China could’ve reduced spread by 95% with early interventions.

I don't doubt that China messed up here. However, we have no control over how things are done in China.The leadership here in the United States fucked up, bigly.

And unlike China, who was the first to fall victim to this pandemic, we actually could have seen this coming. We slowly saw this thing spread and our idiot President sat back and didn't do jack shit about it.

And thanks to Dimocrats trying to impeach and remove the president from office, the president was distracted all through the months of December and January, fighting for his administration's survival.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.

And you're a fucking idiot who completely fails to see where the true fault lies !

You're just trying to deflect blame to protect your deity.

Here's a video. Watch the video and justify those quotes for me.

Go ahead. Please tell me why those quotes by Trump were good for this country. Or you can admit the obvious truth that I'm telling you: Trump. Fucked. Up.
I don't doubt that China messed up here. However, we have no control over how things are done in China.The leadership here in the United States fucked up, bigly.

And unlike China, who was the first to fall victim to this pandemic, we actually could have seen this coming. We slowly saw this thing spread and our idiot President sat back and didn't do jack shit about it.

And thanks to Dimocrats trying to impeach and remove the president from office, the president was distracted all through the months of December and January, fighting for his administration's survival.

"Bu-bu-but it's the Democrats fault that Trump said stupid things in that video!"

Nice try, dipshit. He's a big boy. He has control over what comes out of his mouth. And the things that came out of his mouth were stupid. Just admit it.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.

And you're a fucking idiot who completely fails to see where the true fault lies !

You're just trying to deflect blame to protect your deity.

Here's a video. Watch the video and justify those quotes for me.

Go ahead. Please tell me why those quotes by Trump were good for this country. Or you can admit the obvious truth that I'm telling you: Trump. Fucked. Up.

I'm not trying to justify anything. I'm pointing the finger where it belongs. The buck stops with the people where it originated, and where they attempted to cover it up !
This is staggering !
China needs to pay dearly for this. Once the dead have been buried, the families consoled, and life begins to return to the new normal, China needs to compensate every single country on this earth !!

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower’s warning

China could have prevented 95 per cent of coronavirus infections if its measures to contain the outbreak had begun three weeks earlier, research from the University of Southampton suggests. However, China only took vigorous action in late January – weeks after police silenced a doctor for trying to raise the alarm.

First detected in Hubei, more than 146,000 people globally have now been infected with Covid-19, whilst over 5,500 have died from the SARS-like disease.

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower's warning | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

And if Trump would have acted decisively on January 22nd, we could have been way ahead of the game. ^Shrug^
But feel free to continue to pass the buck of blame.

What fucking nerve you have !! The "buck" of blame goes to where this started and the people that tried to cover it up !
What a dumbass.

I see what you did there..nice. :) Had to look twice.

Again, Trump could have shown leadership on January 22nd..but he didn't...and passing the buck to China is just weak sauce. He didn't need to base our response on what China did or said.

I know, it pisses you off that he's getting his ass handed to him on a daily basis. But he deserves it. And the voters will probably send him packing in matter what the markets do.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.

And you're a fucking idiot who completely fails to see where the true fault lies !

You're just trying to deflect blame to protect your deity.

Here's a video. Watch the video and justify those quotes for me.

Go ahead. Please tell me why those quotes by Trump were good for this country. Or you can admit the obvious truth that I'm telling you: Trump. Fucked. Up.

I'm not trying to justify anything. I'm pointing the finger where it belongs. The buck stops with the people where it originated, and where they attempted to cover it up !

Oh. So you CAN'T justify Trump's stupid comments and lack of action.

Didn't think so. Thanks for playing.
Obama took 6 months and waited until 80,000 were infected and over had 1000 died.

In reality they declared a national health emergency on April 26th, when only 20 patients in the US had been infected. Over the next 6 months they developed a vaccine and shored up the medical supplies needed to respond to the large influx that was expected during the fall. That's when Obama declare a second emergency.

One can only hope that we have another vaccine within 6 months again.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.
If Trump fucked up, how bad did Obama? Trump acted inside 7 days of the threat being identified. Obama took 6 months and waited until 80,000 were infected and over had 1000 died. Trump had no deaths on the day he enacted the travel ban and we had just 6 cases in the US.

So tell me how he fucked up? Everything I have seen, which Trump has done, is right on the money in dealing with a biological agent.

"But Obama" isn't going to work here. Try again.
So you defend monumental stupidity and belittle someone who is doing his damn job well..

Your hypocrisy is stunning...
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.

And you're a fucking idiot who completely fails to see where the true fault lies !

You're just trying to deflect blame to protect your deity.

Here's a video. Watch the video and justify those quotes for me.

