China could’ve reduced spread by 95% with early interventions.




I am finding it amusing that he puts you on ignore and yet he still knows when you post. The guy is a racist liar.
"If NPIs could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier in China, cases could have been reduced by 66%, 86%, and 95%, respectively, together with significantly reducing the number of affected areas. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later, the number of cases could have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, and 18-fold increase across China, respectively."

Effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions for containing the COVID-19 outbreak in China

By the same measure, once it reached our shores had non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) been implemented rather than discouraged, our cases could have been reduced by similar numbers.

In other words: "It's Trumps fault !"

You know, how about we focus of the origin for a change.

Also, if you're in to pointing fingers, how about we point them at Dimocrats who were so focused during the months of December and January on impeaching and getting Trump removed from office, that Trump was so distracted, and only had time to focus on his own administrations survival.

Yes, I point my finger at Trumps. Hundreds of Americans died because of his poor and disgraceful governance. And many more will likely die because of Trump. How does that orange clown sleep at night.
Comments like that are just so full of crap. I just posted an article which showed the World Health Organization telling the entire world that covid 19 was not contagious between people. And yet, onlt two weeks after that declaration by the WHO, our president banned all flights from China, and declared a national health emergency.

This president has acted quickly, aggressively, he's done exactly what, when and how he should have been doing it. He couldn't have acted any faster.

In fact if you want to compare President Trump's reactions between this virus and President Obama's actions taken with H1N1, President Trump has been much quicker to act. Just one example, President Obama waited until over a thousand Americans were already dead from the H1N1 virus, including one hundred children, before Obama announced the National Emergency.

So I just don't see where you people think President Trump has not acted swiftly enough. Or that he hasn't done everything exactly proper. What more was Trmup supposed to do as President?
"If NPIs could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier in China, cases could have been reduced by 66%, 86%, and 95%, respectively, together with significantly reducing the number of affected areas. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later, the number of cases could have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, and 18-fold increase across China, respectively."

Effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions for containing the COVID-19 outbreak in China

By the same measure, once it reached our shores had non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) been implemented rather than discouraged, our cases could have been reduced by similar numbers.

In other words: "It's Trumps fault !"

You know, how about we focus of the origin for a change.

Also, if you're in to pointing fingers, how about we point them at Dimocrats who were so focused during the months of December and January on impeaching and getting Trump removed from office, that Trump was so distracted, and only had time to focus on his own administrations survival.

Yes, I point my finger at Trumps. Hundreds of Americans died because of his poor and disgraceful governance. And many more will likely die because of Trump. How does that orange clown sleep at night.

"Hundreds of Americans died"

Dude, stop fuckin lying, at this date and time, there hasn't been "hundreds" of Americans that have died.
"If NPIs could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier in China, cases could have been reduced by 66%, 86%, and 95%, respectively, together with significantly reducing the number of affected areas. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later, the number of cases could have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, and 18-fold increase across China, respectively."

Effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions for containing the COVID-19 outbreak in China

By the same measure, once it reached our shores had non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) been implemented rather than discouraged, our cases could have been reduced by similar numbers.

In other words: "It's Trumps fault !"

You know, how about we focus of the origin for a change.

Also, if you're in to pointing fingers, how about we point them at Dimocrats who were so focused during the months of December and January on impeaching and getting Trump removed from office, that Trump was so distracted, and only had time to focus on his own administrations survival.

Yes, I point my finger at Trumps. Hundreds of Americans died because of his poor and disgraceful governance. And many more will likely die because of Trump. How does that orange clown sleep at night.
The day Trump acted and shut down travel there were NO DEATHS in the US and we were 7 days in from the virus being identified. Compare that to the Obama and Biden response where over 1000 were dead and over 80,000 were infected win N1H1, 6 MONTHS after it had already hit our shores.

Only the Obama/Biden cluster fuck had hundreds dead before they acted. You are so easily confused by facts and who they are connected to.
This is staggering !
China needs to pay dearly for this. Once the dead have been buried, the families consoled, and life begins to return to the new normal, China needs to compensate every single country on this earth !!

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower’s warning

China could have prevented 95 per cent of coronavirus infections if its measures to contain the outbreak had begun three weeks earlier, research from the University of Southampton suggests. However, China only took vigorous action in late January – weeks after police silenced a doctor for trying to raise the alarm.

