Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Without their parents. They have been separated from their parents by Trump. They are being held hostage for political gain. That is what terrorists do. If things are so great then why are Congress people and Senators being kept from seeing them.
The same as ALL kids of jailed parents are separated, and have been for decades. You think American kids of murderers, burglars, embezzlers, etc, aren't separated from their parents ? This is standard procedure for EVERYBODY. What would YOU do ? Put them in adult prisons with fights, stabbings, sex abuse, ?

Congress and Senators are NOT being kept from seeing the good facilities. You just saw a video of it, didn't you ? What isn't being seen, is these nice facilities on mainstream liberal media. Instead, they are showing the rough processing centers, and scamming that these are the living facilities.

Again you compare felonies and violent crimes to misdemeanors. They should not be in prisons.

They have been refused entry and are being allowed to see what the Trump people want them to see. They should be allowed entry into any facility since they are funding it.

You've been very busy damning the President while spewing a whole bunch of stuff you can't show a semblance of evidence for and is just flatly untrue. Have you been there? Have you seen these so called Nazi concentration camps yourself. Has anybody who claims they exist seen them?

I have seen no evidence that they exist. But those who have been to the border and are willing to be intellectually honest know better and are reporting a much different scenario.

Watch the video. Tell me where she and others reporting first hand. . .there. . .at the scene last night. . .got it wrong.

It's being reported that Trump is considering issuing an Executive Order to end the separation of illegal kids from illegal adults, since Congress again can not do its job by actually passing legislation. (Mush like non-existent 'DACA', though, this problem is not one the Democrats WANT to solve. They prefer it remain a mid-term BS issue...)

If that happens, look for the liberals / Democrats / snowflakes to immediately condemn / bash the sh!t out of Trump the 1st time one of the kids re-united with adults gets raped or hurt by the adult they have been re-united with....

Trump started it and can end it on his own. That means establishing the proper facilities.
I don't agree with a racist like you on anything. Franklin Graham is right when he calls the practice disgusting. Families should not be in prisons. They should be in the proper facilities.
Why the hell is everyone calling me a "racist". I never said anything racist against anybody. Wow! Who the hell am I supposed to be racist against ?

There were some sad detention facilities in the Obama era--not anything like the Nazi concentration camps--the kids were not mistreated--but quite grim. We are doing a much MUCH better job of caring for the kids now--10% are temporarily separated from their families by now--90% we are holding were brought in by others who aren't family.

Watch the video Post #671 and refute it if you can.

And I call ignorant and dishonest any who will not watch it but want to keep spewing the leftwing dishonest hate speech re what is happening at the border without informing themselves of what the actual situation is.

In fact, here is the video again:

So what you are saying is Filthy Don is not a true leader and should pass the buck. NICE!

President Trump is working hands on with Congress to get a bill passed that will remedy the problem. He is unwilling to give an illegal executive order that will overturn an existing U.S. law and thereby make the problem worse, but he is doing his damndest to work hands on with Congress to fix the law and has promised he'll sign a bill that fixes it.

Congress is given the sole constitutional authority to pass the laws governing immigration and the President's job is to implement the laws they pass.

Chuck Schumer says he won't help but it should be the President who does it, even though even the Washington Post says Obama's illegal executive order 'fix' made the problem much much worse and even though Schumer knows full well the President has no legal authority to do so. He doesn't give a damn about the kids or illegal immigration. His sole motivation is to trash the President.

Is that your sole motivation?

Now any of you who actually give a damn about those kids should be calling, e-mailing, texting, telegraming your elected representatives and demanding that they fix the problem. They could pass the bill today, the President would sign it today, and it would be done.

we need a joint bill to resolve immigration as an issue. instead we slap it around as politically needed to demonize the other side.
Obviously, we need to cut through the rhetorical bullshit one more time.

