Children As Young As Six Are To Be Given Compulsory Self-Touching Lessons

What a load of crap

Did you click the link?

It is not in America...
I had no idea Leftism was confined to America.
Actually, it is worse everywhere else.
That’s why the Left are always saying ‘but x country does it’
Most Americans don't realize, but the Constitution is based on the Great Law of the Peace, which is from the Six nations.

The Natives thought the best way to ensure individual liberty was through the natural law of the creator.

Native Americans are the planets oldest conservatives. They weren't really pleased with a bunch of liberal panty waists coming in. Mucking up the freedom with a bunch of laws. Messing up the creators paradise. Etc.

Till the Euro trash came here? There was no government and no laws. Total and complete freedom. No abortion, and anyone, even kids could have any weapon they choose. :71:

Now the only thing left to remember the glory days, about two thirds of our cities, towns, rivers and States retain the original names. And of course the government form.

All groups of people living together have "government" and "laws." Some is more formalized than others.

There were absolutely rules and lines one could not cross. The Native Americans were very democratic, its true--even the Chief (government) wouldn't tell the people what to do. But no one has complete and total freedom, Mr. Beale. That's a very romanticized notion of their lives.
The Lefts push to normalize pedophilia continues.

Children as young as six are being taught about touching or ‘stimulating’ their own genitals as part of classes that will become compulsory in hundreds of primary schools.

Some parents believe the lessons – part of a controversial new sex and relationships teaching programme called All About Me – are ‘sexualising’ their young children.

One couple told last night how they were so disturbed they withdrew their sons from lessons at a school where the programme is already being taught.

All About Me is being rolled out across 241 primaries by Warwickshire County Council and could be adopted by other local authorities next year as part of the Government’s overhaul of Relationship and Sex Education (RSE).

Children as young as SIX are to be given compulsory self-touching lessons | Daily Mail Online

The Brave New World is here....

If the left gets total power, parents won’t have any control over their children.
Teachers in some states are now required to purge children’s lunches of unhealthy items their parents packed for them.
And when I do, what?
You never acknowledge it.
This mom was lunch-shamed for sending her child to school with... raisins

Pre-K Teacher ‘Lunch Shames’ Mom For Sending Her Kid To School With Oreos

State Inspectors Searching Children’s Lunch Boxes: “This Isn’t China, Is It?”
The Brave New World is here....

If the left gets total power, parents won’t have any control over their children.
Teachers in some states are now required to purge children’s lunches of unhealthy items their parents packed for them.
And when I do, what?
You never acknowledge it.
I promise I'll give you a big hug and THANK YOU and everything. But do it in the next half hour or so because I'm getting ready to sign off.
One second while you smooch up.

The Reason School Lunches Were Confiscated From Children Has Parents Infuriated

Missouri dad shamed by teacher for his daughter’s ‘unhealthy’ lunch fights back on Facebook

School says no to Oreos in child's lunch
I'd be headed into school with a hatchet if I had still had a child in school. What absolute BULLSHIT!
Oreos and a glass of milk aren't going to hurt anyone. That preschool with the "fruit vegetable and bread if you send potatoes" rules -- I wouldn't send a child there if you PAID ME.

No Goldfish? What in hell is wrong with goldfish? Or raisins?

The world is going crazy. I'm glad I live in a backwater that's forty years behind the times. Maybe fifty.
Did you click the link?

It is not in America...
I had no idea Leftism was confined to America.
Actually, it is worse everywhere else.
That’s why the Left are always saying ‘but x country does it’
Most Americans don't realize, but the Constitution is based on the Great Law of the Peace, which is from the Six nations.

The Natives thought the best way to ensure individual liberty was through the natural law of the creator.

Native Americans are the planets oldest conservatives. They weren't really pleased with a bunch of liberal panty waists coming in. Mucking up the freedom with a bunch of laws. Messing up the creators paradise. Etc.

Till the Euro trash came here? There was no government and no laws. Total and complete freedom. No abortion, and anyone, even kids could have any weapon they choose. :71:

Now the only thing left to remember the glory days, about two thirds of our cities, towns, rivers and States retain the original names. And of course the government form.

All groups of people living together have "government" and "laws." Some is more formalized than others.

There were absolutely rules and lines one could not cross. The Native Americans were very democratic, its true--even the Chief (government) wouldn't tell the people what to do. But no one has complete and total freedom, Mr. Beale. That's a very romanticized notion of their lives.

True enough.

There is a difference though.

