Chilling acknowledgement: ‘Global Warming Is Socialism by the Back Door’

[MENTION=33739]Billy000[/MENTION], help me to understand the "logic" here. To illustrate, I just looked up the "objective definition" of priest:

1. an ordained minister of the Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican Church having the authority to perform certain rites and administer certain sacraments.

So by your "logic", since it doesn't say "sometimes known to molest children", I can deduce that a priest has never molested a child, right?

Your "higher learning" statement really coupled with your "look up the definition in a book" really epitomizes who you are. No ability to think for yourself. If a book (from a liberal author) or a liberal didn't spoon-feed you something, you simply can't accept it. You ignore reality for what the book in the "higher learning" institution says.

Being a rational person (ie a conservative), I could really care less about the definition of progressive in some book. Just like I know from reality that priests have been known to molest children (despite the fact that the definition doesn't mention that), I know from reality that progressives are little Nazi control-freaks who fear freedom (despite the fact that the definition doesn't mention that) and crave power and control over others.

Um okay how about this? You cite a quote from a democrat or a widely known liberal who believes in no freedom and in communism?

Or how about this. You simply believe ME when I say I don't want communism or oppression? After all if I wanted those things so bad I would just tell you. How about you actually read the conversation between me and Azmike in this thread that fully explains my political philosophy?

Actually Billy, I do believe you. Completely. Along with Jilian, you're the only liberal on USMB that I can have a reasonable conversation with.

But that doesn't change the fact that the liberal elite (Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Wasserman-Schultz, etc) are obsessed with power and control. And most common liberals are obsessed with handing that elite power and control.

Well I'm not sure what to say about that. We 'll have to agree to disagree .
Okay I will be as forthcoming about this as I can. Yes, more government means less freedom in some context. What you are wrong about is how far many liberals want to go left. You way overestimate it. We do believe in personal freedom. It's just that we believe freedom needs slightly more limitation than you do for the sake of protecting society in general. Think of it this way: we both think murder should be illegal right? Well I also believe the power of corporations should be limited by regulation. I believe limiting that power protects Americans. Government overreach is just as bad as corporate overreach.

Except that corporations hold no power over you while government holds complete and total power over you (they shouldn't, but they do, because sadly they don't adhere to the Constitution).

If I don't like what McDonald's does, I have the power to simply avoid doing business with them. Try doing that with the IRS.

Now let's get to some examples. I believe taxation is necessary to PAY for our government expenses. Too much is bad but obviously some taxing is good. Those who make the most, have to pay the most in taxes. That is what is fair. It's not about punishing success. It's being able to pay for our expenses . And yes, there is such a thing as too much spending, but there is also such a thing as the right amount.

So then you support a flat tax rate then, right? 10% of $5 million dollars is a hell of a lot more ($500,000) than 10% of $50,000 ($5,000). Yet liberal policy says the wealthy should pay 50% (hell, some even say 90%), while the middle class should pay 30% and the lower class should pay nothing. That model is all about punishing success.

I don't want to eliminate the wealthy class, but I do want to limit their power if it negatively affects the lower classes. I am okay with a CEO making 50x more than a low level worker. What I am not okay with is a CEO making 350x more than a low level worker. Why? Because while productivity has increased 100% since since the 30s, wages have only gone up 8% in the lower classes. Meanwhile, 95% of the income gains have gone to the top 5% of earners. Is that fair to you? It's not to me. Wages in my opinion should reflect productivity. I don't want to get rid of capitalism. I just want to make the system more fair for everyone.!

But who are you to decide that it's not ok for a CEO to make 350x's that of an average worker? You have the freedom to not like it, but you have no right to deny someone else their ability to earn their maximum livelihood.

Better yet, if you don't like it, why don't you become a CEO and limit your own salary so that the employees of that corporation can earn more? Why not lead by example?
If a Republican can ever get elected to the White House again, Republican voters will say that rich people getting richer is a good thing and liberals need to stop attacking success. Until then, rich people getting richer is because of Obamacare Nazi libturd Marxism.

When you get out of elementary school maybe you'll be mature enough to understand how stupid this statement is, then again...

Let's assume corporations could do whatever they wanted to their products without any transparency. Imagine what McDonald's could do to their products without us knowing. Maybe to make the "beef" taste better they add a cancer causing additive to it. Tobacco companies already put additives in cigarettes to make them more addictive. What if Big Pharma went unchecked? Imagine what drug companies could do to their products for the sake of profit? Imagine the implications of dangerous drugs being put on the market. All the while, consumers are oblivious to a product connection

No I very much support a progressive tax system.

I believe the wages are too low. People cannot live on $8 an hour. Based on productivity, they should be raised.
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I'm always amazed at how scared progressives are of freedom. They picture complete and total armageddon rapture if everyone isn't forced to Nazi goose-step in the same direction. And because of that, they are willing to utilize any lie imaginable to control the masses.

Do you even listen to yourself? It's ridiculous rants like this that make it impossible for anyone of reasonable intelligence to take you seriously. Where do you get this crap? It's really just proof that childish RWs like yourself simply believe whatever you want to believe because it makes you feel secure in your warped bias about politics. I seriously doubt you have ever even stepped foot inside a classroom of higher learning.

How about you do yourself a favor and look up the objective definition of American progressivism and get back to me.

"Proof the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer"

Ever heard of the zero sum fallacy?
I'm always amazed at how scared progressives are of freedom. They picture complete and total armageddon rapture if everyone isn't forced to Nazi goose-step in the same direction. And because of that, they are willing to utilize any lie imaginable to control the masses.

