China could’ve reduced spread by 95% with early interventions.

This is staggering !
China needs to pay dearly for this. Once the dead have been buried, the families consoled, and life begins to return to the new normal, China needs to compensate every single country on this earth !!

We knew you'd find a way to be racist about this!

Yes, it's all China's fault that Trump didn't take this seriously months ago.
Don’t know the validity to that. Doesn’t matter anyway because all world governments are not prepped for this. They aren’t prepped for any type of disaster as they should be. Why? Because that’s what happens with all big overinflated systems. They’re short sighted, and consumed with self preservation. And when a disaster does come, they’re far too slow moving, weighed down by red tape, and adaptation comes too little too late. It’s what happened in Katrina. NO knew their levies couldn’t take a even a moderate storm, and they threw millions of dollars at them since the 60’s and still they never got fixed and upgraded. We’re not prepped for a pandemic, we’re not prepped for a volcano, we’re not prepped for a solar flare, we’re not prepped for an incoming asteroid. It’s been that way for all presidencies in modernity. Now it’s up to local authorities and states out there on the front lines, able to adapt to situations in real time, to correctly asses the situation and get supplies to where they are most needed. It’s up to the fed to back them up financially on that, because that’s simply the best they can do.

China could’ve contained this or even slowed it. They were too consumed with not looking bad (self-preservation). Until it was too late for them and they had to take drastic measures. The EU didn’t ban travel when they should have, they were too consumed with not looking bad or “racist” (self-preservation), until it was too late and now they’re taking drastic measures. At least we bought a month and can watch the EU try to tackle this and see what works and what doesn’t. It’s crazy to me that we have now equated quarantines with racism in the age of air travel. Yea quarantines suck for the people in them, but you can help them from the outside. What sucks a lot more is pandemics shutting down the world economy. Now it’s every country for itself, 100,000s probably dead, trillions of dollars thrown at this by governments just to attempt to slow it down, and god only knows what the world is going to look like after all of this.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

Snopes article on firing the pandemic response team. Youtube video of him minimizing the seriousness.

Maybe, just maybe, it would have helped if he had professionals in place for this thing and didn't spread misinformation about the seriousness of this virus.

What misinformation? Up until mid-February it was speculated that this was spread through feces. Kind of hard to get correct info out of the the PRC. Who had they told us what was really going on, we would’ve more prepared. Look you’re riding a very thin line with this. You don’t want panic too early, and you don’t want to be too lax too late. I don’t think trump is a genius but the most important thing to do, he did. That was the travel ban to China. If Europe had done the same we’d be in way better shape

What misinformation? Here, let me show you just a few examples:

February 26: "And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done." - Donald Trump

March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That’s what the bottom line is." - Donald Trump

If that isn't misinformation, then I'd like to know what exactly your definition of misinformation is.

The first quote was in response to cases that came here from China. Problem is plenty of Chinese still could go to these places called airports. Where 1000s of people pass through in close quarters a day. Where you stand ass to pubes in lines, eat in a food court, and then get onto a flying tube with recycled ventilation. You restrict travel to China, you don’t have that problem. Once it broke containment into Europe. It was going to come here. You can contain 30 or so cases of this to an area. You can’t contain 100 or more going god only knows where, that picked up the infection in an Amsterdam airport from someone who was getting a connecting flight to the UK.

Our hospital has had tests for a week and a half now. But testing isn’t gonna do shit, they were never gonna do shit. The vast majority of people don’t voluntarily get tested until they are experiencing symptoms. At that point they’ve been walking around for a week infecting others. I don’t know what y’all aren’t understanding about this. Once it broke containment in the EU, the rest of the world was fucked.

You asked about misinformation. I provided you with examples of misinformation.

Would you or would you not agree that these are examples of misinformation by Trump?

Here’s A Timeline Of The Coronavirus Outbreak And China’s Coverup

Here’s a full timeline of what China knew, when they knew it. How they destroyed evidence, lied to the WHO. And how they imprisoned and or disappeared doctors and researches who leaked info about the virus to outside world.
Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

Snopes article on firing the pandemic response team. Youtube video of him minimizing the seriousness.

