China Is Trying to Avoid Blame by Trolling the World

The evidence of China’s deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan is a matter of public record. In suppressing information about the virus, doing little to contain it, and allowing it to spread unchecked in the crucial early days and weeks, the regime imperiled not only its own country and its own citizens but also the more than 100 nations now facing their own potentially devastating outbreaks. More perniciously, the Chinese government censored and detained those brave doctors and whistleblowers who attempted to sound the alarm and warn their fellow citizens when they understood the gravity of what was to come.

Some American commentators and Democratic politicians are aghast at Donald Trump and Republicans for referring to the pandemic as the “Wuhan virus” and repeatedly pointing to China as the source of the pandemic. In naming the disease COVID-19, the World Health Organization specifically avoided mentioning Wuhan. Yet in de-emphasizing where the epidemic began (something China has been aggressively pushing for), we run the risk of obscuring Beijing’s role in letting the disease spread beyond its borders.

China has a history of mishandling outbreaks, including SARS in 2002 and 2003. But Chinese leaders’ negligence in December and January—for well over a month after the first outbreak in Wuhan—far surpasses those bungled responses. The end of last year was the time for authorities to act, and, as Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times has noted, “act decisively they did—not against the virus, but against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.” More by Shadi Hamid

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be looking for some payback from the ChiComs when the dust settles. Big time!!!!!
These dirty motherfuckers need to pay a heavy price for their crime against humanity. The citizens of China are also guilty for not overthrowing the communist party in their country. Stand-up people of China. How long are you going to live this lie and be the Pyrrha of the globe?
The evidence of China’s deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan is a matter of public record. In suppressing information about the virus, doing little to contain it, and allowing it to spread unchecked in the crucial early days and weeks, the regime imperiled not only its own country and its own citizens but also the more than 100 nations now facing their own potentially devastating outbreaks. More perniciously, the Chinese government censored and detained those brave doctors and whistleblowers who attempted to sound the alarm and warn their fellow citizens when they understood the gravity of what was to come.

Some American commentators and Democratic politicians are aghast at Donald Trump and Republicans for referring to the pandemic as the “Wuhan virus” and repeatedly pointing to China as the source of the pandemic. In naming the disease COVID-19, the World Health Organization specifically avoided mentioning Wuhan. Yet in de-emphasizing where the epidemic began (something China has been aggressively pushing for), we run the risk of obscuring Beijing’s role in letting the disease spread beyond its borders.

China has a history of mishandling outbreaks, including SARS in 2002 and 2003. But Chinese leaders’ negligence in December and January—for well over a month after the first outbreak in Wuhan—far surpasses those bungled responses. The end of last year was the time for authorities to act, and, as Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times has noted, “act decisively they did—not against the virus, but against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.” More by Shadi Hamid

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be looking for some payback from the ChiComs when the dust settles. Big time!!!!!
Sounds like China handled this outbreak quite well. Today as America announced the number of new cases doubled in 24 hours, China is celebrating the 1st day of no new cases. Within weeks China will be back to business as usual as American and Europe slip into recession. No wonder people are making up all kinds of shit to discredit the Chinese. They have triumph where America and Europe are failing in their fight against the virus.
I don't believe what the Chinese government tells us.....kinda like I don't believe what our government tells us....
Unfortunately in today's world of fabrications on social media, political spin, media pandering to it's audience, and a president who has little concern for facts, there is little you can accept on face value as truth.
The evidence of China’s deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan is a matter of public record. In suppressing information about the virus, doing little to contain it, and allowing it to spread unchecked in the crucial early days and weeks, the regime imperiled not only its own country and its own citizens but also the more than 100 nations now facing their own potentially devastating outbreaks. More perniciously, the Chinese government censored and detained those brave doctors and whistleblowers who attempted to sound the alarm and warn their fellow citizens when they understood the gravity of what was to come.

Some American commentators and Democratic politicians are aghast at Donald Trump and Republicans for referring to the pandemic as the “Wuhan virus” and repeatedly pointing to China as the source of the pandemic. In naming the disease COVID-19, the World Health Organization specifically avoided mentioning Wuhan. Yet in de-emphasizing where the epidemic began (something China has been aggressively pushing for), we run the risk of obscuring Beijing’s role in letting the disease spread beyond its borders.

