Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam


No fuck you. You don't separate kids from their parents you raving asshole.
So if a guy is a single parent widower (no other relatives), and he robs a convenience store, shoots the clerk, get arrested, and put in a mean-ass prison, you don't separate the kids from him ?

You put them in that mean-ass prison (fights, sex abuse, stabbings, drugs, etc) with him ? If not, you're separating them, right ? WHAT DO YOU DO ?

Social Service will provide an emergency Foster Home Placement (FHP) for a dependent child while concurrently seeking a relative willing, able and stable to foster the child.

The child will be supervised in the FHP by a lead Social Worker employed by Social Service and placed in a safe and fully vetted / licensed home, most of which are owned and operated by the private sector, including religious organizations. The vast majority have a capacity of six minors, each child will have a bedroom with only one other child.

The child will be represented by a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) or guardian ad litem and the Court will find the minor to be a dependent ward of the court under (CA law) 300 W&I, et seq. The Court will follow the progress/care of the minor at regular reviews until such time as the minor turn 18, or if returned to the parent(s) or other relative, or if the parental rights are taken from them adopted or raised by Foster Parents.

Of course none of the Mothers and Fathers in the current crisis have robbed a store, shoot a clerk and been arrested. The claim by Trump that all people of color are murderers, rapists and only some are good people is only believed by easily led fools and racists.

Again, these people have crossed the border for over 100 years to work on farms. Now Jeff Sessions is spending god no how much in taxpayer dollars to prosecute them, seperate their children from them, so we are now housing and feeding them, while it is tramatizing these kids.

You know I used to be a life long Republican before this party made this Ass Clown the poster boy of it. This party has turned into nothing but a bunch of hateful racists, and right now if I found a Republican that was O.K. with what is going on down at the border I would like to kick the living shit out of them.

It's disgusting. Now I know what Hillary Clinton meant by DEPLORABLE.


Laura Bush pens scathing column on child separation as part of immigration policy - CNNPolitics
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Prove it.
The plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty doesn't say, "Cross this line and we will F you in the A!"


The New Colossus
By Emma Lazarus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”​


Let's just be clear here, because leftists LOVE quoting that stupid poem as though it has some force of law.

The last line of that poem, as BlackSand has so kindly told us, says, "I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" You will notice, if you look on a map, that she's standing next to Ellis Island, the primary LEGAL PORT OF ENTRY of that time period. You will further notice that she is NOT standing out in the desert, next to the fucking Rio Grande River. In other words, "We want new people . . . provided you bring your ass here legally!"
Um, no, he lost by 3 million votes.. If you want to argue that Immigration was on the ballot in 2016, then the current policies LOST.

Previous presidents didn't separate parents from their children, or house thousands of people in concentration camps.
1. Um YEAH, he WON by 10 million AMERICAN votes. After we get rid of all the illegals, dumb vote counters won't be counting illegal alien votes anymore. Making America great again.

2. Every previous president from Washington to Trump separated jailed parents from their children. In everything from immigration to robbery, to burglary, to arson, to bad checks, etc. I don't recall seeing groups of kids sitting in jail cells with their parents, do you ? o_O

1. Clinton won by 3 million American votes. You people have not come close to proving 3 million votes were illegally cast.

2. Previous presidents did not separate children from their families you lying little weasel.

Clinton did NOT win by 3 million votes. She didn't win by anything. She LOST. Thank you for demonstrating that you are as much of a driveling idiot on the subject of elections as you are about law, immigration, and being a decent, honest human being.

Previous Presidents either a) had the option of housing families together (which I cannot point out enough is not the law now because LEFTISTS insisted it shouldn't be) or b) illegally ignored the law and released illegal immigrants into the population to disappear. Yes, I'm aware that that is your REAL goal, and I'm aware that your only interest in these children is as pawns to accomplish that. No, it's not going to happen.

Quit lying. Trump lost by 3 million American votes. If you want to count dumb votes then Trump would have lost the popular vote by Goldwater type margins. You are the driveling idiot who relies on propaganda for your facts.