Maybe, just maybe, it would have helped if he had professionals in place for this thing and didn't spread misinformation about the seriousness of this virus.

What misinformation? Up until mid-February it was speculated that this was spread through feces. Kind of hard to get correct info out of the the PRC. Who had they told us what was really going on, we would’ve more prepared. Look you’re riding a very thin line with this. You don’t want panic too early, and you don’t want to be too lax too late. I don’t think trump is a genius but the most important thing to do, he did. That was the travel ban to China. If Europe had done the same we’d be in way better shape

What misinformation? Here, let me show you just a few examples:

February 26: "And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done." - Donald Trump

March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That’s what the bottom line is." - Donald Trump

If that isn't misinformation, then I'd like to know what exactly your definition of misinformation is.

The first quote was in response to cases that came here from China. Problem is plenty of Chinese still could go to these places called airports. Where 1000s of people pass through in close quarters a day. Where you stand ass to pubes in lines, eat in a food court, and then get onto a flying tube with recycled ventilation. You restrict travel to China, you don’t have that problem. Once it broke containment into Europe. It was going to come here. You can contain 30 or so cases of this to an area. You can’t contain 100 or more going god only knows where, that picked up the infection in an Amsterdam airport from someone who was getting a connecting flight to the UK.

Our hospital has had tests for a week and a half now. But testing isn’t gonna do shit, they were never gonna do shit. The vast majority of people don’t voluntarily get tested until they are experiencing symptoms. At that point they’ve been walking around for a week infecting others. I don’t know what y’all aren’t understanding about this. Once it broke containment in the EU, the rest of the world was fucked.

You asked about misinformation. I provided you with examples of misinformation.

Would you or would you not agree that these are examples of misinformation by Trump?

Here’s A Timeline Of The Coronavirus Outbreak And China’s Coverup

Here’s a full timeline of what China knew, when they knew it. How they destroyed evidence, lied to the WHO. And how they imprisoned and or disappeared doctors and researches who leaked info about the virus to outside world.

Cool, and that absolutely nothing to do with what I posted.

You asked about misinformation from Trump. I showed you misinformation by Trump. Would you or would you not agree that these are examples of misinformation by Trump???

Note, I didn't say that the ONLY misinformation was by Trump. I agree that China did plenty of wrong here too.
Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.
It's almost as if they didn't have a good plan in place to deal with the start of an epidemic. Similar to just about every country on earth. It is good to learn from these events. Will we?
What misinformation? Up until mid-February it was speculated that this was spread through feces. Kind of hard to get correct info out of the the PRC. Who had they told us what was really going on, we would’ve more prepared. Look you’re riding a very thin line with this. You don’t want panic too early, and you don’t want to be too lax too late. I don’t think trump is a genius but the most important thing to do, he did. That was the travel ban to China. If Europe had done the same we’d be in way better shape

What misinformation? Here, let me show you just a few examples:

February 26: "And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done." - Donald Trump

March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That’s what the bottom line is." - Donald Trump

If that isn't misinformation, then I'd like to know what exactly your definition of misinformation is.
The first quote was in response to cases that came here from China. Problem is plenty of Chinese still could go to these places called airports. Where 1000s of people pass through in close quarters a day. Where you stand ass to pubes in lines, eat in a food court, and then get onto a flying tube with recycled ventilation. You restrict travel to China, you don’t have that problem. Once it broke containment into Europe. It was going to come here. You can contain 30 or so cases of this to an area. You can’t contain 100 or more going god only knows where, that picked up the infection in an Amsterdam airport from someone who was getting a connecting flight to the UK.

Our hospital has had tests for a week and a half now. But testing isn’t gonna do shit, they were never gonna do shit. The vast majority of people don’t voluntarily get tested until they are experiencing symptoms. At that point they’ve been walking around for a week infecting others. I don’t know what y’all aren’t understanding about this. Once it broke containment in the EU, the rest of the world was fucked.

You asked about misinformation. I provided you with examples of misinformation.

