China buys Smithfield

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
One of China’s largest food conglomerates on Wednesday announced a $4.7 billion purchase of Smithfield Foods, the biggest pork producer in the United States, prompting food-safety advocates to warn of potential dangers to American consumers' health.

The proposed deal -- the largest Chinese takeover of an American firm in history -- would put Smithfield in the hands of Shuanghui International, a company based in the central Chinese province of Henan.

Two years ago, Shuanghui was embroiled in a food-safety scandal at home, eventually admitting it had blended a banned, carcinogenic additive into its pig feed. No deaths resulted from the tainted feed, and the company publicly apologized and closed down the plant that made the product.

This indeed is a problem. Which system is more effective in protecting consumers’ health from cost-cutting companies? China, where ad-hoc corruption is rife and enables companies large and small to flaunt safely laws and regulations? Or the United States, where corruption has been institutionalized, and big business and their lobbies work tirelessly to buy-off politicians so they can eradicate any consumer protection that may lessen their profits.

At the moment the U.S. still does seem to be more effective in protecting consumer health, but since China is moving forward in this area, while the U.S. is moving backwards, it may be only a matter of time till the situation is reversed.

So can we expect Shuanhui to not try to play games? Of course not! Yet, until they like Monsanto, get skilled at the U.S. style of bribery, they may actually end up making our food safer for a while.
Oh goody. A CHICOM company in charge of an American food company. Expect increased cases of poisonings.
China bought Smithfield mostly because it will be able to export meat to China without interference. You can worry about tainted meat coming from China, but all that good US stuff is going to be going TO China.
Pork is mighty popular in China, but we definitely want to keep the amount of food imported from China to the US to a minimum. Their track record is not too good in the 'food that doesn't kill you' department, generally speaking.
Good Lord! The cost of country hams is already high - and Smithfield ham is astronomical. But, damn, that is good eating.

I would hope the US would maintain some control over this industry.
Pork is mighty popular in China, but we definitely want to keep the amount of food imported from China to the US to a minimum. Their track record is not too good in the 'food that doesn't kill you' department, generally speaking.

Uh, neither US nor Chinese "meat" is allowed into Europe.

Unless you're buying from the old farmer down the road, don't put it in your mouth. And, if you ARE buying from the old farmer down the road, don't put it in your mouth.

Don't feed it to the dog either.

(Unless you're rw. Then, by all means, chow down. :evil:)

But, still - don't feed it to the dog.
Pork is mighty popular in China, but we definitely want to keep the amount of food imported from China to the US to a minimum. Their track record is not too good in the 'food that doesn't kill you' department, generally speaking.

Uh, neither US nor Chinese "meat" is allowed into Europe.

Unless you're buying from the old farmer down the road, don't put it in your mouth. And, if you ARE buying from the old farmer down the road, don't put it in your mouth.

Don't feed it to the dog either.

(Unless you're rw. Then, by all means, chow down. :evil:)

But, still - don't feed it to the dog.

do you get on all fours when you chow down Dudley?....just askin.....
One of China’s largest food conglomerates on Wednesday announced a $4.7 billion purchase of Smithfield Foods, the biggest pork producer in the United States, prompting food-safety advocates to warn of potential dangers to American consumers' health.

The proposed deal -- the largest Chinese takeover of an American firm in history -- would put Smithfield in the hands of Shuanghui International, a company based in the central Chinese province of Henan.

Two years ago, Shuanghui was embroiled in a food-safety scandal at home, eventually admitting it had blended a banned, carcinogenic additive into its pig feed. No deaths resulted from the tainted feed, and the company publicly apologized and closed down the plant that made the product.

This indeed is a problem. Which system is more effective in protecting consumers’ health from cost-cutting companies? China, where ad-hoc corruption is rife and enables companies large and small to flaunt safely laws and regulations? Or the United States, where corruption has been institutionalized, and big business and their lobbies work tirelessly to buy-off politicians so they can eradicate any consumer protection that may lessen their profits.

At the moment the U.S. still does seem to be more effective in protecting consumer health, but since China is moving forward in this area, while the U.S. is moving backwards, it may be only a matter of time till the situation is reversed.

So can we expect Shuanhui to not try to play games? Of course not! Yet, until they like Monsanto, get skilled at the U.S. style of bribery, they may actually end up making our food safer for a while.

Not approved yet.
Pork is mighty popular in China, but we definitely want to keep the amount of food imported from China to the US to a minimum. Their track record is not too good in the 'food that doesn't kill you' department, generally speaking.

Or we can all learn to enjoy Cat!

[ame=]Cat in the Kettle - YouTube[/ame]
We could rebuild many of out industries but we have to get rid of liberals first.

We will need a lot of people to staff the mental hospitals when we start forcibly treating you Christians fundies

Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness

Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness

Katzndogz said "we" :eusa_eh: when it was repubs who live by the credo "whatever produces the highest profits" (AKA- outsourcing jobs to the lowest bidder). She really is either a deissembler or a space cadet.
Why are you f*ckin' people always upset when foreign people, countries and corporations come here and buy stuff? You f*ckin applaud, wave the flag and chant USA! USA! when the President signs "Free Trade Agreements" that ship our Jobs and Money overseas don't you? Then when the come here and spend their money that YOU GAVE THEM you get all upset.

Well f*ck you! You stupid,whiney, f*ckin' hypocrites don't deserve to get upset.
We could rebuild many of out industries but we have to get rid of liberals first.

Yeah, those damned liberals, making sure the air is clean and the water isn't toxic and machines at work won't slice your arm off....

Hey, how is it the Europeans and Japanese have more liberals than we do, and their industries are doing fine?
We could rebuild many of out industries but we have to get rid of liberals first.

We will need a lot of people to staff the mental hospitals when we start forcibly treating you Christians fundies

Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness

Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness

Hey, Cammpbell, we get it already. You don't have to spam every thread with your anti-religion bigotry and fear.

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