Go ahead. Please tell me why those quotes by Trump were good for this country. Or you can admit the obvious truth that I'm telling you: Trump. Fucked. Up.

I'm not trying to justify anything. I'm pointing the finger where it belongs. The buck stops with the people where it originated, and where they attempted to cover it up !

Oh. So you CAN'T justify Trump's stupid comments and lack of action.

Didn't think so. Thanks for playing.

I'm not trying to justify anything he has said, his comments much of the time are stupid. He was caught in a situation early on where there was not a clear path to get on.
If he overreacted early on, the country would have been harmed in a huge way, economically, panic, a major societal meltdown. If he underreacted, more people would end up with the virus. It's been a delicate balancing act, and instead of you leftist assholes attacking him, you should be looking for ways to help unite us.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.
If Trump fucked up, how bad did Obama? Trump acted inside 7 days of the threat being identified. Obama took 6 months and waited until 80,000 were infected and over had 1000 died. Trump had no deaths on the day he enacted the travel ban and we had just 6 cases in the US.

So tell me how he fucked up? Everything I have seen, which Trump has done, is right on the money in dealing with a biological agent.

"But Obama" isn't going to work here. Try again.
So you defend monumental stupidity and belittle someone who is doing his damn job well..

Your hypocrisy is stunning...

You think he's doing his job well. Awesome, then let's have you go through this video and explain to me why you think this is doing his job well.

Ready? Go.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.

And you're a fucking idiot who completely fails to see where the true fault lies !

You're just trying to deflect blame to protect your deity.

Here's a video. Watch the video and justify those quotes for me.

Go ahead. Please tell me why those quotes by Trump were good for this country. Or you can admit the obvious truth that I'm telling you: Trump. Fucked. Up.

I'm not trying to justify anything. I'm pointing the finger where it belongs. The buck stops with the people where it originated, and where they attempted to cover it up !

Oh. So you CAN'T justify Trump's stupid comments and lack of action.

Didn't think so. Thanks for playing.

I'm not trying to justify anything he has said, his comments much of the time are stupid. He was caught in a situation early on where there was not a clear path to get on.
If he overreacted early on, the country would have been harmed in a huge way, economically, panic, a major societal meltdown. If he underreacted, more people would end up with the virus. It's been a delicate balancing act, and instead of you leftist assholes attacking him, you should be looking for ways to help unite us.

He implied that it's ok to go to work when you're sick. Over-reacting, under-reacting. That's just fucking stupid.

"You know, we're hoping this thing goes away. We hope it won't be so bad. Do us all a favor and just take extra precautions. Cover your cough and don't go to work when you're sick. We don't know how bad this thing can get." How hard would that have been?!

Instead, this jackass tells us that it's ok to go to work when you're sick and LIES to us saying that it's completely under control. He. Fucked. Up. And you know it.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.
Not really. Tests aren’t gonna do much since you’re always gonna be a week behind containing this. Whats helping SK is the fact they wear masks on the regular and just upped that even more to where businesses wouldn’t serve you without one. But even they are seeing a big second spike now.

The travel ban did buy us a month, as evidence by the fact the EU is getting hammered right now, and we’re basically a month behind where they are gonna be. Once this broke containment in the EU it meant that we were next. The EU just did their travel ban this week which is a month too late. The only goal now is buying time for our hospitals to prep, and hopefully slow the spread. The one area you could say he fucked up (it’s more on hospitals and states since the fed can’t do much other than give money away) is that our hospitals weren’t prepared for this earlier. My hospital (place of work) is almost out of masks. I’m ready to infect myself, take off two weeks, just so I can be ready to go when this really starts to hit, rather then get it during the big rush
And if Trump would have acted decisively on January 22nd, we could have been way ahead of the game. ^Shrug^
But feel free to continue to pass the buck of blame.
You are too stupid for language to convey the full depth of it.
Trump acted well BEFORE Jan 22, and thus we are not suffering like Italy, France and Spain, dip shit.
Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.
Or didn't want his economy to be the only one affected
Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.

They're Communists, they have no regard for life at all. History shows that they ar NOT adverse to thinning their own herd.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.
Not really. Tests aren’t gonna do much since you’re always gonna be a week behind containing this. Whats helping SK is the fact they wear masks on the regular and just upped that even more to where businesses wouldn’t serve you without one. But even they are seeing a big second spike now.

The travel ban did buy us a month, as evidence by the fact the EU is getting hammered right now, and we’re basically a month behind where they are gonna be. Once this broke containment in the EU it meant that we were next. The EU just did their travel ban this week which is a month too late. The only goal now is buying time for our hospitals to prep, and hopefully slow the spread. The one area you could say he fucked up (it’s more on hospitals and states since the fed can’t do much other than give money away) is that our hospitals weren’t prepared for this earlier. My hospital (place of work) is almost out of masks. I’m ready to infect myself, take off two weeks, just so I can be ready to go when this really starts to hit, rather then get it during the big rush

He also fired the pandemic response team and on numerous occasions minimized the seriousness of this pandemic.

