Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex - Se

And you don't make a case for every "intervention" being the result of an abusive home. My home was not abusive, yet CPS showed up.

BTW, you seriously said that CPS will never show up at your door? Let me tell you, one dad to another, you have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER THAT! Anyone can put in an anonymous "tip" and have the government threatening to take your son. Maybe if this happens to you, you'll see the wisdom of killing their cat to send the message that nobody should be able to do that without consequence.
yes i do. i'm not crazy and nobody will ever believe that i would abuse my children. therefore cps will never be at my door.
You're an idiot, this much is clear now. Any rational person knows that CPS shows up to investigate allegations of abuse, whether their real or not, therefore not abusing your children does not protect you from CPS. You're clearly not a thinker, even to grasp such a sophomoric point as that. I come to these forums to debate intelligent people. I'm sick of having to settle for dummies like you.
here's the thing - i'm never going to be accused of selling drugs, because i don't act like a drug pusher. i'm never going to be accused of beating my wife, because i don't act like a wife beater. I'm never going to be accused of killing my neighbor's pets, because i don't act like a fucking psychopath, and i'm never going to be accused of abusing my children because i will never give anyone reason to think its happening.
i know that. is it possible that cps could show up? yes. it's also possible that i could win the lottery. neither one will happen.

There's more of a chance that you'll get a visit from CPS than win the lottery, so let's dispense with the silly comparisons. All you have to do is piss somebody off and if they are malicious enough, they'll look for ways to hurt you. And because these people are cowards, they will abuse the "anonymous tip" system to get back at you.

And FUCK YOU for insinuating that I did do something wrong to incur a visit by CPS.
guess who doesn't do things that pisses people off enough that they would try to hurt them by reporting false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who doesn't associate with people that would make false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who absolutely does not worry that cps will ever visit him, because he never gives anyone reason to think he might abuse his kids... this guy!
you either need to pick your associates better or learn to interact with people like an adult - you know, by not killing their pets.
First you prove you're an idiot by thinking you can control whether or not CPS ever shows up at your door, then you remove all doubt by thinking you can control whether or not people get pissed off at you. They can be completely in the wrong but still be pissed off at you. The illusion that you have the ability to control what can't be controlled is a mental illness, delusions of grandeur, the belief that one possesses supernatural powers. You've not only proven yourself stupid, but now also in serious need of psychiatric intervention.
yes i do. i'm not crazy and nobody will ever believe that i would abuse my children. therefore cps will never be at my door.
You're an idiot, this much is clear now. Any rational person knows that CPS shows up to investigate allegations of abuse, whether their real or not, therefore not abusing your children does not protect you from CPS. You're clearly not a thinker, even to grasp such a sophomoric point as that. I come to these forums to debate intelligent people. I'm sick of having to settle for dummies like you.
here's the thing - i'm never going to be accused of selling drugs, because i don't act like a drug pusher. i'm never going to be accused of beating my wife, because i don't act like a wife beater. I'm never going to be accused of killing my neighbor's pets, because i don't act like a fucking psychopath, and i'm never going to be accused of abusing my children because i will never give anyone reason to think its happening.
i know that. is it possible that cps could show up? yes. it's also possible that i could win the lottery. neither one will happen.

There's more of a chance that you'll get a visit from CPS than win the lottery, so let's dispense with the silly comparisons. All you have to do is piss somebody off and if they are malicious enough, they'll look for ways to hurt you. And because these people are cowards, they will abuse the "anonymous tip" system to get back at you.

And FUCK YOU for insinuating that I did do something wrong to incur a visit by CPS.
guess who doesn't do things that pisses people off enough that they would try to hurt them by reporting false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who doesn't associate with people that would make false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who absolutely does not worry that cps will ever visit him, because he never gives anyone reason to think he might abuse his kids... this guy!
you either need to pick your associates better or learn to interact with people like an adult - you know, by not killing their pets.
First you prove you're an idiot by thinking you can control whether or not CPS ever shows up at your door, then you remove all doubt by thinking you can control whether or not people get pissed off at you. They can be completely in the wrong but still be pissed off at you. The illusion that you have the ability to control what can't be controlled is a mental illness, delusions of grandeur, the belief that one possesses supernatural powers. You've not only proven yourself stupid, but now also in serious need of psychiatric intervention.
believe what you want, but the reality is regular people never have to worry about cps, and will never be visited by cps.
You're an idiot, this much is clear now. Any rational person knows that CPS shows up to investigate allegations of abuse, whether their real or not, therefore not abusing your children does not protect you from CPS. You're clearly not a thinker, even to grasp such a sophomoric point as that. I come to these forums to debate intelligent people. I'm sick of having to settle for dummies like you.
here's the thing - i'm never going to be accused of selling drugs, because i don't act like a drug pusher. i'm never going to be accused of beating my wife, because i don't act like a wife beater. I'm never going to be accused of killing my neighbor's pets, because i don't act like a fucking psychopath, and i'm never going to be accused of abusing my children because i will never give anyone reason to think its happening.
i know that. is it possible that cps could show up? yes. it's also possible that i could win the lottery. neither one will happen.

