Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Now I know why you are so easily manipulated by MSM, the topic turned to an analogy of your home being entered and you
1) diverted it back which is what you do in political discussions and blame.
2)admitted it's a crime to enter unannounced and without permission.
check mated yourself.....oops.
First of all, you're the one who introduced the home invasion analogy and second, it's a racist President, his ultra-racist attorney general and all his dumbass racist minions, that are causing this problem.
Name 1 person Trump personally kidnapped and where were they held and for how long.
Yep you blame Trump for your empty toilet paper roll alright, cause you throw around a lot of ****.
We can't name them because the government loses track of them once they are stripped from their parents.
People GENUINELY seeking asylum don't sneak through the scrub brush at the border. They walk right up to the port of entry and state their desire for asylum. In return for their respect for our laws, they are not arrested or jailed.

People who sneak through the desert and get caught, THEN try to claim they want asylum to avoid being deported ARE criminals. You can tell this by how they broke the law (I'm explaining because leftists seem to be a bit weak on the logic chain of "criminals are people who break the law, so breaking the law makes you a criminal").

"There is no immigration problem." Are you saying that there are no people sneaking into the country? Because if that's so, then why are you screaming about children being "ripped away" from their parents, which obviously isn't happening, since there are no people from whom the children can be "ripped away". Or are you saying that people sneaking into the country isn't a problem? I'm fairly sure that's what you actually THINK, but then, Trump is President primarily because a lot of people disagree with that sentiment.
Have you ever changed lanes without signalling first? Then you're a criminal and should have your citizenship revoked.
We're not going to stop blaming the Dems, because it's not going to stop being their fault. There is no grand total of lies you can tell about this which will change that fact.

Damned right they said during the election that they were going to enforce immigration law, and good on them for doing it. If you don't like the CONTENT of those laws, you're going to have to blame the people who put them into effect, and it wasn't Trump and Sessions.
I suppose the Dems forced them to say that?

You are a dumbass kunt!
Child separation?

I say to those idiotic selfish not use your children as not brake the law with them ....don't do it

don't be idiots.... you selfish creatures you scum and more....go back to your lands.

Why doesn't our gov't do more to inform these terrible parents about the ever-changing policies of Trump? Don't they get Fox News down in El Salvador?

"Go back to your lands" .... Where the fuck do YOUR ancestors come from?

Their "lands" are run by drug cartels.
If the fucking Republicans really wanted to do something about immigration, they would wage war on the drug cartels and "bomb the shit out of them" as Trump threatened ISIS and Kim Jong Un.

No flying bullets over innocent heads and they WOULD stay in their own country, you stupid feckless sprunt.
Actually, fucknut, if someone breaks into your house with their kid in tow, there IS a law requiring them to put the child in the custody of Child Services after the parent is arrested. Did you not know that? Exactly what the fuck did you think happened to kids whose parents are arrested?

"Ohmigod, DHS is housing and caring for children! That's JUST like the Nazis! They're gonna throw them in ovens!"

If I didn't know you were a lying sack of shit on this issue before, this right here would have proven it.
The people crossing the border are not interested in stealing your Xbox.
People GENUINELY seeking asylum don't sneak through the scrub brush at the border. They walk right up to the port of entry and state their desire for asylum. In return for their respect for our laws, they are not arrested or jailed.

People who sneak through the desert and get caught, THEN try to claim they want asylum to avoid being deported ARE criminals. You can tell this by how they broke the law (I'm explaining because leftists seem to be a bit weak on the logic chain of "criminals are people who break the law, so breaking the law makes you a criminal").

"There is no immigration problem." Are you saying that there are no people sneaking into the country? Because if that's so, then why are you screaming about children being "ripped away" from their parents, which obviously isn't happening, since there are no people from whom the children can be "ripped away". Or are you saying that people sneaking into the country isn't a problem? I'm fairly sure that's what you actually THINK, but then, Trump is President primarily because a lot of people disagree with that sentiment.
Have you ever changed lanes without signalling first? Then you're a criminal and should have your citizenship revoked.
I once was pulled over for not signalling and was questioned by the police..........

