China Buying Up Large Chunks of America

Has the United States ever experienced a time when a foreign nation has attempted to buy up so much of our land all at once? As you will read about in this article, the Chinese are on a real estate buying spree all over America. In fact, in some cases large chunks of land are actually being given to them. Yes, you read that correctly. China is on the way to becoming the dominant land owner in the entire country, and that is starting to alarm a lot of people. Do we really want a foreign superpower to physically own so much of our territory?

The story was found on the American Ranger blog with a link to The Chinese Are Acquiring Large Chunks Of Land In Communities All Over America

I've long spoken out about the stupidity of America selling its heart – its land – to people from foreign countries, especially those who do not have our interests at heart. Ever wonder who your landlord really is? Or who holds the deed to the house you are trying to buy? Or who owns the store you're shopping in?

Think about it. :mad:

I've long spoken out about the stupidity of America selling its heart – its land – to people from foreign countries

I hope they don't ship it back to China.
When you don't have a military - and who needs one when apology fixes everything - then you don't need bases.

We have 7 more aircraft carriers than the rest of humanity combined.

Tell that to Putin. :eusa_whistle:

A far lot of good those aircraft carries do us considering who our President is.

Putin has no navy and he wouldn't dare engage us even if Miley Cyrus was our President. The old soviet countries are all disasters. I don't know why the Rush-loving cons are up in arms. Thank goodness Bush and Cheney are gone and unable to embarrass the nation and kill off our troops this time. :cool:
Has the United States ever experienced a time when a foreign nation has attempted to buy up so much of our land all at once? As you will read about in this article, the Chinese are on a real estate buying spree all over America. In fact, in some cases large chunks of land are actually being given to them. Yes, you read that correctly. China is on the way to becoming the dominant land owner in the entire country, and that is starting to alarm a lot of people. Do we really want a foreign superpower to physically own so much of our territory?

The story was found on the American Ranger blog with a link to The Chinese Are Acquiring Large Chunks Of Land In Communities All Over America

I've long spoken out about the stupidity of America selling its heart – its land – to people from foreign countries, especially those who do not have our interests at heart. Ever wonder who your landlord really is? Or who holds the deed to the house you are trying to buy? Or who owns the store you're shopping in?

Think about it. :mad:

I've long spoken out about the stupidity of America selling its heart – its land – to people from foreign countries

I hope they don't ship it back to China.

Why would we do that? What's the motive?
We have 7 more aircraft carriers than the rest of humanity combined.

Tell that to Putin. :eusa_whistle:

A far lot of good those aircraft carries do us considering who our President is.

Putin has no navy and he wouldn't dare engage us even if Miley Cyrus was our President. The old soviet countries are all disasters. I don't know why the Rush-loving cons are up in arms. Thank goodness Bush and Cheney are gone and unable to embarrass the nation and kill off our troops this time. :cool:

You silly little knigget. Putin doesn't have to engage with the U.S. Obama is FLEXIBLY doing nothing to keep him from invading Crimea, with Ukraine soon to follow.
Tell that to Putin. :eusa_whistle:

A far lot of good those aircraft carries do us considering who our President is.

Putin has no navy and he wouldn't dare engage us even if Miley Cyrus was our President. The old soviet countries are all disasters. I don't know why the Rush-loving cons are up in arms. Thank goodness Bush and Cheney are gone and unable to embarrass the nation and kill off our troops this time. :cool:

You silly little knigget. Putin doesn't have to engage with the U.S. Obama is FLEXIBLY doing nothing to keep him from invading Crimea, with Ukraine soon to follow.

Aaaaaand the international community now views Russia as a bad guy again and they pretty much get nothing for the whole affair. The Ukraine will erupt in revolution again in a year or two regardless of what happens after all.

And Putin remains a sad little king of a sad little hill.
The story was found on the American Ranger blog with a link to The Chinese Are Acquiring Large Chunks Of Land In Communities All Over America

I've long spoken out about the stupidity of America selling its heart – its land – to people from foreign countries, especially those who do not have our interests at heart. Ever wonder who your landlord really is? Or who holds the deed to the house you are trying to buy? Or who owns the store you're shopping in?

Think about it. :mad:

I've long spoken out about the stupidity of America selling its heart – its land – to people from foreign countries

I hope they don't ship it back to China.

Why would we do that? What's the motive?

You're a foreign person buying American land?
The Communist Chinese know that if they invest and profit in America, there will be legions of right wing dupes in this country that will fight the good fight to protect them from high wages, unions, taxation, and regulations. The writing's on the wall. Evidence is all the right wingers on this and other threads gushing over Putin because of their hatred of Obama.
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Let's inject just a dash of sanity into the discussion. China has somewhere north of 50 trillion of mis and mal investment in real estate: shops, houses and offices that have never been occupied. Or at least two apartments or houses for every head of household in the country. most estimates run somewhere north of five unoccupied units per each occupied unit. But taking a smiley face approach, how many decades will it take China to write off nearly 5 GDPs of bad investment? I used the PPP version of GDP figures which is somewhat larger than the published figure which is just shy of 7 GDPs and I suspect that the real number is north of 30 GDPs of bad investment.

China is so screwed up it makes Obamacare look good.
The Communist Chinese know that if they invest and profit in America, there will be legions of right wing dupes in this country that will fight the good fight to protect them from high wages, unions, taxation, and regulations. The writing's on the wall. Evidence is all the right wingers on this and other threads gushing over Putin because of their hatred of Obama.

Putin is a Commie dictator.

Obama wishes he was one.
When you don't have a military - and who needs one when apology fixes everything - then you don't need bases.

We have 7 more aircraft carriers than the rest of humanity combined.

Tell that to Putin. :eusa_whistle:

A far lot of good those aircraft carries do us considering who our President is.
Tell us again why George Bush didn't do shit while Russia was invading Georgia and killing it's citizens.

I've forgotten.
Tell that to Putin. :eusa_whistle:

A far lot of good those aircraft carries do us considering who our President is.
Tell us again why George Bush didn't do shit while Russia was invading Georgia and killing it's citizens.

I've forgotten.

Because the US shouldn't even want to intervene in everything that happens in the world.
Thanks, but I want Boe-dickhead's reason why Bush didn't respond.

I'm sure she has a really good excuse - let's hear it!
thankfully, "land" can't be moved.

We need to pass a law that foreigners can own as much land as they like, but not the mineral and gas rights.
Who borrowed money from the Chinese to pay for two wars and a tax cut for the rich and for Medicare D?

Who borrowed more money in 5 years, than Bush did in 8? ( was the black guy)
If that was true, you will be able to show exactly where he spent it, like I did with Bush.


Why do I need to show anything about his spending?
The borrowing occurred on his watch.
Sorry that he's so weak. LOL!
Who borrowed more money in 5 years, than Bush did in 8? ( was the black guy)
If that was true, you will be able to show exactly where he spent it, like I did with Bush.


Why do I need to show anything about his spending?
The borrowing occurred on his watch.
Sorry that he's so weak. LOL!
Show where Obama borrowed more in 5 years than Bush did in eight.

Be specific.

Pointing to the grand total doesn't show anything except interest payments on Bush's borrowing.

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