There's more of a chance that you'll get a visit from CPS than win the lottery, so let's dispense with the silly comparisons. All you have to do is piss somebody off and if they are malicious enough, they'll look for ways to hurt you. And because these people are cowards, they will abuse the "anonymous tip" system to get back at you.

And FUCK YOU for insinuating that I did do something wrong to incur a visit by CPS.
guess who doesn't do things that pisses people off enough that they would try to hurt them by reporting false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who doesn't associate with people that would make false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who absolutely does not worry that cps will ever visit him, because he never gives anyone reason to think he might abuse his kids... this guy!
you either need to pick your associates better or learn to interact with people like an adult - you know, by not killing their pets.
First you prove you're an idiot by thinking you can control whether or not CPS ever shows up at your door, then you remove all doubt by thinking you can control whether or not people get pissed off at you. They can be completely in the wrong but still be pissed off at you. The illusion that you have the ability to control what can't be controlled is a mental illness, delusions of grandeur, the belief that one possesses supernatural powers. You've not only proven yourself stupid, but now also in serious need of psychiatric intervention.
believe what you want, but the reality is regular people never have to worry about cps, and will never be visited by cps.
You have no idea what regular people worry about. You isn't one. I've never met anyone so insanely stupid that they think CPS can never show up at their door and I know LOTS of sane, level headed parents. You offend the cosmos and for certain CPS will show up just because such haughty arrogance never goes unanswered. I'm sure they'll be perfectly safe as they rip your kid away from you. After all, you're a Leftists, therefore no gun.
here's the thing - i'm never going to be accused of selling drugs, because i don't act like a drug pusher. i'm never going to be accused of beating my wife, because i don't act like a wife beater. I'm never going to be accused of killing my neighbor's pets, because i don't act like a fucking psychopath, and i'm never going to be accused of abusing my children because i will never give anyone reason to think its happening.
i know that. is it possible that cps could show up? yes. it's also possible that i could win the lottery. neither one will happen.

There's more of a chance that you'll get a visit from CPS than win the lottery, so let's dispense with the silly comparisons. All you have to do is piss somebody off and if they are malicious enough, they'll look for ways to hurt you. And because these people are cowards, they will abuse the "anonymous tip" system to get back at you.

And FUCK YOU for insinuating that I did do something wrong to incur a visit by CPS.
guess who doesn't do things that pisses people off enough that they would try to hurt them by reporting false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who doesn't associate with people that would make false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who absolutely does not worry that cps will ever visit him, because he never gives anyone reason to think he might abuse his kids... this guy!
you either need to pick your associates better or learn to interact with people like an adult - you know, by not killing their pets.
First you prove you're an idiot by thinking you can control whether or not CPS ever shows up at your door, then you remove all doubt by thinking you can control whether or not people get pissed off at you. They can be completely in the wrong but still be pissed off at you. The illusion that you have the ability to control what can't be controlled is a mental illness, delusions of grandeur, the belief that one possesses supernatural powers. You've not only proven yourself stupid, but now also in serious need of psychiatric intervention.
believe what you want, but the reality is regular people never have to worry about cps, and will never be visited by cps.
You have no idea what regular people worry about. You isn't one. I've never met anyone so insanely stupid that they think CPS can never show up at their door and I know LOTS of sane, level headed parents. You offend the cosmos and for certain CPS will show up just because such haughty arrogance never goes unanswered. I'm sure they'll be perfectly safe as they rip your kid away from you. After all, you're a Leftists, therefore no gun.
you kill cats to get revenge and think you're justified in doing so. what you consider sane and normal is anything but.
look, in your situation, you aren't normal, and your neighbor knew it. you run a 'clothing optional' home - and that's fine i guess. but it isn't normal. and your neighbor or whomever thought that something might be going on and called cps. good for them. instead of being pissed you should be happy that they care about your kids. that aside, you run an abnormal home and that decision comes with risks.

