are proud of America.

Washington Journal​

Wendy Edelberg on Census Report and Poverty Rate Increase​

Wendy Edelberg talked about the Census report showing the first poverty rate increase in 13 years

And that’s what we get from Joe Biden. Poor economic policies, anti-Americanism. You couple race baiting people like Kamala Harris with left-wing economic fanatics in the Biden administration and you have a recipe for disaster.

With non-bias sources like cspan, and the Census Bureau showing us the facts of how children are suffering in this country now in large numbers….. it’s over for the Biden administration. There is no way that they can win in 2024 in the state sheet. People want a better economy they want politicians that are proud of America.

Their plan is working.
So much for the BLM Democrats.

Under Joe Biden, one in five black or Hispanic children are living in poverty
Due to every Republican voting against the Child Tax Credit. Manchin and Sinema also voted against it, but this is a Republican result. Only a few of them voting for it would have made the difference.

What was Trump's excuse in 2019?

You can see that it went down 5.2% in Biden's first year. Then Republicans refused to vote to renew the law and it shot to 12.4%.

Republicans own this.

The child tax credit went from $2000 to $3000. So Dimwingers are trying to tell us $1000 spread over 12 months more than doubled the child poverty rate.

That is how stupid they are.
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Due to every Republican voting against the Child Tax Credit. Manchin and Sinema also voted against it, but this is a Republican result. Only a few of them voting for it would have made the difference.

Wait...Child Poverty skyrocketed under Xiden due to the fact the GOP didn't support the Child Tax Credit? hahahha you do know that it wasn't this high before that credit? you also know that tax credits go to working parents, not to children...right?

Washington Journal​

Wendy Edelberg on Census Report and Poverty Rate Increase​

Wendy Edelberg talked about the Census report showing the first poverty rate increase in 13 years

And that’s what we get from Joe Biden. Poor economic policies, anti-Americanism. You couple race baiting people like Kamala Harris with left-wing economic fanatics in the Biden administration and you have a recipe for disaster.

With non-bias sources like cspan, and the Census Bureau showing us the facts of how children are suffering in this country now in large numbers….. it’s over for the Biden administration. There is no way that they can win in 2024 unless by cheating. People want a better economy they want politicians that are proud of America.
Pain and suffering is what the Left is all about.

Literally, that is all that history credits them with giving people, but it could work this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I just proved that FranklinRoosevelt_FTW is a fucking liar.
No, you've proven you don't care about children in've proven you put yoiur cult first.

The reality is child poverty has skyrocketed under Xiden, because poverty has skyrocketed under Xiden, a record number of Americans are now worse off then they were before Xiden was elected
Remember the Trump tax cuts? The ones Dimwingers claimed was for millionaires and billionares?

It increases the child tax credit by the same $1000 Biden did. But it also doubled the standard deduction to $12,950. This year it is $13,850.

The vast majority of low and middle income folks use that standard deduction.

which do you think helped poor kids more?
The child tax credit went from $2000 to $3000. So Dimwingers are trying to tell us $1000 spread over 12 months more than doubled the child poverty rate.

That is how stupid they are.
Is that what their saying. Wow they’re absolutely insane. How about the high price of gas the astronomical cost of a home. The average price of a home being $400,000.

The high price of groceries, the high price of goods. Again couple that with the anti-American racist policies of Democrats, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Also, what about the war in Ukraine giving away so much money to Ukraine. With all the poverty, other wars of the world, there is no good guy or bad guy in Ukraine.

Washington Journal​

Wendy Edelberg on Census Report and Poverty Rate Increase​

Wendy Edelberg talked about the Census report showing the first poverty rate increase in 13 years

And that’s what we get from Joe Biden. Poor economic policies, anti-Americanism. You couple race baiting people like Kamala Harris with left-wing economic fanatics in the Biden administration and you have a recipe for disaster.

With non-bias sources like cspan, and the Census Bureau showing us the facts of how children are suffering in this country now in large numbers….. it’s over for the Biden administration. There is no way that they can win in 2024 unless by cheating. People want a better economy they want politicians that are proud of America.
[ You just could not find the real reason for the increase, could you? ]

The U.S. Census Bureau says that child poverty in this nation skyrocketed last year. Child poverty rates in 2021 had reached an all-time low of 5.2%. In 2022, however, that number soared to 12.4%.

The reasons child poverty in the United States more than doubled in a single year are not disputed. It’s because of the expiration of the Republican-hated expanded child tax credit and the shift away from providing direct monthly payments to at-risk families.

The Washington Post:

“By far this is the largest annual increase in U.S. history for both children and the overall population in terms of poverty, going back to 1967,” said Zachary Parolin, a senior research fellow at Columbia University’s Center on Poverty and Social Policy. “In 2021 we had the lowest child poverty rate on record, largely due to the expansion of the child tax credit. It worked in reducing poverty; it worked in making life better for people. Then it expired, and Congress did not renew it. And now we are seeing the largest increase in child poverty in U.S. history. We are back to around where we were pre-pandemic.”
Also The Washington Post, same story:

Tuesday’s Census release is “a story of what could have been,” said Arloc Sherman, vice president for data analysis and research at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. “The pandemic showed that we could stand up policies that could help families. These numbers underscore how much poverty is a policy choice.”
So there you go. We discovered a way to slash the number of children in poverty by over half, quick and simple. Then we stopped because Republicans and Sen. Joe Manchindemanded we stop. It won’t be enacted again so long as the same pro-coup Republicans are in control of the House and can stop it.

It’s because they don't care. There's no larger story there. We know how to lift children out of poverty. It's cheap and straightforward. But the people huffing and puffing for fossil fuel companies to get better tax treatment and for rich people to always pay less in tax each year than they did the year before do. Not. Care. They’ve never cared. They pride themselves on not caring. They go to church and quote from Bibles and will tell you up, down, and sideways how truly offensive it would be to feed children when the nation’s richest people could instead buy slightly larger private jets.

(full article online)


Washington Journal​

Wendy Edelberg on Census Report and Poverty Rate Increase​

Wendy Edelberg talked about the Census report showing the first poverty rate increase in 13 years

And that’s what we get from Joe Biden. Poor economic policies, anti-Americanism. You couple race baiting people like Kamala Harris with left-wing economic fanatics in the Biden administration and you have a recipe for disaster.

With non-bias sources like cspan, and the Census Bureau showing us the facts of how children are suffering in this country now in large numbers….. it’s over for the Biden administration. There is no way that they can win in 2024 unless by cheating. People want a better economy they want politicians that are proud of America.
/——/ Dementia Joe loves it when his plans come together. file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/c6/06/72FC2CED-FEEA-48AD-8E40-F658B0A42F1B/MOV_7503.MOV

Washington Journal​

Wendy Edelberg on Census Report and Poverty Rate Increase​

Wendy Edelberg talked about the Census report showing the first poverty rate increase in 13 years

And that’s what we get from Joe Biden. Poor economic policies, anti-Americanism. You couple race baiting people like Kamala Harris with left-wing economic fanatics in the Biden administration and you have a recipe for disaster.

With non-bias sources like cspan, and the Census Bureau showing us the facts of how children are suffering in this country now in large numbers….. it’s over for the Biden administration. There is no way that they can win in 2024 unless by cheating. People want a better economy they want politicians that are proud of America.
Potatohead has been a disaster for this country.

Just think how stupid these Moon Bats were for voting for him and ignoring the fact he stole the election.

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