Humans evolved at a tribal level. Beyond the city state level, where the folks represented are out of touch with their leaders, there is no longer any incentive for those who rule to be moral or ethical. None.

That is the point of this thread. How is what these pervert bureaucrats are doing right? Why should anyone be paid to do that, why should anyone's children be forced to be taken away and sent to learn nonsense they will never use?

When evolutionary restrictions are no longer in play, corruption naturally sets in. Thus, the optimal level for "government,," or leadership, is community to city state level. And, above that, a confederated-Republican form of government. Anything else is tyrannical oppression. No one should be forced to be represented by a government that doesn't give a shit about them other than extracting wealth from them and manipulating their mind to make it easier.

At this point, I maintain, YOUR WORLD, and what you fund, is completely out of balance.

You just don't get it.

And this is why the world and our nation is out of balance, b/c corrupt leaders and bureaucrats want to make sure that the folks and the left and right argue while they skim everyone's taxes to do insane things.
The teacher will be happy to demonstrate exactly what the child is supposed to touch.

Does anyone remember Jocelyn Elders? She was surgeon general and first suggested that masturbation be taught in schools. She was fired over such nonsense.
The teacher will be happy to demonstrate exactly what the child is supposed to touch.

Does anyone remember Jocelyn Elders? She was surgeon general and first suggested that masturbation be taught in schools. She was fired over such nonsense.
Posted last week was a college course on normalizing pedophilia.
I had no idea Leftism was confined to America.
Actually, it is worse everywhere else.
That’s why the Left are always saying ‘but x country does it’
Most Americans don't realize, but the Constitution is based on the Great Law of the Peace, which is from the Six nations.

The Natives thought the best way to ensure individual liberty was through the natural law of the creator.

Native Americans are the planets oldest conservatives. They weren't really pleased with a bunch of liberal panty waists coming in. Mucking up the freedom with a bunch of laws. Messing up the creators paradise. Etc.

Till the Euro trash came here? There was no government and no laws. Total and complete freedom. No abortion, and anyone, even kids could have any weapon they choose. :71:

Now the only thing left to remember the glory days, about two thirds of our cities, towns, rivers and States retain the original names. And of course the government form.

All groups of people living together have "government" and "laws." Some is more formalized than others.

There were absolutely rules and lines one could not cross. The Native Americans were very democratic, its true--even the Chief (government) wouldn't tell the people what to do. But no one has complete and total freedom, Mr. Beale. That's a very romanticized notion of their lives.

True enough.

There is a difference though.

Humans evolved at a tribal level. Beyond the city state level, where the folks represented are out of touch with their leaders, there is no longer any incentive for those who rule to be moral or ethical. None.

That is the point of this thread. How is what these pervert bureaucrats are doing right? Why should anyone be paid to do that, why should anyone's children be forced to be taken away and sent to learn nonsense they will never use?

When evolutionary restrictions are no longer in play, corruption naturally sets in. Thus, the optimal level for "government,," or leadership, is community to city state level. And, above that, a confederated-Republican form of government. Anything else is tyrannical oppression. No one should be forced to be represented by a government that doesn't give a shit about them other than extracting wealth from them and manipulating their mind to make it easier.

At this point, I maintain, YOUR WORLD, and what you fund, is completely out of balance.

You just don't get it.

And this is why the world and our nation is out of balance, b/c corrupt leaders and bureaucrats want to make sure that the folks and the left and right argue while they skim everyone's taxes to do insane things.
No one should be forced to be represented by a government that doesn't give a shit about them other than extracting wealth from them and manipulating their mind to make it easier.
That is as it has always been, and always will be. Man is a social animal and will develop structures to maintain equilibrium in their group. Small bands of Native Americans we encountered after 75-90% of them had been killed off by European germs were able to do the extreme democracy thing, but back in the day when they had many thousands living together in places like Cahokia, you can bet your ass they had rules and rule keepers. Sure we're taught our culture's rules as children. That's not "manipulating their mind," it's socialization.

I don't necessarily like the way the world is, or our government is, but I'm too old to tilt at windmills. It won't change until people learn that playing King of the Mountain is not the best way to go. Obama tried that approach. It seems we aren't ready for it.
The Lefts push to normalize pedophilia continues.

Children as young as six are being taught about touching or ‘stimulating’ their own genitals as part of classes that will become compulsory in hundreds of primary schools.

Some parents believe the lessons – part of a controversial new sex and relationships teaching programme called All About Me – are ‘sexualising’ their young children.

One couple told last night how they were so disturbed they withdrew their sons from lessons at a school where the programme is already being taught.

