China has 2,000 year plan to destroy USA. they want to be the world's leader, we stand in the way: think covid's bad? wait til you cant feed your kids


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
the Chinese spy on Americans with Tik Tok, The Chinese send their balloons to look at our military bases, the Chinese are willing to destroy their own people to dominate the world, the Chinese are the threat to America!


China has become the most serious and biggest existential threat to Democracy, Western Culture and Civilization, and the United States of America.

After decades of Western (and American) Big Business closing down manufacturing in the West and shifting it to China, is anyone truly surprised?

Republican -leaning Big Business has long-since betrayed the American Working Man and raked-in vast profits from exploiting ChiCom near-slave-labor.

Corrupt Democrats - who, themselves, had long-since betrayed the American Working Man - have been complicit in this suicidal lunacy and outright idiocy.

And Americans of all political viewpoints have been shoveling cash into the Chinese War Machine for decades by buying their cheaply-manufactured goods.

The only way out of this now is to put American manufacturing and finances on a War Footing and to play Catch-Up while there is still time to reboot it all.

This will require centralized War Planning - even if we don't (God forbid) go to war - but we need to get our house in order while we still have a roof over us.

That means unified bipartisan action over a fairly lengthy and sustained effort to ramp-up before we cut all manufacturing and financial ties to China.

The War Plan itself needs to be truly bipartisan and to remain operative and focused for the long haul, regardless of the Party du Jour that is dominant.

On the military front we need to find a better balance between Bleeding Edge Weaponry and the old stand-bys: Quantity, Simplicity and Sustainability.

On the economic front we need to bring manufacturing home and to begin slowly-but-steadily cutting economic ties with China and its allies.

I do not believe that either Sleepy Old Uncle Joe nor Karmela Korn are (a) sufficiently alarmed and motivated nor (b) competent to plan adn lead any such effort.

This will probably have to wait until a Republican moves into the White House in January 2025 but we really cannot leave it go much longer than that.

In order to put a Republican in the White House and to have the GOP (a) retain the house and (b) re-take the Senate, Donald Trump cannot be the candidate.

As much as it pains some Republicans and MAGA types to admit it... January 6, 2021 has rendered Donald Trump un-electable.

Oh, he has a chance to win the nomination, but he will not win the General Election in November 2024.

And winning the General Election of November 2024 is the entire point of the exercise... without that, none of the rest of it means a goddamned thing.

Most - although certainly not all - minority voters are going to vote Democratic - and not enough of them will flip by 2024 to really make a difference.

The White Vote in the US is divided between the parties, and White Democrats, added to Minority Democrats, constitute too big a number to overcome...

UNLESS the GOP fields a candidate who can entice White Independents and White Reagan Democrats and some Minority Voters to cross-over for the day.

But the vast majority of Independents and Reagan Democrats will NOT cross over for the day (will NOT vote Republican) if Donald Trump is the candidate.

Hopefully, enough Republicans will come to this cold, hard realization and have someone younger and more capable warming-up in the bullpen.
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That's the Republican plan, scream about trans people and China?

I mean, it worked so well for them in 2022.
it worked in 2016. trans people are at our feet, who cares about them, but we have to focus on China
This isn't Democrat or Repblican, it's both. Nixon opened the doors to China's world domination, but all career politicians have led to the cancerous devistation of what China's global domination force wants, and is currently in process of doing.

Asians, like Christians and Muslims, have always thought they are "the chosen ones", when the facts are they are the destroyers of civilizations and the death-bringers to the world.

I've talked with different Asians over the years, ones who weren't born in the USA, but came here to get away from their governments global megalomaniacal schemes of world domination. None of them knew each other, but they pretty much said all the same thing......their governments, religions, and "leaders" preach Asians are the purest race on the planet and should be in control of all races.

I don't know about all Asian religions, but this would be a good indicator of why many Asians treat other races as if they don't exist, or are just garbage sitting in their path. And yes, I have been on that end of it.

No, not all Asians feel this way, and is why many seek to move to more "modern" thinking get away from that stigma and dangerous old world mentality.

But this a real global threat. And this is why Trump is feared by these other countries' leaders, as they've seen he isn't afraid of them and cannot be made a puppet by them. This is also why Trump was a saving grace for us for 4 years, and there were no wars.......except Trump destroying threats against the USA. But that was just safety for the USA, not the start of world wars.

What the lunatic leftoids cannot fathom, is that Trump isn't a career politician. Neither is he a Republican. He stated many times he aligned with Republicans in order to run for President, because Republicans at that time were the closest political party matching his program for cleaning up this country. But in reality, Trump is his own entity, and he knows this. And the leaders of other countries know this, and this is why they don't even mess with Trump. They know he means what he says, and he's not about to cower down to any of them like the Democrats have been doing since 1993.
None of them knew each other, but they pretty much said all the same thing......their governments, religions, and "leaders" preach Asians are the purest race on the planet and should be in control of all races.
Lol. I love the way you ignore the OP is preaching that Americans should be in control.
the Chinese spy on Americans with Tik Tok, The Chinese send their balloons to look at our military bases, the Chinese are willing to destroy their own people to dominate the world, the Chinese are the threat to America!

Lol, China can kiss my Lilly white ass. They are suffering a population loss never seen before. The chickens are coming home to roost on the whole drowning female babies thing

As incoherent as a Biden and Kamalatoe word salad.

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