First detected in Hubei, more than 146,000 people globally have now been infected with Covid-19, whilst over 5,500 have died from the SARS-like disease.

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower's warning | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

And if Trump would have acted decisively on January 22nd, we could have been way ahead of the game. ^Shrug^
But feel free to continue to pass the buck of blame.

What fucking nerve you have !! The "buck" of blame goes to where this started and the people that tried to cover it up !
What a dumbass.
Last edited:
I don't doubt that China messed up here. However, we have no control over how things are done in China.The leadership here in the United States fucked up, bigly.

And unlike China, who was the first to fall victim to this pandemic, we actually could have seen this coming. We slowly saw this thing spread and our idiot President sat back and didn't do jack shit about it.

"If NPIs could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier in China, cases could have been reduced by 66%, 86%, and 95%, respectively, together with significantly reducing the number of affected areas. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later, the number of cases could have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, and 18-fold increase across China, respectively."

Effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions for containing the COVID-19 outbreak in China

By the same measure, once it reached our shores had non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) been implemented rather than discouraged, our cases could have been reduced by similar numbers.

In other words: "It's Trumps fault !"

You know, how about we focus of the origin for a change.

Also, if you're in to pointing fingers, how about we point them at Dimocrats who were so focused during the months of December and January on impeaching and getting Trump removed from office, that Trump was so distracted, and only had time to focus on his own administrations survival.

Yes, I point my finger at Trumps. Hundreds of Americans died because of his poor and disgraceful governance. And many more will likely die because of Trump. How does that orange clown sleep at night.
Comments like that are just so full of crap. I just posted an article which showed the World Health Organization telling the entire world that covid 19 was not contagious between people. And yet, onlt two weeks after that declaration by the WHO, our president banned all flights from China, and declared a national health emergency.

This president has acted quickly, aggressively, he's done exactly what, when and how he should have been doing it. He couldn't have acted any faster.

In fact if you want to compare President Trump's reactions between this virus and President Obama's actions taken with H1N1, President Trump has been much quicker to act. Just one example, President Obama waited until over a thousand Americans were already dead from the H1N1 virus, including one hundred children, before Obama announced the National Emergency.

So I just don't see where you people think President Trump has not acted swiftly enough. Or that he hasn't done everything exactly proper. What more was Trmup supposed to do as President?

So, after three and a half years of playing Trump up to be a great and decisive leader, you're going to make the equivalent argument that we needed to tell him to wipe his rear end after he takes a dump?...assuming he could find any toilet paper. No, we just want to but, but, but...Obama. He had his chance to lead on January 22nd. And didn't.
This is staggering !
China needs to pay dearly for this. Once the dead have been buried, the families consoled, and life begins to return to the new normal, China needs to compensate every single country on this earth !!

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower’s warning

China could have prevented 95 per cent of coronavirus infections if its measures to contain the outbreak had begun three weeks earlier, research from the University of Southampton suggests. However, China only took vigorous action in late January – weeks after police silenced a doctor for trying to raise the alarm.

First detected in Hubei, more than 146,000 people globally have now been infected with Covid-19, whilst over 5,500 have died from the SARS-like disease.

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower's warning | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

And if Trump would have acted decisively on January 22nd, we could have been way ahead of the game. ^Shrug^
But feel free to continue to pass the buck of blame.
All of the planning Obama and Biden had done were still in place. The response team was still fully intact. The stockpile of medical supplies was at the requested levels. So who do we blame for a new virus that respects no one and needed different supplies? I dont believe Trump owns a crystal ball, a witch doctor, or a sooth sayer...

You left wing nuts are severely fucked in the head.
"If NPIs could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier in China, cases could have been reduced by 66%, 86%, and 95%, respectively, together with significantly reducing the number of affected areas. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later, the number of cases could have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, and 18-fold increase across China, respectively."

Effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions for containing the COVID-19 outbreak in China

By the same measure, once it reached our shores had non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) been implemented rather than discouraged, our cases could have been reduced by similar numbers.

In other words: "It's Trumps fault !"

You know, how about we focus of the origin for a change.