How exactly are those not fuck-ups on his part?
And you're a fucking idiot who completely fails to see where the true fault lies !

You're just trying to deflect blame to protect your deity.

Here's a video. Watch the video and justify those quotes for me.

Go ahead. Please tell me why those quotes by Trump were good for this country. Or you can admit the obvious truth that I'm telling you: Trump. Fucked. Up.

I'm not trying to justify anything. I'm pointing the finger where it belongs. The buck stops with the people where it originated, and where they attempted to cover it up !

Oh. So you CAN'T justify Trump's stupid comments and lack of action.

Didn't think so. Thanks for playing.

I'm not trying to justify anything he has said, his comments much of the time are stupid. He was caught in a situation early on where there was not a clear path to get on.
If he overreacted early on, the country would have been harmed in a huge way, economically, panic, a major societal meltdown. If he underreacted, more people would end up with the virus. It's been a delicate balancing act, and instead of you leftist assholes attacking him, you should be looking for ways to help unite us.

He implied that it's ok to go to work when you're sick. Over-reacting, under-reacting. That's just fucking stupid.

"You know, we're hoping this thing goes away. We hope it won't be so bad. Do us all a favor and just take extra precautions. Cover your cough and don't go to work when you're sick. We don't know how bad this thing can get." How hard would that have been?!

Instead, this jackass tells us that it's ok to go to work when you're sick and LIES to us saying that it's completely under control. He. Fucked. Up. And you know it.

He did not imply, or tell people IT'S OK to go to work if they have the virus.

Just like the MSM, you guys are twisting what he said:

“We have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people who get better just by sitting around, even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better,” Trump added.
You're just trying to deflect blame to protect your deity.

Here's a video. Watch the video and justify those quotes for me.

Go ahead. Please tell me why those quotes by Trump were good for this country. Or you can admit the obvious truth that I'm telling you: Trump. Fucked. Up.

I'm not trying to justify anything. I'm pointing the finger where it belongs. The buck stops with the people where it originated, and where they attempted to cover it up !

Oh. So you CAN'T justify Trump's stupid comments and lack of action.

Didn't think so. Thanks for playing.

I'm not trying to justify anything he has said, his comments much of the time are stupid. He was caught in a situation early on where there was not a clear path to get on.
If he overreacted early on, the country would have been harmed in a huge way, economically, panic, a major societal meltdown. If he underreacted, more people would end up with the virus. It's been a delicate balancing act, and instead of you leftist assholes attacking him, you should be looking for ways to help unite us.

He implied that it's ok to go to work when you're sick. Over-reacting, under-reacting. That's just fucking stupid.

"You know, we're hoping this thing goes away. We hope it won't be so bad. Do us all a favor and just take extra precautions. Cover your cough and don't go to work when you're sick. We don't know how bad this thing can get." How hard would that have been?!

Instead, this jackass tells us that it's ok to go to work when you're sick and LIES to us saying that it's completely under control. He. Fucked. Up. And you know it.

He did not imply, or tell people IT'S OK to go to work if they have the virus.

Just like the MSM, you guys are twisting what he said:

“We have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people who get better just by sitting around, even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better,” Trump added.

I didn't twist it. I said he implied it because he did. He stated that sick people can get better after going to work, implying that one does not need to stay home from work when sick.

Did he at any point say that a sick person should stay home? No. It would have been so fucking easy to make that simple statement, and your orange deity managed to fuck that up. How fucking stupid is that?

All this goes hand-in-hand with the message I've been telling you all along - he minimized the effects of this thing, causing who knows how many more people to get sick, while lying to us about the seriousness of this virus and sitting on his ass instead of taking action. Your piece of shit idol fucked us all over and you refuse to admit it because you're a Trump-fondling retard who is willing to blame anyone and everyone except for the guy in charge.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.
Not really. Tests aren’t gonna do much since you’re always gonna be a week behind containing this. Whats helping SK is the fact they wear masks on the regular and just upped that even more to where businesses wouldn’t serve you without one. But even they are seeing a big second spike now.

The travel ban did buy us a month, as evidence by the fact the EU is getting hammered right now, and we’re basically a month behind where they are gonna be. Once this broke containment in the EU it meant that we were next. The EU just did their travel ban this week which is a month too late. The only goal now is buying time for our hospitals to prep, and hopefully slow the spread. The one area you could say he fucked up (it’s more on hospitals and states since the fed can’t do much other than give money away) is that our hospitals weren’t prepared for this earlier. My hospital (place of work) is almost out of masks. I’m ready to infect myself, take off two weeks, just so I can be ready to go when this really starts to hit, rather then get it during the big rush

He also fired the pandemic response team and on numerous occasions minimized the seriousness of this pandemic.

