China could’ve reduced spread by 95% with early interventions.

Taking issue with the actions of china isn't racist.

And, again, you've addressed none of those points. Not a single one. 4 posts of logical fallacies and literally nothing else.

Again, I have addressed your points. You are a racist. Deal with it.
Taking issue with the actions of china isn't racist.

And, again, you've addressed none of those points. Not a single one. 4 posts of logical fallacies and literally nothing else.

Again, I have addressed your points. You are a racist. Deal with it.

Sure, sure Joey. Fling your nonsense.

You've spoken to none of them. Zero.
But for Trump’s misfeasance in office and his disbanding of the pandemic response team, the US would have been much more prepared now. Signs of the pandemic were evident in December but Trump sat on his ass and called the virus a hoax. Americans will die because of Trump’s negligence and ineptitude.
Sure, sure Joey. Fling your nonsense.

You've spoken to none of them. Zero.

Nothing to speak to.
China hasn't destroyed the planet
They aren't withholding medical supplies
Their government did fuck up their response, but so has ours... and ours had more warning.
Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.

... by following Dopey Donald Trump's strategy of choking, and surrender to a microbe.
Sure, sure Joey. Fling your nonsense.

You've spoken to none of them. Zero.

Nothing to speak to.
China hasn't destroyed the planet
They aren't withholding medical supplies
Their government did fuck up their response, but so has ours... and ours had more warning.

I didn't say destroyed.
I didn't say they did withhold.

And yes they screwed up their response, which has led to total havoc.
Here we go again...
Right...which is why Europe is being hammered with this right now, and it’s just starting here. Once it broke containment in Europe it pretty much screwed the rest of the world. The young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carries are infectious for a week without showing symptoms. Travel restrictions, AKA quarantines, are kind of the responsible and correct moves for highly infectious diseases that no one has immunity too.

But you’re right, thank god Europe wasn’t racist...well, they are now, but imagine how bad it would’ve looked then...when it counted. Saying that a highly infectious disease to which no human has immunity from comes from a certain place is racist, and restricting travel from that place is racist and outweighs the health of the entire world.

Europe is closer to China, of course they were going to get hit harder first.

Iran is pretty much a closed society, they are getting massively hit. We could discuss how Trump's sanctions against Iran is killing thousands of people over there, but naw, it'll be fine.
What?? China is one of Iran’s biggest partners, they’re basically allies. North Korea is close to a closed society, Iran isn’t. It’s just not a good idea for Americans, or really anyone from the west, to vacation in Iran because you might get accused of being a spy.

And I’m sure that extra hour of flight time of China to Europe, vs China to America totally made the difference. WTF, are you talking about? Do you hear yourself? There are these places called airports where thousands of people a day go to travel all over the globe, and they get crammed ass to pubes into lines, so they can sit elbow to elbow with a different group of people in a waiting area, or they may grab a bite to eat in a public food court, and then they then sit elbow to elbow inside a flying tube using recycled ventilation. They then get off into another airport where they either arrive at their destination to sit in an Uber that others will later use, and then intermingle with the people there, or repeat the process to sit elbow to elbow with yet another different group of people on a flying tube with recycled air.

Infectious diseases travel further and faster then they ever did in human history. It’s inevitable, disease will break out of its place of origin. The trick is to contain it at the place of origin, and then contain it in the few places it pops up elsewhere. Even Ebola made it to the US despite no direct flights to the US, and despite a minimal amount of daily air travel to begin with from the countries of origin. Ebola was far less infectious and way easier to spot...just waaaay deadlier. Mainland China on the other hand has similar unsanitary conditions to west Africa, but has far more people and animals stacked on top of each other by the millions, and infinitely more air travel on a daily basis than west Africa. You can contain infections from 1 or 2 infectious patients a week traveling. You can’t contain 30, let alone the probably hundreds a week that we’re coming out of China at one point traveling to god knows where. We put travel restrictions on west Africa for a far less infectious disease that was easier to contain and screen for, where there wasn’t a whole lot of air travel. But I guess it’s racist to point that out. If that’s racist then it’s also racist to say don’t drink the water in South America.
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Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.

... by following Dopey Donald Trump's strategy of choking, and surrender to a microbe.
Why do I keep expecting people on here to make a coherent point?
What could be wrong with a foreign country interfering with our election?

Joe Biden to China: I need a favor though
Right...which is why Europe is being hammered with this right now, and it’s just starting here. Once it broke containment in Europe it pretty much screwed the rest of the world. The young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carries are infectious for a week without showing symptoms. Travel restrictions, AKA quarantines, are kind of the responsible and correct moves for highly infectious diseases that no one has immunity too.