i don't run an abnormal home. there is no behavior that looks suspicious from the outside. i don't go around pissing people off or hanging out with the type of person that thinks it's okay to file false accusations. cps will never knock on my door because of that.
yes i do. i'm not crazy and nobody will ever believe that i would abuse my children. therefore cps will never be at my door.
You're an idiot, this much is clear now. Any rational person knows that CPS shows up to investigate allegations of abuse, whether their real or not, therefore not abusing your children does not protect you from CPS. You're clearly not a thinker, even to grasp such a sophomoric point as that. I come to these forums to debate intelligent people. I'm sick of having to settle for dummies like you.
here's the thing - i'm never going to be accused of selling drugs, because i don't act like a drug pusher. i'm never going to be accused of beating my wife, because i don't act like a wife beater. I'm never going to be accused of killing my neighbor's pets, because i don't act like a fucking psychopath, and i'm never going to be accused of abusing my children because i will never give anyone reason to think its happening.
i know that. is it possible that cps could show up? yes. it's also possible that i could win the lottery. neither one will happen.

There's more of a chance that you'll get a visit from CPS than win the lottery, so let's dispense with the silly comparisons. All you have to do is piss somebody off and if they are malicious enough, they'll look for ways to hurt you. And because these people are cowards, they will abuse the "anonymous tip" system to get back at you.

And FUCK YOU for insinuating that I did do something wrong to incur a visit by CPS.
guess who doesn't do things that pisses people off enough that they would try to hurt them by reporting false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who doesn't associate with people that would make false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who absolutely does not worry that cps will ever visit him, because he never gives anyone reason to think he might abuse his kids... this guy!
you either need to pick your associates better or learn to interact with people like an adult - you know, by not killing their pets.
First you prove you're an idiot by thinking you can control whether or not CPS ever shows up at your door, then you remove all doubt by thinking you can control whether or not people get pissed off at you. They can be completely in the wrong but still be pissed off at you. The illusion that you have the ability to control what can't be controlled is a mental illness, delusions of grandeur, the belief that one possesses supernatural powers. You've not only proven yourself stupid, but now also in serious need of psychiatric intervention.
Seems like you have had personal experience with that sort of thing
There's more of a chance that you'll get a visit from CPS than win the lottery, so let's dispense with the silly comparisons. All you have to do is piss somebody off and if they are malicious enough, they'll look for ways to hurt you. And because these people are cowards, they will abuse the "anonymous tip" system to get back at you.

And FUCK YOU for insinuating that I did do something wrong to incur a visit by CPS.
guess who doesn't do things that pisses people off enough that they would try to hurt them by reporting false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who doesn't associate with people that would make false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who absolutely does not worry that cps will ever visit him, because he never gives anyone reason to think he might abuse his kids... this guy!
you either need to pick your associates better or learn to interact with people like an adult - you know, by not killing their pets.
First you prove you're an idiot by thinking you can control whether or not CPS ever shows up at your door, then you remove all doubt by thinking you can control whether or not people get pissed off at you. They can be completely in the wrong but still be pissed off at you. The illusion that you have the ability to control what can't be controlled is a mental illness, delusions of grandeur, the belief that one possesses supernatural powers. You've not only proven yourself stupid, but now also in serious need of psychiatric intervention.
believe what you want, but the reality is regular people never have to worry about cps, and will never be visited by cps.
You have no idea what regular people worry about. You isn't one. I've never met anyone so insanely stupid that they think CPS can never show up at their door and I know LOTS of sane, level headed parents. You offend the cosmos and for certain CPS will show up just because such haughty arrogance never goes unanswered. I'm sure they'll be perfectly safe as they rip your kid away from you. After all, you're a Leftists, therefore no gun.
you kill cats to get revenge and think you're justified in doing so. what you consider sane and normal is anything but.
look, in your situation, you aren't normal, and your neighbor knew it. you run a 'clothing optional' home - and that's fine i guess. but it isn't normal. and your neighbor or whomever thought that something might be going on and called cps. good for them. instead of being pissed you should be happy that they care about your kids. that aside, you run an abnormal home and that decision comes with risks.

i don't run an abnormal home. there is no behavior that looks suspicious from the outside. i don't go around pissing people off or hanging out with the type of person that thinks it's okay to file false accusations. cps will never knock on my door because of that.
So....anyone who doesn't raise their kids exactly like you do deserves to have CPS called on them? How about vegetarians, should somebody call CPS and claim they're "starving their kids" because they don't like vegetarianism? And here's another example from my own childhood. I'm Native American and I went through a rite of passage that involved a few days in the wilderness fending for myself. Very abnormal, but my people have been doing it for thousands of years. How about that...should CPS come storming in because my parents put me out into the wild by myself?