Every previous President did not separate children from their parents for the simple act of crossing the border. There is no law that forces Trump to do this. It is the result of a stated policy by Sessions.
"Wow. They can’t even interview me on THE CHILDREN -- their winningest issue -- without editing the tape." - Wacky Ann Coulter

There were some sad detention facilities in the Obama era--not anything like the Nazi concentration camps--the kids were not mistreated--but quite grim. We are doing a much MUCH better job of caring for the kids now--10% are temporarily separated from their families by now--90% we are holding were brought in by others who aren't family.

Watch the video Post #671 and refute it if you can.

And I call ignorant and dishonest any who will not watch it but want to keep spewing the leftwing dishonest hate speech re what is happening at the border without informing themselves of what the actual situation is.

In fact, here is the video again:

Fox is state run propaganda for Donald Trump. What is being hidden in these areas that members of Congress are not being allowed to see.

Good question. A jailer in Texas was recently arrested for molesting a 4-year old child. We should demand an open and transparent inspection by Congress and the Press.

the press doesnt need to be involved in trials.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

this is the issue...

The Media Are Lying About Trump Separating Illegal Immigrant Families. Here’s The Truth.

More specifically, it’s several lies.

1. Trump Created Separation Of Children From Illegal Immigrant Parents. This is plainly false. In 1997, the federal government made an agreement in a case called Flores not to keep unaccompanied illegal immigrant children in custody beyond twenty days. The settlement said nothing about accompanied illegal immigrant children – children who crossed the border with their parents. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals then ruled that accompanied children also could not be held in custody under the terms of the settlement. This meant that the government either had to release whole families, or that the government had to separate parents from children.

2. Immigrants Seeking Asylum Are Being Punished For Seeking Asylum. This is plainly untrue as well. Immigrants who come to points of entry to seek asylum aren’t actually illegally in the country – they’re not arrested. They’re processed through ICE, and their children stay with them.

If, however, illegal immigrants cross the border illegally, the Trump administration now treats them as criminals. If they choose deportation, they aren’t separated from their kids; if they choose to apply for asylum, they stay in the country longer than 20 days, and their kids have to be removed by operation of law.

The so-called conservative media is crooked as hell. I wouldn't believe them if they said the sun was going to come up. I suppose those children in the facilities are a figment of our imaginations.

The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.
aka................Catch and deal...........get used to crying because it isn't going to happen.

The law is being enforced.....and this political black mail will be rejected............Elections have lost.

It's simple............repeal the Flores law...........and no longer tie ICE's hands.............Same law under Obama and you guys weren't up in arms..........................Hypocrisy at it's finest......

Now back to the tear jerker comments from the left.


Since I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton, America lost when they both were nominated. The Flores law has nothing to do with it. Trump can do it himself. He doesn't need Congress.

"The law doesn't matter. The President should just ignore the law and do whatever he wants. Fuck the Constitution!"

And that's why you leftist pusbags don't hold the Presidency any more.

Is Franklin Graham a leftist. Is Judge Napolitano a leftist. Is Ted Cruz a leftist. Your definition of a leftist is anyone who disagrees with Trump.
This has nothing to do with amnesty. This is about treating people humanely while their case is abjugated.
It is both inhumane AND Un-Constitutional AND Illegal to refuse to enforce existing US Law, to protect criminals against existing law, and give hope to millions of uneducated, unskilled foreign national would-be criminals who are intent on violating US law to come into the US.


Detainment at the US border is NOT the fault of the US government - no one 'officially' invited them here, and everyone knows it is illegal to criminally cross into the US in violation of our existing laws....but yet Democrats / Liberals continue to encourage / protect / defend it.

Under Obama, his administration even used tax dollars to create leaflets given to soon-to-be illegals on how to sign up for social programs / food stamps while hiding the fact that they are not US Citizens - using US tax dollars to do so. In essence Obama and his administration FACILITATED / FUNDED / ENCOURAGED both the crimes and the humanitarian crisis we now face.

-- Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally | Daily Mail Online

Obama protected Human Traffickers, encouraging / supporting the criminals who were paid to smuggle children into the US but criminals who also were notoriously famous for raping, murdering, and even enslaving children into the sex slave industry. 'Amazingly there was no 'outrage' from Democrats. Not only did he do this, he also used the US Govt to engage in human trafficking as well. His administration helped bring children / criminals into the US illegally then shipped them all over the US, illegally dumping them all over without notifying state and local agencies they were coming:

The President’s November 20 actions to grant deferred action on work permits to up to 5 million illegal aliens continued a long pattern of Executive overreach. The President has sought to rewrite immigration laws passed by Congress by taking administrative action via policy memoranda.