But you’re right, thank god Europe wasn’t racist...well, they are now, but imagine how bad it would’ve looked then...when it counted. Saying that a highly infectious disease to which no human has immunity from comes from a certain place is racist, and restricting travel from that place is racist and outweighs the health of the entire world.

Europe is closer to China, of course they were going to get hit harder first.

Iran is pretty much a closed society, they are getting massively hit. We could discuss how Trump's sanctions against Iran is killing thousands of people over there, but naw, it'll be fine.
What?? China is one of Iran’s biggest partners, they’re basically allies. North Korea is close to a closed society, Iran isn’t. It’s just not a good idea for Americans, or really anyone from the west, to vacation in Iran because you might get accused of being a spy.

And I’m sure that extra hour of flight time of China to Europe, vs China to America totally made the difference. WTF, are you talking about? Do you hear yourself? There are these places called airports where thousands of people a day go to travel all over the globe, and they get crammed ass to pubes into lines, so they can sit elbow to elbow with a different group of people in a waiting area, or they may grab a bite to eat in a public food court, and then they then sit elbow to elbow inside a flying tube using recycled ventilation. They then get off into another airport where they either arrive at their destination to sit in an Uber that others will later use, and then intermingle with the people there, or repeat the process to sit elbow to elbow with yet another different group of people on a flying tube with recycled air.

Infectious diseases travel further and faster then they ever did in human history. It’s inevitable, disease will break out of its place of origin. The trick is to contain it at the place of origin, and then contain it in the few places it pops up elsewhere. Even Ebola made it to the US despite no direct flights to the US, and despite a minimal amount of daily air travel to begin with from the countries of origin. Ebola was far less infectious and way easier to spot...just waaaay deadlier. Mainland China on the other hand has similar unsanitary conditions to west Africa, but has far more people and animals stacked on top of each other by the millions, and infinitely more air travel on a daily basis than west Africa. You can contain infections from 1 or 2 infectious patients a week traveling. You can’t contain 30, let alone the probably hundreds a week that we’re coming out of China at one point traveling to god knows where. We put travel restrictions on west Africa for a far less infectious disease that was easier to contain and screen for, where there wasn’t a whole lot of air travel. But I guess it’s racist to point that out. If that’s racist then it’s also racist to say don’t drink the water in South America.

It's useless to argue facts and logic with someone who's arguing emotion. "Orange Man Bad" means that everything, and I mean everything, is his fault and any argument to the contrary gets the label treatment. If they call it racist, in their minds they've dealt with it and can go back to reflexively screaming "Orange Man Bad", as if that's significant.
Here we go again...
Saying the CIA caused this is just as lazy and stupid as saying trump caused this. Yea, the CIA totally told China to cover up a highly infectious disease that no human has immunity too. All so they could control people. It’s not like hospitals are already full treating the patients they usually do, let alone a parabolic pandemic. Dude I’m an RN, we’re already short staffed, a lot of nurses and LPNs have to stay home because their kids are home from school. I am home right now because I got a scratchy throat and achey neck yesterday (probably just allergies), and don’t want to infect patients or other hospital staff because cancer and highly infectious diseases don’t really mix well. More doctors and nurses are going to have stay home for a couple of weeks, because some will become infected either at work or at home, and that’s gonna happen right as there’s a big influx of new patients from the virus. If we let this overwhelm our hospitals, like it is in Italy, it’s going to be very very bad. The people sick enough to be in the hospital in the first place are the ones most at risk from this virus being more than just a flu to them. They’ll probably survive it, the problem is they’ll be taking up the limited amount of ICU resources we have for up to 3 weeks. We have a hard enough time keeping nosocomial infections at bay in the hospital. And it’s not like car accidents, strokes, and cancer are going to take a break while all of this is happening. On top of that, now I’m stuck at home listening to you fucks letting dumb shit just keep falling out of your mouths.
Maybe we should call it the Martian Flu?

Or the Plutonian Mollywobbles?

Or maybe we should call it.

The Novel Coronavirus

All SCIENTIFICALLY accurate descriptions.

But, naw, let's call it "Chinese Flu" even though it isn't Chinese and not even a flu.

Or let's do what one of Trump's little Nazis did, and call it Kung Flu to the face of a Chinese-American reporter.

A White House official called coronavirus the 'Kung-Flu' to an Asian-American reporter's face

View attachment 313331

A White House official called the novel coronavirus the "Kung-Flu" to CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang's face, the journalist tweeted on Tuesday.

