China could’ve reduced spread by 95% with early interventions.

Early And Combined Interventions Crucial In Tackling Covid-19 Spread In China | University of Southampton

This study shows very damning evidence for China. Had China, instead of covering up, used basic interventions one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent. But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad, the story isn’t going to run. Yea those travel restrictions from China may have bought us a month, but they’re racist. Now, the EU is being racist, just a month too late.
IMO it had less to do with Xi being embarrassed and more to do with Xi being opportunistic. And maybe even strategic.
But because the Chinese government is close to the most evil regime on the planet today...the rest of the world is wrestling with a pandemic. All because Xi didn’t want to loose face. But you won’t hear this from our media. If it doesn’t make trump look bad
"I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable,"

-Donald Jackass Tramp
Oh no, it's the race card! Lol.

Facts aren't racist and I note you didnt actually speak to any of them, but opted for deflection and scarecrows instead.

I agree. Facts aren't racist. Neither are viruses.

A virus doesn't care if it's in a Chinese person or a white person. So calling this the "Chinese Virus" to deflect blame from Trump's incompetence isn't going to protect you.
Look, its a huge dick move for Trump to do that. But Trump is always a fucking dick. And he's all about branding. He knows how to make his stupid labels stick, usually by saying something so offensive that the Left gives it a lot of attention, thereby helping to spread the meme. They just can't stop feeding the troll.

Yet I don't see anyone getting their panties in a wad over the "Spanish flu" of 1918.

Even CNN calls it the Spanish flu: Spanish flu pandemic 1918 and the lessons learned from a 100-year-old disaster - CNN

And what's REALLY crazy is that the Spanish flu did not start in Spain.

There are hypotheses that the Spanish flu started right here in the USA. Or Britain. Or China.

I would bet the words "Spanish flu" have crossed your lips more than once this year.

Spanish flu. China virus. What's the fucking difference? Why is one racist and the other isn't?

If Trump and the Hive Mind want to call C-19 the "China virus", let them be the dicks they are. It's too late to expect them to change now.
I think if no one picked up on Trump's "China virus", he would have said it once or twice and then quit.

Once he saw how it triggered people, he knew he had a hit.
My grandchildren and yours will have a dangerous future if we dont face the realities of the Chinese Communist Party's tyrannical rule

i had misunderstood China before this. i now realize China is a much more formidable competitor than our politicians and media realize. China is a totalitarian communist dictatorship that wants to be the world's dominant superpower...and America is in the way!
My grandchildren and yours will have a dangerous future if we dont face the realities of the Chinese Communist Party's tyrannical rule

i had misunderstood China before this. i now realize China is a much more formidable competitor than our politicians and media realize. China is a totalitarian communist dictatorship that wants to be the world's dominant superpower...and America is in the way!

Oddly, while we've been being selfish, the Chinese are sending medical supplies and assistance all over the world to help, even though they've been much harder hit.

Our enemy isn't China, it's the greedy assholes in Washington and Wall Street.
What?? China is one of Iran’s biggest partners, they’re basically allies. North Korea is close to a closed society, Iran isn’t. It’s just not a good idea for Americans, or really anyone from the west, to vacation in Iran because you might get accused of being a spy.

I think it's a bad idea for Americans to go to Iran because we've been fucking with those poor people since 1953 and they RIGHTFULLY hate us.

And I’m sure that extra hour of flight time of China to Europe, vs China to America totally made the difference. WTF, are you talking about? Do you hear yourself? There are these places called airports where thousands of people a day go to travel all over the globe, and they get crammed ass to pubes into lines, so they can sit elbow to elbow with a different group of people in a waiting area, or they may grab a bite to eat in a public food court, and then they then sit elbow to elbow inside a flying tube using recycled ventilation. They then get off into another airport where they either arrive at their destination to sit in an Uber that others will later use, and then intermingle with the people there, or repeat the process to sit elbow to elbow with yet another different group of people on a flying tube with recycled air.

Yes, it was pretty stupid for Trump to panic and get all these people to rush back here, in crowded airports, with no way to screen them. Why did he do that, that was stupid.

