Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

Why are members of Congress being denied the right to see these facilities. The fact is that no President has done anything like this. That is fact. You have seen no evidence of anything because you don't want to see this. More Republicans are seeing this and speaking out. I would like to see the video for the places members of Congress are not being allowed to see. How do you replace a mother who can comfort her child. Apparently these kids are being traumatized by the separation. Physical contact between workers and children are strictly regulated.
You STILL haven't seen the video that was posted almost a week ago ? (Friday June 15), and was posted again, right here in this thread. I say you're lying.

There was a tour given to members of the media. The video of the nice facilities the kids are living in, is in Post # 228. (as if you didn't know)
Again, these people have crossed the border for over 100 years to work on farms. Now Jeff Sessions is spending god no how much in taxpayer dollars to prosecute them, seperate their children from them, so we are now housing and feeding them, while it is tramatizing these kids.

You know I used to be a life long Republican before this party made this Ass Clown the poster boy of it. This party has turned into nothing but a bunch of hateful racists, and right now if I found a Republican that was O.K. with what is going on down at the border I would like to kick the living shit out of them.

It's disgusting. Now I know what Hillary Clinton meant by DEPLORABLE.

Stupid post. I'm proud to say I did just the OPPOSITE of what you did. I BECAME a Republican to vote for Trump in the primaries, and voted for him again in the general election. Trump is kicking all your looney asses. And now you're all flipping out because we're not falling for your media generated SCAM. I love it.

And Laura Bush ? Who cares what the has been, immigration-loving Bushes have to say ? Answer: nobody.
Quit lying. Trump lost by 3 million American votes. If you want to count dumb votes then Trump would have lost the popular vote by Goldwater type margins. You are the driveling idiot who relies on propaganda for your facts.

Every previous President did not separate children from their parents for the simple act of crossing the border. There is no law that forces Trump to do this. It is the result of a stated policy by Sessions.
Hillary was TROUNCED by almost 10 million votes. When the Trumps get finished getting rid of all the illegal aliens, subsequent elections will show the TRUE vote counts.
You are saying what every two bit dictator says. This issue is not about whether there should be amnesty or not. It is about the treatment of detainees. It has nothing to do with airing your grievances on immigration.
The treatment is the SAME treatment given to ALL criminals for ALL crimes, for decades, for ALL the states of the US. You haven't said a word of discontent about all that other "treatment", Mr Faux Outrage.
There is no law that forces the separation of children from their parents. You have no intelligence to speak of.
FALSE! WE all know there is, and what would it matter if there wasn't ? Is any sane person going to house children with adult criminals ?
This isn't a FOX NEWS facebook page. No credibile trusted link to that claim it immediately goes into the :bsflag:file. I have listed links to all the jobs that AMERICANS will NOT do.
If you have links of jobs Americans will not do, then your links are total BULLSHIT. As long as pay is adequate, Americans will do any JOB. This was proven by the Center for Immigration Studies, which studied 472 occupations, and found Americans working in ALL of them ( in majorities in 99%) Of these 472, all but 6 had American majorities. Of the meager 6 that didn't, native-born Americans still comprise 46% of workers even in these occupations.

Are There Really Jobs Americans Won’t Do?

Furthermore, there are some occupations that illegal aliens wont do, because they are too tough, too dirty, and too dangerous for these illegal candyasses. Here's a few of them, since you like pictures so much.



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Furthermore, there are some occupations that illegal aliens wont do, because they are too tough, too dirty, and too dangerous for these illegal candyasses. Here's a few of them, since you like pictures so much.

Okay, your first picture is from a 1930's coal mine. Nobody mines coal like that today, and coal is in decline now because Natural gas is cleaner and cheaper.

Second picture is of a firefighter. You have to undergo massive background checks to get one of those jobs, and the pay is really awesome for that one or two times a year you might actually have to go out and fight a fire.

Military- You have to be a citizen to get one of those jobs... and undergo a massive background check.
Quit lying. Trump lost by 3 million American votes. If you want to count dumb votes then Trump would have lost the popular vote by Goldwater type margins. You are the driveling idiot who relies on propaganda for your facts.

Every previous President did not separate children from their parents for the simple act of crossing the border. There is no law that forces Trump to do this. It is the result of a stated policy by Sessions.
Hillary was TROUNCED by almost 10 million votes. When the Trumps get finished getting rid of all the illegal aliens, subsequent elections will show the TRUE vote counts.

That's not what happened.
Okay, your first picture is from a 1930's coal mine. Nobody mines coal like that today, and coal is in decline now because Natural gas is cleaner and cheaper.

Second picture is of a firefighter. You have to undergo massive background checks to get one of those jobs, and the pay is really awesome for that one or two times a year you might actually have to go out and fight a fire.

Military- You have to be a citizen to get one of those jobs... and undergo a massive background check.
You seem to have missed the point. Mr "Jobs Americans Won't Do" claims that Americans won't do the jobs. Americans are doing much worse, much tougher jobs than the aliens, and doing it every day, NOW, in 2018.

I once was one of them. A combat Construction Specialist in the Army Corps of Engineers. I wonder if these fruit pickers could last one hour on an M4T6 bridge (all constructed BY HAND) like they do in the Corp.
As for coal, it remains an important factor in the 25 states in which it is mined. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), in 2015 Wyoming, West Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, and Pennsylvania produced about 639 millions of short tons (MST) representing 71% of total U.S. coal production in the United States.