In our constitutional system, however, it is Congress that has plenary constitutional authority to establish U.S. immigration policy. Fundamental reform, which I support, requires democratic deliberation, public oversight, and, most of all, legislative action by Congress. The President’s policies to grant deferred action and not remove newly arriving undocumented aliens led to a surge of illegal immigration that reached its height earlier this year. In massive numbers, these aliens are being moved by the Administration into local communities throughout the United States.

Local community leaders are displeased with the lack of communication from the Federal Government concerning the relocation of UAMs.

Again, no outrage from Obama a$$-kissing snowflakes.
this is the issue...

The Media Are Lying About Trump Separating Illegal Immigrant Families. Here’s The Truth.

More specifically, it’s several lies.

1. Trump Created Separation Of Children From Illegal Immigrant Parents. This is plainly false. In 1997, the federal government made an agreement in a case called Flores not to keep unaccompanied illegal immigrant children in custody beyond twenty days. The settlement said nothing about accompanied illegal immigrant children – children who crossed the border with their parents. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals then ruled that accompanied children also could not be held in custody under the terms of the settlement. This meant that the government either had to release whole families, or that the government had to separate parents from children.

2. Immigrants Seeking Asylum Are Being Punished For Seeking Asylum. This is plainly untrue as well. Immigrants who come to points of entry to seek asylum aren’t actually illegally in the country – they’re not arrested. They’re processed through ICE, and their children stay with them.

If, however, illegal immigrants cross the border illegally, the Trump administration now treats them as criminals. If they choose deportation, they aren’t separated from their kids; if they choose to apply for asylum, they stay in the country longer than 20 days, and their kids have to be removed by operation of law.

The so-called conservative media is crooked as hell. I wouldn't believe them if they said the sun was going to come up. I suppose those children in the facilities are a figment of our imaginations.

The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.
aka................Catch and deal...........get used to crying because it isn't going to happen.

The law is being enforced.....and this political black mail will be rejected............Elections have lost.

It's simple............repeal the Flores law...........and no longer tie ICE's hands.............Same law under Obama and you guys weren't up in arms..........................Hypocrisy at it's finest......

Now back to the tear jerker comments from the left.


Since I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton, America lost when they both were nominated. The Flores law has nothing to do with it. Trump can do it himself. He doesn't need Congress.

"The law doesn't matter. The President should just ignore the law and do whatever he wants. Fuck the Constitution!"

And that's why you leftist pusbags don't hold the Presidency any more.

Is Franklin Graham a leftist. Is Judge Napolitano a leftist. Is Ted Cruz a leftist. Your definition of a leftist is anyone who disagrees with Trump.

No..... they are weak. They are being played by the democrats who didn't say boo about this when obama was doing it, but with the successes of Trump, they now need to lie about the border to score points.

Where were Graham, and Napolitano when obama was dong this?
I doubt that otherwise you'd have sources to research context.
According to Dems drawn up laws they are criminals. IF someone steals your car are they a criminal? WHY is one broken law a criminal while another isn't, simply because you need to pander to their brethren or steal cheat their illegal votes? Gotcha!
People seeking asylum are not criminals. People coming to our borders are not criminals. This whole immigration thing is just a made up, bullshit issue created by republicans. No different than the bullshit voter fraud rant. No different than their other lies like Hussein had WMD's, Muslims are terrorists, this is a Christian nation...

...they're all bullshit lies. There is no immigration problem.

People GENUINELY seeking asylum don't sneak through the scrub brush at the border. They walk right up to the port of entry and state their desire for asylum. In return for their respect for our laws, they are not arrested or jailed.

People who sneak through the desert and get caught, THEN try to claim they want asylum to avoid being deported ARE criminals. You can tell this by how they broke the law (I'm explaining because leftists seem to be a bit weak on the logic chain of "criminals are people who break the law, so breaking the law makes you a criminal").