Would you or would you not agree that these are examples of misinformation by Trump?
Here’s A Timeline Of The Coronavirus Outbreak And China’s Coverup

Here’s a full timeline of what China knew, when they knew it. How they destroyed evidence, lied to the WHO. And how they imprisoned and or disappeared doctors and researches who leaked info about the virus to outside world.

Cool, and that absolutely nothing to do with what I posted.

You asked about misinformation from Trump. I showed you misinformation by Trump. Would you or would you not agree that these are examples of misinformation by Trump???

Note, I didn't say that the ONLY misinformation was by Trump. I agree that China did plenty of wrong here too.
You missed the point. It’s hard to tell people about the disease that China kept destroying information about, and knowingly lie about. Up until mid-February we thought this was transmitted by feces, which would be a problem for China, not so much people who don’t think toilets are optional. How tf are you supposed to prepare for a disease when you don’t know how it’s transmitted, how infectious it is, incubation periods, etc. Trump, believe it or not, did the only responsible, and effective thing you could’ve, which was restrict travel from China. I in no way shape or form think that trumps a genius, but at least he wasn’t concerned about the idiots equating racism with quarantines. Like I said before quarantines suck for the people in them, but they stop pandemics which suck infinitely more for EVERYONE.
Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.
It's almost as if they didn't have a good plan in place to deal with the start of an epidemic. Similar to just about every country on earth. It is good to learn from these events. Will we?
Let’s fucking hope so. I feel like we say that after every disaster tho.
What misinformation? Here, let me show you just a few examples:

February 26: "And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done." - Donald Trump

March 6: “Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That’s what the bottom line is." - Donald Trump

If that isn't misinformation, then I'd like to know what exactly your definition of misinformation is.
The first quote was in response to cases that came here from China. Problem is plenty of Chinese still could go to these places called airports. Where 1000s of people pass through in close quarters a day. Where you stand ass to pubes in lines, eat in a food court, and then get onto a flying tube with recycled ventilation. You restrict travel to China, you don’t have that problem. Once it broke containment into Europe. It was going to come here. You can contain 30 or so cases of this to an area. You can’t contain 100 or more going god only knows where, that picked up the infection in an Amsterdam airport from someone who was getting a connecting flight to the UK.

Our hospital has had tests for a week and a half now. But testing isn’t gonna do shit, they were never gonna do shit. The vast majority of people don’t voluntarily get tested until they are experiencing symptoms. At that point they’ve been walking around for a week infecting others. I don’t know what y’all aren’t understanding about this. Once it broke containment in the EU, the rest of the world was fucked.

You asked about misinformation. I provided you with examples of misinformation.

Would you or would you not agree that these are examples of misinformation by Trump?
Here’s A Timeline Of The Coronavirus Outbreak And China’s Coverup

Here’s a full timeline of what China knew, when they knew it. How they destroyed evidence, lied to the WHO. And how they imprisoned and or disappeared doctors and researches who leaked info about the virus to outside world.

Cool, and that absolutely nothing to do with what I posted.

You asked about misinformation from Trump. I showed you misinformation by Trump. Would you or would you not agree that these are examples of misinformation by Trump???

Note, I didn't say that the ONLY misinformation was by Trump. I agree that China did plenty of wrong here too.
You missed the point. It’s hard to tell people about the disease that China kept destroying information about, and knowingly lie about. Up until mid-February we thought this was transmitted by feces, which would be a problem for China, not so much people who don’t think toilets are optional. How tf are you supposed to prepare for a disease when you don’t know how it’s transmitted, how infectious it is, incubation periods, etc. Trump, believe it or not, did the only responsible, and effective thing you could’ve, which was restrict travel from China. I in no way shape or form think that trumps a genius, but at least he wasn’t concerned about the idiots equating racism with quarantines. Like I said before quarantines suck for the people in them, but they stop pandemics which suck infinitely more for EVERYONE.

Why do you keep avoiding my question?

You asked about misinformation from Trump. I showed you misinformation by Trump. Would you or would you not agree that these are examples of misinformation by Trump???