Also, if you're in to pointing fingers, how about we point them at Dimocrats who were so focused during the months of December and January on impeaching and getting Trump removed from office, that Trump was so distracted, and only had time to focus on his own administrations survival.

I blame him for encouraging a lighthearted response to the virus in the people that believe him. From January to March his words encouraged behavior that likely helped spread the infections.

'Not Concerned at All': A Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Dismissals
"If NPIs could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier in China, cases could have been reduced by 66%, 86%, and 95%, respectively, together with significantly reducing the number of affected areas. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later, the number of cases could have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, and 18-fold increase across China, respectively."

Effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions for containing the COVID-19 outbreak in China

By the same measure, once it reached our shores had non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) been implemented rather than discouraged, our cases could have been reduced by similar numbers.

In other words: "It's Trumps fault !"

You know, how about we focus of the origin for a change.

Also, if you're in to pointing fingers, how about we point them at Dimocrats who were so focused during the months of December and January on impeaching and getting Trump removed from office, that Trump was so distracted, and only had time to focus on his own administrations survival.

Yes, I point my finger at Trumps. Hundreds of Americans died because of his poor and disgraceful governance. And many more will likely die because of Trump. How does that orange clown sleep at night.
Comments like that are just so full of crap. I just posted an article which showed the World Health Organization telling the entire world that covid 19 was not contagious between people. And yet, onlt two weeks after that declaration by the WHO, our president banned all flights from China, and declared a national health emergency.

This president has acted quickly, aggressively, he's done exactly what, when and how he should have been doing it. He couldn't have acted any faster.

In fact if you want to compare President Trump's reactions between this virus and President Obama's actions taken with H1N1, President Trump has been much quicker to act. Just one example, President Obama waited until over a thousand Americans were already dead from the H1N1 virus, including one hundred children, before Obama announced the National Emergency.

So I just don't see where you people think President Trump has not acted swiftly enough. Or that he hasn't done everything exactly proper. What more was Trmup supposed to do as President?

So, after three and a half years of playing Trump up to be a great and decisive leader, you're going to make the equivalent argument that we needed to tell him to wipe his rear end after he takes a dump?...assuming he could find any toilet paper. No, we just want to but, but, but...Obama. He had his chance to lead on January 22nd. And didn't.
What a disingenuous fuck.. Trump acted in 7 days once information was solidified. China wasn't helping and the WHO was just a fucking puppet parroting the Chinese lies.

But it was ok for Obama to wait 6 months and over 1000 dead...

You fuckers are spinning like hell...
This is staggering !
China needs to pay dearly for this. Once the dead have been buried, the families consoled, and life begins to return to the new normal, China needs to compensate every single country on this earth !!

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower’s warning

China could have prevented 95 per cent of coronavirus infections if its measures to contain the outbreak had begun three weeks earlier, research from the University of Southampton suggests. However, China only took vigorous action in late January – weeks after police silenced a doctor for trying to raise the alarm.

First detected in Hubei, more than 146,000 people globally have now been infected with Covid-19, whilst over 5,500 have died from the SARS-like disease.

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower's warning | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

And if Trump would have acted decisively on January 22nd, we could have been way ahead of the game. ^Shrug^
But feel free to continue to pass the buck of blame.
All of the planning Obama and Biden had done were still in place. The response team was still fully intact. The stockpile of medical supplies was at the requested levels. So who do we blame for a new virus that respects no one and needed different supplies? I dont believe Trump owns a crystal ball, a witch doctor, or a sooth sayer...

You left wing nuts are severely fucked in the head.

Blanket response to the Trump supporters, the whatabouts, and the but, but, but crowd. See Post #26. Says it all.
This is staggering !
China needs to pay dearly for this. Once the dead have been buried, the families consoled, and life begins to return to the new normal, China needs to compensate every single country on this earth !!

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower’s warning

China could have prevented 95 per cent of coronavirus infections if its measures to contain the outbreak had begun three weeks earlier, research from the University of Southampton suggests. However, China only took vigorous action in late January – weeks after police silenced a doctor for trying to raise the alarm.

First detected in Hubei, more than 146,000 people globally have now been infected with Covid-19, whilst over 5,500 have died from the SARS-like disease.

