Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Democrats are scum by nature, they will keep up relentless bullshit forever because they hate America.
You're clueless.

Natural gas 31.7%
Coal 30.1%

Those are the top two. 1.6% behind the leader is obsolete?

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.
I just bitch slapped you with THE FACTS. I PROVED you wrong. Are you so fucking dense that you're just going to keep digging despite being proven to be uninformed?

Trump just caved on the issue and bitch slapped everyone that fell for his bullshit

the end
I predicted 3 or 4 days ago ON HERE that he would lose this fight so kindly fuck off troll

He hasn't "lost". He was never fighting to be able to "rip children away from parents" in the first place. Unless he's forced to stop enforcing illegal immigration laws, he's still getting what he wanted.
I wasn't talking to you.
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY

Yup. Zero tolerance IS a Trump policy. The inability to detain children, however, is a law.

He signed an EO today TEMPORARILY staying the law until it can be changed, which is proof of what I have been saying all along. If it was "a fucking policy", it wouldn't require an EO.

This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.
Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.
I just bitch slapped you with THE FACTS. I PROVED you wrong. Are you so fucking dense that you're just going to keep digging despite being proven to be uninformed?

Trump just caved on the issue and bitch slapped everyone that fell for his bullshit

the end
I predicted 3 or 4 days ago ON HERE that he would lose this fight so kindly fuck off troll

He hasn't "lost". He was never fighting to be able to "rip children away from parents" in the first place. Unless he's forced to stop enforcing illegal immigration laws, he's still getting what he wanted.
I wasn't talking to you.

You were talking on a public forum. If you wanted a private chat where you couldn't be corrected by people offended by your mistakes, you should have gone somewhere else. Butch up, buttercup.
And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.

No, Obama just released the whole bunch to vanish into the population.

As to the relevant law:


If you find something in there allowing the President to simply blow off illegal immigration and allow them to wander free, let me know.
You seem to think that coal is obsolete, BB and I'm not quite sure what you base that on! The US was the second largest producer of coal in 2015 and only fell to third in 2016 because three of the largest coal companies in the US had filed bankruptcy. They're all back now and operating and much of that is due to Donald Trump's attitude towards Big Coal. The low price of natural gas did in fact depress the demand for coal but the price of natural gas is now creeping up again and coal mining is increasing.

I'd like to point out that manufacturing jobs in US are seeing gains unlike what we've had in a LONG LONG time...something that Obama and you progressives said was never going to happen...something else that is due to Trump's policies.

The move is towards clean energy. That will not change. The fact is that coal is obsolete in the US. If it weren't Trump would not be considering forcing electricity producers to buy and pay a exorbitant price for coal.

I am not a progressive. However jobs started coming back to the US when Obama was President. Neither Obama or Trump are responsible for this. There are certain advantages to being in the US that no politician can screw up.
You're clueless.

Natural gas 31.7%
Coal 30.1%

Those are the top two. 1.6% behind the leader is obsolete?

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Coal will continue to drop as coal fired plants are retired. No one wants a coal fired plant near them. You are the clueless one.
I just bitch slapped you with THE FACTS. I PROVED you wrong. Are you so fucking dense that you're just going to keep digging despite being proven to be uninformed?

Trump just caved on the issue and bitch slapped everyone that fell for his bullshit

the end

You mean Trump did something to fix a problem? As he's done with all of the issues we face? He's the ONLY President with the backbone to do something about immigration! Barry never did. He promised he would and he did nothing to fix the problems! So what are you progressives going to foam at the mouth about once Trump takes this issue off the table? You're back to trying to run against him on the economy? Good luck!
Anyone got the numbers on how many of these children are actually traveling with their parents, and how many are not ?

Wasn't there a huge amount during the O administration coming here without any parents ? Where did they go, and how were they treated ? Are the cage pics or sleeping behind hurricane fence barriers for real ??

What is being done to discourage this out of control border problem that has become these unaccompanied children breaching the border illegally ?? If find adults accompanying these children who are not their legal gaurdians or parents, I ask what is being done with them in order to discourage their escorting of children to our border without being their parents or legal gaurdians ??
And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.
1st offense caught illegal is a petty crime..........warned if caught again it's a felony.................And this is when they are caught here illegally............not if they turn themselves in and demand Asylum..........
What Happens When an Undocumented Immigrant Is Caught

ICE Arrests and 48-Hour Detainers
There are a number of ways that an undocumented immigrant can come into ICE custody. For instance, you may be arrested during a workplace raid. Or, you may be arrested at your home. Keep in mind that if an immigration officer comes to your home, you do not have to let the officer in unless he or she has a warrant. Because of their enforcement priorities and limited resources, ICE officers are more likely to look for you in your home if you have been convicted of a crime.

