Children Being Indoctrinized In Public Schools

I don’t know if you’re aware of this but a teachers job is to teach Americas kids how to read and write. It’s a parents job to teach them everything else.

When a child brings the hate and misinformation that his parents teach him to school…….the school is under no obligation to reinforce it
I don’t know if you’re aware of this but a teachers job is to teach Americas kids how to read and write. It’s a parents job to teach them everything else.

Can you just imagine how all these Stalinists would scream if the schools were pounding fundamentalist Christian religion down kid's throats instead of fundamentalist woke religion?
IF a Repub was profitting off govt cause of spouses position all hell would break loose....much less mind sodomizing them
Yup. And during those days America's society was also better, stronger and smarter.

It didn't take long after Christianity and love for America was taken away that our society started going to shit.

So we took away lessons of God, morality, responsibility, love for your country and so on and now we pedophiles being quite public, trannies demanding they are to be lied to and told they are real women and men can have babies, groups like the world economic forum making moves to control everything, everything is suddenly racist and white people are bad. Our society is going down the shitter and kids are being drug down also.

So you can make your claims about the pledge but when we all said it we were a better country. But don't act like saying the pledge turned us all into mindless Nazis or anything like that. You and everyone else turned out just fine.

And saying the pledge in school can not even be compared to little kids being taught about drag queens, men can be women, pedophilia is normal, whites are evil. They aren't even fucking close at all.

It was certainly better for Christians, not so much non-Christians ... maybe stronger ... no way were we smarter, today we have computers and microwaves and transistor radios ...

Did your local school board tell you why these things are being taught in your local schools? ... did you even ask? ...
It's a simple question. Why can't you answer?
Because if everyone else in the thread gets it then that's on you. I don't have time to educated kindergartners. I didn't have to explain it to any of the others in this thread so I'm not going to explain it to you. If you can't figure it out I can't help stupid.
It certainly is the religion of the left. It’s a religion with no benefits at all. Only misery.
The funny thing, too, is that none of these mindless creatures believed all of this crap 10 years ago and aren't even sentient enough to realize that.

Whatever their masters tell them is their new faith becomes their new faith and as soon as they adopt the new faith, they forget the old one.

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