Coal may be in decline but 50,000 AMERICANS (not illegal aliens) still work as coal miners, and however they mine coal, is beside my point. It is still tough, dirty, and extremely DANGEROUS. Mine disasters have still occurred in recent years in the US,[57]

Examples include the Sago Mine disaster of 2006, and the 2007 mine accident in Utah's Crandall Canyon Mine, where nine miners were killed and six entombed.[58] In the decade 2005-2014, US coal mining fatalities averaged 28 per year.[59] The most fatalities during the 2005-2014 decade were 48 in 2010, the year of the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster in West Virginia, which killed 29 miners.[60]

Which states produce the most coal? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Coal mining in the United States - Wikipedia
PS - if you want to go around making quantity statements then >> :link:
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You seem to have missed the point. Mr "Jobs Americans Won't Do" claims that Americans won't do the jobs. Americans are doing much worse, much tougher jobs than the aliens, and doing it every day, NOW, in 2018.

I once was one of them. A combat Construction Specialist in the Army Corps of Engineers. I wonder if these fruit pickers could last one hour on an M4T6 bridge (all constructed BY HAND) like they do in the Corp.

Except to get that job, you had to undergo a background check to prove you were a citizen, a physical examination to make sure you didn't have a whole slew of medical conditions that would have eliminated you, and had to undergo months of specialized training to do it. Oh, yeah, and frankly, the pay was pretty good for an 18 year old kid with no experience, especially when combined with all the benefits. It's why those jobs are hard to get in peacetime.

We are talking about jobs that pay not all that much, don't require a lot of skills, and where you will be working in sub-standard condition.

As for coal, it
remains an important factor in the 25 states in which it is mined. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), in 2015 Wyoming, West Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, and Pennsylvania produced about 639 millions of short tons (MST) representing 71% of total U.S. coal production in the United States.

Okay, guy.. Coal mining states are white trash shitholes. No decent person would want to live in one. And Trump fucks you all over and you dumb ass inbred Cleetuses say, "May I have another?"
Two of those jobs are unionized and have pretty good pay scales.

If you want to unionize the nannies and toilet cleaners, that's fine, but you guys bitch about raising the min wage to $15.00.
Beside my point. Maybe this is too early for your reading comprehension aptitude ? I was talking about dirty, tough, and dangerous. Got it ?

And interesting that you make yet ANOTHER FALSE statement saying I "bitch about raising the min wage to $15.00" It so happens that I have been planning to do an OP about raising the minimum wage to $15/hour, and I will be posting it TODAY.

I am FOR raising the MW to $15/hour. (and I've posted OPs and posts on that previously-look them up)
Beside my point. Maybe this is too early for your reading comprehension aptitude ? I was talking about dirty, tough, and dangerous. Got it ?

And interesting that you make yet ANOTHER FALSE statement saying I "bitch about raising the min wage to $15.00" It so happens that I have been planning to do an OP about raising the minimum wage to $15/hour, and I will be posting it TODAY.

I am FOR raising the MW to $15/hour. (and I've posted OPs and posts on that previously-look them up)

Talk to your fellow wingnuts... they all think it's an awful idea.
Except to get that job, you had to undergo a background check to prove you were a citizen, a physical examination to make sure you didn't have a whole slew of medical conditions that would have eliminated you, and had to undergo months of specialized training to do it. Oh, yeah, and frankly, the pay was pretty good for an 18 year old kid with no experience, especially when combined with all the benefits. It's why those jobs are hard to get in peacetime.

We are talking about jobs that pay not all that much, don't require a lot of skills, and where you will be working in sub-standard condition.

Okay, guy.. Coal mining states are white trash shitholes. No decent person would want to live in one. And Trump fucks you all over and you dumb ass inbred Cleetuses say, "May I have another?"

Again, background check to prove you were a citizen, a physical examination are beside my point. My point is that Americans will do the tough, dirty, dangerous jobs that the other poster was saying they will not do. He's wrong. That's all.
Also, you're wrong again. The CCS job (12B20) with the Corp, is unskilled manual labor. Pay good ? In the Army - not the US Army, fella, Pay was peanuts.

As for sub-standard conditions, I live in Florida where a lot of fruit is grown and picked. I know a few things about the field workers. WE get flash rainstorms from June to October. You know what illegals do when it rains ? They come indoors.

You know what the Army Corps of Engineers does when it rains ? Like ll the rest of the Army, they keep on working (in the rain).. As they say >> "It doesn't rain in the Army. It rains ON the Army."

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Talk to your fellow wingnuts... they all think it's an awful idea.
Haven't been keeping up ? MW raise is a rapidly changing issue. Conservatives beginning to embrace it widely. Liberals are having second thoughts. Didn't you know ?
the loop holes in the system were created by the Dems.........who don't want them detained at all...............You can dance around that but you know it's the truth...........
I know NOTHING or the sort!!! Just some made up garbage for your own partisan and political purpose!!!! :eek:

Here's an idea, look it up.
how can I look up something, that isn't there?

YOU claim it exists.....

you need to back that up....

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