Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

The move is towards clean energy. That will not change. The fact is that coal is obsolete in the US. If it weren't Trump would not be considering forcing electricity producers to buy and pay a exorbitant price for coal.

I am not a progressive. However jobs started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Neither Obama or Trump are responsible for this. There are certain advantages to being in the US that no politician can screw up.
You're clueless.

Natural gas 31.7%
Coal 30.1%

Those are the top two. 1.6% behind the leader is obsolete?

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.
I just bitch slapped you with THE FACTS. I PROVED you wrong. Are you so fucking dense that you're just going to keep digging despite being proven to be uninformed?

Trump just caved on the issue and bitch slapped everyone that fell for his bullshit

the end
I predicted 3 or 4 days ago ON HERE that he would lose this fight so kindly fuck off troll

triggered another one ------------- :blowup:

Trump ripped nursing babies from mothers breast’s AND copped a feel while doing so
Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Sure. That's why they're having to build temporary tent cities to house the increased volume of children. :cuckoo:
*destroying the globe* (see below for how)
not just the country. Basically for mere political tactic the left is willing to destroy the earth- go figure.
**Here's how-if everyone can openly move anywhere and everyone chooses the thriving regions and flee the declining ones ( like they do with cities), then those brain drain, investment drained, and neglected declining regions (as with our cities)
become decaying and desolate and totally destroyed. This philosophy is inclined to fail as we see in resemblances to how this ends up with our own freedom to cross states and cities.
If you did an experiment and made California the only open border for immigration from the Americas, with no access to other States , then it would get so bad that the old and new Californians would sneak into the other States to find brighter pastures and that would answer your philosophical question right there, open borders is destined to fail.
SOME PEOPLE leave their neighborhoods, while others stick around to revitalize and RESTORE (in Hebrew=HaShev). What kind of person you are is by choice and the MSM is not mentioning that the retention of the Children who came unaccompanied and the children who came with cowering parents are both being empowered by motivational lessons regarding their unlimited potential and that they don't have to accept their circumstances as a status quo, that they can choose to make life better & be part of the changes, whether they make it here or in going back. LIGHTING THAT SPARK is not just
brilliant, it's the right thing and best thing that could happen for them in such a situation they were placed in by their parents and failed leadership of their country origin.

Nice Rant ^^^. Thank God you are only a hack and have no authority over anyone or anything.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.
Well the Russia scam did not work, The Stormy things did a bump and grind, the pee on bed did not work, and what ever did not work. Now we have putting kids in a Wal-Mart is now center stage.
We the People have spoken:

"President Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order to allow children to stay with parents caught crossing the border illegally -- moving to stop the family separations that have triggered a national outcry and political crisis for Republicans.

"The measure would allow children to stay in detention with parents for an extended period of time. This comes as congressional Republicans scramble to draft legislation to address the same issue, but face challenges mustering the votes."

Trump signs executive order to stop family separations at border

Please note he is placing minors in secure detention in complete disregard of the 5th Amendment:

"nor be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law".

Are those detained denied the right to keep in their possession a cell phone, have each of the thousands of children detained, committed a crime, have they been afforded due process which protects "any person"?

Trump, Sesson and Nielsen all took the oath of office and swore to support and defend the Constitution. Each of them, and those who have aided and abetted them have violated this oath.
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!
Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Sure. That's why they're having to build temporary tent cities to house the increased volume of children. :cuckoo:

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU called and lobbied to vote on the legislation being proposed this week? Hell, how many did you call and demand that THEY propose legislation to fix the problem?
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?
These people are migrant workers coming into this country to help American farmers bring in their harvests. Jobs that Americans won't do. A little migrant education would help you grow the other half of your brain.
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Trump-supporting farmers are worried that new immigration policies would be a disaster
Dairy farmers worry about immigration rhetoric - CNNPolitics

But Americans WILL do ANY job, as long as they are PAID in full. No one should be expected to put in half their hours without pay. But that is what underpaying does. As long as the farmers pay a decent wage, with decent benefits, they'll have no trouble getting Americans to do ANY job for them. If they can't afford to pay that decent wage, then they can't afford to be in business, period.

AMERICANS are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not foreigners.

Americans are not going to be picking strawberries in blistering heat. I don't care how much you pay them.
So just stand from afar while looking down on the lowly strawberry pickers eh ??