Infectious diseases travel further and faster then they ever did in human history. It’s inevitable, disease will break out of its place of origin. The trick is to contain it at the place of origin, and then contain it in the few places it pops up elsewhere. Even Ebola made it to the US despite no direct flights to the US, and despite a minimal amount of daily air travel to begin with from the countries of origin. Ebola was far less infectious and way easier to spot...just waaaay deadlier.

Ebola was successfully contained because Obama didn't panic, didn't act like a racist douche, and didn't give out shit advice and call it a hoax.

Oh, yeah, and he didn't disband the agencies meant to deal with it.
If this bothers you, you are a bitch.

Obama murders hundreds of thousands of brown people and no one flinches. A bad pun makes you shit your pants.

Stop being a bitch.

Hundreds of thousands? I think you are confusing him with Bush.

Not getting involved in their civil wars is not our fault.

They asked us to leave. Then they fought among themselves and begged us to come back. That's Obama's fault, how?
It began in China you jackass. Wuhan to be precise. The Chinese Communist Party is solely responsible for this event. They covered it up, murdered their own doctors who tried to warn the world, kicked out reporters who tried to get the story out, withhold critical medical info from the international community, & threaten to withhold medications. They are evil. Communism is evil. Communist governments are evil. Are you too dense to understand this?

We knew this was coming back in December. Heck, look at what this guy did.

Senator Dumped Up to $1.7 Million of Stock After Reassuring Public About Coronavirus Preparedness — ProPublica

Soon after he offered public assurances that the government was ready to battle the coronavirus, the powerful chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Burr, sold off a significant percentage of his stocks, unloading between $628,000 and $1.72 million of his holdings on Feb. 13 in 33 separate transactions.

As the head of the intelligence committee, Burr, a North Carolina Republican, has access to the government’s most highly classified information about threats to America’s security. His committee was receiving daily coronavirus briefings around this time, according to a Reuters story.

Yeah, I can see why you guys are in a big hurry to blame China.
Had the Beijing regime released the data up front, not covered it up, or murdered their own doctors who actually were trying to warn the world, this wouldn't have happened. Everything that has happened can be put at the feet of the Chinese Communist Party....

Uh, we spend Hundreds of billions of dollars gathering intelligence around the world. We never should have waited for China to "Tell" us they were having a problem.

Our government knew, they ignored the problem. Trump called it a Hoax, Burr dumped all his shares, and now here we are.
If this bothers you, you are a bitch.

Obama murders hundreds of thousands of brown people and no one flinches. A bad pun makes you shit your pants.

Stop being a bitch.

Hundreds of thousands? I think you are confusing him with Bush.

Not getting involved in their civil wars is not our fault.

They asked us to leave. Then they fought among themselves and begged us to come back. That's Obama's fault, how?

Obama murdered Hundreds of thousands of brown people. Why did you accept it? Bush did as well. Both should be executed for war crimes.
What?? China is one of Iran’s biggest partners, they’re basically allies. North Korea is close to a closed society, Iran isn’t. It’s just not a good idea for Americans, or really anyone from the west, to vacation in Iran because you might get accused of being a spy.

I think it's a bad idea for Americans to go to Iran because we've been fucking with those poor people since 1953 and they RIGHTFULLY hate us.

And I’m sure that extra hour of flight time of China to Europe, vs China to America totally made the difference. WTF, are you talking about? Do you hear yourself? There are these places called airports where thousands of people a day go to travel all over the globe, and they get crammed ass to pubes into lines, so they can sit elbow to elbow with a different group of people in a waiting area, or they may grab a bite to eat in a public food court, and then they then sit elbow to elbow inside a flying tube using recycled ventilation. They then get off into another airport where they either arrive at their destination to sit in an Uber that others will later use, and then intermingle with the people there, or repeat the process to sit elbow to elbow with yet another different group of people on a flying tube with recycled air.

Yes, it was pretty stupid for Trump to panic and get all these people to rush back here, in crowded airports, with no way to screen them. Why did he do that, that was stupid.

