Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex - Se

Nov 1, 2014
Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex - See more at: Child Sex Trafficking through Child Protection Services Exposed Kidnapping Children for Sex

In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation. Tammi Stefano reveals some very shocking information about the child and human trafficking business currently operating in the United States, which is a huge illegal business that brings in more money than the illegal drug trade and illegal arms trade combined.

Tammi Stefano has spent over two decades on front lines fighting for child safety. She understands the emotions of being victimized, having survived a kidnapping in her younger years. Determination was the driving force that prompted her to go undercover to catch a pedophile school teacher.

Child Protection Services do Not Protect Children – Hundreds of Children Murdered in CPS Care

Picking up the interview at about the 9 minute mark, Stefano begins to explain that when there is an allegation of child abuse, law enforcement and child protection services (CPS) are the two entities that get involved. According to Stefano, the social workers working in child protection services across the country do not have the training to truly investigate child abuse, because child abuse is a crime. Stefano encourages the listeners of the program to call law enforcement, not CPS, if they encounter sexual or physical abuse of a child, because this is a crime, and CPS is not trained to handle crimes. Stefano says:

The minute you call child protection services, you can rest assured that the investigation will not be done properly. Chances are the child will not be protected.

She then gives the example of Los Angeles County, where in 2013 CPS took “thousands of children away from parents,” and that 570 children were murdered while in the care of CPS and away from their families.

Foster Children Bring in Great Profits to the State

At another point in the interview, Stefano relates how California benefits financially from having children in foster care. She states that adults who are incarcerated in the penal system on average cost the State about $48,000.00 per prisoner. For children taken in foster care, however, one child can bring in up to $1 million of revenue to the State. Children who need “extra care” are given many medical treatments, such as psychotropic drugs. (See: California’s Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California’s Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs)

Stefano gives one example she encountered where a Los Angeles judge sent one mom’s son to a “behavioral modification camp” because he was allegedly labeled “defiant.” He was given elecrto-shock treatments, and these treatments were billed to the mother at a cost of $7000.00 per week. Stefano stated that the mother is still making payments on these “treatments,” while her son is now 23, and she still has 10 years left on her payment plan. To this day she does not know where her child was sent for these “medical services.”

LA CPS Turning Foster Children Over to Known Sex Abuse Offenders

At around the 25:15 point in the interview, Stone and Stefano begin to discuss the child sex trafficking problem. When Stone asks Stefano if she has encountered sex trafficking among children, she replies: “We need to cover it a lot more.”

As an example, she mentioned a sex trafficking case with CPS in Orange County California last year. Stefano says that of 105 sexually abused victims that were found in this case, 65% of those victims were in the foster care system under CPS control, and they were allegedly never reported missing. Stefano says:

What we are finding now is this trafficking is a lot bigger, and a lot more involved politically than we care to look at, or the media won’t cover. Everybody is afraid because there are some really big heavy hitters that are very influential that are involved.

Children have been sold, and there have been cases, where children have been sold up to 75 times in one day. 75 times in one day…. someone has abused this child.

The child trafficking industry, or human trafficking industry right now, makes more money than the illegal drug trade, and illegal arms trade, combined.

So children are definitely a commodity. They are a commodity to make money.

Stefano then relates the following story:

Last year I had a case where a lovely young girl, a single mom – her mom was a great Italian woman who lives in Burbank. She was having some problems with her daughter. Her daughter started hanging out with the wrong crowd – good girl though – she just needed to be pulled back in.

So her mom calls a friend at the police department, and she says, “You know, let’s put a little scare – I want to do something. I want to make sure she is OK.”

He says, “You know, call Child Protective Services.”

“Ok, I’ll try it.”

She called Child Protective Services. They said, “We need to take her, and help out here.”

They put this child – gorgeous – I mean she looks like model – 16 years old – (actually) 15 at the time – (and they put her) in this group home.

The mom goes to visit her. It was near the holidays. She feels like “Alright, she is going to learn her lesson. She’ll never mess up again. This is a hard core lesson.”

Her daughter’s gone. Her daughter and three other beautiful young girls.

Now you have to be reminded that the gates around this group home, locally, are high. They are too high, and they are locked electronically. You are not getting out. And there is a full staff.

While this staff says, “Gee, we were short staffed, and we just don’t know how this gate got open.”