China has a history of mishandling outbreaks, including SARS in 2002 and 2003. But Chinese leaders’ negligence in December and January—for well over a month after the first outbreak in Wuhan—far surpasses those bungled responses. The end of last year was the time for authorities to act, and, as Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times has noted, “act decisively they did—not against the virus, but against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.” More by Shadi Hamid

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be looking for some payback from the ChiComs when the dust settles. Big time!!!!!
Sounds like China handled this outbreak quite well. Today as America announced the number of new cases doubled in 24 hours, China is celebrating the 1st day of no new cases. Within weeks China will be back to business as usual as American and Europe slip into recession. No wonder people are making up all kinds of shit to discredit the Chinese. They have triumph where America and Europe are failing in their fight against the virus.
Yes they handled it so well it almost appears as if they planned it, including the acceptable losses of their own people.

Viral pneumonia outbreaks in China and elsewhere are very common and not normally reported to the WHO except as totals. Unlike other respiratory disease, treatments for viral pneumonia are very limited and often ineffective, so hospitals in China and other countries just treat the symptoms. For this reason, there was little effort initially to do much research into the virus. So the cases were just reported as viral pneumonia. The Chinese reported to the WHO a large number of cases of viral pneumonia of unknown cause on Dec 31st. Later the first case was determine to have occurred on Nov 17th. The Chinese believed the virus originated in a fish market in Wuhan. They could not confirm human to human transmission at that time. Several weeks later it was confirmed.
These seem to be the facts as reported by the WHO.

So if China withheld vital information to respond to a pandemic, why would they do so? Being the largest exporter in the world and exports accounting for over 20% of their GDP, they certainly would not want a pandemic that could lead to a worldwide recession.

It's interesting to note that almost all the press about China holding back vital information and thus hampering a response occurred when democrats were attacking Trump for a lack of an early response and information out of CDC was revealing the lack of preparedness. I suspect that most of this is nothing more than a political move to shift the blame from Trump to China for America's failure to control the virus in the critical early stages. Trump seems to be confirming this by trying to rename the virus to the China Virus which is pretty dumb but I suppose his fans loved it.

"if China withheld"


You're asking, why would they do it? So they hide it, and buy time to do exactly what they're doing now, blaming others. That's typical leftist procedure, which seems you're following to the letter.
So they hide vital information needed to control a developing pandemic that almost assuredly would lead to a worldwide recession which would be devastating to the leading exporter of consumer goods, namely China.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
The evidence of China’s deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan is a matter of public record. In suppressing information about the virus, doing little to contain it, and allowing it to spread unchecked in the crucial early days and weeks, the regime imperiled not only its own country and its own citizens but also the more than 100 nations now facing their own potentially devastating outbreaks. More perniciously, the Chinese government censored and detained those brave doctors and whistleblowers who attempted to sound the alarm and warn their fellow citizens when they understood the gravity of what was to come.

Some American commentators and Democratic politicians are aghast at Donald Trump and Republicans for referring to the pandemic as the “Wuhan virus” and repeatedly pointing to China as the source of the pandemic. In naming the disease COVID-19, the World Health Organization specifically avoided mentioning Wuhan. Yet in de-emphasizing where the epidemic began (something China has been aggressively pushing for), we run the risk of obscuring Beijing’s role in letting the disease spread beyond its borders.

China has a history of mishandling outbreaks, including SARS in 2002 and 2003. But Chinese leaders’ negligence in December and January—for well over a month after the first outbreak in Wuhan—far surpasses those bungled responses. The end of last year was the time for authorities to act, and, as Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times has noted, “act decisively they did—not against the virus, but against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.” More by Shadi Hamid

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be looking for some payback from the ChiComs when the dust settles. Big time!!!!!
Sounds like China handled this outbreak quite well. Today as America announced the number of new cases doubled in 24 hours, China is celebrating the 1st day of no new cases. Within weeks China will be back to business as usual as American and Europe slip into recession. No wonder people are making up all kinds of shit to discredit the Chinese. They have triumph where America and Europe are failing in their fight against the virus.
Yes they handled it so well it almost appears as if they planned it, including the acceptable losses of their own people.

Viral pneumonia outbreaks in China and elsewhere are very common and not normally reported to the WHO except as totals. Unlike other respiratory disease, treatments for viral pneumonia are very limited and often ineffective, so hospitals in China and other countries just treat the symptoms. For this reason, there was little effort initially to do much research into the virus. So the cases were just reported as viral pneumonia. The Chinese reported to the WHO a large number of cases of viral pneumonia of unknown cause on Dec 31st. Later the first case was determine to have occurred on Nov 17th. The Chinese believed the virus originated in a fish market in Wuhan. They could not confirm human to human transmission at that time. Several weeks later it was confirmed.
These seem to be the facts as reported by the WHO.

