Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Lie. Bet you won’t prove that. Maybe in the Mormon rape camp you grew up in that’s the case, but in the real world kids don’t get to go to jail with mommy and daddy. Why lie?

These people aren't criminals... they are migrants and asylum seekers...

If the law said what Trump claims it says, he wouldn't be able to sign an executive order to change it.
Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Sure. That's why they're having to build temporary tent cities to house the increased volume of children. :cuckoo:

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU called and lobbied to vote on the legislation being proposed this week? Hell, how many did you call and demand that THEY propose legislation to fix the problem?

None because it's a matter of policy and not law.

This problem didn't exist seven weeks ago, fool.
The move is towards clean energy. That will not change. The fact is that coal is obsolete in the US. If it weren't Trump would not be considering forcing electricity producers to buy and pay a exorbitant price for coal.

I am not a progressive. However jobs started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Neither Obama or Trump are responsible for this. There are certain advantages to being in the US that no politician can screw up.
You're clueless.

Natural gas 31.7%
Coal 30.1%

Those are the top two. 1.6% behind the leader is obsolete?

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.
I just bitch slapped you with THE FACTS. I PROVED you wrong. Are you so fucking dense that you're just going to keep digging despite being proven to be uninformed?

Trump just caved on the issue and bitch slapped everyone that fell for his bullshit

the end

He didn't "cave" on anything. He's been saying from the get-go that the laws on immigration needed to be fixed and a comprehensive plan for actually enforcing border laws needed to be put in place.

Just a hint for the thinking-impaired (and I DO mean you, Siete): Just because you're oblivious to reality in favor of shouting and wailing your preferred fiction, that doesn't mean that reality has stopped existing.

He threw you under the bus, fool. :laugh2:
Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.

No, Obama just released the whole bunch to vanish into the population.

As to the relevant law:


If you find something in there allowing the President to simply blow off illegal immigration and allow them to wander free, let me know.
If you find something in there that justifies and requires cruelty to children, let me know
And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.
What you are demanding is proof that illegality is not against the law and subject to charges.
Gotta put that in the Top Ten Laughers and Head Scratchers of All Time.
it's a time in our culture where folks like to pretend that they're offended.

remember Apu...
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY

Yup. Zero tolerance IS a Trump policy. The inability to detain children, however, is a law.

He signed an EO today TEMPORARILY staying the law until it can be changed, which is proof of what I have been saying all along. If it was "a fucking policy", it wouldn't require an EO.



*destroying the globe* (see below for how)
not just the country. Basically for mere political tactic the left is willing to destroy the earth- go figure.
**Here's how-if everyone can openly move anywhere and everyone chooses the thriving regions and flee the declining ones ( like they do with cities), then those brain drain, investment drained, and neglected declining regions (as with our cities)
become decaying and desolate and totally destroyed. This philosophy is inclined to fail as we see in resemblances to how this ends up with our own freedom to cross states and cities.
If you did an experiment and made California the only open border for immigration from the Americas, with no access to other States , then it would get so bad that the old and new Californians would sneak into the other States to find brighter pastures and that would answer your philosophical question right there, open borders is destined to fail.
SOME PEOPLE leave their neighborhoods, while others stick around to revitalize and RESTORE (in Hebrew=HaShev). What kind of person you are is by choice and the MSM is not mentioning that the retention of the Children who came unaccompanied and the children who came with cowering parents are both being empowered by motivational lessons regarding their unlimited potential and that they don't have to accept their circumstances as a status quo, that they can choose to make life better & be part of the changes, whether they make it here or in going back. LIGHTING THAT SPARK is not just
brilliant, it's the right thing and best thing that could happen for them in such a situation they were placed in by their parents and failed leadership of their country origin.

Nice Rant ^^^. Thank God you are only a hack and have no authority over anyone or anything.
You are right, who needs my contribution to society, I'll leave now so you can take over my job. :)

I don't need a job, and if your job's MQ requires bigotry, I wouldn't consider it.
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.

No, Obama just released the whole bunch to vanish into the population.

