China Buying Up Large Chunks of America

China Buying Up Large Chunks of America

That's what they said about the Japanese some decades ago. Then it was the Middle Easterners a few decades ago. Now it is the Chinese. Oh, and the sky if falling too, don't ya know.

Investment by foreign nations help the inflow of capital and raises the GDP. Historically Britain and the Dutch are the leaders...

The United States has been the world’s largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) since 2006. Every day, foreign companies establish new operations in the United States or provide additional capital to established businesses. With the world’s largest consumer market, skilled and productive workers, a highly innovative environment, appropriate legal protections, a predictable regulatory environment, and a growing energy sector, the United States offers an attractive investment climate for firms across the globe.

Why would other nations not want to invest in the great nation of the US? Huzzah for the USA, my country that I will die for if necessary...makes me want to drop my pants and fire off a rocket..
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"Putin has no navy and he wouldn't dare engage us even if Miley Cyrus was our President." Or boedicca or Stephanie.
If that was true, you will be able to show exactly where he spent it, like I did with Bush.


Why do I need to show anything about his spending?
The borrowing occurred on his watch.
Sorry that he's so weak. LOL!
Show where Obama borrowed more in 5 years than Bush did in eight.

Be specific.

Pointing to the grand total doesn't show anything except interest payments on Bush's borrowing.

Government - The Debt to the Penny and Who Holds It

You have to type in page 67, to see the starting debt under Bush.
Page 27, to see the ending debt.

Page 27 show's Obama's starting debt, page 1 shows the current debt.

Sorry that Obama is the weakest President in history.
Why do I need to show anything about his spending?
The borrowing occurred on his watch.
Sorry that he's so weak. LOL!
Show where Obama borrowed more in 5 years than Bush did in eight.

Be specific.

Pointing to the grand total doesn't show anything except interest payments on Bush's borrowing.

Government - The Debt to the Penny and Who Holds It

You have to type in page 67, to see the starting debt under Bush.
Page 27, to see the ending debt.

Page 27 show's Obama's starting debt, page 1 shows the current debt.

Sorry that Obama is the weakest President in history.

There is no "ending debt", dumbass, unless it was paid in full.

Obama got stuck with Bush's massive debt and the interest attached to it.
Show where Obama borrowed more in 5 years than Bush did in eight.

Be specific.

Pointing to the grand total doesn't show anything except interest payments on Bush's borrowing.

Government - The Debt to the Penny and Who Holds It

You have to type in page 67, to see the starting debt under Bush.
Page 27, to see the ending debt.

Page 27 show's Obama's starting debt, page 1 shows the current debt.

Sorry that Obama is the weakest President in history.

There is no "ending debt", dumbass, unless it was paid in full.

Obama got stuck with Bush's massive debt and the interest attached to it.

There is no "ending debt"

Gosh, you're stupid.
To see how much Bush added to the debt, you need to take the debt on the day his term ended and compare that to the date he took office.

To see how much Obama added, you'd look at the date he took office and compare that to yesterday's debt number.

If you were bright enough to do that, (I know, silly idea) you'd see that Obama has added more, a lot more, in 5 years than Bush did in 8.
My question as always been - just what it The National Debt? And how is it determined?
This is why we need to keep investing in our military :thup:

How about investing in our military, teachers and medical professionals
to buy up land, develop and manage our own school and business districts?
here are plans to convert public housing into sustainable community campuses
to get people out of poverty and end dependence on govt welfare.

We should be investing in microloan programs that teach people to own and
manage their own businesses, property investments, and local government.

Instead of paying for more entitlements, subsidized insurance, etc. through federal govt,
that forces taxpayers to pay more and more to govt just to waste it with no accountability.
Has the United States ever experienced a time when a foreign nation has attempted to buy up so much of our land all at once? As you will read about in this article, the Chinese are on a real estate buying spree all over America. In fact, in some cases large chunks of land are actually being given to them. Yes, you read that correctly. China is on the way to becoming the dominant land owner in the entire country, and that is starting to alarm a lot of people. Do we really want a foreign superpower to physically own so much of our territory?

The story was found on the American Ranger blog with a link to The Chinese Are Acquiring Large Chunks Of Land In Communities All Over America

I've long spoken out about the stupidity of America selling its heart – its land – to people from foreign countries, especially those who do not have our interests at heart. Ever wonder who your landlord really is? Or who holds the deed to the house you are trying to buy? Or who owns the store you're shopping in?

Think about it. :mad:

Do you eat bacon? Or other pork?

It probably came from Chinese-owned factories. And, they don't believe in producing a safe product.