All About Me is being rolled out across 241 primaries by Warwickshire County Council and could be adopted by other local authorities next year as part of the Government’s overhaul of Relationship and Sex Education (RSE).

Children as young as SIX are to be given compulsory self-touching lessons | Daily Mail Online
I used to yell at my kids for doing that stuff.
By the way, how do you create an OP? I have a neat idea but can't start a thread.
Actually, it is worse everywhere else.
That’s why the Left are always saying ‘but x country does it’
Most Americans don't realize, but the Constitution is based on the Great Law of the Peace, which is from the Six nations.

The Natives thought the best way to ensure individual liberty was through the natural law of the creator.

Native Americans are the planets oldest conservatives. They weren't really pleased with a bunch of liberal panty waists coming in. Mucking up the freedom with a bunch of laws. Messing up the creators paradise. Etc.

Till the Euro trash came here? There was no government and no laws. Total and complete freedom. No abortion, and anyone, even kids could have any weapon they choose. :71:

Now the only thing left to remember the glory days, about two thirds of our cities, towns, rivers and States retain the original names. And of course the government form.

All groups of people living together have "government" and "laws." Some is more formalized than others.

There were absolutely rules and lines one could not cross. The Native Americans were very democratic, its true--even the Chief (government) wouldn't tell the people what to do. But no one has complete and total freedom, Mr. Beale. That's a very romanticized notion of their lives.

True enough.

There is a difference though.

Humans evolved at a tribal level. Beyond the city state level, where the folks represented are out of touch with their leaders, there is no longer any incentive for those who rule to be moral or ethical. None.

That is the point of this thread. How is what these pervert bureaucrats are doing right? Why should anyone be paid to do that, why should anyone's children be forced to be taken away and sent to learn nonsense they will never use?

When evolutionary restrictions are no longer in play, corruption naturally sets in. Thus, the optimal level for "government,," or leadership, is community to city state level. And, above that, a confederated-Republican form of government. Anything else is tyrannical oppression. No one should be forced to be represented by a government that doesn't give a shit about them other than extracting wealth from them and manipulating their mind to make it easier.

At this point, I maintain, YOUR WORLD, and what you fund, is completely out of balance.

You just don't get it.

And this is why the world and our nation is out of balance, b/c corrupt leaders and bureaucrats want to make sure that the folks and the left and right argue while they skim everyone's taxes to do insane things.
No one should be forced to be represented by a government that doesn't give a shit about them other than extracting wealth from them and manipulating their mind to make it easier.
That is as it has always been, and always will be. Man is a social animal and will develop structures to maintain equilibrium in their group. Small bands of Native Americans we encountered after 75-90% of them had been killed off by European germs were able to do the extreme democracy thing, but back in the day when they had many thousands living together in places like Cahokia, you can bet your ass they had rules and rule keepers. Sure we're taught our culture's rules as children. That's not "manipulating their mind," it's socialization.

I don't necessarily like the way the world is, or our government is, but I'm too old to tilt at windmills. It won't change until people learn that playing King of the Mountain is not the best way to go. Obama tried that approach. It seems we aren't ready for it.

Prove to me that Obama wasn't CIA, and that everything the corporate media presented to you about him wasn't a fabrication?

Also, there is a big difference between the social norms of societal exceptions, and what public schools do to destroy children.

The Seven Lesson Schoolteacher |
I can understand asking that children not bring peanut products to school, since many kids are deathly allergic to them and kids are pretty famous for "trading" with their classmates. Anaphylactic shock, anyone?

Goldfish and oreos? Jello snacks? Are these organic farmers or WHAT? That article did say the school said the choice is still up to the parents. The teacher probably got a talking to.

I do know elementary teachers who won't allow candy for parties--15 or 20 sugared up 7 years olds is enough to make even an experienced teacher shudder. They do popcorn and pretzels--probably GOLDFISH!
The teacher will be happy to demonstrate exactly what the child is supposed to touch.

Does anyone remember Jocelyn Elders? She was surgeon general and first suggested that masturbation be taught in schools. She was fired over such nonsense.
She also spouted that black teenagers having sex and young teenage girls getting pregnant was "natural". That is the attitude that can destroy a group of people.
That’s why the Left are always saying ‘but x country does it’
Most Americans don't realize, but the Constitution is based on the Great Law of the Peace, which is from the Six nations.

The Natives thought the best way to ensure individual liberty was through the natural law of the creator.