As to the relevant law:


If you find something in there allowing the President to simply blow off illegal immigration and allow them to wander free, let me know.

That doesn't answer the question, dope.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.

No, Obama just released the whole bunch to vanish into the population.

As to the relevant law:


If you find something in there allowing the President to simply blow off illegal immigration and allow them to wander free, let me know.
If you find something in there that justifies and requires cruelty to children, let me know
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.
What you are demanding is proof that illegality is not against the law and subject to charges.
Gotta put that in the Top Ten Laughers and Head Scratchers of All Time.

More like, if this particular type of prosecutorial discretion is warranted or effective. Not to mention moral and just.
New theme song for the illegals with families..............many who send their children to the United States through human get the children through the loop holes......................

A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

I have never seen people more disgusting and dishonest and hate-filled than trump scum
A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

I have never seen people more disgusting and dishonest and hate-filled than trump scum
Why we feel the same way about you....................guess we will not be sending each other Xmas cards again.
A hard and fast rule to rip kids from their parents is just us being assholes for the sake of being assholes.'s just not nice. What is wrong with being nice?
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

I have never seen people more disgusting and dishonest and hate-filled than trump scum

Its cruelty for the sake of being cruel. Americans do not respond to that.
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?

My member of Congress supports children and families - he has not nor ever will support the Trump-Sessions-Nielsen Axis of Evil.

The fact is Republicans who support families, children and oppose evil should be the ones to lobby their Rep. in the House and their Senator and Governor to lobby Ryan to get off his ass and quite now. Nielsen ought to resign or be fired, and Pence ought to quit, since he claims to be a Christian and has never stepped up to protect women, children and families.

Trump is the face of evil, and has become the earliest President to become a lame duck; I knew he was foul and inept, so I should have known he would be the first to achieve this note worthy achievement.
Does he remember how to write a bill to fix it............................

Flores act..........repeal.................

And separation guidelines if they are not criminals........which would cut the number in at least half of those separations in the last 17 months.............

Why would the Flores Settlement be repealed? The three points agreed to, and not implemented by the Feds, make sense:

  1. The government is required to release children from immigration detention without unnecessary delay to, in order of preference, parents, other adult relatives, or licensed programs willing to accept custody.
  2. If a suitable placement is not immediately available, the government is obligated to place children in the “least restrictive” setting appropriate to their age and any special needs.
  3. The government must implement standards relating to the care and treatment of children in immigration detention.
During my tenure as a Supervisor and my deputies found INS to be as helpful as teats on a bull. When we had in custody someone who did not have a green card, and was in custody, they rarely responded to our phone calls, or bothered to tell us when on rare occasions they showed up at the jail with a removal order.

Our prisons house and provide medical care to foreign nationals and the Federal Government does not reimburse the State for the cost of their incarceration. I suspect ICE does not focus on these persons, because of the Trump and Sessions incompetence and desire to please their base by housing children in violation of the three points above.
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?

My member of Congress supports children and families - he has not nor ever will support the Trump-Sessions-Nielsen Axis of Evil.

The fact is Republicans who support families, children and oppose evil should be the ones to lobby their Rep. in the House and their Senator and Governor to lobby Ryan to get off his ass and quite now. Nielsen ought to resign or be fired, and Pence ought to quit, since he claims to be a Christian and has never stepped up to protect women, children and families.

Trump is the face of evil, and has become the earliest President to become a lame duck; I knew he was foul and inept, so I should have known he would be the first to achieve this note worthy achievement.
Does he remember how to write a bill to fix it............................

Flores act..........repeal.................

And separation guidelines if they are not criminals........which would cut the number in at least half of those separations in the last 17 months.............

Why would the Flores Settlement be repealed? The three points agreed to, and not implemented by the Feds, make sense:

  1. The government is required to release children from immigration detention without unnecessary delay to, in order of preference, parents, other adult relatives, or licensed programs willing to accept custody.
  2. If a suitable placement is not immediately available, the government is obligated to place children in the “least restrictive” setting appropriate to their age and any special needs.
  3. The government must implement standards relating to the care and treatment of children in immigration detention.
During my tenure as a Supervisor and my deputies found INS to be as helpful as teats on a bull. When we had in custody someone who did not have a green card, and was in custody, they rarely responded to our phone calls, or bothered to tell us when on rare occasions they showed up at the jail with a removal order.

