Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

the loop holes in the system were created by the Dems.........who don't want them detained at all...............You can dance around that but you know it's the truth...........
I know NOTHING or the sort!!! Just some made up garbage for your own partisan and political purpose!!!! :eek:

Here's an idea, look it up.
how can I look up something, that isn't there?

YOU claim it exists.....

you need to back that up....

Here's a clue. Why do you feel Schumer wants to "fix" the family separation via executive order?
He's hired all races, he's surrounded by all races, his friends of all races deny his racism, his policies help those minorities you claim he
hates. The left got caught lying about
anti-Semitism when him and his father donated to Jewish funds and his Daughter is a convert to Judaism. The left got caught confusing illegal immigrants with immigrants and labeling all Latinos Illegal Mexicans which is why they lost Florida, to Latinos this is a form of racism on the left's part and insulting their intelligence to be word played like they are to dumb to spot the tactics.
It's obvious to normal people that the left always play the race card and shell out the racism label whenever they can to demonize their opponent and pander to specific targets/races to manipulate votes, that abuse of a race is an insult to the races you target propaganda and is a huge form of racism in itself, especially problematic because you cry wolf & desensitize the subject of actual racism.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Sneaks into a side window of a house=a crime.
Legal Immigration asks for permission in the front door to enter and waits for the invite before entering=legal entrance.
There's rules to enter someones home, you have walls- gates -fences like at the DNC to keep unsuthorized entrance into the DNC and this is to protect the DNC headquarters. WHY IS IT COMMON SENSE GOOD FOR THE DNC, BUT NOT THE COUNTRY? WHY IS IT A CRIME TO CLIMB
THE DNC FENCE AND NOT THE COUNTRY'S BORDER FENCE? OH THAT'S RIGHT IT IS A CRIME, but you keep proving to be lawless anarchists who get to decide which laws suits your needs like you do with Biblical laws.
This crime is a misdemeanor. You don't put people in jail for misdemeanors. Especially, if they have not been convicted yet.

BTW, how many Latinos voted for Trump?
See you can't name an actual person you accused him of "personally kidnapping" because you lied, he never kidnapped anyone, you just used sensationalism as a tactical narrative to manipulate people's views.
So you are saying Trump personally kidnapped those kids while he was in another country?
WOW, when did you start having this
psychosis of seeingcTrump in everything and do you see him in your Pancake Syrup or coffee creamer swirls as well? Here, have some
play-doh to take quietly into your safe room.
Now you're putting words in my mouth. If you don't know my point, why did you respond to it?
FALSE! There are thousands of people sitting in county jails right this minute, from being convicted on misdemeanor crimes. That includes petty theft, assault, battery, and yes illegal entry into the USA. And race has nothing to do with any of these.
Those people are convicted; these people are not. Those people had due process; these people were locked up without charges.
A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?
Because Trump fixed it and you're still not happy.
you guys are predictable and disgusting.
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.

No, Obama just released the whole bunch to vanish into the population.

As to the relevant law:


If you find something in there allowing the President to simply blow off illegal immigration and allow them to wander free, let me know.
If you find something in there that justifies and requires cruelty to children, let me know
Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.
What you are demanding is proof that illegality is not against the law and subject to charges.
Gotta put that in the Top Ten Laughers and Head Scratchers of All Time.
Bullshit. The point is that it is not mandatory to charge them criminally and to take the kids away. What the fuck is wrong with you? What are you advocating for child abuse? Because they are brown babies?

I note that you have yet to cite us where in the law it is optional to just say, "Meh, never mind." You just skipped right back to insisting it was possible with no proof. I can only assume that means you either don't want to know the truth, or you know it and you're too big an asshole to admit it.