1) The rules about detaining children HAVE NOT changed. Trump IS NOT doing anything new in regards to detaining children. The government has been required to release children from detention within 20 days ever since the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals extended the Flores Consent Decree (aka the Flores Settlement) to include accompanied minors in 2016. What Trump has changed is how we deal with adults. Where Obama used the Flores Settlement and the accompanying Ninth Circuit ruling as an excuse to give adults a free pass if they could claim to be part of a family unit, Trump is insisting on treating those adults like the criminals they are.

2) Separation of children from adults happens only in three cases: if the adult is not the child's parent, if the adult is a threat to the child, or if the adult is put into criminal proceedings. In other words, the exact same circumstances under which a child would be taken from an adult even among our own citizenry.

3) When an illegal is prosecuted, he is taken into custody by the US Marshals. The US Marshals do not, EVER, take care of the children of people they take into custody, no matter who that person is or what they're being arrested for. Just as with anyone in this situation, the children are taken custody of by HHS, which cares for them in temporary shelters until they know whether the adult will be deported or will apply for asylum.

4) Assuming the illegal has not committed another crime, the criminal proceedings are short. Usually, the illegal pleads guilty, they are sentenced to time served, and they are returned to ICE. This typically happens in one day. At that point, the adult is reunited with the child, and the whole kit and kaboodle are deported back to where they came from. If the adult is truly concerned about being separated from the child, they can easily put an end to it.

5) The separation only becomes extended if the illegal immigrant himself chooses to make it so by applying for asylum. THAT procedure pretty much always takes longer than the government is allowed, by law, to hold the child. When that time limit is reached, the child is placed with a responsible party. Quite often, that is a relative or friend of the illegal immigrant, because illegal immigrants often have connections to people who are already in the country.

6) If the adult is held while their asylum claim is processed, it is likely to go through the system much more quickly, a couple of months as opposed to dragging on for years. If the adult is released into the population, he is highly unlikely to return for his court dates. We know this from experience.

7) There is no reason whatsoever for someone who is legitimately looking for asylum to cross the border illegally. They have only to approach a port of entry and state their desire for asylum. They are NOT arrested when they do this, and not separated from their children. The fact that border crossings dried up at the beginning of the Trump administration and only started again when rumors went around that the policy on the border had not changed indicates that the vast majority of these people are NOT refugees fleeing persecution, but simply prefer the economic benefits of being in the US.

8) In April, the New York Times reported:

Some migrants have admitted they brought their children not only to remove them from danger in such places as Central America and Africa, but because they believed it would cause the authorities to release them from custody sooner.

Others have admitted to posing falsely with children who are not their own, and Border Patrol officials say that such instances of fraud are increasing.

"It is common to have parents entrust their children to a smuggler as a favor or for profit.” -

But since our policies have favored family units over single adults, we have created an incentive to put children in peril. How can anyone who claims to care about the well-being of these children advocate policies which encourage their endangerment?

9) Congress has the power to change all of this by one simple vote. They can pass a law overruling the Flores Settlement; they can pass a law mandating family detention, and providing funding to make it possible. So why is it that the only bill that has been introduced in Congress to address this situation has come from the Republicans, who are being vilified, and the Democrats are too busy grandstanding for the media to propose anything at all?

You are the one who is using rhetorical bullshit.

This is a choice made by Trump and Sessions. That was made clear by Sessions. There is no doubt that this is happening and it has nothing to do with 1997.
The fact is that Trump can change it without any legislation.

Yes, enforcing the law instead of illegally ignoring it IS a choice made by Trump and Sessions. The content and requirements of the law, however, are NOT a choice by Trump and Sessions. The rhetorical bullshit on this subject is wholly on the part of the leftists, who insist a) that the President changed policy in regards to family separation, b) that the President can and should simply "choose" to change or ignore the law, or c) that there is no such law.

The FACT is that YOUR last President was violating the law whenever he unilaterally made or changed law without recourse to Congress. The FACT is that, unlike you, Republicans/conservatives did NOT elect a king to run our lives, and will not tolerate Trump behaving as one. The FACT is that, however much you scream that Trump can and should behave as Obama did, you would NOT accept it and would just use it as another club to beat him with, and neither we nor Trump (presumably) are naive enough to fall into that trap.

