Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

The words were not even out of Trumps mouth and Kaine was yelping about the next step and new grievance-those already here
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?

My member of Congress supports children and families - he has not nor ever will support the Trump-Sessions-Nielsen Axis of Evil.

The fact is Republicans who support families, children and oppose evil should be the ones to lobby their Rep. in the House and their Senator and Governor to lobby Ryan to get off his ass and quite now. Nielsen ought to resign or be fired, and Pence ought to quit, since he claims to be a Christian and has never stepped up to protect women, children and families.

Trump is the face of evil, and has become the earliest President to become a lame duck; I knew he was foul and inept, so I should have known he would be the first to achieve this note worthy achievement.
Does he remember how to write a bill to fix it............................

Flores act..........repeal.................

And separation guidelines if they are not criminals........which would cut the number in at least half of those separations in the last 17 months.............

Why would the Flores Settlement be repealed? The three points agreed to, and not implemented by the Feds, make sense:

  1. The government is required to release children from immigration detention without unnecessary delay to, in order of preference, parents, other adult relatives, or licensed programs willing to accept custody.
  2. If a suitable placement is not immediately available, the government is obligated to place children in the “least restrictive” setting appropriate to their age and any special needs.
  3. The government must implement standards relating to the care and treatment of children in immigration detention.
During my tenure as a Supervisor and my deputies found INS to be as helpful as teats on a bull. When we had in custody someone who did not have a green card, and was in custody, they rarely responded to our phone calls, or bothered to tell us when on rare occasions they showed up at the jail with a removal order.

Our prisons house and provide medical care to foreign nationals and the Federal Government does not reimburse the State for the cost of their incarceration. I suspect ICE does not focus on these persons, because of the Trump and Sessions incompetence and desire to please their base by housing children in violation of the three points above.

20 days..............that's why............

Democrat scammers have been barking up the wrong tree. Trump may have devised a way to keep illegal alien families together, but he's not going to be releasing them.

They will still be detained, and almost all will be deported. Sorry Democrats. I guess you'll have to try some other scheme to drum up artificial votes for yourselves.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

It's no scam. Former first lady Laura Bush had this to say, and she lives in a border state.
Laura Bush blasts Trump migrant policy as 'cruel' and 'immoral'
Laura Bush says Trump's immigrant children policy is "cruel"
Laura Bush pens scathing column on child separation as part of immigration policy - CNNPolitics

The Bushes have NOTHING to say. They perpetrated horrible immigration policies on the American people for 8 years. They're lucky to not all be arrested for treason.

What will Democrats conjure up next ? Pheeeew! Whatever it is, it will probably be something they can use their well-honed fake outrage skills with. :rolleyes:
Pretty much all the issues the far left comes up with are scams..

They do not care about anything, except their debunked religious narratives.

If they really cared about an issue they would have fixed by now..
The words were not even out of Trumps mouth and Kaine was yelping about the next step and new grievance-those already here
Let's ask Kaine if he wants to PAY to reunite all the American criminals in all the American prisons, to keep their families from being separated. Just let them go loose ? Murderers ? Rapists ? Arsonists ? Terrorists ?
The Bushes have NOTHING to say. They perpetrated horrible immigration policies on the American people for 8 years. They're lucky to not all be arrested for treason.

What will Democrats conjure up next ? Pheeeew! Whatever it is, it will probably be something they can use their well-honed fake outrage skills with. :rolleyes:

I know a half brained Trump tard wouldn't understand that we can't preach human rights to other countries while violating that standard ourselves. But we as Americans are human,and treat people, especially children with dignity and respect, and don't throw them in cages because some ass hole wants to prosecute a strawberry picker.


Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill

Trump was throwing these kids in cages because he wanted to pressure congress into funding his 1000 mile border wall that would have a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it was built.

Since you clearly never READ anything here is a 3 minute video you can watch. I would suggest you watch it all the way to the end to take a view of some of the 240 tunnels they have already found in the San Diego region. They know there's hundreds more they haven't found.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

Trump feeling a lot of panty heat has today signed an executive order to stop the child separation at the border.
Trump signs executive order to end family separations

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Wow.........amazing...........your could have been put in a cage with the children........close call...........
There was this one blonde Frankenstein cop who hated my guts because I was wearing that hat when I drove. He actually pulled me over twice. The 2nd time, he said to me, "You know, someone's going to shoot you between the eyes wearing that cap. Not me. But someone will."
As a matter of fact, I haven't.
You're a fuckin' liar!

What the fuck does "citizenship revoked" have to do with anything? We're talking about people who AREN'T CITIZENS, you dribbling asshat.