This mother daily for over one year posted – I mean she came on my show. She did not stop looking for her daughter. Her daughter is home (now.) She found her through the efforts of a combined community effort. And she is still healing. She was passed on to more people – she was so abused. She was locked up. She was a prisoner.

Her and three others from a State-run (foster) group home. And how did the gates get open? It was near the holidays and they just don’t have an answer.

Child Protection Services in America does not have a duty to report a child missing when the child is a ward of the State.

Stefano then talks about an organization called “The Humanitarian Alliance” and a report they have that found within 48 hours after a child has aged out of the foster care system, because they have become 18 and have left their foster homes, 65 to 70% of them are captured into human trafficking syndicates. Stefano believes the only way this can happen is because those inside the foster care system are helping to arrange it to happen, for a fee.

Listen to the entire shocking interview below. Note that the first 9 minutes discusses a new TV show and the controversial issue of corporal punishment. At about the 9 minute mark is where they begin to discuss the abuses within CPS.

- See more at: Child Sex Trafficking through Child Protection Services Exposed Kidnapping Children for Sex
Sorry it took so long for my first post to provide narration in compliance with USMB guidelines. This is a spin off of another thread on CPS, a network of state run agencies across this country that largely relies on misinformation and general public ignorance to conceal the ugly side of their "interventions". The truth is, CPS often takes children out of one troubled home and puts them in another just as bad or worse. Children are further abused, exploited, and sometimes even killed while in the care of CPS. Nobody disputes that somebody should step in if children are being beaten, starved, molested, or otherwise put in danger, but all too often, CPS steps in when there's an allegation and removes the children out of caution, not having established any tangible danger to the child.

And CPS workers? Angels! Well, mostly. But they're overworked, have more cases than can reasonably be handled, and some of them are ideologically driven to remove children because they don't approve of the method of their rearing. No doubt a few bad apples don't represent the whole and nobody can deny that sometimes an alert and dedicated CPS case worker can make a tremendous difference, but once a child is in the "system" they are more vulnerable than ever to pedophiles, sex trafficking, and all manner of exploitation and abuse. Simply put, foster parents rarely if ever love a foster child like their biological parents do. Pedophiles often find opportunities with children on the fringes of society including foster children and all too often a child is taken out of the frying pan and into the fire.

It's time we learned the truth about CPS and applied stricter rules and scrutiny to establish better accountability to the public.

Lee Ann McAdoo
August 1, 2013

The FBI raid that rescued 105 sexually exploited children from a sex trafficking ring last weekend has highlighted the vulnerability of foster children

Sixty percent of runaways who arevictims of sex trafficking had been in the custody of child protective services.

Many times when children are rescued from sex traffickers they are put right back into the foster care system to repeat the same vicious cycle.

Victims may even recruit other children into the very abuse they had just left.

With the “child protectors” snatching even more children into the system to get more federal funding, there has become a serious shortage of good foster parents to handle the surplus of children, which means the bar has been set really low for people who can qualify to foster.

A 2011 audit of Sacramento Foster Care facilities found the addressees of more than 1000 registered sex offenders matched the addresses of licensed foster-care facilities and homes.

Almost 600 of those offenders were considered high risk.

The report identified a number of factors endangering these children, including a failure to thoroughly and promptly investigate reports of neglect.

Those who are paid to protect children couldn’t care less about their safety so long as the feds come through with the
big bucks.

Sex traffickers prey on helpless children who feel abandoned by their families and lost in a system of providers that don’t bother to follow up on reports of neglect.

These are the type of children that are easily groomed for child sex slavery and prostitution.

The demand for child sex trafficking is even greater now that sex-trafficking and pedophila have moved out of isolation and into a worldwide internet-based community of people who share images and techniques.

According to the International Center For Missing And Exploited Children (ICMEC), of the millions of pornographic images on the internet, 10% are of infants and toddlers, while 76% are of pre-pubescent children.

Let that sink in.

Almost 90% of all porn on the internet is of exploited children.

That’s why the Global Center For Women and Justice has said that “human trafficking is far more lucrative than the sale of drugs or arms because the children involved are considered reusable assets.”

The consumers are not who you would suspect, according to the ICMEC, “They are doctors, lawyers, business executives, teachers, coaches and everyone in between. They don’t look evil.”