Unless and until you can prove to me that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals did NOT rule that all minors must be released from detention within 20 days, you will always, ALWAYS be a lying sack of shit when you claim that there is no such law.

A change to this law lies solely within the purview of Congress, which I note has seen THREE bills proposed to correct this issue, and not one of them has been proposed or supported by (so far) a Democrat. I also note that you have not ONCE said a single effing word about demanding that Congress change the law. All you do is demand that the President usurp Congressional power and do so illegally. Either you are dumber than a box of rocks and have no idea what the law IS in the United States, or you don't actually give a shit about the law, these kids, or the United States, and just want leverage for a political agenda.

Either is reprehensible, and YOU should feel ashamed of your behavior on this subject, rather than trying to claim some sort of moral high ground and lay guilt trips on others.
No, it is FALSE. See Post # 643.
People seeking asylum are not criminals, you inhuman piece of shit.

They are when they break the laws of the US on unlawful entry you dumbass.

Using our generous laws of asylum to circumvent our immigration laws is despicable and illegal you stupid Moon Bat.

We have enough of Mexico and the other Central America countries exporting their poverty to the US. Thank god Trump is putting an end to it.

Shame on you filthy ass Liberals for supporting all these assholes flooding into this country just to shore up the voting rolls of the despicable failing Democrat Party and their agenda to make America a socialist shithole.

Overwhelming majorities support a path to citizenship, DACA and not building a wall. If 70% of voters are liberal, Republicans are in trouble.

Are the polls that says that "overwhelming majorities support a path to citizenship, DACA and not building a wall" the same polls that said Crooked Hillary was going to win by an EC landslide?

Fuck the Illegals. Only a dumbshit would justify other countries to export their poverty here.
Trump started it and can end it on his own. That means establishing the proper facilities.
The proper facilities are already established. Haven't you seen the photos and videos earlier in this thread ? Get with it.
Incidentally, those people coming in with their own children KNOW that if they are considered for refugee status, they cannot stay with their children for the entire investigation and processing because the law will not allow it. They have the option to leave with their kids or allow the separation. Babies are NOT being ripped from their mothers' arms as the dishonest left would have us believe.
Without their parents. They have been separated from their parents by Trump. They are being held hostage for political gain. That is what terrorists do. If things are so great then why are Congress people and Senators being kept from seeing them.
The same as ALL kids of jailed parents are separated, and have been for decades. You think American kids of murderers, burglars, embezzlers, etc, aren't separated from their parents ? This is standard procedure for EVERYBODY. What would YOU do ? Put them in adult prisons with fights, stabbings, sex abuse, ?

Congress and Senators are NOT being kept from seeing the good facilities. You just saw a video of it, didn't you ? What isn't being seen, is these nice facilities on mainstream liberal media. Instead, they are showing the rough processing centers, and scamming that these are the living facilities.

Again you compare felonies and violent crimes to misdemeanors. They should not be in prisons.

They have been refused entry and are being allowed to see what the Trump people want them to see. They should be allowed entry into any facility since they are funding it.

You've been very busy damning the President while spewing a whole bunch of stuff you can't show a semblance of evidence for and is just flatly untrue. Have you been there? Have you seen these so called Nazi concentration camps yourself. Has anybody who claims they exist seen them?

I have seen no evidence that they exist. But those who have been to the border and are willing to be intellectually honest know better and are reporting a much different scenario.

Watch the video. Tell me where she and others reporting first hand. . .there. . .at the scene last night. . .got it wrong.

I am not interested in seeing propaganda from state run media. Why are Democrats being denied their right to oversight.
You Simple, Boy? :113:
No. I just don't speak or understand leftist yammermuck. We conservative prefer clear, American Engish. And I'm 72 years old, boy.

Don't play dumb, Boy. That's a lot of WeakWhyte Racist hate in your posts. Amazung.

Racist? Would that be like somebody that voted for Obama who attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews?

