Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

They are when they break the laws of the US on unlawful entry you dumbass.

Using our generous laws of asylum to circumvent our immigration laws is despicable and illegal you stupid Moon Bat.

We have enough of Mexico and the other Central America countries exporting their poverty to the US. Thank god Trump is putting an end to it.

Shame on you filthy ass Liberals for supporting all these assholes flooding into this country just to shore up the voting rolls of the despicable failing Democrat Party and their agenda to make America a socialist shithole.
Don't give me this shit, you mother-fucker!

Fuck you!

Fuck you!

Fuck you!

You're okay when our military makes unlawful entry's in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and several African countries, but get your panties in a hooch when a few immigrants show up at our borders seeking asylum, you fucking hypocrite!

Fuck you, asshole!

You are barking up the wrong tree Moon Bat. I am a non interventionist so if anybody needs to go fuck themselves it needs to be you.

We need our military to guard our own borders against other countries exporting their poverty here. Those asshole Beaners that come here, sign up for welfare and then elect filthy ass Democrats that fuck up the economy and everything else.

"Asshole Beaners"; you are the problem that makes America into Amerika. Racism is a product of ignorance + fear x hateful pathology & = a fascist.

Why deny it, the words you use are sufficient to make that comparison.
Except the problem hasn't grown. The number of undocumented immigrants leveled off in 2009 and has remained flat ever since.


Not that really is ANY EXCUSE to put children in a concentration camp to deter their parents from trying to enter the country.
It grew under Clinton and Bush, and it sure didn't go away under Obama, with his Catch & Release policies. Maybe more of the newer arrivals decided to go the anchor baby welfare route, instead of swiping a job.

As for your SCAM talk about "a concentration camp", the kids have to go somewhere while their parent(s) are incarcerated. Where would you put them ? In jail with their parents, with criminals, fights, stabbings, etc ?

The places they're being housed, are top grade. They are in very, comfortable, air-conditioned facilities, in clean, nice bedrooms, with very clean, well-equipped kitchens, good food, computers, play soccer, attend classes, get counseling, medical/dental care. In short, they're treated 100 times better than AMERICAN kids of jailed parents, who also are separated from their parents, but don't get all these massive freebies.

See Post # 228.

With no parents. The fact is what they have committed is a misdemeanor. You want to compare violent crimes to this which is stupid and denotes your desperation.

The FACT is that there is no amount of screaming, "Misdemeanor! Misdemeanor!" that is going to make your traitorous view that border crossing should be ignored valid in anyone's eyes. IF it is the first time they've done so, it is a misdemeanor, but that's irrelevant. What matters is that it's a misdemeanor which carries a penalty of being arrested. You know as much about law and the definitions of legal terms as you do about being a decent, honest human being, which is to say, not a damned thing.

I don't need to compare it to anything, fool. YOU are the one trying to draw analogies, and they're all bullshit. All I have to do is state fact, which is that crossing the border illegally has a mandated punishment of arrest, incarceration, and deportation. Period. End of discussion.

You are the traitor to this country. This has nothing to do with amnesty. This is about treating people humanely while their case is abjugated. You are the bullshit. There is no end of discussion. Even the killing of a human being does not mean prison. It is about the circumstances involved. Your view on crime and punishment is used by every two bit thug to justify their actions.

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.

Coal is a great fuel. Lots of good jobs. If Crooked Hillary had not listened to the stupid environmental wackos then she may have done better in the coal states and be President now.

Clean fuels are the future in the US. Trump is not going to change that.
This faux outrage by the dems is nothing more than the beginning of their November campaign crap.

They couldn't really give a shit less about children being allegedly separated from their criminal parents. All illegal aliens are to democraps is VOTES and something to blow out their ass about to campaign.
If the phony DemmyScammers actually cared about illegal aliens' kids, they would have been moaning about this years and decades ago, with ALL kids of jailed parents, including AMERICAN kids, of AMERICAN parents. And what we hear of that ? ZERO.

Because it never happened.

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.

Coal is a great fuel. Lots of good jobs. If Crooked Hillary had not listened to the stupid environmental wackos then she may have done better in the coal states and be President now.

I rather think she would do better not to describe those who voted for President Trump's agenda as a racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic 'basket of deplorables'. And she shouldn't echo President Obama's sentiments that we are all uneducated, low information cultists clinging to our Bibles and guns, and the real beaut when she said we women who voted for Trump are being told how to vote by our husbands, sons and boyfriends.

Yeah that's REALLY the way to bring people to your point of view. . .NOT!