Indeed, you can still get a government contracted job even if you’re a convicted pimp.
Even though George W. Bush enacted a law banning contractors who buy and sell humans from federal work, zero prosecutions have taken place.

Foster Care System Traps Children into Vicious Cycle of Sex Abuse Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Organized trafficking requires systemic corruption and as the FBI’s sting operation proved, it’s a very sophisticated network operating globally.

A United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Report states that the opportunities for corruption exist in a chain that includes police, customs agents, intelligence/security forces, local officials, persons with influence on public officials and the list goes on and on.

These people aid in the criminal activity by not only ignoring it but also by actively obstructing an investigation and helping to organize the trafficking process.

PressTV reports that rogue elements of police and intelligence services, as well as organized crime outfits, use blackmail as a means of control.

They employ child prostitution rings to obtain blackmail material on politicians, judges, military and intelligence officers, and other key power-brokers.

Consider the case of Craig Spence, a Republican powerbroker in Washington who according to the Washington Times was implicated with a call-boy ring that supplied young boys to the Washington Elite of both political parties.

Spence’s mansion was found to be overflowing with surveillance equipment, including hidden cameras, microphones and an abundance of two-way mirrors.

The Washington Times further alleged that the ring was part of a CIA sexual blackmail operation, gathering compromising evidence on Washington politicos and foreign dignitaries.

“The Finders” is another notorious CIA-linked child pimping ring.

After two men were arrested for brutally abusing six children between the ages of three and six, an investigation led police to warehouses in Washington, D.C., where they found evidence of a global child trafficking network as well as proof that large numbers of captive children were being used in blood rituals and sexual orgies.

Barrett writes that Agent Ramon Martinez of the US Customs Service and Detective James Bradley of the Washington, DC police were horrified at what they found. They were even more horrified when their investigation and attempted prosecution of the Finders was called off – by the CIA!

According to Agent Martinez’s report, the case of the Finders was deemed “a CIA internal matter” and all details were “classified secret and not available for review.”

Former CIA Director William Colby told Nebraska State Legislator John DeCamp that the CIA was heavily involved in ritual child abuse.

He informed DeCamp that the abused children were being used in CIA mind-control experiments as well as blackmail projects.

What became known as “The Franklin Scandal” was a nationwide pedophile ring that implicated businessmen, senators, major media corporations, the CIA and the Boys Town organization.

In a 2012 interview with The Ellis County Observer, DeCamp recalls how his investigation into the Franklin Scandal linked him with another high profile pedophile, salacious Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky.

“One of Sandusky’s contacts was here in Omaha,” DeCamp said.

“Somehow those Pennsylvania people knew about it from my book; they said ‘you brought it up in your book.’”

Earlier media reports established Sandusky as the figurehead for a more sinister role of providing children to wealthy and prominent donors.

Sandusky founded The Second Mile in 1977, serving underprivileged and at-risk youth.

It was here that he met his molestation victims.

The world is no doubt a better place after the arrest of 150 low-level sex traffickers, but the FBI must take their investigation all the way to the top and bring down the elite pedophile organizations that continue to be too powerful for prosecution.

Foster Care System Traps Children into Vicious Cycle of Sex Abuse Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind
you really need to lean and understand the difference between a credible source and trash on the internet.

alex jones is the embodiment of trash on the internet.
you really need to lean and understand the difference between a credible source and trash on the internet.

alex jones is the embodiment of trash on the internet.

I can say the same thing about your sources, skid mark. I find more truth on than all the cable news networks put together.
And more than 95% of the abusers are heterosexuals groom and preying together at the expense of children. So thank you saintmichael for coming to your senses. The foster care system in America has been broken for a long, long time. We must protect our children from all predators: hetero, homo, pedo.
you really need to lean and understand the difference between a credible source and trash on the internet.

alex jones is the embodiment of trash on the internet.

I can say the same thing about your sources, skid mark. I find more truth on than all the cable news networks put together.
i believe you think so. but you're fucking insane.
seriously, alex jones is not a reputable source. never has been, never will be. your other source, is dubious at best.
People don't want to believe it but it does happen. I know several girls who were raped and forced into prostitution by the staff while they were incarcerated at the creepily named Child Study Institute.
that seems credible.
People don't want to believe it but it does happen. I know several girls who were raped and forced into prostitution by the staff while they were incarcerated at the creepily named Child Study Institute.