You Libtards hated Hispancis when they were Cuban refugees that mostly voted Republican so don't give me any of your racist bullshit.
You are being dishonest, you surely know that when people rob houses or stores and bring their kids with them waiting in the car alas Raising Arizona, the robber goes to prison and is seperated fom the child. The difference is in immigration itcs no more then 20 days, and most of these children did not come with parents, in fact many are saved from human traffickers.
SO to change these Dems 20 day law get your State Reps and Senators to stop filibustering and change the laws and stop the loooholes that created this technique of bringing kids with strangers and parents.

Do you blame Trump for your forgetting to change your dispensed toilet paper roll too?
View attachment 199791
Are these kids trying to rob your house? You inhuman piece of shit.

This is Trump policy. At least have the balls to take ownership over your own actions.
Now I know why you are so easily manipulated by MSM, the topic turned to an analogy of your home being entered and you
1) diverted it back which is what you do in political discussions and blame.
2)admitted it's a crime to enter unannounced and without permission.
check mated yourself.....oops.
Simple.....all other administrations charged any one crossing the border illegally was charged with a "civil" crime....Adolph trump has decided to charge them all....including asylum seekers "criminally". This gives the Great Leader an excuse to separate the children from parents.....simply put....the Bastard has a hot place reserved for him in Hell....scum....
Yes, those other administrations (Bush, Clinton, Obama) were NEGLIGENT in their # 1 duty >> PROTECTING the American people. Like Trump,they should have been charging all violators of US Code 8 Section 1325 (Entering without inspection) with the CRIME that it is.

That makes Trump a HERO, not a villain. The villains are the past presidents who are guilty of dereliction of duty.

Trump is the EVIL villain here. The other administrations had something called a heart and I am glad they did not traumatize and terrorize children the way Trump and Sessions have. We should hold a Nuremburg style tribunal on Trump and Sessions.

If any of that were true, you would have actually answered the points I made, rather than just giving me brief one-offs of adolescent hysteria. The fact that you have offered nothing on this subject except "You're eeeeeevil! Feel bad about it! Right now!!!! Arrrrggggh!" is the surest proof that you are wrong, and you know you're wrong, and you don't give a shit about being wrong OR about those kids you pretend to be anguished over. They're just tools to you.

Take your guilt trip and shove it. I wouldn't feel guilty on the say-so of hypocritical, lying trash like you anyway, and I CERTAINLY am not accepting it on this subject. You leftist garbage had EIGHT YEARS to fix the law on illegal immigration, and you didn't do a damned thing except ignore it. Now Republicans have to fix the mess you neglected, and there is not ONE WORD of your bitching and whining about how we do it that has any moral standing.
The Trump supporter is the epitome of a uninformed voter. voted for people because they offered "HOPE" and then "CHANGE"...Trump supporters voted for Donald Trump based on what he promised to do with the economy, with immigration and with foreign affairs. Not vague promises like Barry and Hillary but actual promises that he's living up to one by one despite feverish opposition from the left and the Main Stream Media! So who's REALLY the uninformed voter here, BB?

You are the uninformed voter. Many of the things he said are never going to happen. For example, coal is not coming back. It is dying because of natural gas and that is not going away. Remember Carrier. Most pf those jobs are gone permanently.

You seem to think that coal is obsolete, BB and I'm not quite sure what you base that on! The US was the second largest producer of coal in 2015 and only fell to third in 2016 because three of the largest coal companies in the US had filed bankruptcy. They're all back now and operating and much of that is due to Donald Trump's attitude towards Big Coal. The low price of natural gas did in fact depress the demand for coal but the price of natural gas is now creeping up again and coal mining is increasing.

I'd like to point out that manufacturing jobs in US are seeing gains unlike what we've had in a LONG LONG time...something that Obama and you progressives said was never going to happen...something else that is due to Trump's policies.

The move is towards clean energy. That will not change. The fact is that coal is obsolete in the US. If it weren't Trump would not be considering forcing electricity producers to buy and pay a exorbitant price for coal.

I am not a progressive. However jobs started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Neither Obama or Trump are responsible for this. There are certain advantages to being in the US that no politician can screw up.
You're clueless.