Additionally, the initial arrest of an undocumented immigrant may not necessarily be by ICE. You may be taken into custody by another law enforcement agency -- for example, state or local police, following a criminal arrest or even a minor traffic violation. If you are within a hundred miles of the border, be aware that officers of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“Border Patrol”) are out there looking for undocumented immigrants as well.

After you are arrested, the police may decide to contact ICE if they believe that you are an undocumented immigrant, or ICE may contact the police if they want to interview you regarding your immigration status. This most often happens when jails input detainee information into databases shared with ICE. In such cases, ICE will file what's called a "detainer." This means that ICE cannot get to you immediately, but is asking the police or jail to hold you for an additional amount of time so that ICE can interview you at a later time to determine whether or not to place you into removal (deportation) proceedings.

Under the law, the maximum amount of additional time that you can be held on ICE's behalf is 48 hours. If ICE does not take custody of you within those 48 hours, the law says you must be released.

ICE does not always put everyone they arrest into custody. Sometimes they let people, especially parents with young children, go home. ICE will gather information about you and can still try to deport you, but at least you won’t have to spend any time in an immigration jail.
I just bitch slapped you with THE FACTS. I PROVED you wrong. Are you so fucking dense that you're just going to keep digging despite being proven to be uninformed?

Trump just caved on the issue and bitch slapped everyone that fell for his bullshit

the end
I predicted 3 or 4 days ago ON HERE that he would lose this fight so kindly fuck off troll

He hasn't "lost". He was never fighting to be able to "rip children away from parents" in the first place. Unless he's forced to stop enforcing illegal immigration laws, he's still getting what he wanted.
I wasn't talking to you.

You were talking on a public forum. If you wanted a private chat where you couldn't be corrected by people offended by your mistakes, you should have gone somewhere else. Butch up, buttercup.
You aren't correcting shit. If Trump didn't want them separated he wouldn't have started it. HE CLEARLY had to reverse course because of optics.
ICE Detained Parents Directive

The Detained Parents Directive contains several elements related to the operations of ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) field offices' handling of cases of parents or legal guardians of minor children, and particularly focuses on aliens involved in family court or child welfare proceedings. These elements include, among others:

  1. Designating a specific point of contact within each field office for matters involving detained parents;
  2. Promoting complete entry of relevant case information into ICE's data and tracking systems;
  3. Developing processes to regularly identify and review cases involving parents and legal guardians of minor child(ren);
  4. Determining initial detention placement and transfer decisions;
  5. Facilitating court participation in family court or child welfare proceedings;
  6. Facilitating regular parent-child visitation and communication; and
  7. Coordinating care or travel of minor child(ren) pending removal of a parent or legal guardian
No Private Right Statement
While this overview of the Detained Parents Directive addresses its effect on certain parents and legal guardians, the directive applies to ICE and does not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any party in any administrative, civil or criminal matter. The security and safety of any ICE employee, detainee, ICE detention staff or member of the public will be paramount in the exercise of the procedures and requirements of the directive.

  • View the Detained Parents Directive here
  • View the Detained Parents Fact Sheet
    • English (PDF | 219 KB)
It is not a Democratic problem it is a Donald Fucking Shit Head Trump problem

Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.

No, Obama just released the whole bunch to vanish into the population.

As to the relevant law:


If you find something in there allowing the President to simply blow off illegal immigration and allow them to wander free, let me know.
If you find something in there that justifies and requires cruelty to children, let me know
Nearly 1800 Families Separated At US Border In Just 17 Months

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) official testified last month to Congress that between May 6 and May 19, 658 children were separated from 638 parents because of the stepped-up prosecutions. That brings the total of officially acknowledged separations to more than 2,400, though that does not include recent weeks or the period from March 1 to May 6.

Immigration and child advocates, Democratic lawmakers and the United Nations have all condemned the practice of separating families at the border, but the administration has defended its actions saying it is protecting children and making clear that illegal border crossers will be prosecuted regardless of their family circumstances.

In most of the 1,768 cases of families separated by border agents between October 2016 and February, children were removed from parents for medical reasons or because of security concerns, the official said, citing examples such as parents needing hospitalization or officials discovering the parent had a criminal record either in the United States or in their home country.

