Children were shot and burned alive on October 7 by Islamic "palestine" regime, forensic evidence shows

Hmmmm. Seems to me that bombs being dropped on them are killing them. I don't think anyone in Gaza is doing that. :)
But, whatever helps you sleep at night and justify the killing.
Actually about 550 of the indiscriminate rockets fired by Hamas from Gaza fell short and landed in Gaza. So, yeah, people in Gaza are doing that.
Yes, there was an event that happened on Oct. 7th.
But the official story as told by Netanyahu and the Israeli press is far from the truth.
I saw with my own eyes, what happened on Oct 7th. Not the official story from Netanyahu. So you are okay with Hamas flying in, and gunning down women, and children who were just having a good time? You and I agree on a lot of things Sunni, but i cannot condone actions of Radical Muslims who murder innocent. Remember, i was 4 miles down the road when Osama Bin Laden, had some of his Radical Muslims blow up the base there at Khobar Towers, while young men and women slept and died that day. I dont hate all Muslims, but i do hate those that like to murder, just like i hate Progressives that like to murder.

I saw with my own eyes, what happened on Oct 7th. Not the official story from Netanyahu. So you are okay with Hamas flying in, and gunning down women, and children who were just having a good time? You and I agree on a lot of things Sunni, but i cannot condone actions of Radical Muslims who murder innocent. Remember, i was 4 miles down the road when Osama Bin Laden, had some of his Radical Muslims blow up the base there at Khobar Towers, while young men and women slept and died that day. I dont hate all Muslims, but i do hate those that like to murder, just like i hate Progressives that like to murder.

Sunni saying “there was an event on Oct 7” is like that other antisemite Muslim describing 9/11 as “some people did something.”

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