Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

So then anyone can walk into your house and claim asylum from their spouse or any claimed victimization and it's not a crime/criminal?
Do you not know the difference between private and public property? You probably think someone showing up at your front door with a black eye, is only claiming victimization?

Or are they required to ring your door bell and ask permission to enter first?
They are required to ring my door bell and ask permission to enter first.

Just as I thought, you are a lawless one until that law is broken upon you then suddenly you cry the loudest about abiding laws.
There is no law that requires you to take the children of people showing up at your door.

You are just timing this spin to smokescreen the DOJ report. Everything is planed and tactical and concern is guided by puppet strings through exaggerated narratives. =pathetic politics.
Spin what? Trump policy of separating children from their families? Locking them up in internment camps? I suppose if they started throwing the babies into ovens, you'd blame it on the lack of beer for Russians at the World Cup?
You are being dishonest, you surely know that when people rob houses or stores and bring their kids with them waiting in the car alas Raising Arizona, the robber goes to prison and is seperated fom the child. The difference is in immigration itcs no more then 20 days, and most of these children did not come with parents, in fact many are saved from human traffickers.
SO to change these Dems 20 day law get your State Reps and Senators to stop filibustering and change the laws and stop the loooholes that created this technique of bringing kids with strangers and parents.

Do you blame Trump for your forgetting to change your dispensed toilet paper roll too?
View attachment 199791
Trump said he'd be releasing these kids in 20 days? Odd that some have been caged for over a month.

You really, genuinely do not know what the issue is that's being discussed here, do you?
You can read the evidence. Those photos you see of children behind bars or in kennel like cages are from the Obama era. The children under state authority/protection now are being very well cared for. Much better than we treat our own citizens in such circumstances.

I'll be happy to offer an apology, once you provide the evidence that the photos posted are from the Obama era. Are you also claiming the photos and sound of children cry for their "mommy" are from the Obama era, or as one said on Fox they are fake and scripted?

You mean those tapes news chanels are playing--they don't actually show the kids of course. That has scam wriitten all over it. And the photos of kids in cages they are using absolutely are of the Obama era.

They have a bill working in Congress right now though to provide the President more flexiility to handle the problem, a flexibility the current law doesn't provide. President Trump is right there working with them helping to get it through.
Trump can end locking up kids today, and the photos are official Homeland Sec hand outs.
then what do we do with them if we prosecute the parents and they are in prison?
Trump can send some families back without criminal prosecution and release the others with electronic monitoring, as we do with thousands on nonviolent people awaiting trial. Trump is putting children in cages because Trumpbots like the visual. Its' all about motivating his base.

Trump does not legally have the power to decide to just release people, monitor or no. You want that to be the law? Drag your Congresscritter's fat ass out from in front of the cameras, sit him down, and make him write a bill.

It's all about doing his legally-required job, something leftists know nothing about.
So if a guy is a single parent widower (no other relatives), and he robs a convenience store, shoots the clerk, get arrested, and put in a mean-ass prison, you don't separate the kids from him ?

You put them in that mean-ass prison (fights, sex abuse, stabbings, drugs, etc) with him ? If not, you're separating them, right ? WHAT DO YOU DO ?

Social Service will provide an emergency Foster Home Placement (FHP) for a dependent child while concurrently seeking a relative willing, able and stable to foster the child.

The child will be supervised in the FHP by a lead Social Worker employed by Social Service and placed in a safe and fully vetted / licensed home, most of which are owned and operated by the private sector, including religious organizations. The vast majority have a capacity of six minors, each child will have a bedroom with only one other child.

The child will be represented by a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) or guardian ad litem and the Court will find the minor to be a dependent ward of the court under (CA law) 300 W&I, et seq. The Court will follow the progress/care of the minor at regular reviews until such time as the minor turn 18, or if returned to the parent(s) or other relative, or if the parental rights are taken from them adopted or raised by Foster Parents.

