Children Being Indoctrinized In Public Schools

No, I am saying schools are full of teachers who have to reverse the hate and misinformation that Conservative Parents fill their kids with
Conservative parents don't teach their children to hate. You really are a moron.

You make such exaggerated claims about homosexuals and groomers and perverse conspiracies like Pizza parlors trafficking young children. I know you want to win at all costs, but this strategy is just filthy.
No, I am saying schools are full of teachers who have to reverse the hate and misinformation that Conservative Parents fill their kids with
Conservative parents don't teach their kids hate and misinformation. That is misinformation. First off, Conservative doesn't even necessarily mean that they believe in God. It may just mean that they are conservative. Yes, many conservatives do believe in God (as do many liberals such as Biden and Pelosi) but, are you trying to say that teachers should teach students that there is no God? Really? Also, can't there be both God and evolution? Just as you think women have a right to choose, don't conservatives have the right to fight for life and be against murder? Many churchgoers in general believe that homosexuality is wrong and are against it, but I challenge you to prove that conservatives, in general, hate homosexuals. That's just plain outright misinformation. Contrary to your misinformation, conservatives do not hate women, minorities, the poor, seniors, immigrants, homosexuals, and cute little puppy dogs.
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And what hate and misinformation would that be?
Stuff like how men can't give birth, there is no such thing as a three year old transexual, that victimizing an innocent person by burning down their business has nothing to do with justice, social or otherwise.

You just need to keep in mind that the new gospel requires them to believe in all sorts of nutty things and so they call everything else "misinformation"

In a land of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
No, I am saying schools are full of teachers who have to reverse the hate and misinformation that Conservative Parents fill their kids with

I don’t know if you’re aware of this but a teachers job is to teach Americas kids how to read and write. It’s a parents job to teach them everything else.

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