Chilling acknowledgement: ‘Global Warming Is Socialism by the Back Door’

To control a country, you must control energy, health care and the food supply. The health care system is already under siege. The food supply is under attack by government and Monsanto. They are working on gaining control of all energy through the cap and trade scam and using global warming as an excuse.

Clean fuel, biodegradable plastic, more paper, healthier food, less control by Monsanto, no cap-and-trade, revitalized American industries, and the reversal of the Greenhouse Effect are all available at the same time with this:


Seriously? We're going to base our entire economy on pot plants?
Global warming, Renewable Energy, Green Energy is purposely used to destroy the economy of Conservative Capitalism. Once greatest power is Energy. Our greatest creation of wealth comes from Energy.

Destroy our ability to create Energy by going in reverse, by spending $100's of Billions, trillions on going Green/Renewable and we will no longer control our destiny, our lives, our ability to protect ourselves from the socialist Marxists who's only goal is to destroy freedom so that Marxism can rise from the ashes.

I do not care if I am ridiculed for throwing around the term Marxist. It simply shoes how well organized the new Marxist revolution is organized.
I'm always amazed at how scared progressives are of freedom. They picture complete and total armageddon rapture if everyone isn't forced to Nazi goose-step in the same direction. And because of that, they are willing to utilize any lie imaginable to control the masses.

Do you even listen to yourself? It's ridiculous rants like this that make it impossible for anyone of reasonable intelligence to take you seriously. Where do you get this crap? It's really just proof that childish RWs like yourself simply believe whatever you want to believe because it makes you feel secure in your warped bias about politics. I seriously doubt you have ever even stepped foot inside a classroom of higher learning.

How about you do yourself a favor and look up the objective definition of American progressivism and get back to me.

Do you listen to yourself?

This crap is exactly what you people want. Whether you are an eco nut, a left wing useful idiot or a communist the direct control of everyone is your goal even if that means you are the victim of your own programs.

American progressivism is nothing more and nothing less than communism. What are you progressing toward? It surely isn't more independence and individual liberty so considering where the country started from and where you want to take it today in which direction are we progressing?

You are actually cheering for the taxation of air. It used to be a running joke back when I was younger that if they could the government would tax the air you breath. And amazingly here we are with you supporting just that.

American Progressives are no different than Russian Communists, German Socialists, French Socialists, Cuban Communists, North Korean Socialists or Chinese Communists.

There is no difference between you and them. You're only idea of progress is government control. You can't even conceive of progress being for individual liberty.

Good god man. If I loved communism so much why wouldn't I just say I do? Why wouldn't I just agree "yeah I want communism"? I never have, therefore i don't want it. I believe in the constitution. There's a lot of great stuff in it. It's not all great but it is good overall.

You arent thinking critically about this. You're not wrong the left goes left. You're just wrong to think liberalism and communism are the same thing. We are talking about fundamental definitions of words here. Words like "conservatism" and "liberalism" have two different objective definitions. Your view of liberalism is too emotional.
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Precedent exists for taxation of air.

But it likely would not be paid directly.

More likely, the regime would contract it out to private companies, like with Obamacare. Then mandate that you buy it or refrain from breathing. Since you have no choice as to whether or not to breathe then there would simply be a fee (defined by SCOTUS as a tax) for not buying air.

Guess who would hold a majority of the stock in the company licensed to sell the air????
Global warming, Renewable Energy, Green Energy is purposely used to destroy the economy of Conservative Capitalism. Once greatest power is Energy. Our greatest creation of wealth comes from Energy.

Destroy our ability to create Energy by going in reverse, by spending $100's of Billions, trillions on going Green/Renewable and we will no longer control our destiny, our lives, our ability to protect ourselves from the socialist Marxists who's only goal is to destroy freedom so that Marxism can rise from the ashes.

I do not care if I am ridiculed for throwing around the term Marxist. It simply shoes how well organized the new Marxist revolution is organized.

Egad, ol' Lectra is getting her panties in a wad again. Actually, we don't ridicule you for throwing the term marxist around, we ridicule you for being so damned stupid you really haven't any idea what it means.

As for renewables, they are about the best thing to come down the pike since the start of the industrial revolution. They give the homeowner a chance to actually be a producer of power as well as a consumer. They give the farmers that own the land where the mills are sited an extra source of income. The wealth created gets spread around instead of going straight to the one percent.
Do you even listen to yourself? It's ridiculous rants like this that make it impossible for anyone of reasonable intelligence to take you seriously. Where do you get this crap? It's really just proof that childish RWs like yourself simply believe whatever you want to believe because it makes you feel secure in your warped bias about politics. I seriously doubt you have ever even stepped foot inside a classroom of higher learning.