That's awful. This is the point of the thread that foster care kids are put out on the fringe where they are in danger of exploitation. People assume that CPS makes things better, but far too often they expose children to even more risk because they are in the care of people who don't love them and have no problem using them. People pay the mortgage with the money they get for taking in foster kids. They are a paycheck at best. At worst they are fodder for black market sex trafficking and pedophiles on the hunt.
you really need to lean and understand the difference between a credible source and trash on the internet.

alex jones is the embodiment of trash on the internet.

I can say the same thing about your sources, skid mark. I find more truth on than all the cable news networks put together.
i believe you think so. but you're fucking insane.
seriously, alex jones is not a reputable source. never has been, never will be. your other source, is dubious at best.
Why, because you say so? This is how much I care about your opinion of my sources.

If you can't dispute the material, then STFU. Nobody gives a shit about you attacking the source to mask the absence of a suitable riposte.
People don't want to believe it but it does happen. I know several girls who were raped and forced into prostitution by the staff while they were incarcerated at the creepily named Child Study Institute.

That's awful. This is the point of the thread that foster care kids are put out on the fringe where they are in danger of exploitation. People assume that CPS makes things better, but far too often they expose children to even more risk because they are in the care of people who don't love them and have no problem using them. People pay the mortgage with the money they get for taking in foster kids. They are a paycheck at best. At worst they are fodder for black market sex trafficking and pedophiles on the hunt.
rational concerns - you make a great case for increased monitoring and screening of foster homes.
however, you do not make a valid case for leaving children in abusive homes.
People don't want to believe it but it does happen. I know several girls who were raped and forced into prostitution by the staff while they were incarcerated at the creepily named Child Study Institute.

That's awful. This is the point of the thread that foster care kids are put out on the fringe where they are in danger of exploitation. People assume that CPS makes things better, but far too often they expose children to even more risk because they are in the care of people who don't love them and have no problem using them. People pay the mortgage with the money they get for taking in foster kids. They are a paycheck at best. At worst they are fodder for black market sex trafficking and pedophiles on the hunt.
rational concerns - you make a great case for increased monitoring and screening of foster homes.
however, you do not make a valid case for leaving children in abusive homes.
And you don't make a case for every "intervention" being the result of an abusive home. My home was not abusive, yet CPS showed up.

BTW, you seriously said that CPS will never show up at your door? Let me tell you, one dad to another, you have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER THAT! Anyone can put in an anonymous "tip" and have the government threatening to take your son. Maybe if this happens to you, you'll see the wisdom of killing their cat to send the message that nobody should be able to do that without consequence.
you really need to lean and understand the difference between a credible source and trash on the internet.

alex jones is the embodiment of trash on the internet.

I can say the same thing about your sources, skid mark. I find more truth on than all the cable news networks put together.
i believe you think so. but you're fucking insane.
seriously, alex jones is not a reputable source. never has been, never will be. your other source, is dubious at best.
Why, because you say so? This is how much I care about your opinion of my sources.

If you can't dispute the material, then STFU. Nobody gives a shit about you attacking the source to mask the absence of a suitable riposte.
no, because reality says so. the guy is crazy, just as you are.
how are those fema coffins and internment camps working out for you? has the federal government taken over texas in operation jade helm yet? how about those weather weapons, has the government leveled any moore (see what i did there) towns with tornadoes?
People don't want to believe it but it does happen. I know several girls who were raped and forced into prostitution by the staff while they were incarcerated at the creepily named Child Study Institute.

That's awful. This is the point of the thread that foster care kids are put out on the fringe where they are in danger of exploitation. People assume that CPS makes things better, but far too often they expose children to even more risk because they are in the care of people who don't love them and have no problem using them. People pay the mortgage with the money they get for taking in foster kids. They are a paycheck at best. At worst they are fodder for black market sex trafficking and pedophiles on the hunt.
rational concerns - you make a great case for increased monitoring and screening of foster homes.
however, you do not make a valid case for leaving children in abusive homes.
And you don't make a case for every "intervention" being the result of an abusive home. My home was not abusive, yet CPS showed up.