Of course none of the Mothers and Fathers in the current crisis have robbed a store, shoot a clerk and been arrested. The claim by Trump that all people of color are murderers, rapists and only some are good people is only believed by easily led fools and racists.
Trump never made any such claim, or anything even close to it, you clod.
Except Trump's NEW policy of prosecuting all has overwhelmed the capacity.
Texas officials grant permission for immigrant youth shelters to operate over capacity

but I understand you like caging children as a deterrent and simply spin lies to cover that[/QUOTE]

Perhaps you leftists shouldn't have demanded that the capacity be cut down to nothing so that you could excuse simply releasing illegals into the population.

But I understand you like using children as tools to advance rancid policy agendas.
These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics

But Americans WILL do ANY job, as long as they are PAID in full. No one should be expected to put in half their hours without pay. But that is what underpaying does. As long as the farmers pay a decent wage, with decent benefits, they'll have no trouble getting Americans to do ANY job for them. If they can't afford to pay that decent wage, then they can't afford to be in business, period.

AMERICANS are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not foreigners.

Americans are not going to be picking strawberries in blistering heat. I don't care how much you pay them.

Then why is employment of American citizens in the agriculture industry never lower than 70%?

And to every action there will be an equal reaction. And it will be your grocery bill.
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill

Last edited:
They are when they break the laws of the US on unlawful entry you dumbass.

Using our generous laws of asylum to circumvent our immigration laws is despicable and illegal you stupid Moon Bat.

We have enough of Mexico and the other Central America countries exporting their poverty to the US. Thank god Trump is putting an end to it.

Shame on you filthy ass Liberals for supporting all these assholes flooding into this country just to shore up the voting rolls of the despicable failing Democrat Party and their agenda to make America a socialist shithole.
Don't give me this shit, you mother-fucker!

Fuck you!

Fuck you!

Fuck you!

You're okay when our military makes unlawful entry's in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and several African countries, but get your panties in a hooch when a few immigrants show up at our borders seeking asylum, you fucking hypocrite!

Fuck you, asshole!

They have meds for your condition. Look into it.
These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics

But Americans WILL do ANY job, as long as they are PAID in full. No one should be expected to put in half their hours without pay. But that is what underpaying does. As long as the farmers pay a decent wage, with decent benefits, they'll have no trouble getting Americans to do ANY job for them. If they can't afford to pay that decent wage, then they can't afford to be in business, period.

AMERICANS are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not foreigners.

Americans are not going to be picking strawberries in blistering heat. I don't care how much you pay them.

Then why is employment of American citizens in the agriculture industry never lower than 70%?

And to every action there will be an equal reaction. And it will be your grocery bill.
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill


So what you're telling me is that we CAN'T enforce our immigration laws, because we desperately need slave labor.
These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics

But Americans WILL do ANY job, as long as they are PAID in full. No one should be expected to put in half their hours without pay. But that is what underpaying does. As long as the farmers pay a decent wage, with decent benefits, they'll have no trouble getting Americans to do ANY job for them. If they can't afford to pay that decent wage, then they can't afford to be in business, period.

AMERICANS are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not foreigners.

This isn't a FOX NEWS facebook page. No credibile trusted link to that claim it immediately goes into the :bsflag:file. I have listed links to all the jobs that AMERICANS will NOT do. Reading hasn't killed anyone YET--so you don't have to be afraid of that too..
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions

To every action there will be an equal reaction. And this reaction will hit your wallet at the grocery store.
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill



The defenders of Trumpism are sociopathic. No one with empathy and common sense sees anything but good in this policy. Pointing fingers at Obama is easy, providing proof is non existent and support for this policy is EVIL.
pics from 2014.

Here Are The Photos Of Obama’s Illegal Immigrant Detention Facilities The Media Won’t Show You

now please deny or ok it.

The Daily Caller? Seriously, try to find something which provides context for these photos.
Obama officials rushed to explain photos from 2014 that went viral showing locked-up immigrant children — and Trump's facilities look the same

if this isn't an obama issue, why are they in a rush to explain it?