How about you do yourself a favor and look up the objective definition of American progressivism and get back to me.

Do you listen to yourself?

This crap is exactly what you people want. Whether you are an eco nut, a left wing useful idiot or a communist the direct control of everyone is your goal even if that means you are the victim of your own programs.

American progressivism is nothing more and nothing less than communism. What are you progressing toward? It surely isn't more independence and individual liberty so considering where the country started from and where you want to take it today in which direction are we progressing?

You are actually cheering for the taxation of air. It used to be a running joke back when I was younger that if they could the government would tax the air you breath. And amazingly here we are with you supporting just that.

American Progressives are no different than Russian Communists, German Socialists, French Socialists, Cuban Communists, North Korean Socialists or Chinese Communists.

There is no difference between you and them. You're only idea of progress is government control. You can't even conceive of progress being for individual liberty.

Good god man. If I loved communism so much why wouldn't I just say I do? Why wouldn't I just agree "yeah I want communism"? I never have, therefore i don't want it. I believe in the constitution. There's a lot of great stuff in it. It's not all great but it is good overall.

You arent thinking critically about this. You're not wrong the left goes left. You're just wrong to think liberalism and communism are the same thing. We are talking about fundamental definitions of words here. Words like "conservatism" and "liberalism" have two different objective definitions. Your view of liberalism is too emotional.

Well if that is true please explain to me how you we can all expect more freedom from progressive, socialist, communist policies you are pushing for. And what word do you want to use to not be considered an anti-american.
Do you listen to yourself?

This crap is exactly what you people want. Whether you are an eco nut, a left wing useful idiot or a communist the direct control of everyone is your goal even if that means you are the victim of your own programs.

American progressivism is nothing more and nothing less than communism. What are you progressing toward? It surely isn't more independence and individual liberty so considering where the country started from and where you want to take it today in which direction are we progressing?

You are actually cheering for the taxation of air. It used to be a running joke back when I was younger that if they could the government would tax the air you breath. And amazingly here we are with you supporting just that.

American Progressives are no different than Russian Communists, German Socialists, French Socialists, Cuban Communists, North Korean Socialists or Chinese Communists.

There is no difference between you and them. You're only idea of progress is government control. You can't even conceive of progress being for individual liberty.

Good god man. If I loved communism so much why wouldn't I just say I do? Why wouldn't I just agree "yeah I want communism"? I never have, therefore i don't want it. I believe in the constitution. There's a lot of great stuff in it. It's not all great but it is good overall.

You arent thinking critically about this. You're not wrong the left goes left. You're just wrong to think liberalism and communism are the same thing. We are talking about fundamental definitions of words here. Words like "conservatism" and "liberalism" have two different objective definitions. Your view of liberalism is too emotional.

Well if that is true please explain to me how you we can all expect more freedom from progressive, socialist, communist policies you are pushing for. And what word do you want to use to not be considered an anti-american.

Okay I will be as forthcoming about this as I can. Yes, more government means less freedom in some context. What you are wrong about is how far many liberals want to go left. You way overestimate it. We do believe in personal freedom. It's just that we believe freedom needs slightly more limitation than you do for the sake of protecting society in general. Think of it this way: we both think murder should be illegal right? Well I also believe the power of corporations should be limited by regulation. I believe limiting that power protects Americans. Government overreach is just as bad as corporate overreach.

Now let's get to some examples. I believe taxation is necessary to PAY for our government expenses. Too much is bad but obviously some taxing is good. Those who make the most, have to pay the most in taxes. That is what is fair. It's not about punishing success. It's being able to pay for our expenses . And yes, there is such a thing as too much spending, but there is also such a thing as the right amount.

I don't want to eliminate the wealthy class, but I do want to limit their power if it negatively affects the lower classes. I am okay with a CEO making 50x more than a low level worker. What I am not okay with is a CEO making 350x more than a low level worker. Why? Because while productivity has increased 100% since since the 30s, wages have only gone up 8% in the lower classes. Meanwhile, 95% of the income gains have gone to the top 5% of earners. Is that fair to you? It's not to me. Wages in my opinion should reflect productivity. I don't want to get rid of capitalism. I just want to make the system more fair for everyone.!
We can achieve true equality very simply.