You don't seem to grasp the simple concept that when one person's rights are violated, it's only a matter of time before yours is too, so the right thing to do is to defend your neighbor even if you don't agree with the lifestyle. It's unreasonable to expect that everyone act a certain way in order to avoid CPS, a sort of cult like adherence to a hive mind. What I do isn't illegal, nor is what my parents did, nor are the vegetarians, nor are the religious. Anyone who breaks the law should get a visit by CPS. Short of that, you should be defending everyone's right NOT to be harassed because you find their lifestyle peculiar.

That's what decent people do.
guess who doesn't do things that pisses people off enough that they would try to hurt them by reporting false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who doesn't associate with people that would make false abuse claims to cps... this guy! guess who absolutely does not worry that cps will ever visit him, because he never gives anyone reason to think he might abuse his kids... this guy!
you either need to pick your associates better or learn to interact with people like an adult - you know, by not killing their pets.
First you prove you're an idiot by thinking you can control whether or not CPS ever shows up at your door, then you remove all doubt by thinking you can control whether or not people get pissed off at you. They can be completely in the wrong but still be pissed off at you. The illusion that you have the ability to control what can't be controlled is a mental illness, delusions of grandeur, the belief that one possesses supernatural powers. You've not only proven yourself stupid, but now also in serious need of psychiatric intervention.
believe what you want, but the reality is regular people never have to worry about cps, and will never be visited by cps.
You have no idea what regular people worry about. You isn't one. I've never met anyone so insanely stupid that they think CPS can never show up at their door and I know LOTS of sane, level headed parents. You offend the cosmos and for certain CPS will show up just because such haughty arrogance never goes unanswered. I'm sure they'll be perfectly safe as they rip your kid away from you. After all, you're a Leftists, therefore no gun.
you kill cats to get revenge and think you're justified in doing so. what you consider sane and normal is anything but.
look, in your situation, you aren't normal, and your neighbor knew it. you run a 'clothing optional' home - and that's fine i guess. but it isn't normal. and your neighbor or whomever thought that something might be going on and called cps. good for them. instead of being pissed you should be happy that they care about your kids. that aside, you run an abnormal home and that decision comes with risks.

i don't run an abnormal home. there is no behavior that looks suspicious from the outside. i don't go around pissing people off or hanging out with the type of person that thinks it's okay to file false accusations. cps will never knock on my door because of that.
So....anyone who doesn't raise their kids exactly like you do deserves to have CPS called on them? How about vegetarians, should somebody call CPS and claim they're "starving their kids" because they don't like vegetarianism? And here's another example from my own childhood. I'm Native American and I went through a rite of passage that involved a few days in the wilderness fending for myself. Very abnormal, but my people have been doing it for thousands of years. How about that...should CPS come storming in because my parents put me out into the wild by myself?

You don't seem to grasp the simple concept that when one person's rights are violated, it's only a matter of time before yours is too, so the right thing to do is to defend your neighbor even if you don't agree with the lifestyle. It's unreasonable to expect that everyone act a certain way in order to avoid CPS, a sort of cult like adherence to a hive mind. What I do isn't illegal, nor is what my parents did, nor are the vegetarians, nor are the religious. Anyone who breaks the law should get a visit by CPS. Short of that, you should be defending everyone's right NOT to be harassed because you find their lifestyle peculiar.

That's what decent people do.
your rights weren't violated.
First you prove you're an idiot by thinking you can control whether or not CPS ever shows up at your door, then you remove all doubt by thinking you can control whether or not people get pissed off at you. They can be completely in the wrong but still be pissed off at you. The illusion that you have the ability to control what can't be controlled is a mental illness, delusions of grandeur, the belief that one possesses supernatural powers. You've not only proven yourself stupid, but now also in serious need of psychiatric intervention.
believe what you want, but the reality is regular people never have to worry about cps, and will never be visited by cps.
You have no idea what regular people worry about. You isn't one. I've never met anyone so insanely stupid that they think CPS can never show up at their door and I know LOTS of sane, level headed parents. You offend the cosmos and for certain CPS will show up just because such haughty arrogance never goes unanswered. I'm sure they'll be perfectly safe as they rip your kid away from you. After all, you're a Leftists, therefore no gun.
you kill cats to get revenge and think you're justified in doing so. what you consider sane and normal is anything but.
look, in your situation, you aren't normal, and your neighbor knew it. you run a 'clothing optional' home - and that's fine i guess. but it isn't normal. and your neighbor or whomever thought that something might be going on and called cps. good for them. instead of being pissed you should be happy that they care about your kids. that aside, you run an abnormal home and that decision comes with risks.