I told them I was from Guatamala and was seeking Asylum and that I was running from the Cartels that were chasing me.....did you see them...........

He gave me a ticket anyway...............

Makes about as much since as the BS your posting.
No, they aren't. Because people seeking asylum don't sneak across the border. People who sneak across the border, however, ARE criminals. It doesn't stop being illegal just because YOU don't want that to be the law. Amazingly enough, YOU have all the weight and importance of water vapor when it comes to deciding the law.
Why are you talking about the law when you, yourself, doesn't obey it?

You're just a racist whore!
I once was pulled over for not signalling and was questioned by the police..........

I told them I was from Guatamala and was seeking Asylum and that I was running from the Cartels that were chasing me.....did you see them...........

He gave me a ticket anyway...............

Makes about as much since as the BS your posting.
I ran a red light and got pulled over. However, a buddy of mine (who just got out of prison) had given me a baseball cap that said "POLICE" on the front and I was wearing it at that time. To make a long story short, I got a warning on the red light and a fix it ticket for my bald tires. I was so happy, I ran the next 3 red lights just to celebrate.
I once was pulled over for not signalling and was questioned by the police..........

I told them I was from Guatamala and was seeking Asylum and that I was running from the Cartels that were chasing me.....did you see them...........

He gave me a ticket anyway...............

Makes about as much since as the BS your posting.
I ran a red light and got pulled over. However, a buddy of mine (who just got out of prison) had given me a baseball cap that said "POLICE" on the front and I was wearing it at that time. To make a long story short, I got a warning on the red light and a fix it ticket for my bald tires. I was so happy, I ran the next 3 red lights just to celebrate.
Wow.........amazing...........your could have been put in a cage with the children........close call...........
People GENUINELY seeking asylum don't sneak through the scrub brush at the border. They walk right up to the port of entry and state their desire for asylum. In return for their respect for our laws, they are not arrested or jailed.

People who sneak through the desert and get caught, THEN try to claim they want asylum to avoid being deported ARE criminals. You can tell this by how they broke the law (I'm explaining because leftists seem to be a bit weak on the logic chain of "criminals are people who break the law, so breaking the law makes you a criminal").

"There is no immigration problem." Are you saying that there are no people sneaking into the country? Because if that's so, then why are you screaming about children being "ripped away" from their parents, which obviously isn't happening, since there are no people from whom the children can be "ripped away". Or are you saying that people sneaking into the country isn't a problem? I'm fairly sure that's what you actually THINK, but then, Trump is President primarily because a lot of people disagree with that sentiment.
Have you ever changed lanes without signalling first? Then you're a criminal and should have your citizenship revoked.

As a matter of fact, I haven't.

What the fuck does "citizenship revoked" have to do with anything? We're talking about people who AREN'T CITIZENS, you dribbling asshat.

And by the way, don't think I didn't notice that your insane "response" had nothing whatsoever to do with my post. I'll take that as an admission that I was correct about you.
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
The liberal solution to illegal law breaking adults with children is to ignore the illegality
That is ALL that this is about
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
From zero enforcement to zero tolerance
Another reason Trump won, another reason polls show 60% support for this action, another reason more tears and hair on fire
The liberal solution to illegal law breaking adults with children is to ignore the illegality
That is ALL that this is about
They want no borders............they WANT CHAOS.............they THRIVE ON IT............they pushed to Blatant Lies till they locked on to the save the Children Campaign.....................they lied about the cages............they lied about the missing children.............and now Trump enforces the actual laws on the books............and they FLAME THE WORLD..............

No blame against the career politicians who refuse to fix it.................who refused requested ENSURE CHAOS.........

It has gotten traction..........and now they want see if they can use it in November.........and to distract the IG Report and the Lying Sacks at the top of the food chain at the FBI...............

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