So if China withheld vital information to respond to a pandemic, why would they do so? Being the largest exporter in the world and exports accounting for over 20% of their GDP, they certainly would not want a pandemic that could lead to a worldwide recession.

It's interesting to note that almost all the press about China holding back vital information and thus hampering a response occurred when democrats were attacking Trump for a lack of an early response and information out of CDC was revealing the lack of preparedness. I suspect that most of this is nothing more than a political move to shift the blame from Trump to China for America's failure to control the virus in the critical early stages. Trump seems to be confirming this by trying to rename the virus to the China Virus which is pretty dumb but I suppose his fans loved it.

"if China withheld"


You're asking, why would they do it? So they hide it, and buy time to do exactly what they're doing now, blaming others. That's typical leftist procedure, which seems you're following to the letter.
So they hide vital information needed to control a developing pandemic that almost assuredly would lead to a worldwide recession which would be devastating to the leading exporter of consumer goods, namely China.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
If they end up damaging America more than themselves, then they get the upper hand. So far, it's working perfectly for them.
The evidence of China’s deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan is a matter of public record. In suppressing information about the virus, doing little to contain it, and allowing it to spread unchecked in the crucial early days and weeks, the regime imperiled not only its own country and its own citizens but also the more than 100 nations now facing their own potentially devastating outbreaks. More perniciously, the Chinese government censored and detained those brave doctors and whistleblowers who attempted to sound the alarm and warn their fellow citizens when they understood the gravity of what was to come.

Some American commentators and Democratic politicians are aghast at Donald Trump and Republicans for referring to the pandemic as the “Wuhan virus” and repeatedly pointing to China as the source of the pandemic. In naming the disease COVID-19, the World Health Organization specifically avoided mentioning Wuhan. Yet in de-emphasizing where the epidemic began (something China has been aggressively pushing for), we run the risk of obscuring Beijing’s role in letting the disease spread beyond its borders.

China has a history of mishandling outbreaks, including SARS in 2002 and 2003. But Chinese leaders’ negligence in December and January—for well over a month after the first outbreak in Wuhan—far surpasses those bungled responses. The end of last year was the time for authorities to act, and, as Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times has noted, “act decisively they did—not against the virus, but against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.” More by Shadi Hamid

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be looking for some payback from the ChiComs when the dust settles. Big time!!!!!
Sounds like China handled this outbreak quite well. Today as America announced the number of new cases doubled in 24 hours, China is celebrating the 1st day of no new cases. Within weeks China will be back to business as usual as American and Europe slip into recession. No wonder people are making up all kinds of shit to discredit the Chinese. They have triumph where America and Europe are failing in their fight against the virus.
Yes they handled it so well it almost appears as if they planned it, including the acceptable losses of their own people.

Viral pneumonia outbreaks in China and elsewhere are very common and not normally reported to the WHO except as totals. Unlike other respiratory disease, treatments for viral pneumonia are very limited and often ineffective, so hospitals in China and other countries just treat the symptoms. For this reason, there was little effort initially to do much research into the virus. So the cases were just reported as viral pneumonia. The Chinese reported to the WHO a large number of cases of viral pneumonia of unknown cause on Dec 31st. Later the first case was determine to have occurred on Nov 17th. The Chinese believed the virus originated in a fish market in Wuhan. They could not confirm human to human transmission at that time. Several weeks later it was confirmed.
These seem to be the facts as reported by the WHO.

So if China withheld vital information to respond to a pandemic, why would they do so? Being the largest exporter in the world and exports accounting for over 20% of their GDP, they certainly would not want a pandemic that could lead to a worldwide recession.

It's interesting to note that almost all the press about China holding back vital information and thus hampering a response occurred when democrats were attacking Trump for a lack of an early response and information out of CDC was revealing the lack of preparedness. I suspect that most of this is nothing more than a political move to shift the blame from Trump to China for America's failure to control the virus in the critical early stages. Trump seems to be confirming this by trying to rename the virus to the China Virus which is pretty dumb but I suppose his fans loved it.

"if China withheld"


You're asking, why would they do it? So they hide it, and buy time to do exactly what they're doing now, blaming others. That's typical leftist procedure, which seems you're following to the letter.
So they hide vital information needed to control a developing pandemic that almost assuredly would lead to a worldwide recession which would be devastating to the leading exporter of consumer goods, namely China.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

They thought they can contain it. They've tried to contain it. If they succeeded, they would act like it never happened.