Native Americans are the planets oldest conservatives. They weren't really pleased with a bunch of liberal panty waists coming in. Mucking up the freedom with a bunch of laws. Messing up the creators paradise. Etc.

Till the Euro trash came here? There was no government and no laws. Total and complete freedom. No abortion, and anyone, even kids could have any weapon they choose. :71:

Now the only thing left to remember the glory days, about two thirds of our cities, towns, rivers and States retain the original names. And of course the government form.

All groups of people living together have "government" and "laws." Some is more formalized than others.

There were absolutely rules and lines one could not cross. The Native Americans were very democratic, its true--even the Chief (government) wouldn't tell the people what to do. But no one has complete and total freedom, Mr. Beale. That's a very romanticized notion of their lives.

True enough.

There is a difference though.

Humans evolved at a tribal level. Beyond the city state level, where the folks represented are out of touch with their leaders, there is no longer any incentive for those who rule to be moral or ethical. None.

That is the point of this thread. How is what these pervert bureaucrats are doing right? Why should anyone be paid to do that, why should anyone's children be forced to be taken away and sent to learn nonsense they will never use?

When evolutionary restrictions are no longer in play, corruption naturally sets in. Thus, the optimal level for "government,," or leadership, is community to city state level. And, above that, a confederated-Republican form of government. Anything else is tyrannical oppression. No one should be forced to be represented by a government that doesn't give a shit about them other than extracting wealth from them and manipulating their mind to make it easier.

At this point, I maintain, YOUR WORLD, and what you fund, is completely out of balance.

You just don't get it.

And this is why the world and our nation is out of balance, b/c corrupt leaders and bureaucrats want to make sure that the folks and the left and right argue while they skim everyone's taxes to do insane things.
No one should be forced to be represented by a government that doesn't give a shit about them other than extracting wealth from them and manipulating their mind to make it easier.
That is as it has always been, and always will be. Man is a social animal and will develop structures to maintain equilibrium in their group. Small bands of Native Americans we encountered after 75-90% of them had been killed off by European germs were able to do the extreme democracy thing, but back in the day when they had many thousands living together in places like Cahokia, you can bet your ass they had rules and rule keepers. Sure we're taught our culture's rules as children. That's not "manipulating their mind," it's socialization.

I don't necessarily like the way the world is, or our government is, but I'm too old to tilt at windmills. It won't change until people learn that playing King of the Mountain is not the best way to go. Obama tried that approach. It seems we aren't ready for it.

Prove to me that Obama wasn't CIA, and that everything the corporate media presented to you about him wasn't a fabrication?

Also, there is a big difference between the social norms of societal exceptions, and what public schools do to destroy children.

The Seven Lesson Schoolteacher |
I'm not even going to read that tripe. My parents were both teachers, I have a lot of friends who are public school teachers and I'm a teacher myself. I know better than whatever you're going to use to try and "manipulate my mind," Mr. Beale. Teachers are good people who work hard.

This curriculum they're talking about sounds like overkill to me, but you can't blame the teachers for it. There are some kids you have to flat out tell not to masturbate in public, but that's better done one on one, I think.
The Lefts push to normalize pedophilia continues.

Children as young as six are being taught about touching or ‘stimulating’ their own genitals as part of classes that will become compulsory in hundreds of primary schools.

Some parents believe the lessons – part of a controversial new sex and relationships teaching programme called All About Me – are ‘sexualising’ their young children.

One couple told last night how they were so disturbed they withdrew their sons from lessons at a school where the programme is already being taught.

All About Me is being rolled out across 241 primaries by Warwickshire County Council and could be adopted by other local authorities next year as part of the Government’s overhaul of Relationship and Sex Education (RSE).

Children as young as SIX are to be given compulsory self-touching lessons | Daily Mail Online
Disgusting, but not surprising. The Left lack ANY morals or common sense. Despicable.
Most Americans don't realize, but the Constitution is based on the Great Law of the Peace, which is from the Six nations.

The Natives thought the best way to ensure individual liberty was through the natural law of the creator.

Native Americans are the planets oldest conservatives. They weren't really pleased with a bunch of liberal panty waists coming in. Mucking up the freedom with a bunch of laws. Messing up the creators paradise. Etc.

Till the Euro trash came here? There was no government and no laws. Total and complete freedom. No abortion, and anyone, even kids could have any weapon they choose. :71:

Now the only thing left to remember the glory days, about two thirds of our cities, towns, rivers and States retain the original names. And of course the government form.

All groups of people living together have "government" and "laws." Some is more formalized than others.