How exactly are those not fuck-ups on his part?
Don’t know the validity to that. Doesn’t matter anyway because all world governments are not prepped for this. They aren’t prepped for any type of disaster as they should be. Why? Because that’s what happens with all big overinflated systems. They’re short sighted, and consumed with self preservation. And when a disaster does come, they’re far too slow moving, weighed down by red tape, and adaptation comes too little too late. It’s what happened in Katrina. NO knew their levies couldn’t take a even a moderate storm, and they threw millions of dollars at them since the 60’s and still they never got fixed and upgraded. We’re not prepped for a pandemic, we’re not prepped for a volcano, we’re not prepped for a solar flare, we’re not prepped for an incoming asteroid. It’s been that way for all presidencies in modernity. Now it’s up to local authorities and states out there on the front lines, able to adapt to situations in real time, to correctly asses the situation and get supplies to where they are most needed. It’s up to the fed to back them up financially on that, because that’s simply the best they can do.

China could’ve contained this or even slowed it. They were too consumed with not looking bad (self-preservation). Until it was too late for them and they had to take drastic measures. The EU didn’t ban travel when they should have, they were too consumed with not looking bad or “racist” (self-preservation), until it was too late and now they’re taking drastic measures. At least we bought a month and can watch the EU try to tackle this and see what works and what doesn’t. It’s crazy to me that we have now equated quarantines with racism in the age of air travel. Yea quarantines suck for the people in them, but you can help them from the outside. What sucks a lot more is pandemics shutting down the world economy. Now it’s every country for itself, 100,000s probably dead, trillions of dollars thrown at this by governments just to attempt to slow it down, and god only knows what the world is going to look like after all of this.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.
Not really. Tests aren’t gonna do much since you’re always gonna be a week behind containing this. Whats helping SK is the fact they wear masks on the regular and just upped that even more to where businesses wouldn’t serve you without one. But even they are seeing a big second spike now.

The travel ban did buy us a month, as evidence by the fact the EU is getting hammered right now, and we’re basically a month behind where they are gonna be. Once this broke containment in the EU it meant that we were next. The EU just did their travel ban this week which is a month too late. The only goal now is buying time for our hospitals to prep, and hopefully slow the spread. The one area you could say he fucked up (it’s more on hospitals and states since the fed can’t do much other than give money away) is that our hospitals weren’t prepared for this earlier. My hospital (place of work) is almost out of masks. I’m ready to infect myself, take off two weeks, just so I can be ready to go when this really starts to hit, rather then get it during the big rush

He also fired the pandemic response team and on numerous occasions minimized the seriousness of this pandemic.

How exactly are those not fuck-ups on his part?
Don’t know the validity to that. Doesn’t matter anyway because all world governments are not prepped for this. They aren’t prepped for any type of disaster as they should be. Why? Because that’s what happens with all big overinflated systems. They’re short sighted, and consumed with self preservation. And when a disaster does come, they’re far too slow moving, weighed down by red tape, and adaptation comes too little too late. It’s what happened in Katrina. NO knew their levies couldn’t take a even a moderate storm, and they threw millions of dollars at them since the 60’s and still they never got fixed and upgraded. We’re not prepped for a pandemic, we’re not prepped for a volcano, we’re not prepped for a solar flare, we’re not prepped for an incoming asteroid. It’s been that way for all presidencies in modernity. Now it’s up to local authorities and states out there on the front lines, able to adapt to situations in real time, to correctly asses the situation and get supplies to where they are most needed. It’s up to the fed to back them up financially on that, because that’s simply the best they can do.

China could’ve contained this or even slowed it. They were too consumed with not looking bad (self-preservation). Until it was too late for them and they had to take drastic measures. The EU didn’t ban travel when they should have, they were too consumed with not looking bad or “racist” (self-preservation), until it was too late and now they’re taking drastic measures. At least we bought a month and can watch the EU try to tackle this and see what works and what doesn’t. It’s crazy to me that we have now equated quarantines with racism in the age of air travel. Yea quarantines suck for the people in them, but you can help them from the outside. What sucks a lot more is pandemics shutting down the world economy. Now it’s every country for itself, 100,000s probably dead, trillions of dollars thrown at this by governments just to attempt to slow it down, and god only knows what the world is going to look like after all of this.

Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

Snopes article on firing the pandemic response team. Youtube video of him minimizing the seriousness.

Maybe, just maybe, it would have helped if he had professionals in place for this thing and didn't spread misinformation about the seriousness of this virus.

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