And now she along with others who are determined to bring down the President are creating an entirely fictional narrative about Nazi concentration camps on the border and children being ripped from the arms of their parents. . .even children being marched into showers.

Again I think among the most hateful and destructive and despicable of all people are those who bear deliberate and malicious false witness against other people. That is being done on an epic scale these days in this immigration debate.
The defenders of Trumpism are sociopathic. No one with empathy and common sense sees anything but good in this policy. Pointing fingers at Obama is easy, providing proof is non existent and support for this policy is EVIL.
pics from 2014.

Here Are The Photos Of Obama’s Illegal Immigrant Detention Facilities The Media Won’t Show You

now please deny or ok it.

The Daily Caller? Seriously, try to find something which provides context for these photos.
Obama officials rushed to explain photos from 2014 that went viral showing locked-up immigrant children — and Trump's facilities look the same

if this isn't an obama issue, why are they in a rush to explain it?

There were some sad detention facilities in the Obama era--not anything like the Nazi concentration camps--the kids were not mistreated--but quite grim. We are doing a much MUCH better job of caring for the kids now--10% are temporarily separated from their families by now--90% we are holding were brought in by others who aren't family.

Watch the video Post #671 and refute it if you can.

And I call ignorant and dishonest any who will not watch it but want to keep spewing the leftwing dishonest hate speech re what is happening at the border without informing themselves of what the actual situation is.

In fact, here is the video again:

Fox is state run propaganda for Donald Trump. What is being hidden in these areas that members of Congress are not being allowed to see.
That is the Globalists' plan to eradicate white Europeans.
It does rather look that way.

Wonder why you people are called racists. There is the reason.

Because liberals play the race card at every possible opportunity even when racism obviously isn't at play? This entire "issue" is simply the MSM looking hard for something to go after Trump for when the economy is doing so well that they now grasp that they're FUBARed come the next election and probably the one after that!
Feinstein latest mental retard / deplorable POS to compare US to 'Nazi Germany' for carrying out policy Obama started up, ran, and defended in 2015:

Sen. Feinstein Compares U.S. to ‘Nazi Germany’ Over Treatment of Illegal Alien Children

SERIOUSLY? Does Diane have Alzheimer's?

Detaining immigrant families is cruel and inhumane. So why is Obama still doing it?

Judge ruled Obama violated a 20-year-old policy that set the standard for dealing with immigrant children:


'She (Judge Dolly Gee) ruled that the government was holding children in secured, prison-like, unlicensed facilities, and that violated the 1996 agreement.

Gee's ruling was harsh. She called it "astonishing" and "shocking" that 20 years after the Flores agreement, the government still hadn't figured out how to meet its own standards for humane treatment of children.'

"The detainees reported sleeping eight to a room, in violation of the Flores settlement, with little exercise or stimulation for the children. Many were under the age of 6 and had been raised on a diet of tortillas, rice and chicken bits. In Artesia, the institutional cafeteria foods were as unfamiliar as the penal atmosphere, and to their parents’ horror, many of the children refused to eat. "I saw children who were malnourished and were not adapting.

.....we have learned of the detention of children with intellectual disabilities, a child with brain cancer...

Recently, we learned of a three-year-old child at the Berks County Residential Center who was throwing up for three days and was apparently offered water as a form of medical treatment. It was only after the child began throwing up blood on the fourth day that the facility finally transferred her to a hospital."

A child psychiatrist who had interviewed children at the Karnes facility, the House Democrats' letter said, concluded they were "facing some of the most adverse childhood conditions of any children I have ever interviewed or evaluated."

So, Feinstein....snowflakes..... :wtf:?!

WHERE was the condemnation of Obama? Where was the comparisons of Obama to Hitler and protesting of his 'Holocaust Death Camps'?


Knock-off the BS theatrics and easily-proven hypocrisy! you're losing what little credibility you still have, if you still have any.....
Overwhelming majorities support a path to citizenship, DACA and not building a wall. If 70% of voters are liberal, Republicans are in trouble.
Where did those ludicrous notions come from ? More fake polls like the ones that said Hillary was going to win ? Republicans are in the same (or better) conditons that Trump was in 2016.

They come from Fox News which is the propaganda arm of Trump. The polls were right in saying that Clinton would win the popular vote.
no, they come from central America, one of the most crime ridden, and dangerous places in the world, as asylum seekers, which is legal.... they are deported afterwards, if the legal asylum process does not approve their refugee how it was done in Bush 2 and Obama, whether crossing over the bridge or walking under it, when turning themselves in.

This is no longer the case with Session's new, Zero Tolerance program.