There were some sad detention facilities in the Obama era--not anything like the Nazi concentration camps--the kids were not mistreated--but quite grim. We are doing a much MUCH better job of caring for the kids now--10% are temporarily separated from their families by now--90% we are holding were brought in by others who aren't family.

Watch the video Post #671 and refute it if you can.

And I call ignorant and dishonest any who will not watch it but want to keep spewing the leftwing dishonest hate speech re what is happening at the border without informing themselves of what the actual situation is.

In fact, here is the video again:

Fox is state run propaganda for Donald Trump. What is being hidden in these areas that members of Congress are not being allowed to see.

And where is your proof for that? We have some pretty strong evidence from those that are not gossipers and carriers of tall tales intended to trash people they hate that there are no facilities that nobody in Congress is allowed to see. Let's see some evidence that aren't photos of the port of entry processing center and that aren't from the Obama era.

Put your integrity where your hate is please. If you have evidence show it. If not, then do not bear false witness.
Last edited:
These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics

But Americans WILL do ANY job, as long as they are PAID in full. No one should be expected to put in half their hours without pay. But that is what underpaying does. As long as the farmers pay a decent wage, with decent benefits, they'll have no trouble getting Americans to do ANY job for them. If they can't afford to pay that decent wage, then they can't afford to be in business, period.

AMERICANS are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not foreigners.

This isn't a FOX NEWS facebook page. No credibile trusted link to that claim it immediately goes into the :bsflag:file. I have listed links to all the jobs that AMERICANS will NOT do. Reading hasn't killed anyone YET--so you don't have to be afraid of that too..
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions

To every action there will be an equal reaction. And this reaction will hit your wallet at the grocery store.
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill




I don't know a single American who isn't willing to pay a bit more for a head of lettuce or a box of strawberries in return for having fewer unlicensed drivers on the road, safer streets, fewer crimes, and more opportunity for Americans who need it. If the price of lettuce is dependent on allowing in everybody who wants to come here no questions asked, I'll do without lettuce.

However a comprehensive immigration policy would have provision for farmers to import temporary labor from Mexico or wherever as long as there is insurance that they go home once the job is completed. I would expect such policy to require that adequate accommodations be provided for the guest workers while they are here, and that at least minimum wage will be paid.
These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics

But Americans WILL do ANY job, as long as they are PAID in full. No one should be expected to put in half their hours without pay. But that is what underpaying does. As long as the farmers pay a decent wage, with decent benefits, they'll have no trouble getting Americans to do ANY job for them. If they can't afford to pay that decent wage, then they can't afford to be in business, period.

AMERICANS are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not foreigners.

Americans are not going to be picking strawberries in blistering heat. I don't care how much you pay them.

Then why is employment of American citizens in the agriculture industry never lower than 70%?

And to every action there will be an equal reaction. And it will be your grocery bill.
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill


So what you're telling me is that we CAN'T enforce our immigration laws, because we desperately need slave labor.

You know there are reading comprehension classes for ADULTS, and you definitely need one, because you can't seem be be able to get past the first sentence of this article. You know like in the places where it says this.

"For years, most poultry workers here were Mexican immigrants, including some who were in the country illegally. But last fall, after a tough state law against illegal immigrants took effect, many vanished overnight, rattling the town’s large Hispanic community and leaving the poultry business scrambling to find workers willing to stand for hours in a wet, chilly room, cutting up dead chickens.

“Even someone born and raised in Albertville may not have the necessary skills or be able to pass a background check,” said Frank Singleton, a spokesman for Wayne Farms, which owns the slaughterhouse. The firm held a job fair that attracted about 250 local residents, but few were hired, and some soon quit, daunted by the demanding work. Since the law took effect, he said, “our turnover rate has gone through the roof.”

Nevertheless, a variety of employers in Alabama said they have not been able to find enough legal residents to replace the seasoned Hispanic field pickers, drywall hangers, landscapers and poultry workers who fled the state. There was an initial rush of job applications, they said, but many new employees quit or were let go.

