Children Being Indoctrinized In Public Schools

They are teaching them that they can change their sex at a vulnerable age. 8 year olds shouldn't be taught about sex.
Does that include family members, as in, "why does Timmy not have a mom?"

EDIT: on the flipside, to Jknowgood's point, when would the issue come up and why?
Young children come from a variety of homes. Often its not mom and dad, just mom, or just grannie, or just uncle Pete, and aunt Bertha, or that pack of wiener dogs...
I was responding to your point.
rightwinger, then your response:
oung Children need to be taught that not all families are Mommy and Daddy

Older children need to be taught that if they are gay, there is nothing wrong with them and they are accepted in society
Your response: Young children don't need to be taught that at all. I wonder how old "older children" are?
Families aren't mom and dad for a lot of them. To use an example from my family: Dad didn't have a dad because his dad didn't come back from the Pacific.
One way or another, your dad had a dad. How about just a generic, there are moms and dads but not all families are structured that way? When I went to school I never knew what the family structures were of the other kids around me. It was unimportant and didn't matter.
Glowarm is a scam. Geological cycles, planet has been doing this eons. Evolution, species don't cut off their breasts or peckers to advance. Just an fyi, there are a lack of transitional markers that show species evolving. Darwin even admitted that.!!!
Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner

Why we can’t have conservatives teaching our Children
The left are out to destroy this country. This is just plain sick and disgusting. The woke left need to be stopped.

Smart parents will send their kids to private schools.
This is fair.
As to kids and families, I only knew about the families of kids I was friends with, or speculations on the parentage of my enemies. :meow:
Exactly. Same with me. And, we only knew about the family structure of our friends through interactions with them, not from them being taught in school.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all,"

Yeah, I was indoctrinated ... it's worse in the military ... everything is all about patriotism ... love of country ... defend the constitution ... starts with public schools if the parents don't care ...

With my father, I had to shed a tear during the National Anthem ... or no John Brodie or Willy Mac for me ...

Yup. And during those days America's society was also better, stronger and smarter.

It didn't take long after Christianity and love for America was taken away that our society started going to shit.

So we took away lessons of God, morality, responsibility, love for your country and so on and now we pedophiles being quite public, trannies demanding they are to be lied to and told they are real women and men can have babies, groups like the world economic forum making moves to control everything, everything is suddenly racist and white people are bad. Our society is going down the shitter and kids are being drug down also.

So you can make your claims about the pledge but when we all said it we were a better country. But don't act like saying the pledge turned us all into mindless Nazis or anything like that. You and everyone else turned out just fine.

And saying the pledge in school can not even be compared to little kids being taught about drag queens, men can be women, pedophilia is normal, whites are evil. They aren't even fucking close at all.
The implication is that CRT is taught in every curriculum.
It's NOT.

I'm sure there are a few, very few, angry individual teachers that teach outside the designed curriculum, but it's very few.
It's not just a few. And no one anywhere said it is taught everywhere.

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