Elections have consequences ... Trump supporters like Judge Napolitano,
Please do not mistake the idea that one person may or may not desire something makes a difference ... It doesn't.

If you think the Democrats are best served basing their campaign on supporting the rights of foreign nationals ...
Over the rule of law, protecting our sovereignty, and representing Americans in their districts ... I say go for it.

Vote your conscience ... Vote for the people you support ... Complain about the crap you don't like.
In the meantime ... I am not trying to fix the world ... I can do better than you and your government at making a positive impact on my community.


56% of Americans oppose Trump's policy. That includes Trump supporters like Judge Napolitano and Franklin Graham.

Wrong. LEFTISTS pretend to oppose what they pretend Trump's policy change is, and ACTUALLY oppose his REAL policy change, which is to prosecute illegal border crossers as criminals. Everyone else is opposing what lying hysteria-pimps like you have told them, without actually knowing the facts, because your shills in the media are lying about it.

And you might as well give up now with the "Aha! A famous person has said so, so NOW you must agree!" That only works with halfwit celebrity-worshipping juveniles like yourself.

Facts are still on my side, law is still on my side, reality is still on my side. You're welcome to continue getting your alleged "moral" guidance from polls and celebrities, since that's just about the right speed for someone on your low rung of the evolutionary ladder.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

this is the issue...

The Media Are Lying About Trump Separating Illegal Immigrant Families. Here’s The Truth.

More specifically, it’s several lies.

1. Trump Created Separation Of Children From Illegal Immigrant Parents. This is plainly false. In 1997, the federal government made an agreement in a case called Flores not to keep unaccompanied illegal immigrant children in custody beyond twenty days. The settlement said nothing about accompanied illegal immigrant children – children who crossed the border with their parents. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals then ruled that accompanied children also could not be held in custody under the terms of the settlement. This meant that the government either had to release whole families, or that the government had to separate parents from children.

2. Immigrants Seeking Asylum Are Being Punished For Seeking Asylum. This is plainly untrue as well. Immigrants who come to points of entry to seek asylum aren’t actually illegally in the country – they’re not arrested. They’re processed through ICE, and their children stay with them.

If, however, illegal immigrants cross the border illegally, the Trump administration now treats them as criminals. If they choose deportation, they aren’t separated from their kids; if they choose to apply for asylum, they stay in the country longer than 20 days, and their kids have to be removed by operation of law.

The so-called conservative media is crooked as hell. I wouldn't believe them if they said the sun was going to come up. I suppose those children in the facilities are a figment of our imaginations.

The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.
aka................Catch and deal...........get used to crying because it isn't going to happen.

The law is being enforced.....and this political black mail will be rejected............Elections have lost.

It's simple............repeal the Flores law...........and no longer tie ICE's hands.............Same law under Obama and you guys weren't up in arms..........................Hypocrisy at it's finest......

Now back to the tear jerker comments from the left.


Since I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton, America lost when they both were nominated. The Flores law has nothing to do with it. Trump can do it himself. He doesn't need Congress.

"The law doesn't matter. The President should just ignore the law and do whatever he wants. Fuck the Constitution!"

And that's why you leftist pusbags don't hold the Presidency any more.

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.

Coal is a great fuel. Lots of good jobs. If Crooked Hillary had not listened to the stupid environmental wackos then she may have done better in the coal states and be President now.

No thanks.

HRC offered a solution to the fact that coal fired plants are a thing of the past. The coal today is being shipped to China and India, as more and more coal burning plants are retrofitted to use natural gas; and the electrical grid is receiving power created from the sun and the wind.

More and more buildings - residential and commercial - are putting solar panels on roofs. More windmills are dotting our hillsides, and fewer smokestacks exist which pollute our air.
The defenders of Trumpism are sociopathic. No one with empathy and common sense sees anything but good in this policy. Pointing fingers at Obama is easy, providing proof is non existent and support for this policy is EVIL.
pics from 2014.

Here Are The Photos Of Obama’s Illegal Immigrant Detention Facilities The Media Won’t Show You

now please deny or ok it.

The Daily Caller? Seriously, try to find something which provides context for these photos.
Obama officials rushed to explain photos from 2014 that went viral showing locked-up immigrant children — and Trump's facilities look the same

if this isn't an obama issue, why are they in a rush to explain it?

There were some sad detention facilities in the Obama era--not anything like the Nazi concentration camps--the kids were not mistreated--but quite grim. We are doing a much MUCH better job of caring for the kids now--10% are temporarily separated from their families by now--90% we are holding were brought in by others who aren't family.

Watch the video Post #671 and refute it if you can.