BTW, you seriously said that CPS will never show up at your door? Let me tell you, one dad to another, you have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER THAT! Anyone can put in an anonymous "tip" and have the government threatening to take your son. Maybe if this happens to you, you'll see the wisdom of killing their cat to send the message that nobody should be able to do that without consequence.
yes i do. i'm not crazy and nobody will ever believe that i would abuse my children. therefore cps will never be at my door.
you really need to lean and understand the difference between a credible source and trash on the internet.

alex jones is the embodiment of trash on the internet.

I can say the same thing about your sources, skid mark. I find more truth on than all the cable news networks put together.
i believe you think so. but you're fucking insane.
seriously, alex jones is not a reputable source. never has been, never will be. your other source, is dubious at best.
Why, because you say so? This is how much I care about your opinion of my sources.

If you can't dispute the material, then STFU. Nobody gives a shit about you attacking the source to mask the absence of a suitable riposte.
no, because reality says so. the guy is crazy, just as you are.
how are those fema coffins and internment camps working out for you? has the federal government taken over texas in operation jade helm yet? how about those weather weapons, has the government leveled any moore (see what i did there) towns with tornadoes?
Don't know...ask your fellow Leftwats who claimed Bush caused Hurricane Katrina.
People don't want to believe it but it does happen. I know several girls who were raped and forced into prostitution by the staff while they were incarcerated at the creepily named Child Study Institute.

That's awful. This is the point of the thread that foster care kids are put out on the fringe where they are in danger of exploitation. People assume that CPS makes things better, but far too often they expose children to even more risk because they are in the care of people who don't love them and have no problem using them. People pay the mortgage with the money they get for taking in foster kids. They are a paycheck at best. At worst they are fodder for black market sex trafficking and pedophiles on the hunt.
rational concerns - you make a great case for increased monitoring and screening of foster homes.
however, you do not make a valid case for leaving children in abusive homes.
And you don't make a case for every "intervention" being the result of an abusive home. My home was not abusive, yet CPS showed up.

BTW, you seriously said that CPS will never show up at your door? Let me tell you, one dad to another, you have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER THAT! Anyone can put in an anonymous "tip" and have the government threatening to take your son. Maybe if this happens to you, you'll see the wisdom of killing their cat to send the message that nobody should be able to do that without consequence.
yes i do. i'm not crazy and nobody will ever believe that i would abuse my children. therefore cps will never be at my door.
You're an idiot, this much is clear now. Any rational person knows that CPS shows up to investigate allegations of abuse, whether their real or not, therefore not abusing your children does not protect you from CPS. You're clearly not a thinker, even to grasp such a sophomoric point as that. I come to these forums to debate intelligent people. I'm sick of having to settle for dummies like you.
People don't want to believe it but it does happen. I know several girls who were raped and forced into prostitution by the staff while they were incarcerated at the creepily named Child Study Institute.

That's awful. This is the point of the thread that foster care kids are put out on the fringe where they are in danger of exploitation. People assume that CPS makes things better, but far too often they expose children to even more risk because they are in the care of people who don't love them and have no problem using them. People pay the mortgage with the money they get for taking in foster kids. They are a paycheck at best. At worst they are fodder for black market sex trafficking and pedophiles on the hunt.
rational concerns - you make a great case for increased monitoring and screening of foster homes.
however, you do not make a valid case for leaving children in abusive homes.
And you don't make a case for every "intervention" being the result of an abusive home. My home was not abusive, yet CPS showed up.

BTW, you seriously said that CPS will never show up at your door? Let me tell you, one dad to another, you have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER THAT! Anyone can put in an anonymous "tip" and have the government threatening to take your son. Maybe if this happens to you, you'll see the wisdom of killing their cat to send the message that nobody should be able to do that without consequence.
yes i do. i'm not crazy and nobody will ever believe that i would abuse my children. therefore cps will never be at my door.
You're an idiot, this much is clear now. Any rational person knows that CPS shows up to investigate allegations of abuse, whether their real or not, therefore not abusing your children does not protect you from CPS. You're clearly not a thinker, even to grasp such a sophomoric point as that. I come to these forums to debate intelligent people. I'm sick of having to settle for dummies like you.
here's the thing - i'm never going to be accused of selling drugs, because i don't act like a drug pusher. i'm never going to be accused of beating my wife, because i don't act like a wife beater. I'm never going to be accused of killing my neighbor's pets, because i don't act like a fucking psychopath, and i'm never going to be accused of abusing my children because i will never give anyone reason to think its happening.
i know that. is it possible that cps could show up? yes. it's also possible that i could win the lottery. neither one will happen.
That's awful. This is the point of the thread that foster care kids are put out on the fringe where they are in danger of exploitation. People assume that CPS makes things better, but far too often they expose children to even more risk because they are in the care of people who don't love them and have no problem using them. People pay the mortgage with the money they get for taking in foster kids. They are a paycheck at best. At worst they are fodder for black market sex trafficking and pedophiles on the hunt.
rational concerns - you make a great case for increased monitoring and screening of foster homes.
however, you do not make a valid case for leaving children in abusive homes.
And you don't make a case for every "intervention" being the result of an abusive home. My home was not abusive, yet CPS showed up.