Did they closed their borders? No. If they did, everyone would know how serious it is. They even protested when we ban flights from China to US, like... why? Then they couldn't hide the secret of how they fucked up, they couldn't control the message.

And now, they're blaming us, like we brought it to China. I wouldn't be surprised if you believe them. Because ideologically, you're the same.
Sounds like China handled this outbreak quite well. Today as America announced the number of new cases doubled in 24 hours, China is celebrating the 1st day of no new cases. Within weeks China will be back to business as usual as American and Europe slip into recession. No wonder people are making up all kinds of shit to discredit the Chinese. They have triumph where America and Europe are failing in their fight against the virus.
Yes they handled it so well it almost appears as if they planned it, including the acceptable losses of their own people.

Viral pneumonia outbreaks in China and elsewhere are very common and not normally reported to the WHO except as totals. Unlike other respiratory disease, treatments for viral pneumonia are very limited and often ineffective, so hospitals in China and other countries just treat the symptoms. For this reason, there was little effort initially to do much research into the virus. So the cases were just reported as viral pneumonia. The Chinese reported to the WHO a large number of cases of viral pneumonia of unknown cause on Dec 31st. Later the first case was determine to have occurred on Nov 17th. The Chinese believed the virus originated in a fish market in Wuhan. They could not confirm human to human transmission at that time. Several weeks later it was confirmed.
These seem to be the facts as reported by the WHO.

So if China withheld vital information to respond to a pandemic, why would they do so? Being the largest exporter in the world and exports accounting for over 20% of their GDP, they certainly would not want a pandemic that could lead to a worldwide recession.

It's interesting to note that almost all the press about China holding back vital information and thus hampering a response occurred when democrats were attacking Trump for a lack of an early response and information out of CDC was revealing the lack of preparedness. I suspect that most of this is nothing more than a political move to shift the blame from Trump to China for America's failure to control the virus in the critical early stages. Trump seems to be confirming this by trying to rename the virus to the China Virus which is pretty dumb but I suppose his fans loved it.

"if China withheld"


You're asking, why would they do it? So they hide it, and buy time to do exactly what they're doing now, blaming others. That's typical leftist procedure, which seems you're following to the letter.
So they hide vital information needed to control a developing pandemic that almost assuredly would lead to a worldwide recession which would be devastating to the leading exporter of consumer goods, namely China.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

They thought they can contain it. They've tried to contain it. If they succeeded, they would act like it never happened.

Did they closed their borders? No. If they did, everyone would know how serious it is. They even protested when we ban flights from China to US, like... why? Then they couldn't hide the secret of how they fucked up, they couldn't control the message.

And now, they're blaming us, like we brought it to China. I wouldn't be surprised if you believe them. Because ideologically, you're the same.
The circumstantial evidence is enough to convict.
Yes they handled it so well it almost appears as if they planned it, including the acceptable losses of their own people.

Viral pneumonia outbreaks in China and elsewhere are very common and not normally reported to the WHO except as totals. Unlike other respiratory disease, treatments for viral pneumonia are very limited and often ineffective, so hospitals in China and other countries just treat the symptoms. For this reason, there was little effort initially to do much research into the virus. So the cases were just reported as viral pneumonia. The Chinese reported to the WHO a large number of cases of viral pneumonia of unknown cause on Dec 31st. Later the first case was determine to have occurred on Nov 17th. The Chinese believed the virus originated in a fish market in Wuhan. They could not confirm human to human transmission at that time. Several weeks later it was confirmed.
These seem to be the facts as reported by the WHO.

So if China withheld vital information to respond to a pandemic, why would they do so? Being the largest exporter in the world and exports accounting for over 20% of their GDP, they certainly would not want a pandemic that could lead to a worldwide recession.

It's interesting to note that almost all the press about China holding back vital information and thus hampering a response occurred when democrats were attacking Trump for a lack of an early response and information out of CDC was revealing the lack of preparedness. I suspect that most of this is nothing more than a political move to shift the blame from Trump to China for America's failure to control the virus in the critical early stages. Trump seems to be confirming this by trying to rename the virus to the China Virus which is pretty dumb but I suppose his fans loved it.

"if China withheld"


You're asking, why would they do it? So they hide it, and buy time to do exactly what they're doing now, blaming others. That's typical leftist procedure, which seems you're following to the letter.
So they hide vital information needed to control a developing pandemic that almost assuredly would lead to a worldwide recession which would be devastating to the leading exporter of consumer goods, namely China.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

They thought they can contain it. They've tried to contain it. If they succeeded, they would act like it never happened.

