Children Being Indoctrinized In Public Schools

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
There are basically 3 types of Democrats.

Those that push their gender ideology on children, groom, and mutilate them.

Those who support the teaching of gender ideology to children, grooming, and mutilating them.

and those who deny Democrats are teaching gender ideology to children, grooming, and mutilating them.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all,"

Yeah, I was indoctrinated ... it's worse in the military ... everything is all about patriotism ... love of country ... defend the constitution ... starts with public schools if the parents don't care ...

With my father, I had to shed a tear during the National Anthem ... or no John Brodie or Willy Mac for me ...
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all,"

Yeah, I was indoctrinated ... it's worse in the military ... everything is all about patriotism ... love of country ... defend the constitution ... starts with public schools if the parents don't care ...

With my father, I had to shed a tear during the National Anthem ... or no John Brodie or Willy Mac for me ...
As a Christian, my only allegiance is to God.

Good luck keeping your allegiance to Marxist groomers
Freaking Dems push concepts like Climate Change, Evolution and Biden won the 2020 election

When will they stop indoctrinating our children?
Well, the Earth IS warming but the cause and solutions are debatable. Are you afraid of debate, or do you just want only one side taught in schools? Yes, there is evolution but that doesn't mean there isn't a God who created everything. Regarding the 2020 election, when are democrats going to quit claiming elections are stolen?
Freaking Dems! :ack-1:
Teaching kids to be tolerant of Homosexuals

Undoing all the hard work Republicans do in teaching kids to hate Gays
We don't need young kids being taught in schools that homosexuality is normal when it isn't. What happened to, "Don't ask, don't tell"? Why can't we teach reading, riting and rithmetic?
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We don't need young kids being taught in schools that homosexuality is normal when it isn't. What happened to, "Don't ask, don't tell"? Why can't we teach reading, writing and rithmetic?
Don’t ask, Don’t tell went out in the 90s

Today we accept homosexuals for who they are and even allow them to get married.

What a great country
What Democrats get wrong is the need to socialize and normalize children. It is part of parenting that is partly farmed out to the public schools. Children are to be taught civil norms and patriotism. If, as adults, they choose to reject those norms, that is everyone's right; same for patriotism. If it doesn't work for you, you can become a Democrat.

But failing to teach and reinforce norms is a failure of parenting.

One of the norms of our civil society is tolerance for those who are different from you and your tribe, but Transvestite Story Hour is not teaching norms; it is teaching embracement of abnormal behavior and culture.

One of the residual effects of the Vietnam War is that Academe has been infected with a culture that hates America, initiated by the millions of draft-dodgers who went to, and stayed in, college in order to avoid serving their country. This took Academe from a place that was definitely liberal-biased, to a monochromatic Leftist paradise, where it remains today.

This is why parents of school-age children have to constantly battle to prevent their children from being indoctrinated into socialist nihilist bullshit. And from all indications, "we" are losing.

Glad I won't live long enough to see how it all turns out.
One of the residual effects of the Vietnam War is that Academe has been infected with a culture that hates America, initiated by the millions of draft-dodgers who went to, and stayed in, college in order to avoid serving their country. This took Academe from a place that was definitely liberal-biased, to a monochromatic Leftist paradise, where it remains today.
Do you believe K-12 teacher hate America, or what are you referring to (mind the topic is children)
Don’t ask, Don’t tell went out in the 90s

Today we accept homosexuals for who they are and even allow them to get married.

What a great country
We shouldn't be teaching young children in schools that homosexuality is normal when it's not. And, I'm not saying that we should go out and teach them that it is abnormal either. We shouldn't be teaching it either way at all.

We shouldn't be teaching young children in schools that homosexuality is normal when it's not. And, I'm not saying that we should go out and teach them that it is abnormal either. We shouldn't be teaching it either way at all.

Homosexuals exist, always have
Young Children need to be taught that not all families are Mommy and Daddy

Older children need to be taught that if they are gay, there is nothing wrong with them and they are accepted in society

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