It would be pretty helpful if Trump gave out correct information instead of going against what his professionals are saying.
You missed the point. It’s hard to tell people about the disease that China kept destroying information about, and knowingly lie about. Up until mid-February we thought this was transmitted by feces, which would be a problem for China, not so much people who don’t think toilets are optional. How tf are you supposed to prepare for a disease when you don’t know how it’s transmitted, how infectious it is, incubation periods, etc. Trump, believe it or not, did the only responsible, and effective thing you could’ve, which was restrict travel from China. I in no way shape or form think that trumps a genius, but at least he wasn’t concerned about the idiots equating racism with quarantines. Like I said before quarantines suck for the people in them, but they stop pandemics which suck infinitely more for EVERYONE.

Disinformation alert:

While doctors have focused on respiratory samples from pneumonia cases to identify coronavirus patients, they might have ignored a less apparent and hidden source of the spread: diarrhea. [...]

The discovery of the Wuhan virus, dubbed 2019-nCoV, in the fecal material of the 35-year-old man treated at the Providence Regional Medical Center Everett in Washington is “interesting,” said Scott Lindquist, the state epidemiologist for infectious disease at Washington’s Department of Health. [...]

Overwhelmed by hundreds of severely sick pneumonia patients, doctors in Wuhan might not have focused on any gastric signs, Baric said in a phone interview.


Transmission through droplets in aerosols (coughing, sneezing) was clear since at least early January. The virus was discovered in stool in the U.S. China didn't lie about it.
The first quote was in response to cases that came here from China. Problem is plenty of Chinese still could go to these places called airports. Where 1000s of people pass through in close quarters a day. Where you stand ass to pubes in lines, eat in a food court, and then get onto a flying tube with recycled ventilation. You restrict travel to China, you don’t have that problem. Once it broke containment into Europe. It was going to come here. You can contain 30 or so cases of this to an area. You can’t contain 100 or more going god only knows where, that picked up the infection in an Amsterdam airport from someone who was getting a connecting flight to the UK.

Our hospital has had tests for a week and a half now. But testing isn’t gonna do shit, they were never gonna do shit. The vast majority of people don’t voluntarily get tested until they are experiencing symptoms. At that point they’ve been walking around for a week infecting others. I don’t know what y’all aren’t understanding about this. Once it broke containment in the EU, the rest of the world was fucked.

You asked about misinformation. I provided you with examples of misinformation.

Would you or would you not agree that these are examples of misinformation by Trump?
Here’s A Timeline Of The Coronavirus Outbreak And China’s Coverup

Here’s a full timeline of what China knew, when they knew it. How they destroyed evidence, lied to the WHO. And how they imprisoned and or disappeared doctors and researches who leaked info about the virus to outside world.

Cool, and that absolutely nothing to do with what I posted.

You asked about misinformation from Trump. I showed you misinformation by Trump. Would you or would you not agree that these are examples of misinformation by Trump???

Note, I didn't say that the ONLY misinformation was by Trump. I agree that China did plenty of wrong here too.
You missed the point. It’s hard to tell people about the disease that China kept destroying information about, and knowingly lie about. Up until mid-February we thought this was transmitted by feces, which would be a problem for China, not so much people who don’t think toilets are optional. How tf are you supposed to prepare for a disease when you don’t know how it’s transmitted, how infectious it is, incubation periods, etc. Trump, believe it or not, did the only responsible, and effective thing you could’ve, which was restrict travel from China. I in no way shape or form think that trumps a genius, but at least he wasn’t concerned about the idiots equating racism with quarantines. Like I said before quarantines suck for the people in them, but they stop pandemics which suck infinitely more for EVERYONE.

Why do you keep avoiding my question?

You asked about misinformation from Trump. I showed you misinformation by Trump. Would you or would you not agree that these are examples of misinformation by Trump???