Infectious diseases travel further and faster then they ever did in human history. It’s inevitable, disease will break out of its place of origin. The trick is to contain it at the place of origin, and then contain it in the few places it pops up elsewhere. Even Ebola made it to the US despite no direct flights to the US, and despite a minimal amount of daily air travel to begin with from the countries of origin. Ebola was far less infectious and way easier to spot...just waaaay deadlier.

Ebola was successfully contained because Obama didn't panic, didn't act like a racist douche, and didn't give out shit advice and call it a hoax.

Oh, yeah, and he didn't disband the agencies meant to deal with it.
How effective the travel restrictions were is evidenced by the fact that Europe is getting hammered by this and we aren’t. It’s coming here, once the EU lost containment we were fucked. But we bought ourselves a month. This is a race against time to get our hospitals prepared before they become overrun. That’s what the whole social distancing and shutting down of non-essential business and schools is about. Buying time. Everyone will catch this because no one has immunity to it. We’re always going to be a week behind this disease. You’ll go from 0 cases to 10 cases in a town, then you better assume there’s going to be at least 100 the next week, the next week it’ll feel like the entire town has it... and that’s as long as social distance works.

What would’ve been the best way to handle this is the entire world shut down air travel to China. Each country then puts up a few 100 million dollars or whatever to take care of room and board for their citizens trapped in China. Then only let them come home after they’ve been quarantined for a certain amount of time, then test them and bring them back on a charter flight. That would’ve saved 100s of thousands of lives, would’ve spared the entire worlds economy, and saved trillions of dollars for the governments of the world just trying to slow this. We would’ve had a chance to eradicate this disease.

With this disease, unlike Ebola, you’re always going to be at least a week behind on containment. Ebola, while far more scarier with the whole bleeding out of your orifices, is waaaay easier to contain, way easier to screen for, and is way less contagious. And despite all that it still made its way to the thanks Obama. That’s what happens when you equate a quarantine with racism. Which is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of. Quarantines suck for the people in them, but they stop pandemics so...
Had the Beijing regime released the data up front, not covered it up, or murdered their own doctors who actually were trying to warn the world, this wouldn't have happened. Everything that has happened can be put at the feet of the Chinese Communist Party....

Uh, we spend Hundreds of billions of dollars gathering intelligence around the world. We never should have waited for China to "Tell" us they were having a problem.

Our government knew, they ignored the problem. Trump called it a Hoax, Burr dumped all his shares, and now here we are.

The Beijing regime is solely responsible for this disease. They owe the world.
It began in China you jackass. Wuhan to be precise. The Chinese Communist Party is solely responsible for this event. They covered it up, murdered their own doctors who tried to warn the world, kicked out reporters who tried to get the story out, withhold critical medical info from the international community, & threaten to withhold medications. They are evil. Communism is evil. Communist governments are evil. Are you too dense to understand this?

We knew this was coming back in December. Heck, look at what this guy did.

Senator Dumped Up to $1.7 Million of Stock After Reassuring Public About Coronavirus Preparedness — ProPublica

Soon after he offered public assurances that the government was ready to battle the coronavirus, the powerful chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Burr, sold off a significant percentage of his stocks, unloading between $628,000 and $1.72 million of his holdings on Feb. 13 in 33 separate transactions.

As the head of the intelligence committee, Burr, a North Carolina Republican, has access to the government’s most highly classified information about threats to America’s security. His committee was receiving daily coronavirus briefings around this time, according to a Reuters story.

Yeah, I can see why you guys are in a big hurry to blame China.

Because it’s their fault you moron! It originated there & they covered it up. Much like the Soviets did initially in Chernobyl. Are you really this dense to see that communism is truly evil..
This is staggering !
China needs to pay dearly for this. Once the dead have been buried, the families consoled, and life begins to return to the new normal, China needs to compensate every single country on this earth !!

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower’s warning

China could have prevented 95 per cent of coronavirus infections if its measures to contain the outbreak had begun three weeks earlier, research from the University of Southampton suggests. However, China only took vigorous action in late January – weeks after police silenced a doctor for trying to raise the alarm.

First detected in Hubei, more than 146,000 people globally have now been infected with Covid-19, whilst over 5,500 have died from the SARS-like disease.

China may have prevented 95% of virus cases if it enacted measures after silenced whistleblower's warning | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

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