Wayne Smith, 56, raises tomatoes on a family farm in the misty hills of Chandler Mountain, a 40-minute drive from Albertville. Last fall, he said, his entire Mexican crew ran off, and Smith and his neighbors scoured the area for new workers. The growers pay $2 for every large box of picked tomatoes, and a worker must be able to pluck fast all day, bent over in the hot sun, to fill two or three dozen boxes.

“The whites lasted half a day, and the blacks wouldn’t come at all. The work was just too hot and hard for them,” Smith said. He dismissed the argument, often made by critics of illegal immigration, that Americans might do the work if offered a higher and hourly wage. “We’ve been using Mexicans for 30 years, and now they’ve been run off,” he said. “Everyone is worried about Arizona. If this law sticks, what’ll we do then?” Read the entire article to see what happens when Alabama kicked out all undocumented workers.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

And this panic is going on throughout agriculture right no. We have fruits and vegi's rotting on the vine because Republicans couldn't even come up with a fucking temporary seasonal farmers work visa for the last 8 years.

THERE ARE JOBS THAT AMERICANS WILL NOT DO. voted for people because they offered "HOPE" and then "CHANGE"...Trump supporters voted for Donald Trump based on what he promised to do with the economy, with immigration and with foreign affairs. Not vague promises like Barry and Hillary but actual promises that he's living up to one by one despite feverish opposition from the left and the Main Stream Media! So who's REALLY the uninformed voter here, BB?

You are the uninformed voter. Many of the things he said are never going to happen. For example, coal is not coming back. It is dying because of natural gas and that is not going away. Remember Carrier. Most pf those jobs are gone permanently.

You seem to think that coal is obsolete, BB and I'm not quite sure what you base that on! The US was the second largest producer of coal in 2015 and only fell to third in 2016 because three of the largest coal companies in the US had filed bankruptcy. They're all back now and operating and much of that is due to Donald Trump's attitude towards Big Coal. The low price of natural gas did in fact depress the demand for coal but the price of natural gas is now creeping up again and coal mining is increasing.

I'd like to point out that manufacturing jobs in US are seeing gains unlike what we've had in a LONG LONG time...something that Obama and you progressives said was never going to happen...something else that is due to Trump's policies.

The move is towards clean energy. That will not change. The fact is that coal is obsolete in the US. If it weren't Trump would not be considering forcing electricity producers to buy and pay a exorbitant price for coal.

I am not a progressive. However jobs started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Neither Obama or Trump are responsible for this. There are certain advantages to being in the US that no politician can screw up.
You're clueless.

Natural gas 31.7%
Coal 30.1%

Those are the top two. 1.6% behind the leader is obsolete?

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.
I just bitch slapped you with THE FACTS. I PROVED you wrong. Are you so fucking dense that you're just going to keep digging despite being proven to be uninformed?
You are the uninformed voter. Many of the things he said are never going to happen. For example, coal is not coming back. It is dying because of natural gas and that is not going away. Remember Carrier. Most pf those jobs are gone permanently.

You seem to think that coal is obsolete, BB and I'm not quite sure what you base that on! The US was the second largest producer of coal in 2015 and only fell to third in 2016 because three of the largest coal companies in the US had filed bankruptcy. They're all back now and operating and much of that is due to Donald Trump's attitude towards Big Coal. The low price of natural gas did in fact depress the demand for coal but the price of natural gas is now creeping up again and coal mining is increasing.

I'd like to point out that manufacturing jobs in US are seeing gains unlike what we've had in a LONG LONG time...something that Obama and you progressives said was never going to happen...something else that is due to Trump's policies.

The move is towards clean energy. That will not change. The fact is that coal is obsolete in the US. If it weren't Trump would not be considering forcing electricity producers to buy and pay a exorbitant price for coal.

I am not a progressive. However jobs started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Neither Obama or Trump are responsible for this. There are certain advantages to being in the US that no politician can screw up.
You're clueless.

Natural gas 31.7%
Coal 30.1%

Those are the top two. 1.6% behind the leader is obsolete?