It would be pretty helpful if Trump gave out correct information instead of going against what his professionals are saying.
We didn’t have correct information to begin with. Like I said, all the experts were saying fecal transmission a month ago. My hospital has tests, but it also not like they grow on trees. So I don’t know what misinfo your referring too.
You missed the point. It’s hard to tell people about the disease that China kept destroying information about, and knowingly lie about. Up until mid-February we thought this was transmitted by feces, which would be a problem for China, not so much people who don’t think toilets are optional. How tf are you supposed to prepare for a disease when you don’t know how it’s transmitted, how infectious it is, incubation periods, etc. Trump, believe it or not, did the only responsible, and effective thing you could’ve, which was restrict travel from China. I in no way shape or form think that trumps a genius, but at least he wasn’t concerned about the idiots equating racism with quarantines. Like I said before quarantines suck for the people in them, but they stop pandemics which suck infinitely more for EVERYONE.

Disinformation alert:

While doctors have focused on respiratory samples from pneumonia cases to identify coronavirus patients, they might have ignored a less apparent and hidden source of the spread: diarrhea. [...]

The discovery of the Wuhan virus, dubbed 2019-nCoV, in the fecal material of the 35-year-old man treated at the Providence Regional Medical Center Everett in Washington is “interesting,” said Scott Lindquist, the state epidemiologist for infectious disease at Washington’s Department of Health. [...]

Overwhelmed by hundreds of severely sick pneumonia patients, doctors in Wuhan might not have focused on any gastric signs, Baric said in a phone interview.


Transmission through droplets in aerosols (coughing, sneezing) was clear since at least early January. The virus was discovered in stool in the U.S. China didn't lie about it.
Jesus Christ I have to explain everything to you armchair scientist who weirdly want to deflect blame from the people who instead of containing this, spent their time destroying evidence. Diseases often have preferred methods of transmission. AIDS can be found in saliva, but obviously that’s not it’s preferred method of transmission. Doctors were wondering why it was spreading so fast in China, but seemingly not that fast in Europe or wherever it popped up elsewhere. Which is why they speculated mainly fecal transmission since toilets are optional in mainland China. What they didn’t know was the 14 day incubation period. So after a couple weeks, doctors said holy fuck. That escalated quickly. Mind you, you couldn’t trust much coming out of China because they were already caught red handed lying, destroying evidence, and trying to keep this quite.
On China, cooperating with the WHO, transmitting information about the novel coronavirus:

WHO, 9 January 2020:

Chinese authorities have made a preliminary determination of a novel (or new) coronavirus, identified in a hospitalized person with pneumonia in Wuhan. Chinese investigators conducted gene sequencing of the virus, using an isolate from one positive patient sample. Preliminary identification of a novel virus in a short period of time is a notable achievement and demonstrates China’s increased capacity to manage new outbreaks.

Initial information about the cases of pneumonia in Wuhan provided by Chinese authorities last week – including the occupation, location and symptom profile of the people affected – pointed to a coronavirus (CoV) as a possible pathogen causing this cluster. Chinese authorities subsequently reported that laboratory tests ruled out SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, influenza, avian influenza, adenovirus and other common respiratory pathogens.​

WHO, 12 January 2020:

On 11 and 12 January 2020, WHO received further detailed information from the [Chinese] National Health Commission about the outbreak.

WHO is reassured of the quality of the ongoing investigations and the response measures implemented in Wuhan, and the commitment to share information regularly.​

WHO, 23 January 2020:

Once again, I would like to thank the Government of the People’s Republic of China for its cooperation and transparency. The government has been successful in isolating and sequencing the virus very quickly, and has shared that genetic sequence with WHO and the international community.

This outbreak was detected because China had put in place a system specifically to pick up severe lower respiratory infections. It was that system that caught this event.​

So, the Chinese found a cluster of cases of pneumonia, looked for the cause, isolated the virus, done a gene sequencing, found it wasn't any known virus, published the gene sequence, and informed the WHO about it to the WHO's complete satisfaction. The WHO's director-general expressed his gratitude for that level of achievement, transparency, and cooperation.