"There is no immigration problem." Are you saying that there are no people sneaking into the country? Because if that's so, then why are you screaming about children being "ripped away" from their parents, which obviously isn't happening, since there are no people from whom the children can be "ripped away". Or are you saying that people sneaking into the country isn't a problem? I'm fairly sure that's what you actually THINK, but then, Trump is President primarily because a lot of people disagree with that sentiment.
The Democrats did attempt to deal with it in the Senate however Republicans filibustered it. The Democrats also offered a compromise earlier this year and Trump turned it down even though Democrats offered money for a wall.
Democrats decided to give speeches and do crying photo-ops.
They did nothing else.

You are the liar.

'Trump tweeted, "Democrats are nowhere to be found on DACA."

This fact-check isn't about assigning blame to a political party for the lack of a DACA deal. In reality, both political parties likely bear some responsibility.

But Trump underplays and ignores the efforts of Democrats to reach a solution to help Dreamers, including meetings with Trump, bipartisan proposals, and a stated willingness to discuss border wall funding.

We rate Trump’s claim False.'

Trump claims Democrats absent from DACA negotiations

The Democrats didtalk compromise even on the wall but Trump turned it down.

You are the propagandist.

Your breath smells like ass.

Everything about you is a ass.
Well in the time period the statue was placed, and when the words rang true, it is when the world was a different place, and the world's citizen's we're a people wanting what the U.S. stood for, it's culture, it's freedom, and it's assimilation process.

We don't see this as being the case anymore in alot of these situations, and we have suffered greatly, and even have been killed as a result of uncontrolled immigration. Laura Ingram show tonight.

Times change, people change, and policy has to change because of it all.

Nostalgic bullcrap isn't working, so people need to quit trying to use it in this current day situation.

The Demon-crats using this issue to attack Trump is revealing, because his door is always open, but they refuse to go there to debate the issue in kind. They are dispicable or to use the words of Hillary in a backfire sort of way "they are deplorable".
Stop blaming the Dems. This is completely Trump and that piece of shit Sessions policy. They said during the campaign this is what they were going to do, and now they're doing it. So don't blame the Dems. This is Trump's America. Ripping babies from their mothers.

We're not going to stop blaming the Dems, because it's not going to stop being their fault. There is no grand total of lies you can tell about this which will change that fact.

Damned right they said during the election that they were going to enforce immigration law, and good on them for doing it. If you don't like the CONTENT of those laws, you're going to have to blame the people who put them into effect, and it wasn't Trump and Sessions.
The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.

Well, of course it has to do with the 1997 law, but even if there were no law, would you put children in adult prisons where fights, stabbings, drugs, sex abuse, etc all go on ? That's crazy, and that's why there IS a 1997 law.

Simple fact is you CAN'T incarcerate children along with their parents. That's what causes the separation, not any "policy" as Democrat scammers are trying to peddle. As for the crying kids, they calm down a lot, when they get into the nice air-conditioned, TV, computers, video games, good food centers they go to, shortly after the processing centers that Democrats try to have us think are where the kids are staying all the time.

And if Trump ended the separations, where would the kids go then ? I'm open to listen to SUGGESTIONS.

It has nothing to do with the 1997 rule. That is smokescreen cooked up by Nazis and racists like you. If Trump wanted to, he could end it today. The family should be kept in a family friendly facility together. They start crying when they ask about their parents. Children are being kept in tent cities in near 100 degree Texas heat. There is no air conditioning in a tent.

Riiiiight. The law is on the books, and specifies exactly what's happening, but why in the world would anyone think the two are related?

Oh, yeah. That would be because we all have more intelligence than a puddle of snot, unlike you.
This has nothing to do with amnesty. This is about treating people humanely while their case is abjugated.
It is both inhumane AND Un-Constitutional AND Illegal to refuse to enforce existing US Law, to protect criminals against existing law, and give hope to millions of uneducated, unskilled foreign national would-be criminals who are intent on violating US law to come into the US.


Detainment at the US border is NOT the fault of the US government - no one 'officially' invited them here, and everyone knows it is illegal to criminally cross into the US in violation of out existing laws....but yet Democrats / Liberals continue to encourage it.

Under Obama, his administration even used tax dollars to create leaflets given to soon-to-be illegals on how to sign up for social programs / food stamps while hiding the fact that they are not US Citizens - using US tax dollars to do so. In essence Obama and his administration FACILITATED / FUNDED / ENCOURAGED both the crimes and the humanitarian crisis we now face.

-- Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally | Daily Mail Online

Obama protected Human Traffickers, encouraging / supporting the criminals who were paid to smuggle children into the US but criminals who also were notoriously famous for raping, murdering, and even enslaving children into the sex slave industry. 'Amazingly there was no 'outrage' from Democrats. Not only did he do this, he also used the US Govt to engage in human trafficking as well. His administration helped bring children / criminals into the US illegally then shipped them all over the US, illegally dumping them all over without notifying state and local agencies they were coming:

The President’s November 20 actions to grant deferred action on work permits to up to 5 million illegal aliens continued a long pattern of Executive overreach. The President has sought to rewrite immigration laws passed by Congress by taking administrative action via policy memoranda.

In our constitutional system, however, it is Congress that has plenary constitutional authority to establish U.S. immigration policy. Fundamental reform, which I support, requires democratic deliberation, public oversight, and, most of all, legislative action by Congress. The President’s policies to grant deferred action and not remove newly arriving undocumented aliens led to a surge of illegal immigration that reached its height earlier this year. In massive numbers, these aliens are being moved by the Administration into local communities throughout the United States.

Local community leaders are displeased with the lack of communication from the Federal Government concerning the relocation of UAMs.

Again, no outrage from Obama a$$-kissing snowflakes.

You are saying what every two bit dictator says. This issue is not about whether there should be amnesty or not. It is about the treatment of detainees. It has nothing to do with airing your grievances on immigration.
They are when they break the laws of the US on unlawful entry you dumbass.

Using our generous laws of asylum to circumvent our immigration laws is despicable and illegal you stupid Moon Bat.

We have enough of Mexico and the other Central America countries exporting their poverty to the US. Thank god Trump is putting an end to it.

Shame on you filthy ass Liberals for supporting all these assholes flooding into this country just to shore up the voting rolls of the despicable failing Democrat Party and their agenda to make America a socialist shithole.
Don't give me this shit, you mother-fucker!

Fuck you!

Fuck you!

Fuck you!

You're okay when our military makes unlawful entry's in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and several African countries, but get your panties in a hooch when a few immigrants show up at our borders seeking asylum, you fucking hypocrite!

Fuck you, asshole!

You are barking up the wrong tree Moon Bat. I am a non interventionist so if anybody needs to go fuck themselves it needs to be you.

We need our military to guard our own borders against other countries exporting their poverty here. Those asshole Beaners that come here, sign up for welfare and then elect filthy ass Democrats that fuck up the economy and everything else.

"Asshole Beaners"; you are the problem that makes America into Amerika. Racism is a product of ignorance + fear x hateful pathology & = a fascist.

Why deny it, the words you use are sufficient to make that comparison.

Racist? LOL! I am not the one that voted for a racist asshole that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews.
These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics

But Americans WILL do ANY job, as long as they are PAID in full. No one should be expected to put in half their hours without pay. But that is what underpaying does. As long as the farmers pay a decent wage, with decent benefits, they'll have no trouble getting Americans to do ANY job for them. If they can't afford to pay that decent wage, then they can't afford to be in business, period.

AMERICANS are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not foreigners.

Americans are not going to be picking strawberries in blistering heat. I don't care how much you pay them.

Then why is employment of American citizens in the agriculture industry never lower than 70%?
The so-called conservative media is crooked as hell. I wouldn't believe them if they said the sun was going to come up. I suppose those children in the facilities are a figment of our imaginations.

The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.
aka................Catch and deal...........get used to crying because it isn't going to happen.

The law is being enforced.....and this political black mail will be rejected............Elections have lost.

It's simple............repeal the Flores law...........and no longer tie ICE's hands.............Same law under Obama and you guys weren't up in arms..........................Hypocrisy at it's finest......

Now back to the tear jerker comments from the left.

rump to do this. It ois a stated policy of hos administration.:CryingCow::CryingCow:

Since I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton, America lost when they both were nominated. The Flores law has nothing to do with it. Trump can do it himself. He doesn't need Congress.

"The law doesn't matter. The President should just ignore the law and do whatever he wants. Fuck the Constitution!"

And that's why you leftist pusbags don't hold the Presidency any more.

Because Obama wasn't doing it. There is no law forcing Trump to do this. This is a policy implemented by Trump.

Is Franklin Graham a leftist. Is Judge Napolitano a leftist. Is Ted Cruz a leftist. Your definition of a leftist is anyone who disagrees with Trump.

