Child poverty rate under Joe Biden goes from 5% to 12% in one year

Is that what their saying. Wow they’re absolutely insane. How about the high price of gas the astronomical cost of a home. The average price of a home being $400,000.

The high price of groceries, the high price of goods. Again couple that with the anti-American racist policies of Democrats, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Also, what about the war in Ukraine giving away so much money to Ukraine. With all the poverty, other wars of the world, there is no good guy or bad guy in Ukraine.
Looks like it’s the result of Bidenomics.
[ You just could not find the real reason for the increase, could you? ]

The U.S. Census Bureau says that child poverty in this nation skyrocketed last year. Child poverty rates in 2021 had reached an all-time low of 5.2%. In 2022, however, that number soared to 12.4%.

The reasons child poverty in the United States more than doubled in a single year are not disputed. It’s because of the expiration of the Republican-hated expanded child tax credit and the shift away from providing direct monthly payments to at-risk families.

The Washington Post:

Also The Washington Post, same story:

So there you go. We discovered a way to slash the number of children in poverty by over half, quick and simple. Then we stopped because Republicans and Sen. Joe Manchindemanded we stop. It won’t be enacted again so long as the same pro-coup Republicans are in control of the House and can stop it.

It’s because they don't care. There's no larger story there. We know how to lift children out of poverty. It's cheap and straightforward. But the people huffing and puffing for fossil fuel companies to get better tax treatment and for rich people to always pay less in tax each year than they did the year before do. Not. Care. They’ve never cared. They pride themselves on not caring. They go to church and quote from Bibles and will tell you up, down, and sideways how truly offensive it would be to feed children when the nation’s richest people could instead buy slightly larger private jets.

(full article online)

Lefty opinions.

Explain how $1000 over 12 months more than doubles the child poverty rate, Simp.
Why wasn’t the rate even higher than it is now when the credit was only $1000 before Trump doubled it?
In fact, it was much lower.

So much for this bullshit Dimtard talking point.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
The child tax credit went from $2000 to $3000. So Dimwingers are trying to tell us $1000 spread over 12 months more than doubled the child poverty rate.

That is how stupid they are.
CERN is still studying how stupid Dems are, results keep exceeding projections.
Vote Dem and go broke. That giant sucking sound is Dems sucking money out of your bank accounts.
On Tuesday, the Census Bureau released data showing that the rate of child poverty more than doubled to 12.4 percent in 2022, from a record low of 5.2 percent the previous year. Five million kids fell into poverty.

This wasn’t the fault of parents. Congress did it by refusing to reauthorize the payments of up to $300 per child each month under President Biden’s expanded child tax credit. The expiration of other benefits provided during the pandemic made things worse.
On the same day, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) had an important announcement to make. In a more humane world, he might have addressed this dramatic turnaround in the lives of children. You’d think that a party committed to rolling back abortion rights would want to demonstrate that its dedication to life extends to children after they are born.

Washington Journal​

Wendy Edelberg on Census Report and Poverty Rate Increase​

Wendy Edelberg talked about the Census report showing the first poverty rate increase in 13 years

And that’s what we get from Joe Biden. Poor economic policies, anti-Americanism. You couple race baiting people like Kamala Harris with left-wing economic fanatics in the Biden administration and you have a recipe for disaster.

With non-bias sources like cspan, and the Census Bureau showing us the facts of how children are suffering in this country now in large numbers….. it’s over for the Biden administration. There is no way that they can win in 2024 unless by cheating. People want a better economy they want politicians that are proud of America.

But the Democrats are clearly our moral betters.
The poverty rate also went up during the Queer Barry/Potatohead administration. It went down during the Trump administration until the Pandemic hit.

Why anybody would not think that Potatohead would screw up the economy is beyond comprehension. The guy has been wrong on everything ever since he has been in government.

Washington Journal​

Wendy Edelberg on Census Report and Poverty Rate Increase​

Wendy Edelberg talked about the Census report showing the first poverty rate increase in 13 years

And that’s what we get from Joe Biden. Poor economic policies, anti-Americanism. You couple race baiting people like Kamala Harris with left-wing economic fanatics in the Biden administration and you have a recipe for disaster.

With non-bias sources like cspan, and the Census Bureau showing us the facts of how children are suffering in this country now in large numbers….. it’s over for the Biden administration. There is no way that they can win in 2024 unless by cheating. People want a better economy they want politicians that are proud of America.

Well that's because REPUBLICANS refused to extend the Child Tax Benefit to young families, so of course child poverty went up. Like night following day.

Well that's because REPUBLICANS refused to extend the Child Tax Benefit to young families, so of course child poverty went up. Like night following day.

The tax credit was $1000 before Trump’s across the board tax cuts doubled it to $2000. That is a 100% increase. Tatre raised it 50% to $3000. It is now back down to $2000.

So why was child poverty so much lower when it was only $1000? None of you morons can explain that.
The tax credit was $1000 before Trump’s across the board tax cuts doubled it to $2000. That is a 100% increase. Tatre raised it 50% to $3000. It is now back down to $2000.

So why was child poverty so much lower when it was only $1000? None of you morons can explain that.

They have to make it about Trump somehow
Well that's because REPUBLICANS refused to extend the Child Tax Benefit to young families, so of course child poverty went up. Like night following day.

Did the poverty rate drop from 12% to 5% when the credit went from $2000 to $3000? Nope.

So why do you think it went from 5% to 12% when it went back to $2000?

Because you are stupid.
Since I have proven beyond any doubt this tax credit has nothing to do with Biden’s skyrocketing child poverty we are left with Bidenomics.

Washington Journal​

Wendy Edelberg on Census Report and Poverty Rate Increase​

Wendy Edelberg talked about the Census report showing the first poverty rate increase in 13 years

And that’s what we get from Joe Biden. Poor economic policies, anti-Americanism. You couple race baiting people like Kamala Harris with left-wing economic fanatics in the Biden administration and you have a recipe for disaster.

With non-bias sources like cspan, and the Census Bureau showing us the facts of how children are suffering in this country now in large numbers….. it’s over for the Biden administration. There is no way that they can win in 2024 unless by cheating. People want a better economy they want politicians that are proud of America.
Do you know why those poverty rates went down?

When you find it then answer the second question.

Do you know what party refused to vote to renew the answer to number 1?

I see not one of the fucking idiot posters that responded down below your original post know either.

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