Natural gas 31.7%
Coal 30.1%

Those are the top two. 1.6% behind the leader is obsolete?

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.
The Daily Caller? Seriously, try to find something which provides context for these photos.
Obama officials rushed to explain photos from 2014 that went viral showing locked-up immigrant children — and Trump's facilities look the same

if this isn't an obama issue, why are they in a rush to explain it?

There were some sad detention facilities in the Obama era--not anything like the Nazi concentration camps--the kids were not mistreated--but quite grim. We are doing a much MUCH better job of caring for the kids now--10% are temporarily separated from their families by now--90% we are holding were brought in by others who aren't family.

Watch the video Post #671 and refute it if you can.

And I call ignorant and dishonest any who will not watch it but want to keep spewing the leftwing dishonest hate speech re what is happening at the border without informing themselves of what the actual situation is.

In fact, here is the video again:

So what you are saying is Filthy Don is not a true leader and should pass the buck. NICE!

President Trump is working hands on with Congress to get a bill passed that will remedy the problem. He is unwilling to give an illegal executive order that will overturn an existing U.S. law and thereby make the problem worse, but he is doing his damndest to work hands on with Congress to fix the law and has promised he'll sign a bill that fixes it.

Congress is given the sole constitutional authority to pass the laws governing immigration and the President's job is to implement the laws they pass.

Chuck Schumer says he won't help but it should be the President who does it, even though even the Washington Post says Obama's illegal executive order 'fix' made the problem much much worse and even though Schumer knows full well the President has no legal authority to do so. He doesn't give a damn about the kids or illegal immigration. His sole motivation is to trash the President.

Is that your sole motivation?

Now any of you who actually give a damn about those kids should be calling, e-mailing, texting, telegraming your elected representatives and demanding that they fix the problem. They could pass the bill today, the President would sign it today, and it would be done.

we need a joint bill to resolve immigration as an issue. instead we slap it around as politically needed to demonize the other side.

During the Horowitz hearings this week, some of the Democrats didn't want to talk about his investigation but instead caterwauled--most dishonestly--about the terrible treatment of people at the border. In both the Senate and the House, GOP members said there are bills to fix the problem being finalized as they spoke and invited the Democratic members to co-sponsor them.
Why do you bring Trump into everything especially the 20 day rule which is a Dem enacted law. The PRES wants congress to stop playing politics and change the laws.
Schumer showed yesterday with his Bob Dole pen gesturing imitation, that he's about milking this narrative longer thus fighting against lowering the retention to 7 days or closing these loop holes.
Not playing politics? Trump is kidnapping kids to extort Congress to pay for his bullshit wall.
Name 1 person Trump personally kidnapped and where were they held and for how long.
Yep you blame Trump for your empty toilet paper roll alright, cause you throw around a lot of ****.
Except the problem hasn't grown. The number of undocumented immigrants leveled off in 2009 and has remained flat ever since.


Not that really is ANY EXCUSE to put children in a concentration camp to deter their parents from trying to enter the country.
It grew under Clinton and Bush, and it sure didn't go away under Obama, with his Catch & Release policies. Maybe more of the newer arrivals decided to go the anchor baby welfare route, instead of swiping a job.

As for your SCAM talk about "a concentration camp", the kids have to go somewhere while their parent(s) are incarcerated. Where would you put them ? In jail with their parents, with criminals, fights, stabbings, etc ?

The places they're being housed, are top grade. They are in very, comfortable, air-conditioned facilities, in clean, nice bedrooms, with very clean, well-equipped kitchens, good food, computers, play soccer, attend classes, get counseling, medical/dental care. In short, they're treated 100 times better than AMERICAN kids of jailed parents, who also are separated from their parents, but don't get all these massive freebies.

See Post # 228.

With no parents. The fact is what they have committed is a misdemeanor. You want to compare violent crimes to this which is stupid and denotes your desperation.