BTW, you seriously said that CPS will never show up at your door? Let me tell you, one dad to another, you have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER THAT! Anyone can put in an anonymous "tip" and have the government threatening to take your son. Maybe if this happens to you, you'll see the wisdom of killing their cat to send the message that nobody should be able to do that without consequence.
yes i do. i'm not crazy and nobody will ever believe that i would abuse my children. therefore cps will never be at my door.
You're an idiot, this much is clear now. Any rational person knows that CPS shows up to investigate allegations of abuse, whether their real or not, therefore not abusing your children does not protect you from CPS. You're clearly not a thinker, even to grasp such a sophomoric point as that. I come to these forums to debate intelligent people. I'm sick of having to settle for dummies like you.
here's the thing - i'm never going to be accused of selling drugs, because i don't act like a drug pusher. i'm never going to be accused of beating my wife, because i don't act like a wife beater. I'm never going to be accused of killing my neighbor's pets, because i don't act like a fucking psychopath, and i'm never going to be accused of abusing my children because i will never give anyone reason to think its happening.
i know that. is it possible that cps could show up? yes. it's also possible that i could win the lottery. neither one will happen.

There's more of a chance that you'll get a visit from CPS than win the lottery, so let's dispense with the silly comparisons. All you have to do is piss somebody off and if they are malicious enough, they'll look for ways to hurt you. And because these people are cowards, they will abuse the "anonymous tip" system to get back at you.

And FUCK YOU for insinuating that I did do something wrong to incur a visit by CPS.
rational concerns - you make a great case for increased monitoring and screening of foster homes.
however, you do not make a valid case for leaving children in abusive homes.
And you don't make a case for every "intervention" being the result of an abusive home. My home was not abusive, yet CPS showed up.

BTW, you seriously said that CPS will never show up at your door? Let me tell you, one dad to another, you have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER THAT! Anyone can put in an anonymous "tip" and have the government threatening to take your son. Maybe if this happens to you, you'll see the wisdom of killing their cat to send the message that nobody should be able to do that without consequence.
yes i do. i'm not crazy and nobody will ever believe that i would abuse my children. therefore cps will never be at my door.
You're an idiot, this much is clear now. Any rational person knows that CPS shows up to investigate allegations of abuse, whether their real or not, therefore not abusing your children does not protect you from CPS. You're clearly not a thinker, even to grasp such a sophomoric point as that. I come to these forums to debate intelligent people. I'm sick of having to settle for dummies like you.
here's the thing - i'm never going to be accused of selling drugs, because i don't act like a drug pusher. i'm never going to be accused of beating my wife, because i don't act like a wife beater. I'm never going to be accused of killing my neighbor's pets, because i don't act like a fucking psychopath, and i'm never going to be accused of abusing my children because i will never give anyone reason to think its happening.
i know that. is it possible that cps could show up? yes. it's also possible that i could win the lottery. neither one will happen.

There's more of a chance that you'll get a visit from CPS than win the lottery, so let's dispense with the silly comparisons. All you have to do is piss somebody off and if they are malicious enough, they'll look for ways to hurt you. And because these people are cowards, they will abuse the "anonymous tip" system to get back at you.

And FUCK YOU for insinuating that I did do something wrong to incur a visit by CPS.
guess who doesn't do things that pisses people off enough that they would try to hurt them by reporting false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who doesn't associate with people that would make false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who absolutely does not worry that cps will ever visit him, because he never gives anyone reason to think he might abuse his kids... this guy!
you either need to pick your associates better or learn to interact with people like an adult - you know, by not killing their pets.

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