And by the way, don't think I didn't notice that your insane "response" had nothing whatsoever to do with my post. I'll take that as an admission that I was correct about you.
Do you need to be reminded, this crime you speak of is just a misdemeanor. You don't put people in jail for misdemeanors, you just write them a ticket, you racist bitch.
Now I know why you are so easily manipulated by MSM, the topic turned to an analogy of your home being entered and you
1) diverted it back which is what you do in political discussions and blame.
2)admitted it's a crime to enter unannounced and without permission.
check mated yourself.....oops.
First of all, you're the one who introduced the home invasion analogy and second, it's a racist President, his ultra-racist attorney general and all his dumbass racist minions, that are causing this problem.
He's hired all races, he's surrounded by all races, his friends of all races deny his racism, his policies help those minorities you claim he
hates. The left got caught lying about
anti-Semitism when him and his father donated to Jewish funds and his Daughter is a convert to Judaism. The left got caught confusing illegal immigrants with immigrants and labeling all Latinos Illegal Mexicans which is why they lost Florida, to Latinos this is a form of racism on the left's part and insulting their intelligence to be word played like they are to dumb to spot the tactics.
It's obvious to normal people that the left always play the race card and shell out the racism label whenever they can to demonize their opponent and pander to specific targets/races to manipulate votes, that abuse of a race is an insult to the races you target propaganda and is a huge form of racism in itself, especially problematic because you cry wolf & desensitize the subject of actual racism.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Sneaks into a side window of a house=a crime.
Legal Immigration asks for permission in the front door to enter and waits for the invite before entering=legal entrance.
There's rules to enter someones home, you have walls- gates -fences like at the DNC to keep unsuthorized entrance into the DNC and this is to protect the DNC headquarters. WHY IS IT COMMON SENSE GOOD FOR THE DNC, BUT NOT THE COUNTRY? WHY IS IT A CRIME TO CLIMB
THE DNC FENCE AND NOT THE COUNTRY'S BORDER FENCE? OH THAT'S RIGHT IT IS A CRIME, but you keep proving to be lawless anarchists who get to decide which laws suits your needs like you do with Biblical laws.
Name 1 person Trump personally kidnapped and where were they held and for how long.
Yep you blame Trump for your empty toilet paper roll alright, cause you throw around a lot of ****.
We can't name them because the government loses track of them once they are stripped from their parents.
See you can't name an actual person you accused him of "personally kidnapping" because you lied, he never kidnapped anyone, you just used sensationalism as a tactical narrative to manipulate people's views.
So you are saying Trump personally kidnapped those kids while he was in another country?
WOW, when did you start having this
psychosis of seeingcTrump in everything and do you see him in your Pancake Syrup or coffee creamer swirls as well? Here, have some
play-doh to take quietly into your safe room.
I know a half brained Trump tard wouldn't understand that we can't preach human rights to other countries while violating that standard ourselves. But we as Americans are human,and treat people, especially children with dignity and respect, and don't throw them in cages because some ass hole wants to prosecute a strawberry picker.

Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill

Trump was throwing these kids in cages because he wanted to pressure congress into funding his 1000 mile border wall that would have a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it was built.

Since you clearly never READ anything here is a 3 minute video you can watch. I would suggest you watch it all the way to the end to take a view of some of the 240 tunnels they have already found in the San Diego region. They know there's hundreds more they haven't found.

The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

Trump feeling a lot of panty heat has today signed an executive order to stop the child separation at the border.
Trump signs executive order to end family separations
So sorry to have to intrude on your little SCAM session, but >>

1.Nobody got thrown in a cage. Migrant lawbreakers are arrested, and taken to processing centers (similar to all processing centers for any other crimes). After that, adults go to federal prisons; kids go to nice, comfortable temporary living facilities (as I showed previously in the thread)

2. Strawberry pickers aren't being prosecuted. INVADERS to our country, violating our national sovereignty, and disrespecting our laws (and us), are being prosecuted.

3. Farmers who pay a living wage have no worry about funding workers to pick fruit & vegetables. If they don't do this, THEY are the cause of their own trouble.

4. 2018 technology has stopped tunnel building. Israel led the way. See link.

5. Trump is enacting a stoppage to child separation, but the zero tolerance for illegal entry continues. If there is anything like Obama's Catch & Release policy, this time it will be a lot tougher, with migrants finding it tougher to avoid their court hearings.

6. My guess is that right after the 2018 election, we will see a crackdown like hasn't been witnessed since Eisenhower's Operation Wetback in 1954.
You don't put people in jail for misdemeanors, you just write them a ticket, you racist bitch.
FALSE! There are thousands of people sitting in county jails right this minute, from being convicted on misdemeanor crimes. That includes petty theft, assault, battery, and yes illegal entry into the USA. And race has nothing to do with any of these.
Wonder why you people are called racists. There is the reason.
Telling the truth ? Looking at life and events objectively ? Yeah, I suppose that could fit in with a liberals' definition of racist. (and persistent use of the race card)
Again I think among the most hateful and destructive and despicable of all people are those who bear deliberate and malicious false witness against other people. That is being done on an epic scale these days in this immigration debate.

That is standard procedure for Democrats on one SCAM job after another.The separation of family only the latest of a long stream of these. :rolleyes:
The Trump people started this by their stated policy.
Zero tolerance is not a "policy". It is simply the executive branch DOING ITS JOB of enforcing law. When Obama made Catch & Release, that was a policy - and a criminal and treasonous one,
They come from Fox News which is the propaganda arm of Trump. The polls were right in saying that Clinton would win the popular vote.
"THE" popular vote is not the same as the AMERICAN popular vote (all votes minus the illegal alien vote of about 10 million)

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