There were absolutely rules and lines one could not cross. The Native Americans were very democratic, its true--even the Chief (government) wouldn't tell the people what to do. But no one has complete and total freedom, Mr. Beale. That's a very romanticized notion of their lives.

True enough.

There is a difference though.

Humans evolved at a tribal level. Beyond the city state level, where the folks represented are out of touch with their leaders, there is no longer any incentive for those who rule to be moral or ethical. None.

That is the point of this thread. How is what these pervert bureaucrats are doing right? Why should anyone be paid to do that, why should anyone's children be forced to be taken away and sent to learn nonsense they will never use?

When evolutionary restrictions are no longer in play, corruption naturally sets in. Thus, the optimal level for "government,," or leadership, is community to city state level. And, above that, a confederated-Republican form of government. Anything else is tyrannical oppression. No one should be forced to be represented by a government that doesn't give a shit about them other than extracting wealth from them and manipulating their mind to make it easier.

At this point, I maintain, YOUR WORLD, and what you fund, is completely out of balance.

You just don't get it.

And this is why the world and our nation is out of balance, b/c corrupt leaders and bureaucrats want to make sure that the folks and the left and right argue while they skim everyone's taxes to do insane things.
No one should be forced to be represented by a government that doesn't give a shit about them other than extracting wealth from them and manipulating their mind to make it easier.
That is as it has always been, and always will be. Man is a social animal and will develop structures to maintain equilibrium in their group. Small bands of Native Americans we encountered after 75-90% of them had been killed off by European germs were able to do the extreme democracy thing, but back in the day when they had many thousands living together in places like Cahokia, you can bet your ass they had rules and rule keepers. Sure we're taught our culture's rules as children. That's not "manipulating their mind," it's socialization.

I don't necessarily like the way the world is, or our government is, but I'm too old to tilt at windmills. It won't change until people learn that playing King of the Mountain is not the best way to go. Obama tried that approach. It seems we aren't ready for it.

Prove to me that Obama wasn't CIA, and that everything the corporate media presented to you about him wasn't a fabrication?

Also, there is a big difference between the social norms of societal exceptions, and what public schools do to destroy children.

The Seven Lesson Schoolteacher |
I'm not even going to read that tripe. My parents were both teachers, I have a lot of friends who are public school teachers and I'm a teacher myself. I know better than whatever you're going to use to try and "manipulate my mind," Mr. Beale. Teachers are good people who work hard.

This curriculum they're talking about sounds like overkill to me, but you can't blame the teachers for it. There are some kids you have to flat out tell not to masturbate in public, but that's better done one on one, I think.
Sorry you don't like the truth. It bothers you, that is why you turn to ad hominem. If you can't be bothered to read and face the truth, we have nothing left to talk about.

It is because I know the truth, reveal it to the public, that you become indignant and insulted that it frightens you. Of course their are terrific teachers, we have all had them. But the system is designed to depress and demoralized them, it doesn't reward them. I am surprised that someone so caring, thoughtful and intelligent like you, still cares to go into to those monsters everyday. My kid told me the other day he was thinking about teaching? :71: Both he, his mom, and my parents warned him against it. It is a one way ticket to become burned out. It is a thankless job. Government has become corroded and corrupt, like the final days of the Roman Empire. The system is rigged against all teachers. You should know this.

The fact remains, the system is set up to create, HUMAN RESOURCES, for both the government, and industry, not educated fully self-actualized individuals, the system doesn't give a shit about that.. The establishment doesn't give a shit about "education," only schooling. Thus, the fact most mass shootings happen in public schools is no surprise, b/c generally the first bullies are teachers. They quit caring.

Teachers Who Bully

We don't have a gun problem, we have a shitty people and a shitty education problem. The bullying is out of control.

Your last post was a tacit admission, teachers that don't want to face what I have tried to educate you on, are the primary cause of all these mass shootings then?

Who has more influence over these kids? Parents, teachers or peer groups?


If you were told there was no hope for the future, and exposed to a continual stream of bullshit and bullying?

. . . .
They’re even younger and they’re being taught how to hide from Republicans who come to their schools carrying weapons of war with murder on their minds.
All groups of people living together have "government" and "laws." Some is more formalized than others.

There were absolutely rules and lines one could not cross. The Native Americans were very democratic, its true--even the Chief (government) wouldn't tell the people what to do. But no one has complete and total freedom, Mr. Beale. That's a very romanticized notion of their lives.

True enough.

There is a difference though.