Did they closed their borders? No. If they did, everyone would know how serious it is. They even protested when we ban flights from China to US, like... why? Then they couldn't hide the secret of how they fucked up, they couldn't control the message.

And now, they're blaming us, like we brought it to China. I wouldn't be surprised if you believe them. Because ideologically, you're the same.
The circumstantial evidence is enough to convict.

I don't believe in that for a moment. That's the road you take when you're desperate. And from all they did in past three years, man... leftists are desperate.
I don't think that the entire China government know about this virus. I believe that this shadow government of ours, stretches all the way to China. I believe that they have secret entities that is running their government from behind the scene like ours. Before Pres.Trump.., Our government has been spending a lot of time over there than here. And plus treating China like a high society prostitute, giving them whatever they wanted.
And so it has to been a double agent working in their science dept. That they has unleashed this virus. But China president didn't want to be blame for it. So he covered it up. He knew if China was to be blame for it. That they will have to dish out lots of Renminbi to all of those countries that has been infected by it. And plus we will not have to pay them back the money we owe them.
But this Chinese shadow government, is killing off those that knows about the cover up. But leaving bread crumbs behind that leads to China Pres..Xi Jinping. Which they are trying to have him remove and replace him with one of theirs.
These shadow figures has been trying to regime change every countries' leaders, and replace them with theirs. Even trying to do a regime change in our country.

China sets stage for Xi to stay in office indefinitely

Duterte: Xi Jinping won't allow moves to remove me from office

Putin’s Now Positioned to Be President for Life
I don't think that the entire China government know about this virus. I believe that this shadow government of ours, stretches all the way to China. I believe that they have secret entities that is running their government from behind the scene like ours. Before Pres.Trump.., Our government has been spending a lot of time over there than here. And plus treating China like a high society prostitute, giving them whatever they wanted.
And so it has to been a double agent working in their science dept. That they has unleashed this virus. But China president didn't want to be blame for it. So he covered it up. He knew if China was to be blame for it. That they will have to dish out lots of Renminbi to all of those countries that has been infected by it. And plus we will not have to pay them back the money we owe them.
But this Chinese shadow government, is killing off those that knows about the cover up. But leaving bread crumbs behind that leads to China Pres..Xi Jinping. Which they are trying to have him remove and replace him with one of theirs.
These shadow figures has been trying to regime change every countries' leaders, and replace them with theirs. Even trying to do a regime change in our country.

China sets stage for Xi to stay in office indefinitely

Duterte: Xi Jinping won't allow moves to remove me from office

Putin’s Now Positioned to Be President for Life

This is from February.

China officials knew of coronavirus in December, ordered cover-up, report say

Chinese scientists knew about the coronavirus and its deadly effects as early as December — but were ordered by government officials to suppress the evidence, according to a report.

In late December, several genomics companies tested samples from sick patients in Wuhan — the center of the coronavirus outbreak — and noticed alarming similarities between their illnesses and the 2002 SARS virus, the Sunday Times of London reported, citing Chinese business news site Caixin Global.

The researchers alerted Beijing of their findings — and on Jan. 3, received a gag order from China’s National Health Commission, with instructions to destroy the samples.

The alleged cover-up continued when representatives from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Jan. 8 visited Wuhan, where officials intentionally withheld information that hospital workers had been infected by patients — a telltale sign of contagion.
I don't think that the entire China government know about this virus. I believe that this shadow government of ours, stretches all the way to China. I believe that they have secret entities that is running their government from behind the scene like ours. Before Pres.Trump.., Our government has been spending a lot of time over there than here. And plus treating China like a high society prostitute, giving them whatever they wanted.
And so it has to been a double agent working in their science dept. That they has unleashed this virus. But China president didn't want to be blame for it. So he covered it up. He knew if China was to be blame for it. That they will have to dish out lots of Renminbi to all of those countries that has been infected by it. And plus we will not have to pay them back the money we owe them.
But this Chinese shadow government, is killing off those that knows about the cover up. But leaving bread crumbs behind that leads to China Pres..Xi Jinping. Which they are trying to have him remove and replace him with one of theirs.
These shadow figures has been trying to regime change every countries' leaders, and replace them with theirs. Even trying to do a regime change in our country.