No..... they are weak. They are being played by the democrats who didn't say boo about this when obama was doing it, but with the successes of Trump, they now need to lie about the border to score points.

Where were Graham, and Napolitano when obama was dong this?
So then anyone can walk into your house and claim asylum from their spouse or any claimed victimization and it's not a crime/criminal?
Do you not know the difference between private and public property? You probably think someone showing up at your front door with a black eye, is only claiming victimization?

Or are they required to ring your door bell and ask permission to enter first?
They are required to ring my door bell and ask permission to enter first.

Just as I thought, you are a lawless one until that law is broken upon you then suddenly you cry the loudest about abiding laws.
There is no law that requires you to take the children of people showing up at your door.

You are just timing this spin to smokescreen the DOJ report. Everything is planed and tactical and concern is guided by puppet strings through exaggerated narratives. =pathetic politics.
Spin what? Trump policy of separating children from their families? Locking them up in internment camps? I suppose if they started throwing the babies into ovens, you'd blame it on the lack of beer for Russians at the World Cup?

Actually, fucknut, if someone breaks into your house with their kid in tow, there IS a law requiring them to put the child in the custody of Child Services after the parent is arrested. Did you not know that? Exactly what the fuck did you think happened to kids whose parents are arrested?

"Ohmigod, DHS is housing and caring for children! That's JUST like the Nazis! They're gonna throw them in ovens!"

If I didn't know you were a lying sack of shit on this issue before, this right here would have proven it.
No, it is FALSE. See Post # 643.
People seeking asylum are not criminals, you inhuman piece of shit.

No, they aren't. Because people seeking asylum don't sneak across the border. People who sneak across the border, however, ARE criminals. It doesn't stop being illegal just because YOU don't want that to be the law. Amazingly enough, YOU have all the weight and importance of water vapor when it comes to deciding the law.
The fact is that this has nothing to do with 1997. Sessions has made it very clear that this is a choice he has made. Trump can end it by ordering Sessions to end it. No legislation is needed.

Well, of course it has to do with the 1997 law, but even if there were no law, would you put children in adult prisons where fights, stabbings, drugs, sex abuse, etc all go on ? That's crazy, and that's why there IS a 1997 law.

Simple fact is you CAN'T incarcerate children along with their parents. That's what causes the separation, not any "policy" as Democrat scammers are trying to peddle. As for the crying kids, they calm down a lot, when they get into the nice air-conditioned, TV, computers, video games, good food centers they go to, shortly after the processing centers that Democrats try to have us think are where the kids are staying all the time.

And if Trump ended the separations, where would the kids go then ? I'm open to listen to SUGGESTIONS.

It has nothing to do with the 1997 rule. That is smokescreen cooked up by Nazis and racists like you. If Trump wanted to, he could end it today. The family should be kept in a family friendly facility together. They start crying when they ask about their parents. Children are being kept in tent cities in near 100 degree Texas heat. There is no air conditioning in a tent.

Riiiiight. The law is on the books, and specifies exactly what's happening, but why in the world would anyone think the two are related?

Oh, yeah. That would be because we all have more intelligence than a puddle of snot, unlike you.

There is no law that forces the separation of children from their parents. You have no intelligence to speak of.
Yes we have. You don't get to change the facts.
We did not lock up children after separating them from familes. Stop lying.

You can read the evidence. Those photos you see of children behind bars or in kennel like cages are from the Obama era. The children under state authority/protection now are being very well cared for. Much better than we treat our own citizens in such circumstances.

I'll be happy to offer an apology, once you provide the evidence that the photos posted are from the Obama era. Are you also claiming the photos and sound of children cry for their "mommy" are from the Obama era, or as one said on Fox they are fake and scripted?

You mean those tapes news chanels are playing--they don't actually show the kids of course. That has scam wriitten all over it. And the photos of kids in cages they are using absolutely are of the Obama era.

They have a bill working in Congress right now though to provide the President more flexiility to handle the problem, a flexibility the current law doesn't provide. President Trump is right there working with them helping to get it through.
Trump can end locking up kids today, and the photos are official Homeland Sec hand outs.

You're confused. The issue leftists are screeching about isn't "Trump locking up kids", it's Trump NOT locking up kids. You really need to keep on top of this stuff.

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