Do you even listen to yourself? It's ridiculous rants like this that make it impossible for anyone of reasonable intelligence to take you seriously. Where do you get this crap? It's really just proof that childish RWs like yourself simply believe whatever you want to believe because it makes you feel secure in your warped bias about politics. I seriously doubt you have ever even stepped foot inside a classroom of higher learning.

How about you do yourself a favor and look up the objective definition of American progressivism and get back to me.

"Proof the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer"

Ever heard of the zero sum fallacy?

You assume I am making a fallacy based on that sentence alone? Enlighten me.
Let's assume corporations could do whatever they wanted to their products without any transparency.

Well let's establish one indisputable fact right here and now - there is zero transparency in business. But sadly, there is even less in government.

White House press corps admits: Bush Administration more transparent than Obama Administration

Imagine what McDonald's could do to their products without us knowing. Maybe to make the "beef" taste better they add a cancer causing additive to it. Tobacco companies already put additives in cigarettes to make them more addictive. What if Big Pharma went unchecked? Imagine what drug companies could do to their products for the sake of profit? Imagine the implications of dangerous drugs being put on the market. All the while, consumers are oblivious to a product connection.

Yeah...imagine if the federal government could inject black people with syphillus while lying to them and telling them they are in fact receiving "free healthcare".

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or imagine if the federal government could subject people to cancer without their knowledge.

EPA Failed To Expose Risk Of Cancer, Death During Pollutants Experiment, Report Finds

Wouldn't that be some crazy shit?

No I very much support a progressive tax system.

So then you lied. For you, it is about punishing success. In a FAIR tax system (ie a flat rate), the wealthy do pay considerably more. In the unfair progressive tax rate that you support, the wealthy are ass-raped blind and stupid out of everything they've earned.

I believe the wages are too low. People cannot live on $8 an hour. Based on productivity, they should be raised.

So again I ask, why don't you start your own business and pay your employees considerably more than $8 per hour?

Do you know the difference between us? I know how unethical the private sector can be and I also know that they wield no power over me. But you don't have the slightest clue how unethical the federal government is and you also don't have any idea of the power they wield over you.
Rich people are getting richer at the expense of everyone else. The petroleum and natural gas industries are booming (literally if you count the wars, derrick fires and ruptured pipelines). Environmentalists are losing this battle. Why do right-wing Conservatives think that this is a good thing?

It means that pollution is getting worse.
Air pollution dangerously high for almost half of U.S., American Lung Association reports - CBS News

Umm, because we are actually producing energy people need to live? Nobody gives a fuck about pollution if your wife and kids are freezing to death. Why do you left wing morons think that freezing people out and killing them is good policy?

You can have heat and live or you get to die and not add to pollution. That's not hard to fucking figure out.
Rich people are getting richer at the expense of everyone else. The petroleum and natural gas industries are booming (literally if you count the wars, derrick fires and ruptured pipelines). Environmentalists are losing this battle. Why do right-wing Conservatives think that this is a good thing?

It means that pollution is getting worse.
Air pollution dangerously high for almost half of U.S., American Lung Association reports - CBS News

Its liberal policies that have produced the most polluted cities in the USA, take California, there are millions of people who commute to work, traveling more than 30 miles, 60 miles, because there is no housing where they work, all California has to do is to rezone Los Angeles to allow millions of apartments, nice luxury apartments with ocean views, then we would not commute and pollute.

So yes, pollution is getting worst, takes a lot of oil and gas to build millions of windmills and solar panels, takes a lot of people commuting to make that happen, politicians, lawyers, environmentalists, judges, bailiffs, universities, experts, yep, I agree, pollution is getting worst.

stop liberalism, stop the pollution
Rich people are getting richer at the expense of everyone else. The petroleum and natural gas industries are booming (literally if you count the wars, derrick fires and ruptured pipelines). Environmentalists are losing this battle. Why do right-wing Conservatives think that this is a good thing?

It means that pollution is getting worse.
Air pollution dangerously high for almost half of U.S., American Lung Association reports - CBS News

Umm, because we are actually producing energy people need to live? Nobody gives a fuck about pollution if your wife and kids are freezing to death. Why do you left wing morons think that freezing people out and killing them is good policy?

You can have heat and live or you get to die and not add to pollution. That's not hard to fucking figure out.

So true. Survival comes first. Every country goes through this transition phase. The Chinese are finally getting concerned about their air quality for the very simple reason that survival is no longer a primary objective, there is enough wealth in the country to begin to pay attention to the quality of life.
Rich people are getting richer at the expense of everyone else. The petroleum and natural gas industries are booming (literally if you count the wars, derrick fires and ruptured pipelines). Environmentalists are losing this battle. Why do right-wing Conservatives think that this is a good thing?

It means that pollution is getting worse.
Air pollution dangerously high for almost half of U.S., American Lung Association reports - CBS News

"Rich people are getting richer at the expense of everyone else."

If that were true there would be no economic growth because every increase in the standard of living of one individual would mean that another would have to suffer a decline.

Wealth is not zero sum.
And so it continues...
A writer for the eco-friendly Grist tweeted, “The world’s top scientists just gave rigorous backing to systematically dismantle capitalism as a key requirement to maintaining civilization and a habitable planet.”
Capitalism raised the standard of living across the board and exponentially improved the lives of citizens. And the left wants to dismantle it. It was never about the environment. The "Global Warming" scam has always been about power and wealth.

Climate Alarmists Admit They Want to Dismantle Free Enterprise System

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