Humans evolved at a tribal level. Beyond the city state level, where the folks represented are out of touch with their leaders, there is no longer any incentive for those who rule to be moral or ethical. None.

That is the point of this thread. How is what these pervert bureaucrats are doing right? Why should anyone be paid to do that, why should anyone's children be forced to be taken away and sent to learn nonsense they will never use?

When evolutionary restrictions are no longer in play, corruption naturally sets in. Thus, the optimal level for "government,," or leadership, is community to city state level. And, above that, a confederated-Republican form of government. Anything else is tyrannical oppression. No one should be forced to be represented by a government that doesn't give a shit about them other than extracting wealth from them and manipulating their mind to make it easier.

At this point, I maintain, YOUR WORLD, and what you fund, is completely out of balance.

You just don't get it.

And this is why the world and our nation is out of balance, b/c corrupt leaders and bureaucrats want to make sure that the folks and the left and right argue while they skim everyone's taxes to do insane things.
No one should be forced to be represented by a government that doesn't give a shit about them other than extracting wealth from them and manipulating their mind to make it easier.
That is as it has always been, and always will be. Man is a social animal and will develop structures to maintain equilibrium in their group. Small bands of Native Americans we encountered after 75-90% of them had been killed off by European germs were able to do the extreme democracy thing, but back in the day when they had many thousands living together in places like Cahokia, you can bet your ass they had rules and rule keepers. Sure we're taught our culture's rules as children. That's not "manipulating their mind," it's socialization.

I don't necessarily like the way the world is, or our government is, but I'm too old to tilt at windmills. It won't change until people learn that playing King of the Mountain is not the best way to go. Obama tried that approach. It seems we aren't ready for it.

Prove to me that Obama wasn't CIA, and that everything the corporate media presented to you about him wasn't a fabrication?

Also, there is a big difference between the social norms of societal exceptions, and what public schools do to destroy children.

The Seven Lesson Schoolteacher |
I'm not even going to read that tripe. My parents were both teachers, I have a lot of friends who are public school teachers and I'm a teacher myself. I know better than whatever you're going to use to try and "manipulate my mind," Mr. Beale. Teachers are good people who work hard.

This curriculum they're talking about sounds like overkill to me, but you can't blame the teachers for it. There are some kids you have to flat out tell not to masturbate in public, but that's better done one on one, I think.
Sorry you don't like the truth. It bothers you, that is why you turn to ad hominem. If you can't be bothered to read and face the truth, we have nothing left to talk about.

It is because I know the truth, reveal it to the public, that you become indignant and insulted that it frightens you. Of course their are terrific teachers, we have all had them. But the system is designed to depress and demoralized them, it doesn't reward them. I am surprised that someone so caring, thoughtful and intelligent like you, still cares to go into to those monsters everyday. My kid told me the other day he was thinking about teaching? :71: Both he, his mom, and my parents warned him against it. It is a one way ticket to become burned out. It is a thankless job. Government has become corroded and corrupt, like the final days of the Roman Empire. The system is rigged against all teachers. You should know this.

The fact remains, the system is set up to create, HUMAN RESOURCES, for both the government, and industry, not educated fully self-actualized individuals, the system doesn't give a shit about that.. The establishment doesn't give a shit about "education," only schooling. Thus, the fact most mass shootings happen in public schools is no surprise, b/c generally the first bullies are teachers. They quit caring.

Teachers Who Bully

We don't have a gun problem, we have a shitty people and a shitty education problem. The bullying is out of control.

Your last post was a tacit admission, teachers that don't want to face what I have tried to educate you on, are the primary cause of all these mass shootings then?

Who has more influence over these kids? Parents, teachers or peer groups?


If you were told there was no hope for the future, and exposed to a continual stream of bullshit and bullying?

. . . .
My kid told me the other day he was thinking about teaching? :71: Both he, his mom, and my parents warned him against it. It is a one way ticket to become burned out. It is a thankless job.
Oh, Mr. Beale, how sad what you and your family did there! Public education is overburdened, it's true, but I have to tell you, as frustrating and hard as teaching can be some days, the students ALWAYS give me energy and the only thing that can burn you out is the paperwork and the continual realignments of curriculum and the perpetual CEU's and the faculty meetings at 7 a.m. and.... yeah, that isn't fun. But teaching itself is energizing and challenging and about the time you think you're ready to throw in the towel, something remarkable will happen that makes every bit of sweat and tears worth it. It's a tremendously rewarding job. I love it. I'm a big girl. I can deal with the administrative bullshit as long as you give me students.

Please let your son know I said that.

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