China Begins Military Invasion Of Hong Kong (raw video)…

Still not being picked up by the mainstream as a major story.
------------------------------------- might not be TRUE and Accurate Darkwind . Guess that time will tell . If it is true we might see a REDO of 'tianamen square ' to show the youngers and millenials in the USA DWind .
Still not being picked up by the mainstream as a major story.
------------------------------------- might not be TRUE and Accurate Darkwind . Guess that time will tell . If it is true we might see a REDO of 'tianamen square ' to show the youngers and millenials in the USA DWind .

Hmm....., I guess we'll know when their Internet shuts down and their tanks begin rolling. Like Tiananmen Square the blood bath will be swift and completely censored....
Still not being picked up by the mainstream as a major story.
------------------------------------- might not be TRUE and Accurate Darkwind . Guess that time will tell . If it is true we might see a REDO of 'tianamen square ' to show the youngers and millenials in the USA DWind .
I agree, but since when has "true and accurate" been a hallmark of US media reporting?
I don't know , course it was , when was 'tianamen' , 1989 or thereabouts but I remember pretty good coverage .
Kiss your Liberty goodbye when only the government and the crooks have arms.


...looks like filthy dems to me.
Follow the links in the article link he gave. People over there are videoing and posting online. I'm not sure how long they will be able to keep doing that but if you look through the twitters you'll find a lot of photos and videos of what is going down.
Is there any international push back at all? There needs to be repercussions for China.

Good question.... The UK , perhaps Australia may protest maybe even the UN. China will veto anything the UN security counsel votes. The UK and Australia will do nothing.
China Begins Military Invasion Of Hong Kong (raw video)…

China begins military invasion of Hong Kong (raw video)… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
8/11/19 ~~ The Chinese government has begun moving troops across the Shenzhen Qianhai Guangshen Coastal Expressway Bridge into Hong Kong minutes ago, in a military operation to put down protests against the government of Beijing. Hundreds of military trucks carrying soldiers and guns are moving at this hour across the Bridge into Hong Kong.
Army troops have now entered downtown Hong Kong (another short clip is at the at source)


Game over. They never had a chance...they asked for far too much, and China was not about to permit it. What we have is a repeat of Tiananmen Square. Conquest is easy. Control is not. Boy, are they in for a surprise. Communist China, they have no problem with shooting civilians. They are nothing but animals, property of the State. I doubt the citizens of Hong Kong could really have put up anything that would provide meaningful resistance to the PLA. The citizens of HK will fill the re-education camps of mainland China soon.
Those living in Hong Kong had several years to try to get out after the Brits’ lease neared its end, they thought they could tame the Chinese Tiger. I suspect it will be just like any other Chinese city within a decade. This is true whether there are troops entering now or later... the Scorpion and the Frog comes to mind.
Remember the US biased MSM is essentially Communist. If the Chinese do anything, the media will be reluctant to tell the story. Editors will either back-burner or try to spike the story. Naturally. They are all focused like a laser trying to pin something more on President Trump. To them, at this point in time the rest of the World does not exist. All that matters is overthrowing President Trump.
What did we do it after Tiananmen Square in 1989? No, this isn’t a slam of Trump. It’s a reminder to idiots of what we did the last time. Our leadership screwed up so damned bad, allowing China to propel itself forward in the 90's until now. Trump is right to want better trade negotiations with China.
Fake news.
You can't invade your own country. Sheesh.


China Begins Military Invasion Of Hong Kong (raw video)…

China begins military invasion of Hong Kong (raw video)… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
8/11/19 ~~ The Chinese government has begun moving troops across the Shenzhen Qianhai Guangshen Coastal Expressway Bridge into Hong Kong minutes ago, in a military operation to put down protests against the government of Beijing. Hundreds of military trucks carrying soldiers and guns are moving at this hour across the Bridge into Hong Kong.
Army troops have now entered downtown Hong Kong (another short clip is at the at source)


Game over. They never had a chance...they asked for far too much, and China was not about to permit it. What we have is a repeat of Tiananmen Square. Conquest is easy. Control is not. Boy, are they in for a surprise. Communist China, they have no problem with shooting civilians. They are nothing but animals, property of the State. I doubt the citizens of Hong Kong could really have put up anything that would provide meaningful resistance to the PLA. The citizens of HK will fill the re-education camps of mainland China soon.
Those living in Hong Kong had several years to try to get out after the Brits’ lease neared its end, they thought they could tame the Chinese Tiger. I suspect it will be just like any other Chinese city within a decade. This is true whether there are troops entering now or later... the Scorpion and the Frog comes to mind.
Remember the US biased MSM is essentially Communist. If the Chinese do anything, the media will be reluctant to tell the story. Editors will either back-burner or try to spike the story. Naturally. They are all focused like a laser trying to pin something more on President Trump. To them, at this point in time the rest of the World does not exist. All that matters is overthrowing President Trump.
What did we do it after Tiananmen Square in 1989? No, this isn’t a slam of Trump. It’s a reminder to idiots of what we did the last time. Our leadership screwed up so damned bad, allowing China to propel itself forward in the 90's until now. Trump is right to want better trade negotiations with China.

China Brings Mainland Military Forces into Hong Kong – Protests Cry Freedom…
China Brings Mainland Military Forces into Hong Kong – Protests Cry Freedom… | The Last Refuge
HONG KONG (Reuters) – Hong Kong police fired tear gas at demonstrators in the working class district of Sham Shui Po on Sunday, as yet another day of protest marches turned into a confrontation between police and activists. Ten straight weekends of increasingly violent protests have plunged Hong Kong into its most serious political crisis in decades, posing a challenge to the central...Videos show the Chinese military are moving into Hong Kong to position themselves against those voices who are demanding the region remain a free and autonomous open society.

The repeat of Tiananmen Square massacre will soon be repeated in Hong Kong...
Interestingly the Hong Kong protestors are protesting the kind of government the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats have been calling for in the U.S.
This will also show what happens to an unarmed population. Australia is too “nice”. Venezuela is, well, Venezuela. But China has been wanting to be seen as developed and they will show they haven’t changed since Mao. We may soon see another unarmed single individual face Chinese tanks one more.
Isn't it funny how America’s fake and biased MSM Democrat lapdogs flat refuse to really cover this. They’re very blasé about it all. I guess in-depth reporting on and seeing so-called “Democratic Socialism” in action may be counterproductive to the upcoming POTUS election, no doubt.

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