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower's warning | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

And if Trump would have acted decisively on January 22nd, we could have been way ahead of the game. ^Shrug^
But feel free to continue to pass the buck of blame.
All of the planning Obama and Biden had done were still in place. The response team was still fully intact. The stockpile of medical supplies was at the requested levels. So who do we blame for a new virus that respects no one and needed different supplies? I dont believe Trump owns a crystal ball, a witch doctor, or a sooth sayer...

You left wing nuts are severely fucked in the head.

Blanket response to the Trump supporters, the whatabouts, and the but, but, but crowd. See Post #26. Says it all.
Ive seen that lie over and over... Keep playing the fool. It suits you..
This is staggering !
China needs to pay dearly for this. Once the dead have been buried, the families consoled, and life begins to return to the new normal, China needs to compensate every single country on this earth !!

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower’s warning

China could have prevented 95 per cent of coronavirus infections if its measures to contain the outbreak had begun three weeks earlier, research from the University of Southampton suggests. However, China only took vigorous action in late January – weeks after police silenced a doctor for trying to raise the alarm.

First detected in Hubei, more than 146,000 people globally have now been infected with Covid-19, whilst over 5,500 have died from the SARS-like disease.

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower's warning | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

And if Trump would have acted decisively on January 22nd, we could have been way ahead of the game. ^Shrug^
But feel free to continue to pass the buck of blame.
All of the planning Obama and Biden had done were still in place. The response team was still fully intact. The stockpile of medical supplies was at the requested levels. So who do we blame for a new virus that respects no one and needed different supplies? I dont believe Trump owns a crystal ball, a witch doctor, or a sooth sayer...

You left wing nuts are severely fucked in the head.

Blanket response to the Trump supporters, the whatabouts, and the but, but, but crowd. See Post #26. Says it all.

Sorry, now all the sudden, it's Post #107. LOL.
But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad
"I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable,"

-Donald Jackass Tramp
I stand corrected, someone was able to do some mental gymnastics to find a way to make trump look bad from this article, while still not acknowledging how badly China fucked up.

But you’re right. Trump is as fault for China’s tremendous lack of regard for their own citizens as well as the rest of the world, because he complimented the guy holding 60% of the worlds medical supplies hostage. Xi...the same guy who banned images of Winnie the Pooh because a couple people said he looked like a cartoon character
If it weren't for Trump China wouldn't be a communist country, where the people lived in unsanitary conditions, where they became virus manufacturing machines. If it weren't for Trump there wouldn't even be viruses in the world. All of this is Trump's fault all of it
But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad
"I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable,"

-Donald Jackass Tramp
I stand corrected, someone was able to do some mental gymnastics to find a way to make trump look bad from this article, while still not acknowledging how badly China fucked up.

But you’re right. Trump is as fault for China’s tremendous lack of regard for their own citizens as well as the rest of the world, because he complimented the guy holding 60% of the worlds medical supplies hostage. Xi...the same guy who banned images of Winnie the Pooh because a couple people said he looked like a cartoon character
If it weren't for Trump China wouldn't be a communist country, where the people lived in unsanitary conditions, where they became virus manufacturing machines. If it weren't for Trump there wouldn't even be viruses in the world. All of this is Trump's fault all of it
That is the failed logic of the left wing parrots... SO sad to see our schools fail so badly at teaching cognitive thought and thinking skills..
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.
If Trump fucked up, how bad did Obama? Trump acted inside 7 days of the threat being identified. Obama took 6 months and waited until 80,000 were infected and over had 1000 died. Trump had no deaths on the day he enacted the travel ban and we had just 6 cases in the US.

So tell me how he fucked up? Everything I have seen, which Trump has done, is right on the money in dealing with a biological agent.
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.

And you're a fucking idiot who completely fails to see where the true fault lies !
This is just another pathetic attempt to deflect blame from Trump, as his cult following loves to do.

Trump. Fucked. Up. Just admit it. He's not the only one who fucked up, but he most certainly fucked this up, terribly.
If Trump fucked up, how bad did Obama? Trump acted inside 7 days of the threat being identified. Obama took 6 months and waited until 80,000 were infected and over had 1000 died. Trump had no deaths on the day he enacted the travel ban and we had just 6 cases in the US.

So tell me how he fucked up? Everything I have seen, which Trump has done, is right on the money in dealing with a biological agent.

"But Obama" isn't going to work here. Try again.

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