You see this nation is so hypocritical that it isn't funny now.

I mean how many years has this nation been against racism now or rather it claims to be against racism or class warfare ?? But it is suggested that those brown short people are more suited to pick them strawberries in the broiling heat than the more refined upstanding locals who are standing on the sidelines looking down at them ?? Interesting.

I remember going to the fields as a young man, and working along side the black folks in those fields. I also sweated in the heat side by side with them. Never killed me, only made me stronger in life.

What would you rather have, American youth idling out until hooked on drugs, sitting in front of a computer or phone screen until their parents evict them at 30 years old ?? Committing suicide by the thousands, having sex out of boredom until bring children into the world that are then aborted ?? What don't you understand about the American youth needing to be introduced to the part time or summertime job markets once again ??

If the Americans are to good to work, then how does other nation's people figure that they need to take up the slack for these feeble human beings that have now been created here ??

Hasn't the nation learned by the history of the slavery situation, that if you look down on people as if they are peasants only worthy of working and nothing more, then somewhere in the future it all comes back to haunt ??
Republicans should be proud
The inhuman treatment of immigrants is what the base demands
I think we should satisfy the republican base, so I've come up with a new plan. Granted, its a little strong, but these are extreme times. And lets face it, strength gives the republican right orgasms.

My immigrant plan goes like this....................shoot them!

We line up snipers and when they get within a 100 meters of our US border, we take'em out! Or we can knee-cap them. Or just shoot them with hollow points and call it a day. Just look at the debate time we're saving, arguing over whether they broke US laws. You know, because they are still in Mexico.

I think its a good plan for the right. Hell, the Israelis love it!
*destroying the globe* (see below for how)
not just the country. Basically for mere political tactic the left is willing to destroy the earth- go figure.
**Here's how-if everyone can openly move anywhere and everyone chooses the thriving regions and flee the declining ones ( like they do with cities), then those brain drain, investment drained, and neglected declining regions (as with our cities)
become decaying and desolate and totally destroyed. This philosophy is inclined to fail as we see in resemblances to how this ends up with our own freedom to cross states and cities.
If you did an experiment and made California the only open border for immigration from the Americas, with no access to other States , then it would get so bad that the old and new Californians would sneak into the other States to find brighter pastures and that would answer your philosophical question right there, open borders is destined to fail.
SOME PEOPLE leave their neighborhoods, while others stick around to revitalize and RESTORE (in Hebrew=HaShev). What kind of person you are is by choice and the MSM is not mentioning that the retention of the Children who came unaccompanied and the children who came with cowering parents are both being empowered by motivational lessons regarding their unlimited potential and that they don't have to accept their circumstances as a status quo, that they can choose to make life better & be part of the changes, whether they make it here or in going back. LIGHTING THAT SPARK is not just
brilliant, it's the right thing and best thing that could happen for them in such a situation they were placed in by their parents and failed leadership of their country origin.

Nice Rant ^^^. Thank God you are only a hack and have no authority over anyone or anything.
You are right, who needs my contribution to society, I'll leave now so you can take over my job. :)
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
And now the attack changes course to internment camps after Trump gave an inch...................Yet the same things happened under Obama and he said he doesn't have the power to change them............He's not an Emperor............

And the left ignores and goes onto their next LIE.................While our Congress does nothing.........just like they have for decades............

Crooks may work hard you moron. That doesn't have damn thing to do with them being illegals. Millions of the dipshits are on some kind of welfare and that is despicable.

They are a fucking burden on this country

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to the United States
At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion. This is a disturbing and unsustainable trend. The sections below will break down and further explain these numbers at the federal, state, and local levels.

You stupid Moon Bats only love the assholes because they vote for Democrats because you want this country to be a socialist shithole. If they were like the 1960s Cubans and voted for Republicans you turdbrains would hate them.
I'm not a democrat, you racist fuckhead! And you're little bullshit white nationalist rag paper gins the numbers towards their predetermined conclusions. They don't say anywhere how they collected this data. But in the past, they counted an immigrant-led household, as an immigrant household. Babies born here are US citizens and the benefits they receive are not to be attributed to undocumented workers. People here illegally cannot apply for welfare or receive other benefits.

So shove that white supremacist bullshit up your ass.

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