Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Filthy Don'so internment camp protocol is a blow whistle for the ALT-Right Weak Whyte Racist Extremists. Time to clean this ALT-Right racist filth from America.
Any of you libs want to translate this lefty mumbo-jumbo, for us ?
The solution is for people to drop their dishonest partisanship and actually educate themselves. The dishonest MSM won't do it for them. They are going to have to do it for themselves.

But like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer they don't WANT to. They want the issue to trash the President and Republicans and anybody who votes for them.

I think there must be a special place in hell for those who deliberately bear false witness in such cruel and hateful manner.

Watch the video. Dispute it if you can.

Without their parents. They have been separated from their parents by Trump. They are being held hostage for political gain. That is what terrorists do. If things are so great then why are Congress people and Senators being kept from seeing them.
The same as ALL kids of jailed parents are separated, and have been for decades. You think American kids of murderers, burglars, embezzlers, etc, aren't separated from their parents ? This is standard procedure for EVERYBODY. What would YOU do ? Put them in adult prisons with fights, stabbings, sex abuse, ?

Congress and Senators are NOT being kept from seeing the good facilities. You just saw a video of it, didn't you ? What isn't being seen, is these nice facilities on mainstream liberal media. Instead, they are showing the rough processing centers, and scamming that these are the living facilities.

Again you compare felonies and violent crimes to misdemeanors. They should not be in prisons.

They have been refused entry and are being allowed to see what the Trump people want them to see. They should be allowed entry into any facility since they are funding it.
The Democrats did deal with DACA. It was Trump who backed out on it. The Democrats even agreed to give Trump money for the wall. Trump threw it all away.
The Democrats didn't deal with it. It was simply a executive order from Obama.

The Democrats did attempt to deal with it in the Senate however Republicans filibustered it. The Democrats also offered a compromise earlier this year and Trump turned it down even though Democrats offered money for a wall.
Democrats decided to give speeches and do crying photo-ops.
They did nothing else.

You are the liar.

'Trump tweeted, "Democrats are nowhere to be found on DACA."

This fact-check isn't about assigning blame to a political party for the lack of a DACA deal. In reality, both political parties likely bear some responsibility.

But Trump underplays and ignores the efforts of Democrats to reach a solution to help Dreamers, including meetings with Trump, bipartisan proposals, and a stated willingness to discuss border wall funding.

We rate Trump’s claim False.'

Trump claims Democrats absent from DACA negotiations

The Democrats didtalk compromise even on the wall but Trump turned it down.

You are the propagandist.
You are barking up the wrong tree Moon Bat. I am a non interventionist so if anybody needs to go fuck themselves it needs to be you.

We need our military to guard our own borders against other countries exporting their poverty here. Those asshole Beaners that come here, sign up for welfare and then elect filthy ass Democrats that fuck up the economy and everything else.
Those people that come here probably work harder than you do. They pay taxes and contribute to the local economies. Keeping them away are hurting are farmers, are wine growers and many other agricultural jobs our little white meth heads won't take. So if our little white meth head children won't take these jobs to pull grapes, how are we to get our fucking Ripple to drink later?

Crooks may work hard you moron. That doesn't have damn thing to do with them being illegals. Millions of the dipshits are on some kind of welfare and that is despicable.

They are a fucking burden on this country

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to the United States
At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion. This is a disturbing and unsustainable trend. The sections below will break down and further explain these numbers at the federal, state, and local levels.

You stupid Moon Bats only love the assholes because they vote for Democrats because you want this country to be a socialist shithole. If they were like the 1960s Cubans and voted for Republicans you turdbrains would hate them.
Did you vote for that Obama asshole? Because if you did then he has troops in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Iraq. The sonofabitch was at war every day of his administration. He had troops in Iraq for three years, bombed the hell out of Libya and escalated the war in Afghanistan. You are not a hypocritical piece of shit are you?
Yes I did vote for him. And I withdrew my support for his policies 18 months later for those very reasons.

BTW, I gave Bush a whole 2 years before I stopped supporting his policies.

Stop being a fucking pussy and blaming all of Obama's failures on Bush. It just makes you look like a fool when you post that silly trash.
No, it is FALSE. See Post # 643.
People seeking asylum are not criminals, you inhuman piece of shit.

They are when they break the laws of the US on unlawful entry you dumbass.

Using our generous laws of asylum to circumvent our immigration laws is despicable and illegal you stupid Moon Bat.