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.
I just bitch slapped you with THE FACTS. I PROVED you wrong. Are you so fucking dense that you're just going to keep digging despite being proven to be uninformed?

Trump just caved on the issue and bitch slapped everyone that fell for his bullshit

the end

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

'A local family says it will sue President Barack Obama and several federal agencies because their loved one, an immigrant being held in various detention centers, died while waiting to get medical treatment.

Nancy Luna fought back tears Friday as she discussed her husband’s ordeal.

At a news conference Friday, attended by CBS2’s Amy Johnson, Luna said her husband had Type 2 diabetes, and his care was neglected.

He was held at the Metropolitan Detention Center, among other places.

Last March, Roberto Aguilar Batista, 38, died from complications of diabetes at the Dalby Correctional Facility.'

No crying Rachel Madcow.
No media outrage.
No protesting snowflakes.
No bat-shit crazy Hollywood actors calling for the kidnapping, caging, and pedophile raping of Obama's kids....

Imagine that...
But Americans WILL do ANY job, as long as they are PAID in full. No one should be expected to put in half their hours without pay. But that is what underpaying does. As long as the farmers pay a decent wage, with decent benefits, they'll have no trouble getting Americans to do ANY job for them. If they can't afford to pay that decent wage, then they can't afford to be in business, period.

AMERICANS are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not foreigners.

Americans are not going to be picking strawberries in blistering heat. I don't care how much you pay them.

Then why is employment of American citizens in the agriculture industry never lower than 70%?

And to every action there will be an equal reaction. And it will be your grocery bill.
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill


So what you're telling me is that we CAN'T enforce our immigration laws, because we desperately need slave labor.

You know there are reading comprehension classes for ADULTS, and you definitely need one, because you can't seem be be able to get past the first sentence of this article. You know like in the places where it says this.

"For years, most poultry workers here were Mexican immigrants, including some who were in the country illegally. But last fall, after a tough state law against illegal immigrants took effect, many vanished overnight, rattling the town’s large Hispanic community and leaving the poultry business scrambling to find workers willing to stand for hours in a wet, chilly room, cutting up dead chickens.

“Even someone born and raised in Albertville may not have the necessary skills or be able to pass a background check,” said Frank Singleton, a spokesman for Wayne Farms, which owns the slaughterhouse. The firm held a job fair that attracted about 250 local residents, but few were hired, and some soon quit, daunted by the demanding work. Since the law took effect, he said, “our turnover rate has gone through the roof.”

Nevertheless, a variety of employers in Alabama said they have not been able to find enough legal residents to replace the seasoned Hispanic field pickers, drywall hangers, landscapers and poultry workers who fled the state. There was an initial rush of job applications, they said, but many new employees quit or were let go.

Wayne Smith, 56, raises tomatoes on a family farm in the misty hills of Chandler Mountain, a 40-minute drive from Albertville. Last fall, he said, his entire Mexican crew ran off, and Smith and his neighbors scoured the area for new workers. The growers pay $2 for every large box of picked tomatoes, and a worker must be able to pluck fast all day, bent over in the hot sun, to fill two or three dozen boxes.

“The whites lasted half a day, and the blacks wouldn’t come at all. The work was just too hot and hard for them,” Smith said. He dismissed the argument, often made by critics of illegal immigration, that Americans might do the work if offered a higher and hourly wage. “We’ve been using Mexicans for 30 years, and now they’ve been run off,” he said. “Everyone is worried about Arizona. If this law sticks, what’ll we do then?” Read the entire article to see what happens when Alabama kicked out all undocumented workers.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences

And this panic is going on throughout agriculture right no. We have fruits and vegi's rotting on the vine because Republicans couldn't even come up with a fucking temporary seasonal farmers work visa for the last 8 years.


Jobs Americans Won't Do?