Also, I would like to point out that no one is going into these countries and dragging these people here. We're certainly not inviting them. So I'm just not seeing where the obligation for their optimal mental state belongs to anyone but their parents. And I promise you, it is not EVER the government's responsibility to let people get away with breaking the law so their children will feel good.
The words were not even out of Trumps mouth and Kaine was yelping about the next step and new grievance-those already here

My personal favorite was when Chuck "the schmuck" Schumer dismissed the possibility of legislation because it was "too hard and it'll JUST get all mucked up with additions" before he even saw it. Hey, Chuckie, if this "member of Congress" gig is too much work for you, you're welcome to resign and let someone who isn't as lazy take a crack at it. What the hell are we paying that jackass for?
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

It's no scam. Former first lady Laura Bush had this to say, and she lives in a border state.
Laura Bush blasts Trump migrant policy as 'cruel' and 'immoral'
Laura Bush says Trump's immigrant children policy is "cruel"
Laura Bush pens scathing column on child separation as part of immigration policy - CNNPolitics


Please tell me any other point at which you thought Laura Bush was a policy expert and demanded that we follow her lead.
Again I think among the most hateful and destructive and despicable of all people are those who bear deliberate and malicious false witness against other people. That is being done on an epic scale these days in this immigration debate.

That is standard procedure for Democrats on one SCAM job after another.The separation of family only the latest of a long stream of these. :rolleyes:

Yup. They were screaming for President Trump to fix it so yesterday he fixed it with an executive order to stop separating families knowing fully well the courts will likely overturn it as they did Obama. And did they say thank you to the President? No they immediately started condemning him because he was still going to protect the border.

Again, he could walk on water and they would condemn him by accusing him of being unable to swim.
As a matter of fact, I haven't.
You're a fuckin' liar!

What the fuck does "citizenship revoked" have to do with anything? We're talking about people who AREN'T CITIZENS, you dribbling asshat.

And by the way, don't think I didn't notice that your insane "response" had nothing whatsoever to do with my post. I'll take that as an admission that I was correct about you.
Do you need to be reminded, this crime you speak of is just a misdemeanor. You don't put people in jail for misdemeanors, you just write them a ticket, you racist bitch.

I'm rather surprised that you don't know more about the law, given that I expect you have a lot of run-ins with them. On the other hand, that IS in keeping with how monumentally ignorant you are, so . . .

"A Class A Misdemeanor is the most serious classification of misdemeanor charge in most states. States typically divide misdemeanors into a “Class” or “Level” such as Class A, B, C, D (or some numerical equivalent), with A being the most serious and C or D being the least serious.

Every state classifies misdemeanors differently. For example, one state may place DUI offenses under Class A, while another state may list DUI’s under a different Class or Level. Some common examples of class A list of misdemeanor crimes include:

The penalties for a Class A misdemeanor can range from:

  • Fines ranging anywhere from $500 to $5,000
  • Up to one (1) year imprisonment
  • Community Service
  • Rehabilitation Program"
Class A Misdemeanors | LegalMatch Law Library

You figure they "just write a ticket" for assault, do they? DUI? Burglary? Possession? Property theft?

And what a shock, crossing the border illegally IS a misdemeanor (IF it's your first time) for which one is arrested. Who knew? Only everyone in the fucking country except the left-twit morons on this board.
He's hired all races, he's surrounded by all races, his friends of all races deny his racism, his policies help those minorities you claim he
hates. The left got caught lying about
anti-Semitism when him and his father donated to Jewish funds and his Daughter is a convert to Judaism. The left got caught confusing illegal immigrants with immigrants and labeling all Latinos Illegal Mexicans which is why they lost Florida, to Latinos this is a form of racism on the left's part and insulting their intelligence to be word played like they are to dumb to spot the tactics.
It's obvious to normal people that the left always play the race card and shell out the racism label whenever they can to demonize their opponent and pander to specific targets/races to manipulate votes, that abuse of a race is an insult to the races you target propaganda and is a huge form of racism in itself, especially problematic because you cry wolf & desensitize the subject of actual racism.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Sneaks into a side window of a house=a crime.
Legal Immigration asks for permission in the front door to enter and waits for the invite before entering=legal entrance.
There's rules to enter someones home, you have walls- gates -fences like at the DNC to keep unsuthorized entrance into the DNC and this is to protect the DNC headquarters. WHY IS IT COMMON SENSE GOOD FOR THE DNC, BUT NOT THE COUNTRY? WHY IS IT A CRIME TO CLIMB
THE DNC FENCE AND NOT THE COUNTRY'S BORDER FENCE? OH THAT'S RIGHT IT IS A CRIME, but you keep proving to be lawless anarchists who get to decide which laws suits your needs like you do with Biblical laws.
This crime is a misdemeanor. You don't put people in jail for misdemeanors. Especially, if they have not been convicted yet.