The FACT is that there is no amount of screaming, "Misdemeanor! Misdemeanor!" that is going to make your traitorous view that border crossing should be ignored valid in anyone's eyes. IF it is the first time they've done so, it is a misdemeanor, but that's irrelevant. What matters is that it's a misdemeanor which carries a penalty of being arrested. You know as much about law and the definitions of legal terms as you do about being a decent, honest human being, which is to say, not a damned thing.

I don't need to compare it to anything, fool. YOU are the one trying to draw analogies, and they're all bullshit. All I have to do is state fact, which is that crossing the border illegally has a mandated punishment of arrest, incarceration, and deportation. Period. End of discussion.
Um, no, he lost by 3 million votes.. If you want to argue that Immigration was on the ballot in 2016, then the current policies LOST.

Previous presidents didn't separate parents from their children, or house thousands of people in concentration camps.
1. Um YEAH, he WON by 10 million AMERICAN votes. After we get rid of all the illegals, dumb vote counters won't be counting illegal alien votes anymore. Making America great again.

2. Every previous president from Washington to Trump separated jailed parents from their children. In everything from immigration to robbery, to burglary, to arson, to bad checks, etc. I don't recall seeing groups of kids sitting in jail cells with their parents, do you ? o_O

1. Clinton won by 3 million American votes. You people have not come close to proving 3 million votes were illegally cast.

2. Previous presidents did not separate children from their families you lying little weasel.

Clinton did NOT win by 3 million votes. She didn't win by anything. She LOST. Thank you for demonstrating that you are as much of a driveling idiot on the subject of elections as you are about law, immigration, and being a decent, honest human being.

Previous Presidents either a) had the option of housing families together (which I cannot point out enough is not the law now because LEFTISTS insisted it shouldn't be) or b) illegally ignored the law and released illegal immigrants into the population to disappear. Yes, I'm aware that that is your REAL goal, and I'm aware that your only interest in these children is as pawns to accomplish that. No, it's not going to happen.
Simple.....all other administrations charged any one crossing the border illegally was charged with a "civil" crime....Adolph trump has decided to charge them all....including asylum seekers "criminally". This gives the Great Leader an excuse to separate the children from parents.....simply put....the Bastard has a hot place reserved for him in Hell....scum....
Yes, those other administrations (Bush, Clinton, Obama) were NEGLIGENT in their # 1 duty >> PROTECTING the American people. Like Trump,they should have been charging all violators of US Code 8 Section 1325 (Entering without inspection) with the CRIME that it is.

That makes Trump a HERO, not a villain. The villains are the past presidents who are guilty of dereliction of duty.

Trump is the EVIL villain here. The other administrations had something called a heart and I am glad they did not traumatize and terrorize children the way Trump and Sessions have. We should hold a Nuremburg style tribunal on Trump and Sessions.

If any of that were true, you would have actually answered the points I made, rather than just giving me brief one-offs of adolescent hysteria. The fact that you have offered nothing on this subject except "You're eeeeeevil! Feel bad about it! Right now!!!! Arrrrggggh!" is the surest proof that you are wrong, and you know you're wrong, and you don't give a shit about being wrong OR about those kids you pretend to be anguished over. They're just tools to you.

Take your guilt trip and shove it. I wouldn't feel guilty on the say-so of hypocritical, lying trash like you anyway, and I CERTAINLY am not accepting it on this subject. You leftist garbage had EIGHT YEARS to fix the law on illegal immigration, and you didn't do a damned thing except ignore it. Now Republicans have to fix the mess you neglected, and there is not ONE WORD of your bitching and whining about how we do it that has any moral standing.

You can take your crap and shove it up your ass. You and your lying trash Trump are a evil that infests this country. Bush tried to fix the problem in a bi-partisan manner with the gang of eight bill. Racists like you trashed it. Those kids are your tools. Tools to terrorize children. Voters do not agree with you. That is why Republicans who have a brain in their head realize the damage that is being done. That is why even Ted Cruz is backtracking.

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.

Coal is a great fuel. Lots of good jobs. If Crooked Hillary had not listened to the stupid environmental wackos then she may have done better in the coal states and be President now.

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