I will say that I misquoted the current percentages in agriculture. That being said, it's pretty obvious that Americans WILL do the jobs illegals do, because they already DO them. What they WON'T do is work for slave wages. So when leftists insist that we need illegals to do these jobs, what they ACTUALLY mean is that they think we need underpaid slaves.
You seem to think that coal is obsolete, BB and I'm not quite sure what you base that on! The US was the second largest producer of coal in 2015 and only fell to third in 2016 because three of the largest coal companies in the US had filed bankruptcy. They're all back now and operating and much of that is due to Donald Trump's attitude towards Big Coal. The low price of natural gas did in fact depress the demand for coal but the price of natural gas is now creeping up again and coal mining is increasing.

I'd like to point out that manufacturing jobs in US are seeing gains unlike what we've had in a LONG LONG time...something that Obama and you progressives said was never going to happen...something else that is due to Trump's policies.

The move is towards clean energy. That will not change. The fact is that coal is obsolete in the US. If it weren't Trump would not be considering forcing electricity producers to buy and pay a exorbitant price for coal.

I am not a progressive. However jobs started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Neither Obama or Trump are responsible for this. There are certain advantages to being in the US that no politician can screw up.
You're clueless.

Natural gas 31.7%
Coal 30.1%

Those are the top two. 1.6% behind the leader is obsolete?

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.
I just bitch slapped you with THE FACTS. I PROVED you wrong. Are you so fucking dense that you're just going to keep digging despite being proven to be uninformed?

Trump just caved on the issue and bitch slapped everyone that fell for his bullshit

the end

He didn't "cave" on anything. He's been saying from the get-go that the laws on immigration needed to be fixed and a comprehensive plan for actually enforcing border laws needed to be put in place.

Just a hint for the thinking-impaired (and I DO mean you, Siete): Just because you're oblivious to reality in favor of shouting and wailing your preferred fiction, that doesn't mean that reality has stopped existing.
You seem to think that coal is obsolete, BB and I'm not quite sure what you base that on! The US was the second largest producer of coal in 2015 and only fell to third in 2016 because three of the largest coal companies in the US had filed bankruptcy. They're all back now and operating and much of that is due to Donald Trump's attitude towards Big Coal. The low price of natural gas did in fact depress the demand for coal but the price of natural gas is now creeping up again and coal mining is increasing.

I'd like to point out that manufacturing jobs in US are seeing gains unlike what we've had in a LONG LONG time...something that Obama and you progressives said was never going to happen...something else that is due to Trump's policies.

The move is towards clean energy. That will not change. The fact is that coal is obsolete in the US. If it weren't Trump would not be considering forcing electricity producers to buy and pay a exorbitant price for coal.

I am not a progressive. However jobs started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Neither Obama or Trump are responsible for this. There are certain advantages to being in the US that no politician can screw up.
You're clueless.

Natural gas 31.7%
Coal 30.1%

Those are the top two. 1.6% behind the leader is obsolete?

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.
I just bitch slapped you with THE FACTS. I PROVED you wrong. Are you so fucking dense that you're just going to keep digging despite being proven to be uninformed?

Trump just caved on the issue and bitch slapped everyone that fell for his bullshit

the end
I predicted 3 or 4 days ago ON HERE that he would lose this fight so kindly fuck off troll
Always using the kids. The Democratic Party is shite. Why do so many still support it? It's so bizarre.
The move is towards clean energy. That will not change. The fact is that coal is obsolete in the US. If it weren't Trump would not be considering forcing electricity producers to buy and pay a exorbitant price for coal.

I am not a progressive. However jobs started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Neither Obama or Trump are responsible for this. There are certain advantages to being in the US that no politician can screw up.
You're clueless.

Natural gas 31.7%
Coal 30.1%

Those are the top two. 1.6% behind the leader is obsolete?

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.
I just bitch slapped you with THE FACTS. I PROVED you wrong. Are you so fucking dense that you're just going to keep digging despite being proven to be uninformed?

Trump just caved on the issue and bitch slapped everyone that fell for his bullshit

the end
I predicted 3 or 4 days ago ON HERE that he would lose this fight so kindly fuck off troll

He hasn't "lost". He was never fighting to be able to "rip children away from parents" in the first place. Unless he's forced to stop enforcing illegal immigration laws, he's still getting what he wanted.

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