China sets stage for Xi to stay in office indefinitely

Duterte: Xi Jinping won't allow moves to remove me from office

Putin’s Now Positioned to Be President for Life

This is from February.

China officials knew of coronavirus in December, ordered cover-up, report say

Chinese scientists knew about the coronavirus and its deadly effects as early as December — but were ordered by government officials to suppress the evidence, according to a report.

In late December, several genomics companies tested samples from sick patients in Wuhan — the center of the coronavirus outbreak — and noticed alarming similarities between their illnesses and the 2002 SARS virus, the Sunday Times of London reported, citing Chinese business news site Caixin Global.

The researchers alerted Beijing of their findings — and on Jan. 3, received a gag order from China’s National Health Commission, with instructions to destroy the samples.

The alleged cover-up continued when representatives from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Jan. 8 visited Wuhan, where officials intentionally withheld information that hospital workers had been infected by patients — a telltale sign of contagion.
Like I have said. He probably knew about it later on after the break out of this virus. But he probably waited to see if it could be detain. But remember, at the time. He was having negotiation talks with Pres.Trump on trading. And if report has gotten out about this virus. That it will harm the trade talks. But it probably could have been detained. But it could have been someone working behind the scene help spreading it even further. Someone was trying their best to stop these trade negotiations with Pres.Trump. Remember, a few incidents had happen to stop Pres.Trump from talking with Putin on trade. That one of the incidents was about Russian ship attacking Ukrainian ship. and there were others like with Assad gassing his people.
These people are trying their best to make sure Pres.Trump will not destroy anymore of their trade agreements that would hurt our economy.
It seem as if someone is trying their best to bring down our economy.

U.S. trade gap rises slightly in June - Aug. 17, 2001
I don't think that the entire China government know about this virus. I believe that this shadow government of ours, stretches all the way to China. I believe that they have secret entities that is running their government from behind the scene like ours. Before Pres.Trump.., Our government has been spending a lot of time over there than here. And plus treating China like a high society prostitute, giving them whatever they wanted.
And so it has to been a double agent working in their science dept. That they has unleashed this virus. But China president didn't want to be blame for it. So he covered it up. He knew if China was to be blame for it. That they will have to dish out lots of Renminbi to all of those countries that has been infected by it. And plus we will not have to pay them back the money we owe them.
But this Chinese shadow government, is killing off those that knows about the cover up. But leaving bread crumbs behind that leads to China Pres..Xi Jinping. Which they are trying to have him remove and replace him with one of theirs.
These shadow figures has been trying to regime change every countries' leaders, and replace them with theirs. Even trying to do a regime change in our country.

China sets stage for Xi to stay in office indefinitely

Duterte: Xi Jinping won't allow moves to remove me from office

Putin’s Now Positioned to Be President for Life

This is from February.

China officials knew of coronavirus in December, ordered cover-up, report say

Chinese scientists knew about the coronavirus and its deadly effects as early as December — but were ordered by government officials to suppress the evidence, according to a report.

In late December, several genomics companies tested samples from sick patients in Wuhan — the center of the coronavirus outbreak — and noticed alarming similarities between their illnesses and the 2002 SARS virus, the Sunday Times of London reported, citing Chinese business news site Caixin Global.

The researchers alerted Beijing of their findings — and on Jan. 3, received a gag order from China’s National Health Commission, with instructions to destroy the samples.

The alleged cover-up continued when representatives from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Jan. 8 visited Wuhan, where officials intentionally withheld information that hospital workers had been infected by patients — a telltale sign of contagion.
Like I have said. He probably knew about it later on after the break out of this virus. But he probably waited to see if it could be detain. But remember, at the time. He was having negotiation talks with Pres.Trump on trading. And if report has gotten out about this virus. That it will harm the trade talks. But it probably could have been detained. But it could have been someone working behind the scene help spreading it even further. Someone was trying their best to stop these trade negotiations with Pres.Trump. Remember, a few incidents had happen to stop Pres.Trump from talking with Putin on trade. That one of the incidents was about Russian ship attacking Ukrainian ship. and there were others like with Assad gassing his people.
These people are trying their best to make sure Pres.Trump will not destroy anymore of their trade agreements that would hurt our economy.
It seem as if someone is trying their best to bring down our economy.

U.S. trade gap rises slightly in June - Aug. 17, 2001

What do you think is worse for Chinese... covering up the outbreak in order "not to harm trade talks" or getting better trade deal while killing thousands all around the world and damaging world economy?

And what link from 2001 has to do with trade deals done today?

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