In 237 cases, the official said, children were removed because border agents suspected adults were falsely posing as the parents of minors in their charge.

The period for which statistics were provided included the final three months of the Obama administration in 2016, but the official could not say whether any of the separations occurred then.

'Public Interest'

The practice of separating families has not been systematically tracked until now, the official said, and the figures given to Reuters had to be compiled manually.

"Why weren't we pulling these statistics before? Because it wasn't a big enough phenomenon that had public interest," the official said. "Now it's increasing and it's of public interest."

The bulk of the separations involved Central Americans, who make up the majority of families crossing the southwest border. Some were apprehended trying to cross the border illegally, while others crossed illegally and then presented themselves to border patrol agents asking for asylum because they feared returning home.

Immigrants can also go to an official port of entry to request asylum before crossing the border. The official said separations in such circumstances are rare, but that the numbers are not tracked separately.

The official noted that the number of separations from October 2016 to February this year represented less than 2 percent of the 106,700 family units arrested along the southwest border during that same period.
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?

My member of Congress supports children and families - he has not nor ever will support the Trump-Sessions-Nielsen Axis of Evil.

The fact is Republicans who support families, children and oppose evil should be the ones to lobby their Rep. in the House and their Senator and Governor to lobby Ryan to get off his ass and quite now. Nielsen ought to resign or be fired, and Pence ought to quit, since he claims to be a Christian and has never stepped up to protect women, children and families.

Trump is the face of evil, and has become the earliest President to become a lame duck; I knew he was foul and inept, so I should have known he would be the first to achieve this note worthy achievement.
Who makes laws in this country? That would be Congress, right?

Are there Democrats in Congress, or aren't there?

If your plan is to say, "This is soooooo horrrible! It must be changed RIGHT NOW!!! OMG!!!! But we're not going to fix it, because it's not our problem", you just go right on with that.

And I'm going to go right on with saying until you pick up that fucking phone, you're a lying sack of dog shit who doesn't give a damn about those kids.
Fucking idiot! Zero tolerance is not a law. It is a trump policy. Separating families is not a law . It is a Trump policy . He signed an EO today to halt the separations which is proof of what we have been saying all along. It is a fucking POLICY
Zero tolerance was just enforcing the laws on the books..........He removed the EO's under Obama's policy.........

Catch and Release is dead..............and the screwed up laws still exist...........Nothing has changed at all except before Obama's BS.........Under Obama children were separated from families............didn't see your side panties in a wad over it.............They also used internment Camps under previous administrations.............

Congress needs to fix the laws........It's their job.............PERIOD...........and like Obama stated...........He's not an Emperor...............Yet now the useless Congress shifts blame away from the real mastermind of causing this problem...........themselves..........
Please cite the law that states that people crossing the boarder illegally must be criminally charged. Obama did not separate children form parents. That is a lie.

No, Obama just released the whole bunch to vanish into the population.

As to the relevant law:


If you find something in there allowing the President to simply blow off illegal immigration and allow them to wander free, let me know.
If you find something in there that justifies and requires cruelty to children, let me know
Guess you missed the videos..........they are taken by HHS.........given medical care.......given a decent place to stay...given clothes.......have recreation centers...........they teach school.................

Guess you are watching gulag videos of N. Korea or something..........

I just posted data...........Only 2% of families having separation are in this group......and within that group there are REASONS for the seperation..........

Now go back to the mass hysteria political BS.
This just in!! More despicable abuse of these children:
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show | HuffPost

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

Is this also a "Democratic Hoax " you shit bags.!!

And how many Democrat Congressmembers have YOU lobbied for a vote on proposed legislation to fix this problem?

My member of Congress supports children and families - he has not nor ever will support the Trump-Sessions-Nielsen Axis of Evil.

The fact is Republicans who support families, children and oppose evil should be the ones to lobby their Rep. in the House and their Senator and Governor to lobby Ryan to get off his ass and quite now. Nielsen ought to resign or be fired, and Pence ought to quit, since he claims to be a Christian and has never stepped up to protect women, children and families.

Trump is the face of evil, and has become the earliest President to become a lame duck; I knew he was foul and inept, so I should have known he would be the first to achieve this note worthy achievement.
Does he remember how to write a bill to fix it............................

Flores act..........repeal.................

And separation guidelines if they are not criminals........which would cut the number in at least half of those separations in the last 17 months.............


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