i don't run an abnormal home. there is no behavior that looks suspicious from the outside. i don't go around pissing people off or hanging out with the type of person that thinks it's okay to file false accusations. cps will never knock on my door because of that.
So....anyone who doesn't raise their kids exactly like you do deserves to have CPS called on them? How about vegetarians, should somebody call CPS and claim they're "starving their kids" because they don't like vegetarianism? And here's another example from my own childhood. I'm Native American and I went through a rite of passage that involved a few days in the wilderness fending for myself. Very abnormal, but my people have been doing it for thousands of years. How about that...should CPS come storming in because my parents put me out into the wild by myself?

You don't seem to grasp the simple concept that when one person's rights are violated, it's only a matter of time before yours is too, so the right thing to do is to defend your neighbor even if you don't agree with the lifestyle. It's unreasonable to expect that everyone act a certain way in order to avoid CPS, a sort of cult like adherence to a hive mind. What I do isn't illegal, nor is what my parents did, nor are the vegetarians, nor are the religious. Anyone who breaks the law should get a visit by CPS. Short of that, you should be defending everyone's right NOT to be harassed because you find their lifestyle peculiar.

That's what decent people do.
your rights weren't violated.

My civil rights? Probably not. But people expect a right to privacy, to not have government agencies in their homes when they did nothing wrong. Maybe the Golden Rule is lost on you and you don't see the violation until it happens to you because you lack empathy. Like sociopaths.
People don't want to believe it but it does happen. I know several girls who were raped and forced into prostitution by the staff while they were incarcerated at the creepily named Child Study Institute.

That's awful. This is the point of the thread that foster care kids are put out on the fringe where they are in danger of exploitation. People assume that CPS makes things better, but far too often they expose children to even more risk because they are in the care of people who don't love them and have no problem using them. People pay the mortgage with the money they get for taking in foster kids. They are a paycheck at best. At worst they are fodder for black market sex trafficking and pedophiles on the hunt.

'they are a paycheck at best'- no at best they are caring people who want to help foster kids. I have had family members and family friends who have been foster parents. Our family friends went onto adopting two of their foster kids. My sister had foster kids for 10 years- and yes they helped pay the mortgage- but she gave them a great home- and god the stories of the abuse those kids came from- crack homes, sexual molestation, physical abuse.

The foster system has abuse. And yes CPS makes mistakes. But most of the kids who end up in Foster care are there because their parents either abandoned them- or abused them.

And some Foster care parents care a great deal for those kids- and do everything that they can to give them a relatively normal home, keep them in school and keep them on track.
believe what you want, but the reality is regular people never have to worry about cps, and will never be visited by cps.
You have no idea what regular people worry about. You isn't one. I've never met anyone so insanely stupid that they think CPS can never show up at their door and I know LOTS of sane, level headed parents. You offend the cosmos and for certain CPS will show up just because such haughty arrogance never goes unanswered. I'm sure they'll be perfectly safe as they rip your kid away from you. After all, you're a Leftists, therefore no gun.
you kill cats to get revenge and think you're justified in doing so. what you consider sane and normal is anything but.
look, in your situation, you aren't normal, and your neighbor knew it. you run a 'clothing optional' home - and that's fine i guess. but it isn't normal. and your neighbor or whomever thought that something might be going on and called cps. good for them. instead of being pissed you should be happy that they care about your kids. that aside, you run an abnormal home and that decision comes with risks.

i don't run an abnormal home. there is no behavior that looks suspicious from the outside. i don't go around pissing people off or hanging out with the type of person that thinks it's okay to file false accusations. cps will never knock on my door because of that.
So....anyone who doesn't raise their kids exactly like you do deserves to have CPS called on them? How about vegetarians, should somebody call CPS and claim they're "starving their kids" because they don't like vegetarianism? And here's another example from my own childhood. I'm Native American and I went through a rite of passage that involved a few days in the wilderness fending for myself. Very abnormal, but my people have been doing it for thousands of years. How about that...should CPS come storming in because my parents put me out into the wild by myself?