But Rightardia knows (!) them evil Chinese hid and destroyed evidence - up to and including murdering the doctors involved in the discovery. And since them evil Chinese didn't inform anyone, and couldn't be trusted anyway, Trump couldn't possibly be expected to heed warnings by his own intelligence community and properly to prepare the country. No, "I am The Only One" wouldn't take responsibility, and shouldn't. Or so howls Rightardia, in unison, as is their habit.
On China, cooperating with the WHO, transmitting information about the novel coronavirus:

WHO, 9 January 2020:

Chinese authorities have made a preliminary determination of a novel (or new) coronavirus, identified in a hospitalized person with pneumonia in Wuhan. Chinese investigators conducted gene sequencing of the virus, using an isolate from one positive patient sample. Preliminary identification of a novel virus in a short period of time is a notable achievement and demonstrates China’s increased capacity to manage new outbreaks.

Initial information about the cases of pneumonia in Wuhan provided by Chinese authorities last week – including the occupation, location and symptom profile of the people affected – pointed to a coronavirus (CoV) as a possible pathogen causing this cluster. Chinese authorities subsequently reported that laboratory tests ruled out SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, influenza, avian influenza, adenovirus and other common respiratory pathogens.​

WHO, 12 January 2020:

On 11 and 12 January 2020, WHO received further detailed information from the [Chinese] National Health Commission about the outbreak.

WHO is reassured of the quality of the ongoing investigations and the response measures implemented in Wuhan, and the commitment to share information regularly.​

WHO, 23 January 2020:

Once again, I would like to thank the Government of the People’s Republic of China for its cooperation and transparency. The government has been successful in isolating and sequencing the virus very quickly, and has shared that genetic sequence with WHO and the international community.

This outbreak was detected because China had put in place a system specifically to pick up severe lower respiratory infections. It was that system that caught this event.​

So, the Chinese found a cluster of cases of pneumonia, looked for the cause, isolated the virus, done a gene sequencing, found it wasn't any known virus, published the gene sequence, and informed the WHO about it to the WHO's complete satisfaction. The WHO's director-general expressed his gratitude for that level of achievement, transparency, and cooperation.

But Rightardia knows (!) them evil Chinese hid and destroyed evidence - up to and including murdering the doctors involved in the discovery. And since them evil Chinese didn't inform anyone, and couldn't be trusted anyway, Trump couldn't possibly be expected to heed warnings by his own intelligence community and properly to prepare the country. No, "I am The Only One" wouldn't take responsibility, and shouldn't. Or so howls Rightardia, in unison, as is their habit.
I’ve already posted the timeline, going over what China knew, when, when doctors became whistleblowers, what they did to those doctors, and when the Chinese destroyed evidence. If you haven’t observed yet, which I’m sure you have whether or not you want to admit...governments and NGOs all over the world have to do a lot of cow towing to the PRC, since they control much of the worlds manufacturing, and threaten often to withhold. We’ve seen at least 50 instances of that this year alone. This is the know the same guys who have 2 million Muslims in concentration camps that they’re systematically sterilizing, and another few million political dissidents in gulags. The same PRC that controls every ounce of information going in and out of the country on the internet to the point of even Winnie the Pooh is banned because someone said he looks like Xi. Yeah those guys are real reliable, and would never lie to the WHO. Oh wait they did...not only that they destroyed evidence after they ran tests of this disease.
I’ve already posted the timeline, going over what China knew, when, when doctors became whistleblowers, what they did to those doctors, and when the Chinese destroyed evidence. If you haven’t observed yet, which I’m sure you have whether or not you want to admit...governments and NGOs all over the world have to do a lot of cow towing to the PRC, since they control much of the worlds manufacturing, and threaten often to withhold. We’ve seen at least 50 instances of that this year alone. This is the know the same guys who have 2 million Muslims in concentration camps that they’re systematically sterilizing, and another few million political dissidents in gulags. The same PRC that controls every ounce of information going in and out of the country on the internet to the point of even Winnie the Pooh is banned because someone said he looks like Xi. Yeah those guys are real reliable, and would never lie to the WHO. Oh wait they did...not only that they destroyed evidence after they ran tests of this disease.

You mean the timeline by the "DailyWire"? <chuckle> The only thing worse than your reasoning capacity is the quality of your sources.