BTW, how many Latinos voted for Trump?
That's a racist question.
See you can't name an actual person you accused him of "personally kidnapping" because you lied, he never kidnapped anyone, you just used sensationalism as a tactical narrative to manipulate people's views.
So you are saying Trump personally kidnapped those kids while he was in another country?
WOW, when did you start having this
psychosis of seeingcTrump in everything and do you see him in your Pancake Syrup or coffee creamer swirls as well? Here, have some
play-doh to take quietly into your safe room.
Now you're putting words in my mouth. If you don't know my point, why did you respond to it?
>>>>If you don't know my point
Traped yourself again.
If you or MSM or Dems don't know what the president is saying in regards to "illegal" immigration then how can you relay it with your new narrative in purposeful deception by turning The word and point from Criminal and gang illegals to any illegal then any illegal to any immigrant, just as you in your racist form group all Latinos as illegals and all illegals as Latino.
I'm rather surprised that you don't know more about the law, given that I expect you have a lot of run-ins with them. On the other hand, that IS in keeping with how monumentally ignorant you are, so . . .

"A Class A Misdemeanor is the most serious classification of misdemeanor charge in most states. States typically divide misdemeanors into a “Class” or “Level” such as Class A, B, C, D (or some numerical equivalent), with A being the most serious and C or D being the least serious.

Every state classifies misdemeanors differently. For example, one state may place DUI offenses under Class A, while another state may list DUI’s under a different Class or Level. Some common examples of class A list of misdemeanor crimes include:

The penalties for a Class A misdemeanor can range from:

  • Fines ranging anywhere from $500 to $5,000
  • Up to one (1) year imprisonment
  • Community Service
  • Rehabilitation Program"
Class A Misdemeanors | LegalMatch Law Library

You figure they "just write a ticket" for assault, do they? DUI? Burglary? Possession? Property theft?

And what a shock, crossing the border illegally IS a misdemeanor (IF it's your first time) for which one is arrested. Who knew? Only everyone in the fucking country except the left-twit morons on this board.
At one time, their distortion liberal media had them programmed to think that coming across the border illegally was just a civil offense (tort), for which they would have to pay a fine, with no other penalty.
Trump "we don't want families to be broken up so we're fixing the horrible terrible policy put in place by the worst president ever, me".
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.

No, Obama just released the whole bunch to vanish into the population.

As to the relevant law:


If you find something in there allowing the President to simply blow off illegal immigration and allow them to wander free, let me know.
If you find something in there that justifies and requires cruelty to children, let me know
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.
What you are demanding is proof that illegality is not against the law and subject to charges.
Gotta put that in the Top Ten Laughers and Head Scratchers of All Time.
Bullshit. The point is that it is not mandatory to charge them criminally and to take the kids away. What the fuck is wrong with you? What are you advocating for child abuse? Because they are brown babies?

I note that you have yet to cite us where in the law it is optional to just say, "Meh, never mind." You just skipped right back to insisting it was possible with no proof. I can only assume that means you either don't want to know the truth, or you know it and you're too big an asshole to admit it.