"This morning a White House official referred to #Coronavirus as the "Kung-Flu" to my face. Makes me wonder what they're calling it behind my back," Jiang said.

If this bothers you, you are a bitch.

Obama murders hundreds of thousands of brown people and no one flinches. A bad pun makes you shit your pants.

Stop being a bitch.
Taking issue with the actions of china isn't racist.

And, again, you've addressed none of those points. Not a single one. 4 posts of logical fallacies and literally nothing else.

Again, I have addressed your points. You are a racist. Deal with it.

Can you name any conservatives who are not racist?

I say you are racist, how about that? You racist.
Here we go again...
Saying the CIA caused this is just as lazy and stupid as saying trump caused this. Yea, the CIA totally told China to cover up a highly infectious disease that no human has immunity too. All so they could control people. It’s not like hospitals are already full treating the patients they usually do, let alone a parabolic pandemic. Dude I’m an RN, we’re already short staffed, a lot of nurses and LPNs have to stay home because their kids are home from school. I am home right now because I got a scratchy throat and achey neck yesterday (probably just allergies), and don’t want to infect patients or other hospital staff because cancer and highly infectious diseases don’t really mix well. More doctors and nurses are going to have stay home for a couple of weeks, because some will become infected either at work or at home, and that’s gonna happen right as there’s a big influx of new patients from the virus. If we let this overwhelm our hospitals, like it is in Italy, it’s going to be very very bad. The people sick enough to be in the hospital in the first place are the ones most at risk from this virus being more than just a flu to them. They’ll probably survive it, the problem is they’ll be taking up the limited amount of ICU resources we have for up to 3 weeks. We have a hard enough time keeping nosocomial infections at bay in the hospital. And it’s not like car accidents, strokes, and cancer are going to take a break while all of this is happening. On top of that, now I’m stuck at home listening to you fucks letting dumb shit just keep falling out of your mouths.
Wow. That little cartoon really triggered you. LOL.
Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.

... by following Dopey Donald Trump's strategy of choking, and surrender to a microbe.

Why do I keep expecting people on here to make a coherent point?

You are seeking to educate yourself from the knowledge and expertise of others?

You should go back to getting your information from the back of public toilet doors. You haven't graduated from that school.
They fucked the planet, turned around and blamed us, threatened to withhold supplies and in general have shown exactly what they are in many ways, at least in terms of their government.

Not too many warm fuzzies for Xi and company right now....

Of course not. Being racist is always easier than taking action.

It's the conservative way.

MEANWHILE, Trump is going along with a TRILLION dollars in bailouts. We are all socialists now.

Don't worry, you can go back to hating Government next year.

Being racist is always easier than taking action.

You would know.
Maybe we should call it the Martian Flu?

Or the Plutonian Mollywobbles?

Or maybe we should call it.

The Novel Coronavirus

All SCIENTIFICALLY accurate descriptions.

But, naw, let's call it "Chinese Flu" even though it isn't Chinese and not even a flu.

Or let's do what one of Trump's little Nazis did, and call it Kung Flu to the face of a Chinese-American reporter.

A White House official called coronavirus the 'Kung-Flu' to an Asian-American reporter's face

View attachment 313331

A White House official called the novel coronavirus the "Kung-Flu" to CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang's face, the journalist tweeted on Tuesday.

"This morning a White House official referred to #Coronavirus as the "Kung-Flu" to my face. Makes me wonder what they're calling it behind my back," Jiang said.

Weird how she has no proof of this, huh? No tape, no corroboration from anyone else there.

Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.

Your reading comprehension appears to be faulty:

Study author Dr Shengjie Lai, of the University of Southampton, comments: “Our study demonstrates how important it is for countries which are facing an imminent outbreak to proactively plan a coordinated response which swiftly tackles the spread of the disease on a number of fronts. We also show that China’s comprehensive response, in a relatively short period, greatly reduced the potential health impact of the outbreak.

The research also found that improved disease detection, isolation of cases and social distancing (for example, the cancelling of large public events, working from home and school closures) are likely to have had a far greater positive impact on containment than travel restrictions. The authors suggest social distancing should be continued for the next few months in China to prevent case numbers increasing again after the lifting of travel restrictions in late February.​

Trump delayed testing, made the pandemic appear harmless, miraculously going away, and thus made social distancing and school closures appear unnecessary (go to work), and imposed travel restrictions (not helpful) instead.

Considering it is going to take some time to figure out what a country is dealing with in case of a NEW virus, China gets good marks, according to your own link.

Yeah, but "the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today". We'll all just wait until the consequences and second-order effects of Trump's criminal incompetence kick in to see what you are going to say.

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