I'm surprised there's anything lift from the Arabs long, ongoing buying spree helped, in no small part, by the Bushes.
This is why we need to keep investing in our military :thup:

How about investing in our military, teachers and medical professionals
to buy up land, develop and manage our own school and business districts?
here are plans to convert public housing into sustainable community campuses
to get people out of poverty and end dependence on govt welfare.

We should be investing in microloan programs that teach people to own and
manage their own businesses, property investments, and local government.

Instead of paying for more entitlements, subsidized insurance, etc. through federal govt,
that forces taxpayers to pay more and more to govt just to waste it with no accountability.

I could not agree more.

Why isn't the US investing in our own people and our own businesses?

The wealthy see poor countries as "emerging markets" but poor America is just scum.
Has the United States ever experienced a time when a foreign nation has attempted to buy up so much of our land all at once? As you will read about in this article, the Chinese are on a real estate buying spree all over America. In fact, in some cases large chunks of land are actually being given to them. Yes, you read that correctly. China is on the way to becoming the dominant land owner in the entire country, and that is starting to alarm a lot of people. Do we really want a foreign superpower to physically own so much of our territory?

The story was found on the American Ranger blog with a link to The Chinese Are Acquiring Large Chunks Of Land In Communities All Over America

I've long spoken out about the stupidity of America selling its heart – its land – to people from foreign countries, especially those who do not have our interests at heart. Ever wonder who your landlord really is? Or who holds the deed to the house you are trying to buy? Or who owns the store you're shopping in?

Think about it. :mad:

The Japanese did the same thing in the 1980s. They bought at stupid prices and got wiped out in many cases. Similar things are happening today with the Chinese. They often pay ridiculously stupid prices also.
For those haven't noticed, George Bush has not been president since 2009.
Who borrowed money from the Chinese to pay for two wars and a tax cut for the rich and for Medicare D?

Who borrowed more money in 5 years, than Bush did in 8? ( was the black guy)

Chinese ownership of Treasury securities rose by ~$800 billion under Bush. They have risen by something like $400 billion under Obama. Give or take $100 billion.
thankfully, "land" can't be moved.

We need to pass a law that foreigners can own as much land as they like, but not the mineral and gas rights.

Why not?

American corporations own oil and gas rights all around the world. We own far more of the world energy supplies than the world owns of ours. If the world responded in the same manner, we would lose a great deal of wealth.
thankfully, "land" can't be moved.

We need to pass a law that foreigners can own as much land as they like, but not the mineral and gas rights.

Why not?

American corporations own oil and gas rights all around the world. We own far more of the world energy supplies than the world owns of ours. If the world responded in the same manner, we would lose a great deal of wealth.

I was thinking more of individuals. If a business/ corporation is coming to America and buying land for the mineral and gas rights - the land would be held by an LLC or US corp. Non citizens can easily form LLC's and corps.....

Who borrowed money from the Chinese to pay for two wars and a tax cut for the rich and for Medicare D?

Who borrowed more money in 5 years, than Bush did in 8? ( was the black guy)

Chinese ownership of Treasury securities rose by ~$800 billion under Bush. They have risen by something like $400 billion under Obama. Give or take $100 billion.

seems like the Chinese have figured out that Obamerica is a bad investment....:badgrin:
thankfully, "land" can't be moved.

We need to pass a law that foreigners can own as much land as they like, but not the mineral and gas rights.

Why not?

American corporations own oil and gas rights all around the world. We own far more of the world energy supplies than the world owns of ours. If the world responded in the same manner, we would lose a great deal of wealth.

I was thinking more of individuals. If a business/ corporation is coming to America and buying land for the mineral and gas rights - the land would be held by an LLC or US corp. Non citizens can easily form LLC's and corps.....


If you believe in freedom and the government not telling you what to do, why would you believe in the government restricting who you can sell to?
Why not?

American corporations own oil and gas rights all around the world. We own far more of the world energy supplies than the world owns of ours. If the world responded in the same manner, we would lose a great deal of wealth.

I was thinking more of individuals. If a business/ corporation is coming to America and buying land for the mineral and gas rights - the land would be held by an LLC or US corp. Non citizens can easily form LLC's and corps.....


If you believe in freedom and the government not telling you what to do, why would you believe in the government restricting who you can sell to?

I don't care who you sell to. Placing restrictions on foreigners is as American as Apple Pie....Common sense regulation.
I was thinking more of individuals. If a business/ corporation is coming to America and buying land for the mineral and gas rights - the land would be held by an LLC or US corp. Non citizens can easily form LLC's and corps.....


If you believe in freedom and the government not telling you what to do, why would you believe in the government restricting who you can sell to?

I don't care who you sell to. Placing restrictions on foreigners is as American as Apple Pie....Common sense regulation.

It's not common sense. It's Big Gubmint telling you who you can sell to.

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