Eliminate all private property; pay all the same regardless of the amount of effort they put into anything. Require no effort at anything to receive all necessities in equal quantity with everyone else.

It would work.

For a few days.
He's a little late to the party n'est pas? I guess better late than never.

Watermelons shows how the scientific method has been sacrificed on the altar of climate alarmism. Delingpole mocks the green movement's pathetic record of apocalyptic predictions, from the "population bomb" to global cooling, which failed to materialize.

He reveals the fundamental misanthropy of green ideology, "rooted in hatred of the human species, hell bent on destroying almost everything man has achieved".


Delingpole gives a refreshing voice to widespread public skepticism over global warming, emphasising that the "crisis" has been engineered by people seeking to control our lives by imposing new taxes and regulations.

"Your taxes will be raised, your liberties curtailed and your money squandered to deal with this 'crisis'", he writes.

At its very roots, argues Delingpole, climate change is an ideological battle, not a scientific one.


Green on the outside, red on the inside, the liberty-loathing, humanity-hating "watermelons" of the modern environmental movement do not want to save the world.

They want to rule it.



[ame=]Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors: James Delingpole: 9780983347408: Books[/ame]
Too many people invested everything in the cap and trade scam. Some countries need that money for their public service pensions. None of them will back down because they need that wealth redistribution or they are toast. It's no longer about science and the reason there is no debate allowed by the left is because their future hangs on the outcome of the so-called solutions they demand for global warming.

Without debating the global warming itself, there is still plenty of arguing to do regarding the proposed answer to it.

Never let a crisis go to waste. When there is no crisis, invent one and tout big government as the answer.

Ethanol gas isn't better for the environment, yet they haven't pulled back on that. Too many people invested everything so they'll go forward and the only difference will be to our pocketbook and, of course, damage to our vehicles. Maybe they want to destroy gas automobiles with ethanol so people will be forced to use electric cars, which also aren't great for the environment.

To control a country, you must control energy, health care and the food supply. The health care system is already under siege. The food supply is under attack by government and Monsanto. They are working on gaining control of all energy through the cap and trade scam and using global warming as an excuse.
Your paranoia is getting the better of you.

LMAO. Is that all you have to say? Perhaps a remedial history course is in order for many libs who are claiming that tyrants don't exist. History does repeat itself. When the familiar pattern emerges, only idiots ignore the signs. I bet a lot of people in history were called paranoid, like those who warned people about Hitler.

That's so special that you are willing to embrace a big liberal government that promises to care for people from cradle to grave. I know it's not what it seems and history has shown why it should be feared.
I'm always amazed at how scared progressives are of freedom. They picture complete and total armageddon rapture if everyone isn't forced to Nazi goose-step in the same direction. And because of that, they are willing to utilize any lie imaginable to control the masses.

Have you ever seen those Alaska Reality shows? They are all the freedom you can shake a stick at and virtually no one bothers them. You are free to move there but then again. You're the one scared shitless of real freedom. You like your freedom with a bit of socialism on top
If a Republican can ever get elected to the White House again, Republican voters will say that rich people getting richer is a good thing and liberals need to stop attacking success. Until then, rich people getting richer is because of Obamacare Nazi libturd Marxism.

So much ignorance and so little time to correct it. KNB, the rich getting richer is neither a good thing, nor a bad thing. It is life as we know it, and like the field mouse crapping in a corn field, has absolutely no impact on anyone but the people getting richer. I am sure that there are other field mice that feel that one or two special mice are getting the majority of the good corn, but that would make them as ignorant as you are. Every mouse can gather and store all the corn that he/she is capable of gathering.

You likely earn whatever amount your skills, knowledge, experience, cunning, and work ethics deserve, and that would not change one iota because someone else is getting more. Don't envy the rich, join them.
Too many people invested everything in the cap and trade scam. Some countries need that money for their public service pensions. None of them will back down because they need that wealth redistribution or they are toast. It's no longer about science and the reason there is no debate allowed by the left is because their future hangs on the outcome of the so-called solutions they demand for global warming.

Without debating the global warming itself, there is still plenty of arguing to do regarding the proposed answer to it.

Never let a crisis go to waste. When there is no crisis, invent one and tout big government as the answer.

Ethanol gas isn't better for the environment, yet they haven't pulled back on that. Too many people invested everything so they'll go forward and the only difference will be to our pocketbook and, of course, damage to our vehicles. Maybe they want to destroy gas automobiles with ethanol so people will be forced to use electric cars, which also aren't great for the environment.