These guys actually claim, based on mostly dubious sources, that the Chinese government tried to cover up the existence of the novel coronavirus, and destroyed evidence, after the Chinese had shared with the world the existence of said coronavirus, including the genome, also of said coronavirus. To anyone successfully passing third grade, that should raise some serious doubts and questions as to the source. With you, however, there's but a flat line - no spark.

The funniest - really, hilarious - was a hyperventilating article by "", claiming (no kidding):

On December 27, a Chinese company sequenced most of the genome.

On December 31, the Chinese informed the WHO about a new disease.

Some days later, the Chinese shared the complete genome with the WHO.

Two weeks later, the Chinese realized there is transmission between humans (not just from animals to humans), and shared that with the world. That would be three - THREE! - weeks after a part of the genome was known.

Reckless, irresponsible, catastrophic coverup!!!!!!!!

That's InfoWars-grade bullshit, and there is also no surprise that a source right at the rotten heart of Rightardia - "DailyWire" - would find that suitable for its purpose, that is, keeping rightards agitated. Are you a just a tool, or do you have ulterior motives for your venomous spew?

Naw, don't answer that. The Chinese criminally messed up because - Winnie the Pooh.

Now, run along, WasteOfEveryone'sTime.
I’ve already posted the timeline, going over what China knew, when, when doctors became whistleblowers, what they did to those doctors, and when the Chinese destroyed evidence. If you haven’t observed yet, which I’m sure you have whether or not you want to admit...governments and NGOs all over the world have to do a lot of cow towing to the PRC, since they control much of the worlds manufacturing, and threaten often to withhold. We’ve seen at least 50 instances of that this year alone. This is the know the same guys who have 2 million Muslims in concentration camps that they’re systematically sterilizing, and another few million political dissidents in gulags. The same PRC that controls every ounce of information going in and out of the country on the internet to the point of even Winnie the Pooh is banned because someone said he looks like Xi. Yeah those guys are real reliable, and would never lie to the WHO. Oh wait they did...not only that they destroyed evidence after they ran tests of this disease.

You mean the timeline by the "DailyWire"? <chuckle> The only thing worse than your reasoning capacity is the quality of your sources.

These guys actually claim, based on mostly dubious sources, that the Chinese government tried to cover up the existence of the novel coronavirus, and destroyed evidence, after the Chinese had shared with the world the existence of said coronavirus, including the genome, also of said coronavirus. To anyone successfully passing third grade, that should raise some serious doubts and questions as to the source. With you, however, there's but a flat line - no spark.

The funniest - really, hilarious - was a hyperventilating article by "", claiming (no kidding):

On December 27, a Chinese company sequenced most of the genome.

On December 31, the Chinese informed the WHO about a new disease.

Some days later, the Chinese shared the complete genome with the WHO.

Two weeks later, the Chinese realized there is transmission between humans (not just from animals to humans), and shared that with the world. That would be three - THREE! - weeks after a part of the genome was known.

Reckless, irresponsible, catastrophic coverup!!!!!!!!

That's InfoWars-grade bullshit, and there is also no surprise that a source right at the rotten heart of Rightardia - "DailyWire" - would find that suitable for its purpose, that is, keeping rightards agitated. Are you a just a tool, or do you have ulterior motives for your venomous spew?

Naw, don't answer that. The Chinese criminally messed up because - Winnie the Pooh.

Now, run along, WasteOfEveryone'sTime.
Right...doctors defied their government and became whistleblowers, risked their lives and freedom...Even though China was being honest? They were lying? In the midst of an outbreak, they just wanted to cause more chaos? The same government that let thousands of their own people travel when they obviously should have? Yeah that makes total sense. So you have an ad hominem attack on the daily wire as your evidence... and you picked the silliest example I listed, skipped over the whole millions in concentration camps part, missing the whole point if they’ll go as far as banning cartoons because someone said it looks like Xi is a fucking silly thing to know to illustrate how far they’ll go to lock information down. FYI, they ban a lot more than Winnie the Pooh...Like Tiennamen square, where they gunned down hundreds of protesters. You trust them as a source over the daily wire...and the doctors that risked their lives. Great life choices

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