Also, I would like to point out that no one is going into these countries and dragging these people here. We're certainly not inviting them. So I'm just not seeing where the obligation for their optimal mental state belongs to anyone but their parents. And I promise you, it is not EVER the government's responsibility to let people get away with breaking the law so their children will feel good.
Calm the fuck down. No one is saying that unauthorized crossing is not illegal or that the law explicitly says that arrest is optional. Foe one thing here is such a thing as prosecutorial discretion. For another, detention is optional. If that were not true , how is it that we have never -since the law criminalizing such crossing was passed in 1929- ever had a situation like this before? The fact is that such detentions have been on the decrease for the last decade and were at historic lows during T-Rumps first year, until he got a wild hair up his racist ass and wanted to rile up his base. Too bad for him that it backfired. Now shut up.
Its cruelty for the sake of being cruel. Americans do not respond to that.
So now enforcing the laws designed to PROTECT Americans is cruelty, huh? How about the many more AMERICANS being separated ? Not cruelty over there ?

The SCAM is coming out in the wash. Now that Trump is doing EO to keep families together, Democrats are movingte goalposts (As they always intended to do). We're seeing the plan, bright and clear now. Here's Sen. marco Rubio's take on it >>

Marco Rubio

The ink isn’t even dry on the new executive order ending separation policy & some Democrats already arguing that keeping families together isn’t enough. Now they want them & their parents released after unlawful entry knowing full well that high % will never appear for hearing
4:06 PM - Jun 20, 2018 17.8K

A few others weighed in too. >>

Monica Crowley

Because for them, it's never been about "the children." It's always been about open borders.

Tammy Bruce

And that has been the point-- force Trump to continue Catch & Release.

So now enforcing the laws designed to PROTECT Americans is cruelty, huh?
Prosecuting people who are already in custody and will either be deported or granted asylum does nothing to protect Americans.
Again, background check to prove you were a citizen, a physical examination are beside my point. My point is that Americans will do the tough, dirty, dangerous jobs that the other poster was saying they will not do. He's wrong. That's all.
Also, you're wrong again. The CCS job (12B20) with the Corp, is unskilled manual labor. Pay good ? In the Army - not the US Army, fella, Pay was peanuts.

So you were a wannabe... got it.

Haven't been keeping up ? MW raise is a rapidly changing issue. Conservatives beginning to embrace it widely. Liberals are having second thoughts. Didn't you know ?

Uh, no, I follow a couple of right wing blogs (I kind of like RedState) and they all still think paying working people a fair wage is an awful idea.
I'm rather surprised that you don't know more about the law, given that I expect you have a lot of run-ins with them. On the other hand, that IS in keeping with how monumentally ignorant you are, so . . .

"A Class A Misdemeanor is the most serious classification of misdemeanor charge in most states. States typically divide misdemeanors into a “Class” or “Level” such as Class A, B, C, D (or some numerical equivalent), with A being the most serious and C or D being the least serious.

Every state classifies misdemeanors differently. For example, one state may place DUI offenses under Class A, while another state may list DUI’s under a different Class or Level. Some common examples of class A list of misdemeanor crimes include:

The penalties for a Class A misdemeanor can range from:

  • Fines ranging anywhere from $500 to $5,000
  • Up to one (1) year imprisonment
  • Community Service
  • Rehabilitation Program"
Class A Misdemeanors | LegalMatch Law Library

You figure they "just write a ticket" for assault, do they? DUI? Burglary? Possession? Property theft?

And what a shock, crossing the border illegally IS a misdemeanor (IF it's your first time) for which one is arrested. Who knew? Only everyone in the fucking country except the left-twit morons on this board.
Did these people crossing the border commit any of those crimes, you racist whore?
>>>>If you don't know my point
Traped yourself again.
If you or MSM or Dems don't know what the president is saying in regards to "illegal" immigration then how can you relay it with your new narrative in purposeful deception by turning The word and point from Criminal and gang illegals to any illegal then any illegal to any immigrant, just as you in your racist form group all Latinos as illegals and all illegals as Latino.
Now you're just speaking gibberish.

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