To control a country, you must control energy, health care and the food supply. The health care system is already under siege. The food supply is under attack by government and Monsanto. They are working on gaining control of all energy through the cap and trade scam and using global warming as an excuse.
Your paranoia is getting the better of you.

Being paranoid does not mean that no one is out to get you. All governments tend toward totalitarianism, and knowing that does not make anyone paranoid. And, knowing that left wing tactics involves allowing no crisis to go to waste, is not paranoia. How one sees events, and hears left wing rhetoric, and equates it with the tactic, is mostly opinion, but opinion that is not too far off the mark.
I'm always amazed at how scared progressives are of freedom. They picture complete and total armageddon rapture if everyone isn't forced to Nazi goose-step in the same direction. And because of that, they are willing to utilize any lie imaginable to control the masses.

Have you ever seen those Alaska Reality shows? They are all the freedom you can shake a stick at and virtually no one bothers them. You are free to move there but then again. You're the one scared shitless of real freedom. You like your freedom with a bit of socialism on top

Obviously, you haven't got the slightest concept of what freedom really means. Freedom is the right of every individual to follow their own dreams, engineer their own future, and be the master of their own destiny. That should apply everywhere in the world, and not just in Alaska.

It is not freedom, when government confiscates a large portion of your efforts to build a better life for yourself, and gives it to someone else to build a better life for themselves. A free man has the right to determine how charitable he wishes to be. A serf has a master to tell him how charitable he will be.
I'm always amazed at how scared progressives are of freedom. They picture complete and total armageddon rapture if everyone isn't forced to Nazi goose-step in the same direction. And because of that, they are willing to utilize any lie imaginable to control the masses.

Have you ever seen those Alaska Reality shows? They are all the freedom you can shake a stick at and virtually no one bothers them. You are free to move there but then again. You're the one scared shitless of real freedom. You like your freedom with a bit of socialism on top

Obviously, you haven't got the slightest concept of what freedom really means. Freedom is the right of every individual to follow their own dreams, engineer their own future, and be the master of their own destiny. That should apply everywhere in the world, and not just in Alaska.

It is not freedom, when government confiscates a large portion of your efforts to build a better life for yourself, and gives it to someone else to build a better life for themselves. A free man has the right to determine how charitable he wishes to be. A serf has a master to tell him how charitable he will be.

I know so why are you here? You can do all that in Alaska and dont have to deal with all this socialism
I'm always amazed at how scared progressives are of freedom. They picture complete and total armageddon rapture if everyone isn't forced to Nazi goose-step in the same direction. And because of that, they are willing to utilize any lie imaginable to control the masses.

Have you ever seen those Alaska Reality shows? They are all the freedom you can shake a stick at and virtually no one bothers them. You are free to move there but then again. You're the one scared shitless of real freedom. You like your freedom with a bit of socialism on top

"a little bit of socialism"......?

if the likes of your leaders like Obama who says he wants to reverse 'global warming' get their way it will cost taxpayers TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars.....of course Obama is focussing on the money (&power)....not the science...

co2 emissions continue to climb yet earth temp has not risen for 15 years.....anyone with half a brain would say 'whazzzup wid dat?'.....
Sure thing. All we need to do to control your mind, body, and soul, to make you a literal slave, is to regulate toilets, which you still manage to pee all over the seat when using. It's amazing the power we have. Soon in order to vote, you'll have to let us test your shower-heads...
Interesting use of the word "us", George!
Since my party is in power, that is not interesting at all.

How hilarious is it that liberals believe their party "is in POWER" because their radical marxist sits in the White House. Never mind that legislation is created by Congress and the Republican's control the House.
I'm always amazed at how scared progressives are of freedom. They picture complete and total armageddon rapture if everyone isn't forced to Nazi goose-step in the same direction. And because of that, they are willing to utilize any lie imaginable to control the masses.

Do you even listen to yourself? It's ridiculous rants like this that make it impossible for anyone of reasonable intelligence to take you seriously. Where do you get this crap? It's really just proof that childish RWs like yourself simply believe whatever you want to believe because it makes you feel secure in your warped bias about politics. I seriously doubt you have ever even stepped foot inside a classroom of higher learning.

How about you do yourself a favor and look up the objective definition of American progressivism and get back to me.

[MENTION=33739]Billy000[/MENTION], help me to understand the "logic" here. To illustrate, I just looked up the "objective definition" of priest:

1. an ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Church having the authority to perform certain rites and administer certain sacraments.