Our prisons house and provide medical care to foreign nationals and the Federal Government does not reimburse the State for the cost of their incarceration. I suspect ICE does not focus on these persons, because of the Trump and Sessions incompetence and desire to please their base by housing children in violation of the three points above.

20 days..............that's why............
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.

No, Obama just released the whole bunch to vanish into the population.

As to the relevant law:


If you find something in there allowing the President to simply blow off illegal immigration and allow them to wander free, let me know.
If you find something in there that justifies and requires cruelty to children, let me know
Guess you missed the videos..........they are taken by HHS.........given medical care.......given a decent place to stay...given clothes.......have recreation centers...........they teach school.................

Guess you are watching gulag videos of N. Korea or something..........

I just posted data...........Only 2% of families having separation are in this group......and within that group there are REASONS for the seperation..........

Now go back to the mass hysteria political BS.
I guess you missed the fact that these are young children - some with special needs who were wrenched away from parents, even had toys taken away from them , who will be permanently traumatized by this. No amount of "care" will change that.. Is it that you are to fucking stupid to grasp that , or are you just a lying Trumpanzee laky ?
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.

No, Obama just released the whole bunch to vanish into the population.

As to the relevant law:


If you find something in there allowing the President to simply blow off illegal immigration and allow them to wander free, let me know.
If you find something in there that justifies and requires cruelty to children, let me know
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.
What you are demanding is proof that illegality is not against the law and subject to charges.
Gotta put that in the Top Ten Laughers and Head Scratchers of All Time.
Bullshit. The point is that it is not mandatory to charge them criminally and to take the kids away. What the fuck is wrong with you? What are you advocating for child abuse? Because they are brown babies?
Its cruelty for the sake of being cruel. Americans do not respond to that.
So now enforcing the laws designed to PROTECT Americans is cruelty, huh? How about the many more AMERICANS being separated ? Not cruelty over there ?

The SCAM is coming out in the wash. Now that Trump is doing EO to keep families together, Democrats are movingte goalposts (As they always intended to do). We're seeing the plan, bright and clear now. Here's Sen. marco Rubio's take on it >>

Marco Rubio

The ink isn’t even dry on the new executive order ending separation policy & some Democrats already arguing that keeping families together isn’t enough. Now they want them & their parents released after unlawful entry knowing full well that high % will never appear for hearing
4:06 PM - Jun 20, 2018 17.8K

A few others weighed in too. >>

Monica Crowley

Because for them, it's never been about "the children." It's always been about open borders.

Tammy Bruce

And that has been the point-- force Trump to continue Catch & Release.
Here's another one - Spot on >>>

Patrick Moran

Did I call it or did I call it? The real deal is that a lot of Democrats want open borders. They should just admit that and have a real debate, instead of putting on a show with all the faux-outrage.

Yes, he did call it. And so did I. In the OP. 900 posts ago. :biggrin:
Last edited:
I've been asking, since this 900 post long thread began, for the sobstoriers scolding President Trump to present their suggestions, on what to do in the separation of families situation. As far as I can recall, I don't think a single one of them ever went past "Don't separate the families"

Did anyone say put the kids in the adult prisons with their parents ? I don't think they said that. Did they say just release the adults and let the people all go wherever they want ? (thereby enacting total tolerance). No, they didn't say that, but we're hearing now that they are saying that.

Well, surprise, surprise. Who woulda thunk, huh ? Of course, this is their game plan all along. To bring back Obama's Catch & Release, and sabatoge any semblance of effective border control. All the shouts, and indignation, and tears, is really all about just piling as many illegal aliens into the country as they can stuff in here, to thereby then stuff the ballot boxes with their (Democrat) VOTES.

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