And I call ignorant and dishonest any who will not watch it but want to keep spewing the leftwing dishonest hate speech re what is happening at the border without informing themselves of what the actual situation is.

In fact, here is the video again:

Fox is state run propaganda for Donald Trump. What is being hidden in these areas that members of Congress are not being allowed to see.

Good question. A jailer in Texas was recently arrested for molesting a 4-year old child. We should demand an open and transparent inspection by Congress and the Press.
A lot of republicans coming out against Trump's latest performance by being cruel to the least among us like the bible told him not to. Even a present and former republican first lady are on his case. What gives? A lot of posters keep saying "but obama did it too" . If that were true, then why didn't these republicans complain when Obama was doing it?
Without their parents. They have been separated from their parents by Trump. They are being held hostage for political gain. That is what terrorists do. If things are so great then why are Congress people and Senators being kept from seeing them.
The same as ALL kids of jailed parents are separated, and have been for decades. You think American kids of murderers, burglars, embezzlers, etc, aren't separated from their parents ? This is standard procedure for EVERYBODY. What would YOU do ? Put them in adult prisons with fights, stabbings, sex abuse, ?

Congress and Senators are NOT being kept from seeing the good facilities. You just saw a video of it, didn't you ? What isn't being seen, is these nice facilities on mainstream liberal media. Instead, they are showing the rough processing centers, and scamming that these are the living facilities.

Again you compare felonies and violent crimes to misdemeanors. They should not be in prisons.

They have been refused entry and are being allowed to see what the Trump people want them to see. They should be allowed entry into any facility since they are funding it.

You've been very busy damning the President while spewing a whole bunch of stuff you can't show a semblance of evidence for and is just flatly untrue. Have you been there? Have you seen these so called Nazi concentration camps yourself. Has anybody who claims they exist seen them?

I have seen no evidence that they exist. But those who have been to the border and are willing to be intellectually honest know better and are reporting a much different scenario.

Watch the video. Tell me where she and others reporting first hand. . .there. . .at the scene last night. . .got it wrong.

Why are members of Congress being denied the right to see these facilities. The fact is that no President has done anything like this. That is fact. You have seen no evidence of anything because you don't want to see this. More Republicans are seeing this and speaking out. I would like to see the video for the places members of Congress are not being allowed to see. How do you replace a mother who can comfort her child. Apparently these kids are being traumatized by the separation. Physical contact between workers and children are strictly regulated.
*destroying the globe* (see below for how)
not just the country. Basically for mere political tactic the left is willing to destroy the earth- go figure.
**Here's how-if everyone can openly move anywhere and everyone chooses the thriving regions and flee the declining ones ( like they do with cities), then those brain drain, investment drained, and neglected declining regions (as with our cities)
become decaying and desolate and totally destroyed. This philosophy is inclined to fail as we see in resemblances to how this ends up with our own freedom to cross states and cities.
If you did an experiment and made California the only open border for immigration from the Americas, with no access to other States , then it would get so bad that the old and new Californians would sneak into the other States to find brighter pastures and that would answer your philosophical question right there, open borders is destined to fail.
SOME PEOPLE leave their neighborhoods, while others stick around to revitalize and RESTORE (in Hebrew=HaShev). What kind of person you are is by choice and the MSM is not mentioning that the retention of the Children who came unaccompanied and the children who came with cowering parents are both being empowered by motivational lessons regarding their unlimited potential and that they don't have to accept their circumstances as a status quo, that they can choose to make life better & be part of the changes, whether they make it here or in going back. LIGHTING THAT SPARK is not just
brilliant, it's the right thing and best thing that could happen for them in such a situation they were placed in by their parents and failed leadership of their country origin.
The Democrats didn't deal with it. It was simply a executive order from Obama.

The Democrats did attempt to deal with it in the Senate however Republicans filibustered it. The Democrats also offered a compromise earlier this year and Trump turned it down even though Democrats offered money for a wall.
Democrats decided to give speeches and do crying photo-ops.
They did nothing else.

You are the liar.

'Trump tweeted, "Democrats are nowhere to be found on DACA."

This fact-check isn't about assigning blame to a political party for the lack of a DACA deal. In reality, both political parties likely bear some responsibility.

But Trump underplays and ignores the efforts of Democrats to reach a solution to help Dreamers, including meetings with Trump, bipartisan proposals, and a stated willingness to discuss border wall funding.

We rate Trump’s claim False.'

Trump claims Democrats absent from DACA negotiations

The Democrats didtalk compromise even on the wall but Trump turned it down.

You are the propagandist.

Your breath smells like ass.

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