You don't seem to grasp the simple concept that when one person's rights are violated, it's only a matter of time before yours is too, so the right thing to do is to defend your neighbor even if you don't agree with the lifestyle. It's unreasonable to expect that everyone act a certain way in order to avoid CPS, a sort of cult like adherence to a hive mind. What I do isn't illegal, nor is what my parents did, nor are the vegetarians, nor are the religious. Anyone who breaks the law should get a visit by CPS. Short of that, you should be defending everyone's right NOT to be harassed because you find their lifestyle peculiar.

That's what decent people do.
your rights weren't violated.

My civil rights? Probably not. But people expect a right to privacy, to not have government agencies in their homes when they did nothing wrong. Maybe the Golden Rule is lost on you and you don't see the violation until it happens to you because you lack empathy. Like sociopaths.

So should there be any protections for children from abusive parents?
People don't want to believe it but it does happen. I know several girls who were raped and forced into prostitution by the staff while they were incarcerated at the creepily named Child Study Institute.

That's awful. This is the point of the thread that foster care kids are put out on the fringe where they are in danger of exploitation. People assume that CPS makes things better, but far too often they expose children to even more risk because they are in the care of people who don't love them and have no problem using them. People pay the mortgage with the money they get for taking in foster kids. They are a paycheck at best. At worst they are fodder for black market sex trafficking and pedophiles on the hunt.

'they are a paycheck at best'- no at best they are caring people who want to help foster kids. I have had family members and family friends who have been foster parents. Our family friends went onto adopting two of their foster kids. My sister had foster kids for 10 years- and yes they helped pay the mortgage- but she gave them a great home- and god the stories of the abuse those kids came from- crack homes, sexual molestation, physical abuse.

The foster system has abuse. And yes CPS makes mistakes. But most of the kids who end up in Foster care are there because their parents either abandoned them- or abused them.

And some Foster care parents care a great deal for those kids- and do everything that they can to give them a relatively normal home, keep them in school and keep them on track.

Would they do it without the money?

I thought so.
You have no idea what regular people worry about. You isn't one. I've never met anyone so insanely stupid that they think CPS can never show up at their door and I know LOTS of sane, level headed parents. You offend the cosmos and for certain CPS will show up just because such haughty arrogance never goes unanswered. I'm sure they'll be perfectly safe as they rip your kid away from you. After all, you're a Leftists, therefore no gun.
you kill cats to get revenge and think you're justified in doing so. what you consider sane and normal is anything but.
look, in your situation, you aren't normal, and your neighbor knew it. you run a 'clothing optional' home - and that's fine i guess. but it isn't normal. and your neighbor or whomever thought that something might be going on and called cps. good for them. instead of being pissed you should be happy that they care about your kids. that aside, you run an abnormal home and that decision comes with risks.

i don't run an abnormal home. there is no behavior that looks suspicious from the outside. i don't go around pissing people off or hanging out with the type of person that thinks it's okay to file false accusations. cps will never knock on my door because of that.
So....anyone who doesn't raise their kids exactly like you do deserves to have CPS called on them? How about vegetarians, should somebody call CPS and claim they're "starving their kids" because they don't like vegetarianism? And here's another example from my own childhood. I'm Native American and I went through a rite of passage that involved a few days in the wilderness fending for myself. Very abnormal, but my people have been doing it for thousands of years. How about that...should CPS come storming in because my parents put me out into the wild by myself?

You don't seem to grasp the simple concept that when one person's rights are violated, it's only a matter of time before yours is too, so the right thing to do is to defend your neighbor even if you don't agree with the lifestyle. It's unreasonable to expect that everyone act a certain way in order to avoid CPS, a sort of cult like adherence to a hive mind. What I do isn't illegal, nor is what my parents did, nor are the vegetarians, nor are the religious. Anyone who breaks the law should get a visit by CPS. Short of that, you should be defending everyone's right NOT to be harassed because you find their lifestyle peculiar.

That's what decent people do.
your rights weren't violated.

My civil rights? Probably not. But people expect a right to privacy, to not have government agencies in their homes when they did nothing wrong. Maybe the Golden Rule is lost on you and you don't see the violation until it happens to you because you lack empathy. Like sociopaths.

So should there be any protections for children from abusive parents?

That depends on what "abusive" means. It won't be long before getting them dressed in a pretty dress or 3 piece suit and taking them to Sunday School will be deemed abusive.

So let's choose another term. Intervention is necessary when the life or welfare of the child is in peril. Short of that, CPS needs to leave people alone.
Not surprised yet another government agency is totally corrupt.

Also not surprised the progressives are rushing to defend the State.

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