So by your "logic", since it doesn't say "sometimes known to molest children", I can deduce that a priest has never molested a child, right?

Your "higher learning" statement really coupled with your "look up the definition in a book" really epitomizes who you are. No ability to think for yourself. If a book (from a liberal author) or a liberal didn't spoon-feed you something, you simply can't accept it. You ignore reality for what the book in the "higher learning" institution says.

Being a rational person (ie a conservative), I could really care less about the definition of progressive in some book. Just like I know from reality that priests have been known to molest children (despite the fact that the definition doesn't mention that), I know from reality that progressives are little Nazi control-freaks who fear freedom (despite the fact that the definition doesn't mention that) and crave power and control over others.
I'm always amazed at how scared progressives are of freedom. They picture complete and total armageddon rapture if everyone isn't forced to Nazi goose-step in the same direction. And because of that, they are willing to utilize any lie imaginable to control the masses.

Do you even listen to yourself? It's ridiculous rants like this that make it impossible for anyone of reasonable intelligence to take you seriously. Where do you get this crap? It's really just proof that childish RWs like yourself simply believe whatever you want to believe because it makes you feel secure in your warped bias about politics. I seriously doubt you have ever even stepped foot inside a classroom of higher learning.

How about you do yourself a favor and look up the objective definition of American progressivism and get back to me.

[MENTION=33739]Billy000[/MENTION], help me to understand the "logic" here. To illustrate, I just looked up the "objective definition" of priest:

1. an ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Church having the authority to perform certain rites and administer certain sacraments.

So by your "logic", since it doesn't say "sometimes known to molest children", I can deduce that a priest has never molested a child, right?

Your "higher learning" statement really coupled with your "look up the definition in a book" really epitomizes who you are. No ability to think for yourself. If a book (from a liberal author) or a liberal didn't spoon-feed you something, you simply can't accept it. You ignore reality for what the book in the "higher learning" institution says.

Being a rational person (ie a conservative), I could really care less about the definition of progressive in some book. Just like I know from reality that priests have been known to molest children (despite the fact that the definition doesn't mention that), I know from reality that progressives are little Nazi control-freaks who fear freedom (despite the fact that the definition doesn't mention that) and crave power and control over others.

Um okay how about this? You cite a quote from a democrat or a widely known liberal who believes in no freedom and in communism?

Or how about this. You simply believe ME when I say I don't want communism or oppression? After all if I wanted those things so bad I would just tell you. How about you actually read the conversation between me and Azmike in this thread that fully explains my political philosophy?
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Do you even listen to yourself? It's ridiculous rants like this that make it impossible for anyone of reasonable intelligence to take you seriously. Where do you get this crap? It's really just proof that childish RWs like yourself simply believe whatever you want to believe because it makes you feel secure in your warped bias about politics. I seriously doubt you have ever even stepped foot inside a classroom of higher learning.

How about you do yourself a favor and look up the objective definition of American progressivism and get back to me.

[MENTION=33739]Billy000[/MENTION], help me to understand the "logic" here. To illustrate, I just looked up the "objective definition" of priest:

1. an ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Church having the authority to perform certain rites and administer certain sacraments.

So by your "logic", since it doesn't say "sometimes known to molest children", I can deduce that a priest has never molested a child, right?

Your "higher learning" statement really coupled with your "look up the definition in a book" really epitomizes who you are. No ability to think for yourself. If a book (from a liberal author) or a liberal didn't spoon-feed you something, you simply can't accept it. You ignore reality for what the book in the "higher learning" institution says.

Being a rational person (ie a conservative), I could really care less about the definition of progressive in some book. Just like I know from reality that priests have been known to molest children (despite the fact that the definition doesn't mention that), I know from reality that progressives are little Nazi control-freaks who fear freedom (despite the fact that the definition doesn't mention that) and crave power and control over others.

Um okay how about this? You cite a quote from a democrat or a widely known liberal who believes in no freedom and in communism?

Or how about this. You simply believe ME when I say I don't want communism or oppression? After all if I wanted those things so bad I would just tell you. How about you actually read the conversation between me and Azmike in this thread that fully explains my political philosophy?

Actually Billy, I do believe you. Completely. Along with Jilian, you're the only liberal on USMB that I can have a reasonable conversation with.

But that doesn't change the fact that the liberal elite (Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Wasserman-Schultz, etc) are obsessed with power and control. And most common liberals are obsessed with handing that elite power and control.

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