We have enough of Mexico and the other Central America countries exporting their poverty to the US. Thank god Trump is putting an end to it.

Shame on you filthy ass Liberals for supporting all these assholes flooding into this country just to shore up the voting rolls of the despicable failing Democrat Party and their agenda to make America a socialist shithole.

Overwhelming majorities support a path to citizenship, DACA and not building a wall. If 70% of voters are liberal, Republicans are in trouble.
Again you compare felonies and violent crimes to misdemeanors. They should not be in prisons.

They have been refused entry and are being allowed to see what the Trump people want them to see. They should be allowed entry into any facility since they are funding it.
I'm not comparing felonies and violent crimes to misdemeanors., Mr. Diversion. But you did agree with me that the kids should not be in prisons. OK. So that measn they have to be SEPARATED from the parents, who DO go to the prisons.
The defenders of Trumpism are sociopathic. No one with empathy and common sense sees anything but good in this policy. Pointing fingers at Obama is easy, providing proof is non existent and support for this policy is EVIL.
pics from 2014.

Here Are The Photos Of Obama’s Illegal Immigrant Detention Facilities The Media Won’t Show You

now please deny or ok it.

The Daily Caller? Seriously, try to find something which provides context for these photos.
Obama officials rushed to explain photos from 2014 that went viral showing locked-up immigrant children — and Trump's facilities look the same

if this isn't an obama issue, why are they in a rush to explain it?

There were some sad detention facilities in the Obama era--not anything like the Nazi concentration camps--the kids were not mistreated--but quite grim. We are doing a much MUCH better job of caring for the kids now--10% are temporarily separated from their families by now--90% we are holding were brought in by others who aren't family.

Watch the video Post #671 and refute it if you can.

And I call ignorant and dishonest any who will not watch it but want to keep spewing the leftwing dishonest hate speech re what is happening at the border without informing themselves of what the actual situation is.

In fact, here is the video again:

So what you are saying is Filthy Don is not a true leader and should pass the buck. NICE!

President Trump is working hands on with Congress to get a bill passed that will remedy the problem. He is unwilling to give an illegal executive order that will overturn an existing U.S. law and thereby make the problem worse, but he is doing his damndest to work hands on with Congress to fix the law and has promised he'll sign a bill that fixes it.

Congress is given the sole constitutional authority to pass the laws governing immigration and the President's job is to implement the laws they pass.

Chuck Schumer says he won't help but it should be the President who does it, even though even the Washington Post says Obama's illegal executive order 'fix' made the problem much much worse and even though Schumer knows full well the President has no legal authority to do so. He doesn't give a damn about the kids or illegal immigration. His sole motivation is to trash the President.

Is that your sole motivation?

Now any of you who actually give a damn about those kids should be calling, e-mailing, texting, telegraming your elected representatives and demanding that they fix the problem. They could pass the bill today, the President would sign it today, and it would be done.
Obviously it isn't about the kids. It's only about attacking Trump. I really do believe most Americans have common sense and see through this Democrat-manufactured outrage hoax. They know what's going on.
Overwhelming majorities support a path to citizenship, DACA and not building a wall. If 70% of voters are liberal, Republicans are in trouble.
Where did those ludicrous notions come from ? More fake polls like the ones that said Hillary was going to win ? Republicans are in the same (or better) conditons that Trump was in 2016.
It's being reported that Trump is considering issuing an Executive Order to end the separation of illegal kids from illegal adults, since Congress again can not do its job by actually passing legislation. (Mush like non-existent 'DACA', though, this problem is not one the Democrats WANT to solve. They prefer it remain a mid-term BS issue...)

If that happens, look for the liberals / Democrats / snowflakes to immediately condemn / bash the sh!t out of Trump the 1st time one of the kids re-united with adults gets raped or hurt by the adult they have been re-united with....
Again you compare felonies and violent crimes to misdemeanors. They should not be in prisons.

They have been refused entry and are being allowed to see what the Trump people want them to see. They should be allowed entry into any facility since they are funding it.
I'm not comparing felonies and violent crimes to misdemeanors., Mr. Diversion. But you did agree with me that the kids should not be in prisons. OK. So that measn they have to be SEPARATED from the parents, who DO go to the prisons.

I don't agree with a racist like you on anything. Franklin Graham is right when he calls the practice disgusting. Families should not be in prisons. They should be in the proper facilities.

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