China Collecting Gene Data on Millions Around the World Without Consent


Targeted DNA genocide


Working on that next bio WMD bug that’ll attack and kill even better.

A world of idiots and cowards for leaders over 30 years. In a war of attrition, the CCP knows they will survive. They are probably building an underground city for themselves as we speak.

Not to worry though, Canadas Creepy Covert police will save us from all the great threats...
Working on that next bio WMD bug that’ll attack and kill even better.

A world of idiots and cowards for leaders over 30 years. In a war of attrition, the CCP knows they will survive. They are probably building an underground city for themselves as we speak.

Not to worry though, Canadas Creepy Covert police will save us from all the great threats...
As I posted just months prior to China’s Bio WMD attack on the world, China’s military strategy is Total War - target civilians to wipe out moral and will to fight.

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